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18808281 No.18808281 [Reply] [Original]

Are pets a good investment?

>> No.18808328

sort of but not really

>> No.18808359
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If you are a person who has empathy then yes animals are great for you psychologically.
If you are a dumb ass who refuses to try to understand how a pet operates than don't.

T. 3 cats, 20 chickens and long ago a dogger...

>> No.18808363

Already a net lose once the pet has been in your house for more than a week, No amount of coping will make the smell of cats and dogs less gross.

>> No.18808382

No. Animals belong in a barn

>> No.18808404

depends on if they're well behaved, which is impossible to know until you're already in too deep

>> No.18808454

You can do study on breeds. Some cat breeds are lazy and clean Neet appropriate, others will be to energetic for a house bound life and frustrate you.
Have at least some good lawn space for a cat/dog.

I hate seeing house bound depressed animals, That statement also goes for humans.

>> No.18808460

>No amount of coping will make the smell of cats and dogs less gross.
Quit having hypersensitivity, autist.

>> No.18808512

For the companionship, I'd say so. Stay away from the meme/social media breeds though. I have a Corgi and that little fucker costs more than raising a child.

>> No.18808523
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Cool that sounds ideal for me then. I’m gonna look into adopting after I’ve done enough research

>> No.18808527

cats groom themselves though and don't smell like dogs do.

>> No.18808844

If avoid a wilder breed as a first as they are way more energetic and wilderness based.
We have a ragdoll breed which is a pretty cool cat and it's 16 yrs old still going well.

>> No.18808917

My first cat is half maine coon. Hes a good boy. The rest are tabby mixes, one bengal and one saimese.

The younger males we have are fucking assholes though. Females way better overall imo

>> No.18808956
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That's a really cute cat

>> No.18808962

That’s a bus.

>> No.18809019


>> No.18809131
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Yeah, if you do it like this and find a way to avoid getting fucked sideways by the likes of Perdue and Tyson Foods.

>> No.18809158

Chickens are actually a good investment.
No, unless you are on a farm

>> No.18809160

For your soul, absolutely. For money, absolutely not. They destroy your house and require food and time

>> No.18809221

Don’t go to a breeder at all unless it’s a coon. They’re almost all mutts with no real pedigrees and they’re expensive. So many great cats to adopt from a shelter. Also I’d recommend adult cats if you’re looking. Kittens can be quite a handful and if you don’t know how to properly train them they can turn into real assholes. Adult cats are much more chill and loving. Many of them know how hard the world can be so they’re very appreciative of the home you provide them

>> No.18809369


>Have a mouse problem in house
>Need to remove mouse problem
>Hire professional rodent control technician: $250
>Buy 3 snakes and let them loose in the house: $150
>But this is /biz/
>Capture 3 snakes from the wild and put them in your house: Free