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18796094 No.18796094 [Reply] [Original]

32 gang where you at?

>> No.18796117
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>> No.18796126
File: 13 KB, 440x180, Annotation 2020-05-01 013201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it?

>> No.18796132


>> No.18796135

i love this frrickin coin

>> No.18796156
File: 27 KB, 320x364, vitalik-buterin-saviour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre doing gods work fren

>> No.18796231

that's a tasty looking portfolio fren

>> No.18796277

Juicy. I'm jealous.

>> No.18796294

Requesting pic of your massive balls

>> No.18796372
File: 129 KB, 612x392, Muay-Thai-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently have a out 9 ETH. Trying to claw my way up to 32. But that's all I have are 9 ETH. Should I be splitting it 50/50 with BTC or Chainlink? Or just go for 32 ETH?

>> No.18796411

32 eth cost around the same as a bitcoin and youre really going to regret not having as much bitcoin as possible very soon. Come back for eth later

>> No.18796448

I see. Thanks anon. Then I'll just start splitting 50/50 from here on out

>> No.18796464

forgot that i had 2k usdt in an old exchange account. i bought BTC and ETH with my dip buying stack at 5.4k and 130 so it hurts to buy ETH at this price. what do eth bros, it's gonna dip again right?

>> No.18796487
File: 1.85 MB, 1125x1924, IMG_07B27D98342E-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say one had an eth for every btc...

leave it or flip it all for btc?

>> No.18796712

I need at least 32 more, hoping for another crash soon

>> No.18796746

If youre not putting every penny you have into btc, youre wrong. Theres millions and millions of americans out of jobs and bitcoin is still rapidly recovering. Thats why any alt at all is green right now. Upon recovery, bitcoin will explode, atleast to 12k but since it will be post halvening, probably to 14-16k at which time it will make the news then massive fomo to 20k, maybe higher.
Meanwhile, the Defi space is nowhere near adoption ready. Even the launch of eth's multiclient testnet didnt cause the price to go up. You wont see bitcoin size gains out of eth years. What happens if 2.0 launches and theres a security breach? Boom youre dead. Its going to take a looong while to see eth pop off like bitcoin has the potential to do very soon. Its just a much safer, viable, profitable option. Unless youre super speculative and think 2.0 rolls out flawlessly with zero setbacks and pops off without shard chains somehow. If it does, it will be from staking pools, and institutional money will not touch that environment. (Grayscale is an investing firm)
And u damn well know normies will never ever fomo into eth. Its 1000x overly complicated if people cant even figure out how to buy bitcoin.
The only moon I see eth having is if reddit releases their community crypto on the eth blockchain. Which could happen.
Regardless, Id say be accumulating as much bitcoin as humanly possible. At these prices.

>> No.18796885

Don't tell me you're one of those 1 BTC = $1 million by end of the decade folks

>> No.18796898

Nah but probably 40k like warhammer

>> No.18796899

1 BTC will be worth more than $10 million by 2030