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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 647 KB, 750x1334, 02BE058D-E10B-48ED-811B-B52BE2D4D41F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18795953 No.18795953[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>change tinder gender to female
>replace pictures with really hot girl from your uni
>set age range 30-80
>make bio “venmo me $10 @[your venmo] for a surprise ;)”

>> No.18795965

>that’s a man
Beat you fuckers to it

>> No.18795968

ok but thats a man

>> No.18795984

Is this illegal in anyway or nah

>> No.18795985

Surprisingly based. Is this illegal if you get caught?

>> No.18795991

>get caught
The fucks gonna catch you?

>> No.18796002

Some bitter 40 year old incel still living in his mom’s basement who realized he got scammed and tries to use autistic skills to track down who you are

>> No.18796003

me desu

>> No.18796011


>> No.18796013

no, i don't think so. it's not like you're forcing anyone to venmo you. only the biggest fucking simps would ever fall for that though.

>> No.18796023

OK, who's doing this? Report in.

>> No.18796027

Honestly it's getting to the point where scamming retard coomers is extremely based. They need to be taught a lesson. They still won't learn is the funny thing.

>> No.18796032

only available in the US

>> No.18796037
File: 43 KB, 512x512, surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then send them this as the "surprise"

>> No.18796046

Jesus Christ maybe the gook who does a reverse image search?

>> No.18796072
File: 228 KB, 900x1600, 988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been larping as pic related for the past 2 months and made $900 good boy bucks so far

It is decent passive income all I need to do is swipe on a few simps once a day and say hi

>> No.18796082


So like why not just send them random nudes that don't show a face or absolutely any kind of identifier from the internet once they Venmo you. I'm about to legit try this although I really need to set up a smart contract that just auto sends the nude once the Venmo payment is sent and verified. God I love Chainlink

>> No.18796101

you son of a bitch

>> No.18796104


Refresh until you get a good one.

>> No.18796109

why her hands look like octupuss

>> No.18796113

kys ranjeet

>> No.18796123

Clever but you’d need to add more than one pic to the Tinder profile if you don’t want people to get suspicious

>> No.18796129

Thats great. Can you elaborate? What's your bio? All you do is say hi? Ty bro I'd like to learn how to wring these coomers dry

>> No.18796160


If only you knew how white I actually am. Lol

>> No.18796165

bump for instructions

>> No.18796222

Just make the rest random butt shots

>> No.18796224

I have a really good idea but I don't want to divulge because pajeets and chinks will over do the scam and everyone will get privy to it really quick. Is the scam to not even send them anything once they Venmo you the money? The way I see it you could get more money out of the same person if you actually sent a few nudes.

>> No.18796312

You can’t send pictures on tinder anymore for this exact reason. But I’m sure you could figure this out

>> No.18796332

Not even. All you have to do is mass swipe right on anyone you think would do it.

>> No.18796343

I miss brook so fucking much, I know people usually joke about this but I would love it if she literally shit in my mouth.

>> No.18796377

Make a premium snapchat, I've seen girls do that and just laugh em off

>> No.18796391
File: 191 KB, 750x1334, A830B524-DA9E-4FFB-9FED-B94E4EFF32EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I’m going to elaborate a bit on how I’m doing this.

>Be me
>go to huge state party school
>have a massive pool of hot girls to choose from
>find aforementioned hot girl
>create fake insta with take name saying I go to a school on the other side of the country
>send a few thousand fake followers to it
>make five or six posts, doesn’t matter what they are
>”venmo me [my venmo] and see what happens ;)”
>they pay
>I ask for their insta
>I follow them
>they ALWAYS request to follow me
>”it’s gonna take some more for a follow back ;)”
>they send more
>I unmatch with that dumbass and move to the next mark

I feel absolutely no remorse taking free money from dumb boomers and simps. They deserve to lose every penny

>> No.18796410

if you promise pics for money, and take their money, it is a scam to not provide pics. the op was vague enough that you could get away with pretty much anything

>> No.18796412

That wasn’t very clear
You need a fake venmo AND a fake tinder for this

>> No.18796414


>"Here for my prince charming not a dick chad

Send me $5 and see what happens ;)

>> No.18796428

And I do say a bit more than hi. I'll ask how are they and jokingly call them daddy after a while

then a sob story about how broke i am and need help as an 18yo girl out of work alone because of corona

>> No.18796429

I took the “$5” out of my bio and got $250 less than an hour later. Don’t limit it.

>> No.18796434

Def a man

>> No.18796436

>make onlyfans account
>sell random nudes you found on the internet

>> No.18796449

I met a girl on tinder that gives me nudes. Remade a tinder of her and sell her nudes to simps for profit

>> No.18796484

Yeah this is illegal but you do you king

>> No.18796505

>this is illegal

>> No.18796526


I have a way to provide pics that won't show facial indentifiers but won't be the same girl as the profile. The OP made it sound completely passive where you just take their $10, flake on them, and they give up because it was only $10. If you don't really promise anything in the profile that might work though. You could just say send me $10 ;) with other sexual emoticons idk

>> No.18796528

Why? Only jews allowed to profit off of simps?

>> No.18796532

And now that I think about it, what part of this is illegal

>see what happens
>nothing happens

>> No.18796535

Have you ever gotten into trouble for fraud?

>> No.18796547

>sexual emoticons
The sad eyes and the pointing fingers together shit that girls do. Combine that with “send me $10?” Works every time.

>> No.18796549


Okay all of this is doable even with the fake venmo and tinder needed. Are there legal repercussions to impersonating the girl if she finds out and gets upset. I.E. guy friend sees the profile and realizes someone is using it to scam or something.

>> No.18796551

Gonna try this with CashApp now. I have some pics of a slut I sexted with months back which arent discoverable on reverse search.

>> No.18796561

You need to upload ID for onlyfans

>> No.18796562

Just surprise them with a snapchat selfie that says "surprise". Even better document it for youtube but wait a few years to release the video so we can milk it.

>> No.18796571

No. I bought an aged venmo, and every time I get a payment I just cash it out to an ally bank account. They require way less information so it’s easy to slip under the radar. As long as I make $20/mo for tinder gold + transaction fees it’s worthwhile. And I made $2400 last month.

>> No.18796576

This is what I'm worried of.

>> No.18796579


>> No.18796590


Exactly maybe throw in some peaches or whatever the fuck they do. Fuck do I even need to give anything if I just ask for money and give nothing but again imply I will/might So is it illegal to make a profile of a almost naked girl with several pics in the profile and then send them nudes of different but similar bodies online and take their money?

>> No.18796592


>so I as a 50 year old sent money to what I thought was a 19 year old schoolgirl officer
>but it was really a dude!
>please arrest

Yeah that's going to go over well I'm sure

>> No.18796593

That’s why I go 30-80.

My current “mark”(the girl whose pictures im using) was my formal date freshman year. I set up an insta for her that says she goes to USC and started targeting rich oldfags in LA.

>> No.18796611

California? New york? Where the simps at?

>> No.18796617


So you really show the girl's face in the fake profile you made. That is a recipe for disaster. Aren't there fees to acquire the fake IG followers as well?

>> No.18796625

This only the most COOMbrained degenerate would call the cops in the first place.

>> No.18796628

I don’t even send them anything. I take my money and run. What’s the difference? I usually say “thanks :)” and then just never respond. Or, if I think I can get more out of them I say “it’s gonna take more than that ;)” and if I don’t get anymore I just dip

>> No.18796632

Is it soul-crushing to see how pathetic simps can be? Tell me the most pathetic guy you met but don't risk doxxing. I'm just curious.

>> No.18796634
File: 968 KB, 805x1200, 1586162360097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I am doing this before the simps caught up, if I can get 100 good boy points a month it'll be worth it, plus I'll have a reason to go on tinder

>> No.18796641

>that’s a recipe for disaster
Why? It’s a fake name from a picture I gleaned from a private Instagram of a girl on the other side of the country from where I’m running this, it’s essentially foolproof.

>> No.18796645


>> No.18796648
File: 2.28 MB, 498x376, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow okay but if she were to find out that would be a problem yes? Maybe she can't figure out its you unless she goes to the police, but she might. I suppose that would limit the odds in your favor though. I think you have given a solid outline thank you. This is so fucked Idk if I'm going to do it, but goddamn I think I have everything set in order written down its hilarious

>> No.18796651

I’ve never had more than a 4-text convo. Past that, if I can’t get them to pay it’s not worth it. This is a volume game

>> No.18796670

Yeah this whole scheme is completely morally compromising. But it makes me feel better that I’m getting paid and some bitch isn’t.

>> No.18796675
File: 29 KB, 334x506, 1586801576124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based. Bless you OP, this is the reason I browse this shithole.

>> No.18796680

Do you have to pay taxes next year?

>> No.18796683


Okay I didn't completely understand that part. She will almost guaranteed never see it nor will anyone she knows. I need to figure out how to find the best source for myself then I don't really want to use someone I know although that ironically might make it safer. I'm not sure I know anyone attractive from the otherside of the country. Lol Hmm maybe if I put some thought into it.

>> No.18796704
File: 1.06 MB, 1205x802, Mommy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pwoning simps and boomers and disrupting the cam whore industry.

Anon saves civilization in one post, I might even do a fake only fans and whatever else in the simp industry

>> No.18796714

Never had a stalker or turbo sperg? Cmon anon theres gotta be something entertaining.

>> No.18796730

Someone fork this and feed it instagram thot training data

>> No.18796741




>> No.18796771


Honestly, I ironically want to grow food and help feed people and this could help me kick start the process however idk if the means justify the ends...we'll see lol

I wondered this as well obviously he will have to.

>> No.18796783

I fucking love every aspect of this, I was planning to hang my self tonight but I'll wait till the instathots catch up with this and start sperging about it

I need a good pandemic laugh

>> No.18796792

Top 5 places to find pictures. Every single picture has 5+ gorgeous girls tagged.
>find one that’s private
>get accepted
>steal best pictures
>set up tinder/insta with your own name and those pictures

Here are some good resources to find girls(on insta)

>> No.18796795

Dude why are you a faggot. This is a legit thread but tone it the fuck down you probably got caught in his fucking simp trap and want to suck his dick now.

Yea it sounds like no one cares but I actually prefer to maintain freedom above all else because I actually already have it completely and like my life. That being said I really want to try this shit it is apex as fuck.

>> No.18796811

I’m still working that out. Not sure how I’m gonna report this income lol

>> No.18796813
File: 44 KB, 540x352, 1201797160267698176_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i having a stroke? what the fuck am i reading?

>> No.18796820


Also where do you go to buy the fake IG followers, and what does that cost?

>> No.18796827

Instagram handles

>> No.18796840
File: 29 KB, 307x475, 1B95D25F-3BFC-4203-9EE8-D2622BBA892A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best thread on biz in five years and it has nothing to do with crypto

Think about that.

>> No.18796851

Wtf after only a few swipes and with the age and location set to maximum ranges, Tinder is giving me the "there's no one around you" bullshit message. What gives?

>> No.18796853
File: 2.54 MB, 2048x1510, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre doing gods work. hopefully if enough heroic anons do this, it will force the simps to stop

>> No.18796868


I mean how do women who do it themselves report the income? I'd find out and do the same.

>> No.18796870





>> No.18796874

>Wtf after only a few swipes and with the age and location set to maximum ranges
tinder is smart. runs on algorithms. it punishes you for swiping on everyone and everything. there's a strange ranking system you can read about. i imagine you pissed it off.
be selective, anon. limit yourself to believable ranges. swipe left on some, right on others

>> No.18796887

>implying thots pay taxes
they literally dont think about it

>> No.18796890

I also want to know, I once bought 10k followers for a fake account and most of them were gone after a few days

>> No.18796904

How do you keep from getting banned on twitter ?

>> No.18796905

Dude i swiped on like 10 people max, only swiped right on 2 of them. Then I get this message. What a pile of shit.

>> No.18796909

Long live the new flesh

>> No.18796916

I meant Tinder, dammit

>> No.18796922

you set age and location to maximum ranges. you pissed the algo gods off. the gods were generous to show you any people at all

>> No.18796936

on tinder, you cant report someone who unmatchs you. so as long as the scammer is unmatching ppl fast enough, he can't be reported even once

>> No.18796947

This as well. You need to pick your marks properly. Some criteria I look for:
>has a wife(more common than you’d think unfortunately)
>looks lonely
>ugly as shit

>> No.18796949

What so now I have to restart the whole thing again?

>> No.18796957

1) is this illegal?

2) is this immoral?

If no and no, I'll check it out

>> No.18796965

>is it illegal?
>is it immoral?
What’s your definition of immoral?

>> No.18796966

you can try resetting your ranges and wait a few days. maybe that'll help. otherwise, you'll have to delete your account and try again

>> No.18796967

It’s not illegal if you buy the pics first but if you did not pay for them then you don’t own right to somebody else’s naked pictures and you still need permission to distribute even after buying but could easily lawyer up and beat that. You should buy some though. Plenty of girls in pornhub will sell you pics. They give them out for free. Just ask to buy the rights and it’s 100% legal after

>> No.18796974

fucking hell what a pain in the fucking ass, thanks for helping tho.

>> No.18796988

goddamit now it wont even let me delete my account "there was a problem deleting your account". fucking niggers.

>> No.18797006

Been there done that, you will eventually get reported and banned on Tinder

>> No.18797008

Post the set so I can do the same.

>> No.18797018

Bro I’m high af and your post just killed my vibe. chill lil nigga xo

>> No.18797027

Probably against tos but cool to do it before they catch up.

>> No.18797053


>> No.18797055

getting money by fooling people>>18796965

>> No.18797062
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, EA0331B0-FD95-4137-AFC5-50A9FD485D27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’ve been dropping gems all day. I’m in a giving mood. I bought the rights to these photos. Not sure the legality about you guys using them but should be okay. You have my permission and I got hers when I paid $20 for this shit lmao

Just send some crypto’s if you bank out from it .

>> No.18797108

Here’s profile pics also https://mega.nz/folder/lQsFXK4B#uyE8cFyKmrRZkwRe4dOfiA

>> No.18797118
File: 133 KB, 828x1792, 7BAD5E62-4C16-48D8-9B81-EAD8B2D4097A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was quick

>> No.18797142

Told y'all

>> No.18797150

>by fooling people
I’m missing the fooling part. Where did I promise anything? I just said “venmo me and see what happens.”

>> No.18797164

Isnt this crap tied to your mobile phone number?

>> No.18797178

Did you manage to make anything out of it?

>> No.18797204

did you mention venmo in your profile? or did you mention it in messages?

>> No.18797208

this idea is at least 5 years old.
featured on plebbit, vice, buzzfeed and even jamed corden show
good guys you guys are late

>> No.18797218


>> No.18797232

You can get SMS services online for like $5-10 bucks per number.

>> No.18797241

ahhh ok. But what about the profile with pics? On phone or online using PC?

>> No.18797301

>he doesn’t get dick pics from the simp then find his facebook and double down by threatening to send it to all his friends and family

long con y’all.

>> No.18797418

My phone allows me to rub silo and run multiple instances of an app.

Not sure if you could run it on PC using a emulator or something that would be cool.

>> No.18797432

That's a lot of work for 10 buck bruh

>> No.18797447

thats your market tho.

>> No.18797467

gay. just buy a pair of kneepads and start to make real money, since you already enjoy sucking cock.

>> No.18797524

Does Venmo give out your real name? How could people dox you?

>> No.18797539
File: 47 KB, 614x408, Screenshot from 2020-05-01 09-48-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You arent lying or being dishones but you are still fooling someone by implying something you are not, you do not.

>> No.18797778

it's two men in a convincing costume

>> No.18798019

She cute

>> No.18798055

The only post ITT grounded in reality

>> No.18798072

You evil bastard. I like it

>> No.18798104
File: 39 KB, 334x506, 1555665362177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who gives a fuck if it's immoral?
what sort of moralfag poofter are you?
you'd primarily be scamming pajeets, fuck them

>> No.18798191

Remember when we or some other board fooled a bunch of rich Arabs into giving us ticket plane money and we just refunded the ticket and got the money? free 200-400$ per Arab.

>> No.18798201

Don’t swipe chads, only loosers

>> No.18798215

this idea is at least 5 years old.
featured on plebbit, vice, buzzfeed and even jamed corden show
good guys you guys are late

>> No.18798268

This is a good strategy

>> No.18798314


>> No.18798333

How to do this as a European? Can't get Venmo here?

>> No.18798466

you son of a bitch... I'm in

>> No.18798513


>> No.18798521

On a related note, how's the drawfag/sfm business? Is it really only for furries? I was given a chance to write for a gay romance game due to my job history but I turned it down. I'd love to draw hotties for fans though, I used to do it in 5th grade lol

>> No.18798532

What was it that guy said? An idiot is born every second, or minute?

>> No.18798534

Is this how /biz/ capitalises on the onlyfans simp market at the same time crashing it?


>> No.18798545

See, this is why people want there to be a God. I know that I could do this or some similar scam and make 5-10x my wage. I don't because I have no balls.

But I try and justify it by thinking that since the work I do is actually productive and good for society, that the world is a test that I am passing. I will be rewarded and the rich scammers, the Elizabeth Holmes's of this world will suffer. Likewise the autists who actually made money from crypto haven't earned it.

I know it's a cope but it's still a relaxing thought.

>> No.18798703
File: 856 KB, 900x856, 1555784265764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off wagecuck
you'll never be a successful turbo neet, but you'll post threads about how you hate the humble neet while continuing on with your faggot-tier wageslavery, while admitting you have no testicles.

>> No.18798706

Venmo is US only. Any EU fags doing this?

>> No.18798793
File: 181 KB, 700x839, 1557366799090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't post threads. I'm straight.

NEETs are scum though. They're literally parasites. Would anything bad happen if they were erased off the face of the Earth tomorrow? What would we lose?

At least my low-paid work does at least contribute to humanity in a tiny abstract sense.

>> No.18798797

How do you make sure you don't get banned on tinder?

>> No.18798823

This guy got it. You can spoof American from Europe, otherwise get ready for impersonation charges.

>> No.18799013

Sounds a bit like catfishing. Is illegal in some countries so be careful.

>> No.18799066
File: 109 KB, 746x556, 1548716002757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be humble neet
>trade for a living
>pay my own way
>never use healthcare system
>pay taxes
>post on asian basket weaving boards
back to work wagecuck; mr schlomosteinberg needs his product now

>> No.18799080

tinder is so fucking easy i'm 90% sure i will never be able to hold a relationship again

>> No.18799155

based blackmailer

>> No.18799176

> again
normies get out

>> No.18799190

im way older than you

>> No.18799200
File: 11 KB, 645x773, BBAFFE8F-D751-474B-8393-9247015A324E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18799224

Tinder arbitrage is a goldmine. The best way to do it is to use Onlyfans and buy a ton of nudes for like $100. Make sure you get a few types of photos (ie. Full body, tits only, close-up pussy etc)

Then you set up multiple Tinder accounts and literally put a menu in your bio:

>Top: $25
>Bottom: $50
>The whole shebang: $75

You can easily set up a bot system using ZennoLabs to automate the swiping and some human-sounding conversation.

You can get your conversion rate up to 10% if you know what you're doing (ie. 1/10 people pay). Paying for the initial content is important because it makes it far more believable.

You can scale this pretty high but your accounts will get shut down either for automation or for policy violation by tinder so don't use explicit language in the bio and be cautious with your bot systems.

>> No.18799313


Do you legally have the rights to sell them again after you've bought them? What license do thots usually sell them under with OnlyFans?

And more intriguingly, are there public domain nudes you can sell?

>> No.18799345

i agree with you. I banged so many sluts from that app it honestly got boring. It's really bad for your relationship drive

>> No.18799350

No, but they'll charge you with something anyway.
Gotta protects da wimmeniz.

>> No.18799399

This seems like something that will get oversaturated very quickly

>> No.18799431

The simp market is huge. Zoomers, millenials and gen x really are this retarded

>> No.18799477

and pajeets, need to open bobs n vagene market to pajeets

>> No.18799526


>not thinking there’s a ton of naive 16yo wall punching kyles that are fully willing to steal their moms cc info to have prime thot nudes to brag to their friends about

>> No.18799640

Idgaf if I'm first or not but that's a man

>> No.18799644


>> No.18799669


>> No.18799739

NOOOO my linkies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18799769

pranjeet btfo

>> No.18799834

if he falls for it then he wont be smart enough to track you down.

>> No.18800241

This is all pretty Interesting but would it not be easier to partner up with a poor dumb thot who could provide you with real pictures?

>> No.18800253

So someone from /pol/

>> No.18800286

She would just do it on her own. Everyone that tries is exaggerating anyway it wont make any money
/pol/ already did this stuff during the #ThotAudit years back. People realized they could make accounts

>> No.18800328

where to buy venmo accounts and IG followerrs

>> No.18800349


this, don't really know if it's worth the effort to set it all up, seems like everybody is doing this these days

>> No.18800361
File: 333 KB, 750x768, 541A3128-F9C0-47D3-A2E6-ACD86A175A4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18800572

wtf i clicked that lnik aand now all my link from metamask are gone??????? GIVE . IT . BACK

>> No.18800600

wanted to ask this question as well

>> No.18800603


>> No.18800625

Today OP was based. Fuck these actual high school-age fags thinking they’re cool for parroting the newest most epic 4chan phrases.

>> No.18800636


>> No.18800991


>> No.18801058

Is this from one of those AI generating photo things? I didn't know they can do full body. Whatever that thing is, I'd fuck it.

>> No.18801096

Does paypal work? Can you make a paypal under a fake name?

>> No.18801185

There’s a reason pimps still exist. That dumb bitch Belle Delphine doesn’t do anything in her own. Her pimp handles all her money. His money rather. Women are property.

>> No.18801200

sounds like you're a frustrated chump, sorry Mr. Wagie, I know the feel, I aspire to NEETDOM

>> No.18801266
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 98B19762-429F-4243-B872-3C03C2BF6EF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sugar daddies btfo. I see nothing wrong with this

>> No.18801544
File: 145 KB, 877x1317, 1482036120444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is diabolical, but you know what?
Simps are still worse.

In fact this might be what it takes to slow down simpdom, fear of catfishing and if not the money is better in the pockets of these digital Robbin Hoods anyway.

>> No.18801676

You will be reported and banned from tinder real quick. Good luck.

>> No.18801693

Absolute brainlet here, anybody got a list of actions so I can give this a try? I'm a fucking brainlet

>> No.18801733
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>> No.18801781
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>> No.18801822
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>> No.18801912

this is scarier than getting arrested or fined desu

>> No.18802041

This is just a modern variation of an old idea. When I first learned about this 10+ years ago, it was called ewhoring. You would go in chat rooms, pretend to be a girl, and add dudes on Skype and try to get money out of them. Girls sold their picture/video packs and 13 kids would use them to extract money from lonely dudes. Now with tinder and dating apps, its way way easier. The meta used to be using paypal but now cashapp and venmo seem the go to. PayPal required bank account + credit card. I don't know what venmo requires but you used to be able to use one of those giftcard visas for a cc and make an etrade account for a free bank account/routing number. Who knows if this breaks any of the thousands of laws that lawyers don't even know about. Don't piss off the wrong people. I'm sure if you google ewhoring you could find lots of info.

>> No.18802252
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Don't do this scam! it's not worth a little neet bux.. They will find you!!!

>> No.18802275

You could do this for a month and you'll only make like $30.

This is RETARDED and Indian-tier income. Just like clicking surveys for $.50 an hour.

>> No.18802515

only accept XMR

>> No.18802575

How do you make a Venmo that's not in your legal name?

>> No.18802729

so is this how these whores are making so much? scammers are buying their pics and pretending to be whores and artificially inflating the whore numbers?

>> No.18802881

If no one can explain how you set up a bank account that's not in your name, then this is stupid

>> No.18802960

Gosh what a miserable place

>> No.18803025

Made a tinder account using a hot girl from high school with the twist being that I set it to show women instead of men. Surprisingly got mostly shitty results despite being one of the only “hot lesbian” in the area. Good god women must have unreal standards.

>> No.18803252

The thing is it's one thing if you have higher standards for both others and yourself. It's another if you only have high standards for others but are an uncaring slob with no standards for yourself. Many of these people bank on the fact that just having a pussy alone entitles them to Giga Chad. And as a corollary that they are "above" the masses by virtue of having r/TwoXChromosomes.

>> No.18803266
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t. geed

>> No.18803281

I love looking at these things. You gotta tell me if you are getting these from a site or if it is something you have set up on your own and are training.

>> No.18803358

>wearing hats inside

where did this meme come from? its horrible

>> No.18803448

believe me...that's not the kind of guy you have to worry about.

>> No.18803592

That’s why I thought making a lesbian account for a change would yield different results, but nope. Jesus I would straight up kill myself if I was a gay woman in the modern age.

>> No.18803604


Seriously tho these people commenting “that’s a man” on every thread need to be hanged in public.

>> No.18803881

it comes from being bald / balding

>> No.18804118

Wouldn’t the best system be to send them to a Snapchat so your tinder accounts don’t get banned?

>> No.18804149

they are not horndogs like men. all men are horndogs, gay or straight. womens get horny but their sex drive works differently.

>> No.18804266
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Couldn't a simp report your Tinder profile when he realizes he got cucked out of his money?

>> No.18804295

cute boy

>> No.18804332

Not necessarily in this case. Literally every buisness major guy at FSU has his own clothing line and they get their whole PC to buy from them and flex it. It's like wearing fraternity letters but withouth the liability that poses

>> No.18804365

surely there's no way that's true

>> No.18804370

yep. even the more extreme neets that send shit to your house still will never show up to do anything. They are all pussies

>> No.18804398

You still need to prove a SS# to any bank you open an account with

>> No.18804490
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>That feel when no qt3.14 unexistant gf

>> No.18804492

Pretty certain this constitutes identity theft and fraud.

Tip sent

>> No.18804527

sorry bro, u've got loser mindset

>> No.18804576

never had a conversation longer than maybe 4 responses

>> No.18804613

How's the East Coast?

>> No.18804654

True lesbians are a meme retard

>> No.18804697

Eat hrt and become the woman anon

>> No.18804818

>i follow them
>"it's gonna take some more for a follow back"

>> No.18804870

>le epic mastermind cumbrain scammer xD
>doesn’t use an apk
You’re fucking retarded

>> No.18805069

I worded that poorly.
>I follow the mark
>they request to follow my fake account
>I tell them if they want access it's gonna take some more
>they pay me more
>I dip

>> No.18805144

I just opened an account, where is simp city? Currently trying Chicago. Its actually really easy to open a company paypal account. I am laughing my ass off about all these 30 year old-somethings trying to hit up a 19 year old grill. At the same time they are making me very uncomfortable, now I understand how some grills must feel. Lets see if some of them are crazy enough to send me a few $$$

>> No.18805286

what do you need followers for? you link the insta to tinder. they dont see your followers or your insta name

>> No.18805311

keep us updated bro
good shit, appreciate that

>> No.18805391

is this cunt 18?

>> No.18805462

>company paypal account
How did you do it? Did you connect paypal with venmo?

>> No.18805463

theres no way to report someone if you don't see them anymore. you guys are pretty oblivious to this shit. if you're super concerned my advice would only link the fake insta to tinder. do not send them the link to it. theres literally no way they can report you or look for the real girl unless they're uberspergs who make a fake tinder themselves and search for you endlessly

>> No.18805508

use a desktop app like Nox or bluestacks

>> No.18805551
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That's a man.

>> No.18805620
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You can literally just open a company paypal account with some fake information, I just used a fake name, company name and address. You dont need to provide any proof of identification or anything and you can setup a custom link that you can send to simps to let them pay to the account directly. Not sure how illegal it is or what would be a good way to cash out once somebody pays me. I am in EU so that might be different in US. Pic related is my profile, I am using OkCupid for free location changes unlike Tinder. What is the best way to persuade the simps? Should I just directly ask them to buy nudes?

>> No.18805643

did you ever stop to think committing fraud for $50 a week isn't worth it? or are you in a shity country where $50 can buy you your own town hall and a goat?

>> No.18805644

looks like a girl i went to school with. she was a goody two shoes but i heard she's doing loads of coke nowadays. shame.

>> No.18805883

genuinely asking; if you dont offer anything then how is it fraud?

>> No.18805904

This is the most retarded post of the whole year lol

>> No.18806087

you guys are a fucking pain in the arse asking about legality
just shut the fuck up please look it up or speak to your lawyer about it you flaming faggots
pose as an e thot and make some money out of simps aka your best mate aka probably you you fukcing neckbeard cunt

>> No.18806298

Is running online scams /biz/? Because I’d like to hear more about them

>> No.18806515

copy paste x100
theres 1000 bucks waiting for you

>> No.18806631 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18806798

Scamming pajeets is unironically based af.

Play the numbers game.

>> No.18807092

i literally invented the simp game with girls
then i would turn around and 'sell' them to pajeets

>> No.18807261

Based pimp