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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18793514 No.18793514 [Reply] [Original]

Continuation of my last thread, bots are turned off. If you check volume from 2-3 weeks ago we were hitting $700-800 million in volume, now you're looking at a fraction of that. The price was buoyed by BTC but you've gone from 50k sats to 42k. This is your final warning. The price will start tanking from here.

Team never wanted to talk about price action because they knew it wouldn't last. Remember when our CEO said it was about to start? Shortly after, he sold $4.5 million worth and none of us got any of it. I haven't gotten a bonus or raise since June 2018. It's one reason Dimitri ran to a FAANG, there are many internally that don't buy into what leadership is selling

I can answer questions but don't get cute, NDA's still exist. You have my attention for 30 minutes

>> No.18793525

worst larp of recent memory

>> No.18793527
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>insider here

>> No.18793529


>> No.18793554

So you're saying I'll have a chance to buy under $3? Lower?

>> No.18793635
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hodling is for retards

>> No.18793689

There's a difference between trading and investing. Hodling projects like ETH and some other for the coming years is far from retarded.

>> No.18793692

Personality wise, how is Sirgay as a human being?

>> No.18793693

It looks like there is tremendous buying pressure. Sure the volume has gone down but isn’t that due to BTC rising? If BTC shits the bed , LiNk is expected to go up.

>> No.18793714

fantastic way to determine if a real insider

>> No.18793722
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>now you're looking at a fraction of that
Yes I'm looking at a fraction of 800 million. The fraction is 9/8.

>> No.18793723
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Pajeet is putting in a lot of effort and absolutely nobody is interested in this shitty larp... zzzz

>> No.18793738

Yes, absolutely. I notice we have been pressured to announce things on social media because we can't land any of the big fish. We're "biding time" because price action is dictated by who you work with. People don't recognize StartupC or CryptoX but a big fish would capture the attention of everyone. Unfortunately for employees and investors, leadership has failed us

I feel bad because I know there are people here with their life savings in chainlink, but I urge people to diversify and take a hard look at reality. We haven't come close to any of the empty promises spoken about by leadership, partially because there is a trust issue with the head honcho. The average Fortune 100 has no patience for a man who keeps the most of the supply. That is not trustworthy or decentralized, let alone transparent.

>> No.18793746

dude you just told everyone on tuesday that the bots were getting turned off on wednesday and the price was going to dump. instead everything pumped by like 10%.

fuck off. nobody buys your bullshit anymore.

>> No.18793748

how close are the sec from shutting this scam down?

>> No.18793756

Is google not a big fish?

>> No.18793763

Very confident, initially the kind of person you would run through walls for. But he's become more ruthless, and more brash as a leader. Also, hard to get him to listen or pay attention. 30 seconds and he's drifting away from the conversation

Check your source, remember I have all the eyes

>> No.18793765

also again post ANYTHING at all that proves you work with chainlink. a pen. letterhead. fucking anything with a timestamp. you do that and i'll start believing you but you won't because you're full of shit.

>> No.18793772

>please pay us put our cartel of nodes behind your brand

>> No.18793780

provain fek

>> No.18793797

You said the bots will turn off Wednesday you lying faggot

>> No.18793800

Did you know anything about the team dumping 500k tokens today, Mr. Insider?

>> No.18793863

larp faggot fud thread.

>> No.18793872

Aren't worried about anything like that, they have bigger problems to worry about

This is what i'm talking about. They are not cooperating with the co. on anything but a small adapter some worker bee built. You won't see LINK integrations with Youtube or Waymo or Google Pay, anyone saying otherwise is leading you astray

Can't say, but there's been shady shit going on for weeks. If it was leadership funding their lavish lifestyle, I wouldn't be surprised, think Adam Neumann of WeWork or Kalanick from Uber. That's what you have here.

>> No.18793879

why are you ignoring my posts about you claiming the bots were getting turned off wednesday and asking you to provide proof you work for chainlink?

oh right because it's a larp.

>> No.18793889

Another larper eats shit.

>> No.18793902


Google has never mentioned LINK in any context and there is no format agreement or any connection.

>> No.18793911

here's a link to this same douchebag on tuesday claiming all the bots were getting turned off wednesday and that the price was going to dump.


>> No.18793952


not saying there's an agreement and this was probably overblown but "never mentioned in any context is patently false"

>> No.18793953
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>Dimitri ran to a FAANG
Why is he committing code to chainlink as recently as December 2019?

>> No.18793982

Thanks for confirming my work. I'm not sure why you're hostile, the price in sats has crashed from 50k to 42k and I'm a larp? Unreal dude

Yeah and that's why internally we didn't appreciate the post. Google wasn't Google, this is not Brin, Page and co. raving about Chainlink. It was some advocate who is no longer involved with the project in any capacity. He probably held link himself

>> No.18793984
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LINK is basically pursuing the VeChain business model now.

Dangling corporate partnerships in front of idiots who lack any capacity to perform due diligence.

>> No.18793988

This latest scandal has done it for me. I’ve endured 2 years of sybil fud, toilet fud, JSON parser memes, fake google pnd, 700k dumps, literal dump to zero, fake partnerships (looking at you MOAB), the same slides over and over, stiff competition arriving (BAND, Tellor, UMAprotocol). I’ve endured it all, but this was the straw that broke the camels back. The Link dream is dead friends. We will go down in history as one of the most epic meme campaigns, but unfortunately reality has caught up with us. It was nice knowing you all, I wish you all good luck.

>> No.18794002

the price jumped by 10% on wedneday when you claimed the bots were being shut down

yes you're a fucking LARP

if you're not post proof with a timestamp. i'm sure you have some if you work at chainlink right? a pen or a letterhead at least?

>> No.18794006

Because that's around the time he left for IG? Not sure what that refutes, he's clearly not with us any longer

>> No.18794029

"Team" here, wasn't aware that we had an anonymous Chainlink member who's not on our Zoom meeting at this moment giving away "inside information".

>> No.18794052

We use WebEx retard

>> No.18794073

ha nice try i'm #notselling

>> No.18794085
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>Blog post by literal who biotech developer about some nebulous, potential uses for Ethereum and middleware

So literally a hobby project for some low tier employee?

Where did you idiots confuse this for a partnership, or even remotely binding?

Since this announcement, the price has crashed and there has been not a single word of interest from any Google employees, let alone any official press releases.

Lmao, VeChain-tier levels of desperately seeking legitimacy...

>> No.18794108
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>fake partnerships (looking at you MOAB),

Gravelcoin and the 50 GoDaddy startups take the cake.

LINKcels have been anally devastated to the point of paralysis, and can't even formulate a coherent response to any of these spectacular failures.

>> No.18794112

i never said there was a partnership, but someone who worked at google cloud did use chainlink and post an article on google cloud not his personal blog. your claim that google never mentioned chainlink at all is incorrect.

what low cap shitcoin should i invest in instead? tellor? let me know so i help you out.

>> No.18794120

waiting on that proof with timstamp OP. sure it's coming any minute now.

>> No.18794123
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>You won't see LINK integrations with Youtube or Waymo or Google Pay, anyone saying otherwise is leading you astray
not sure if youre aware but oracle and swift arnt exactly mom and pop shops.
a sats crash means fuck all, sats dont pay bills

>Check your source, remember I have all the eyes
what public blockchain information do you have that the rest of the world doesnt?
get real dude

>> No.18794143

>ignores the large drop in sats
>w-we mooned

Man you are really low IQ. I don't mind if you fail

I would stress this as well, Sundar Pichai is not running around interested in what we have. If Google employees had knowledge, don't you think there would be a bunch of FAANG Engineers buying up the total supply? Use your heads on why we are where we're at currently. I hoped we would be at $10 by now, but the facts present an otherwise delusional aura to believing in this anymore. Okay that's my time for tonight, i hope some of you seriously craft a balanced approach to selling before volume shrivels up

>> No.18794154

lol like the other dude said, i pay bills with fiat not sats. fuck off. post proof or go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

>> No.18794173

i dont care op i only threw 3,000 USD into this in 2017 when it was .22 cents

it can go back to .22 cents and i still wont sell kek.

i have moved on. even my gf bought 1k links like a dumbass when it was 4.00 back in july 2019

she hasnt touched it since. she doesnt even check the price.

>> No.18794175

oh that's all my time for tonight right before you have to post anything that proves any of what you're saying.

nobody fucking buys your shit and you're probably posting on multiple IPs in this thread. i hope you're getting paid at least for this FUD campaign but you're probably not and in a couple days will come back and tell us to buy TRB instead.

>> No.18794210
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>but someone who worked at google cloud did use chainlink and post an article on google cloud not his personal blog

Someone who worked for Google probably also jacked off to diaper fetish content on Xhamster. Do I detect a partnership?!

I swear, LINKcels are among the dumbest of the cohort on nu/biz/, I rate them on the same tier as XRP and IOTA fags.

>> No.18794238

Do u know what is insider trading? Now go to sleep 2mrw u need to work early wagie

>> No.18794240
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He's been persistent and broadly correct.

I'm guessing the bots he's referring to are CZ's bots on Binance?

That makes sense because Binance is the 2nd largest holder of LINK tokens after Sergey. In fact, the price of admission to get listed on Binance is to hand over a good % of your premine.

>> No.18794260
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checkd and kekd

>> No.18794266


Hey LINKcel, what's your excuse for Gravelcoin?

Is that a legit project, personally approved by by Sergey?

>> No.18794277

Why won’t you answer this guy
That you work for chainlink? And sats are dropping because bitcoin is rallying you absolute mongoloid. Anyone with half a brain isn’t falling for your larp

>> No.18794298

>50 - 42k sats is a dump
is he fucking retarded? we dropped from 60k - 38k with bots still activated. retard.

>> No.18794335
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My uncles works for Nintendo and he says you’re full of shit.

>> No.18794480
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post any proof ANY at all. Literally a letterhead will do at this point

otherwise just another larp

>> No.18794519

Bless this insider for taking the time out of his busy day to save us from financial destitution! I sold my stack, how about you guys?

>> No.18794581

Op faggot confirmed by kek nice dubbs

>> No.18794593

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.18795068


>> No.18795166

>i only 3,000 USD into this at 22 cents
> it can go back to 22 cents and i still wont sell

solid strategy bro

also .22 cents is not 22 cents but I don't think you can understand this

>> No.18795195
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>I feel bad because I know there are people here with their life savings in chainlink

see that's where you're wrong faggot. every last marine on this board will say the same:



>> No.18795573


>> No.18795584


>> No.18795670

Yeah I’m thinking based

>> No.18795723

OP you are such a faggot. I applaud your effort but the time for fudding here is long past. Go to TWITTER, retard. Do this there. Thank you.

>> No.18795747

lol right after OP posted about the bots being turned off and the price dumping LINK literally pumps again. you can't even make this shit up. what a retard.

>> No.18795752

this. wasting your time here. we all already know it’s a scam

>> No.18795758

sorry, i mean OP clearly can make shit up because he's never once posted any sort of proof he's worked for chainlink even though i've asked him to do so multiple times. just link the past 2 threads next time he comes back and claims that the bots are about to be turned off again.

>> No.18795763

sorry mean tot reply to my own post not yours >>18795723

>> No.18795982

fake and gay, we use gotomeeting

>> No.18795993

sergay betrayed us all we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.18796063

The worst larp seen for a long time. No new information at all. Just bs tales spun from old public info.

>> No.18796103

Holy crap that's a good one

>> No.18796167
File: 75 KB, 1102x543, 433BB9CF-8C3E-4EAE-BF0F-AE8FC5512505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom out anon

>> No.18797351

pls tell us what happened to dimitry and who wants to fuck jessica? pls :)

>> No.18797405

this is where larp became obvious
t. gemini insider 5th may 2020

>> No.18797421

You had 3 years faggot. Suck it up and buy while you still can.

>> No.18798687
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my dad works for nintendo and this is totally true.

>> No.18799157

Just tell me what price to buy in dick face

>> No.18799401

All the prices.

>> No.18799456


>> No.18799490

if you didn't appreciate the post why is it pinned on CLs twitter

>> No.18799513

These threads are all stupid. Like how does this so called chainlink worker has any knowledge how exchange bots operate. Does binance mail to Sergey "hey we are going to halt our bot activity in 24h?" Use your brain, this fud is low quality.

>> No.18799553

Reading this thread made me seethe, biz used to be fun. You guys should FUD on twitter, Here we should enjoy the fact that in the past few weeks we have confirmed
>BSN (literally china)
>Oracle setting up a plugin for word that uses CL smart contracts
>Tezos knee bending (after everyone gushed saying they would make their own smartcontracts)

Spoiler > everyone is using chainlink