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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 400x400, hex-scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18791139 No.18791139 [Reply] [Original]

jesus christ
i watched this cunt talk about his coin
>speaks like fucking tai lopez
>pasting the x returns all over the fucking website
>writing about how much you could have made in bitcoin or ethereum if you bought at the start muh gainz
>Most of the wealth in the world is made by those that get in first!
>Referred users get a 10% bonus minted and their referrer gets a 20% bonus minted.
>mtgox bad
>just print money bro
>comparing his coin to an over 10 year old technology constantly
>satoshi owes us more than he is doing KEK
>won't stop pointing out flaws in btc such as mining concentration, hindsight is 2020 richie
>attacks referral programmes and labels them ponzi yet hex has one
>but wait guys the code has been audited twice

you faggots waste my fucking time but at least i had a kek or two

>> No.18791174
File: 615 KB, 680x644, EWoSR77WoAA1E_t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't quite understand why /biz/ can't wrap its mind around this token, because it's so fucking simple.

It's certificate of deposit and financial instrument. You can send it and receive it. Just like bitcoin, except there's an actual product: you can lock up your coins for some period of time (akin to a CD). People who don't lock their coins pay some fee in form of an inflation tax. People who lock up their coins pay less of a fee or even see a bit of an increase, depending on how long they lock up.

That's it.

How much is this worth? Simple: it could be worth as the CD market that it correlates with, and how much people use CD's.

HEX has a few thing going for it:
- The locking mechanism might help prevent panic dumping
- It's in the Ethereum ecosystem so it can automatically be used in all protocols that support ERC20
- It's grabs people's attention, if only because of its extravagant creator ("there is no such thing as bad publicity")
- Asia is still sleeping on it. Imagine if they ever FOMO on it.

>> No.18791198

This "shit" is making a lot of people a fucking boatload of cash. But cool thread anon. You win I guess.

>> No.18791213

Stay salty. I made 2000% gains in 3 months

>> No.18791221
File: 97 KB, 388x306, 1574610043112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im retiring off HEX. screencap this

>> No.18791230

He's an amazing salesperson, imagine not getting rich off his work lmao

>> No.18791232

>attacks referral programmes and labels them ponzi yet hex has one

lol waht?
Literally show me where he attacks a single level referral program..
Also you missed a 100x you retard

>> No.18791248

honestly I'm getting XVG vibes from it I almost made 55 bitcoins off that lmao
I invested for dopamine and nostalgia I want that spring alt coin pump like a few years ago

>> No.18791277


Yeah, it's the flavor of the week shitcoin.

Dumped and forgotten in 2 weeks.

>> No.18791297

I maded 10,0000,0000 rupee from hex coin
very good moon

>> No.18791310
File: 90 KB, 464x430, FOX AND THE GRAPES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad, nohexer

>> No.18791378

congrats on the moon, shill me the next one and fuck off with this dead shit

in his ted talk on the website homepage

im getting bullrun vibes off this low level shit pumping

>> No.18791444

maybe cuz it's not low level shit. maybe there's a real argument to be made for it. watch some of Richard's videos and debates with critics. It's not like Richard didn't put any thought and effort into this.

>> No.18791600

how do you sell it? its a fucking trap.

>> No.18791612

Go on bidesk or uniswap (Hexdex.win) and stop being stupid

>> No.18791630

instead of clicking "buy",... click "sell"

>> No.18791689

So do regular ponzi and pyramid schemes. What's your point ranjeet?

>> No.18791903
File: 19 KB, 678x585, 1587662317346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18791904

Literally everything that increases in value is based on the Greater Fool Theory. You can't sell something at a higher price unless there is someone willing to buy it, thus making the price go higher. Name something that increases in price that couldn't at some point be called a ponzi or pyramid scheme.

>> No.18791952

>Name something that increases in price that couldn't at some point be called a ponzi or pyramid scheme.

>> No.18791997

If you sell your HEX I guarantee someone will buy it at that price. This thing is heading to the moon. There is no other product that can increase your money the way HEX can. Stake that shit and retire. People see this, it's popularity is blowing up this week, but it's not even 1% started.

>> No.18792033

>buy hex so i can dump my bags at 400x return

>> No.18792104

If you are implying I hope the adoption of HEX continues to grow so the price continues to increase...you are correct. Do you hope the price on coins you buy goes down? I don't quite understand your stance on this.

>> No.18792124

no im implying you want to dump them at the current rate i just dont know how many x the shitcoin did
btw this has been intimate sleep tight tonight anon

>> No.18792140


>> No.18792190

That was a poorly worded sentence that I don't really understand, but...
If by "dumping my bags" you mean selling what I bought at a profit, you are once again correct. That is what I would prefer to do. Just as the person that buys them would hope the price continues to go up so they could also sell at a profit. That's kinda how this works champ. It's not just a HEX thing, it's a common fucking sense thing.