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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18786817 No.18786817 [Reply] [Original]

Today I realized how much rage and bitterness in inside me after years of being rejected by girls.

I am currently hiring an assistant for my business. This position attracts a lot of young college girls. Before I interview them, I would check out their fb/instagram acc's. There was this one thot who has 1k followers on insta and is thicc, 7/10 face and 10/10 body. She has basically 0 work experience, probably cause she was too busy riding tinder chads than finding a job.

I can't help but feel extreme anger and bitterness at these thots. They get a free pass through life, going to college with their parents money, then getting a masters degree with their parents money (to keep living the college lyfe, riding chad dicks).

Me? I had to fucking struggle and suffer to build this business and make money. And even after building a million dollar biz, these girls still treat me like an unfuckable subhuman. Fucking shit.

I have no sympathy for thots. Despite my dick getting rock hard each time I look at their Instagram page, I hate them. My dick is filled with blood, but my brain is filled with rage.

>> No.18786850

Have sex

>> No.18786896

why mad bro
nows your chance to use them like everyone else in their pathetic life
pump and dump baby

>> No.18786945

I'd hire her and work her like a dog and treat her as if she's the oldest ugliest and most retarded secretary on earth knowing that I'm going to fire her for something petty.

I've never had a good looking secretary, and it kinda sucks but at least they do good work. Eventually though, you get tired of seeing some ugly ass hausfrau every morning,

>> No.18786964

Honestly might as well just go ahead and make prostitution legal by now.

>> No.18786982



Never have an attractive secretary.

Always treat thots like subhuman. Fire after 6 months, so can't use you as a reference n work history looks like trash. Replace em as needed.

>> No.18787009

OP there are two wolves inside you.

>> No.18787019


Might as well at this point. Women have become such trash compared to women of yesterday. Entitled and selfish. Expecting a man to be their for them yet will shit all over said man without second thought.

>> No.18787025

are you a manlet?

>> No.18787026



And also >>18786896

>> No.18787041

Have sex bros. That hatred towards women is fucked. Focus on fucking stacies and riding the bull markets, not on hating 7/10 girls.

>> No.18787042
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>hire thot




Or better yet (to avoid legal issues) just make the job temporary so you always have new thot to try out

>> No.18787058
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I grew up in a lefty shithole and can confirm I hate 90% of women and love 10% of women that are worth loving

>> No.18787115

This. Pump it and dump it.

>> No.18787177
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Globo homo turns men and women into competitors
As long as the rabble are busy fighting over scraps they’ll never be able to mount a real counter to the money printing pedophiles that calibrate society in this way to keep people on subsistence.

>> No.18787229

Not all thots are going to be into you, but I'm pretty sure that you should be able to find someone to connect with as long as you're not too much of a sperg, leave this place and be polite(not a "nice guy"). Not all women have to be into you as long as you find someone you like. What does it matter that some random girl doesn't want to fuck you; don't let your self worth be decided by anything or anyone but you. Thus, don't be petty, but if they're assholes/you don't like them you can fire them. Don't give anyone else any power over you and do what you want to do, not what they make you want to do.
This will help you as much as you want it to; no more and no less.

>> No.18787331

STFU normie scum

>> No.18787350
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>> No.18787377

doesnt make sense. gay + gay = straight.

>> No.18787390

t. White wolf

>> No.18787433

when youre in the 30's and start taking better care of yourself you'll be the one banging the 20yr old thots :)

>> No.18787498

Lmao you thought money would get you laid? Do you understand how many Chad millionaires there are? No amount of hard work will make you special.

Everyone in the thread saying have sex is either a woman, attractive, or completely okay with women treating them like garbage.

If it were I'd be more motivated to work.

>> No.18787506

i wonder how ugly OP is, i mean he must be truly gross for women not to fuck him when he owns a business.

now watch OP's business be a hot dog stand and hes trying to hire college girls to molest

>> No.18787510

Checked your digits and this post dear sir.

When we're all billionaires we will meet up here and wipe the shit with them.

>> No.18787514

Don’t you believe in a free market?

>> No.18787540

hire a based guy

>> No.18787615
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It's true. I think, a lot of my rage stems from some sort of deep rooted insecurity I have. I thought I could handle rejection (after being rejected so many times). Yet each time a girl rejects me, it still fuckin hurts to the bone.

Like, if an investor rejected my business, I'll feel a bit bad but then it's like, whatever. But when any decently attractive girl rejects me, it fucking hurts really bad. Why am I so easily perturbed by a rejection from a girl? I mean there are so many girls out there.

I'm only going to hire girls that I think I have a chance of fucking. I'll make my moves in a few weeks, and if they reject me, I'll fire them.

I feel cruel but then I realized, fuck it. I want to fuck girls, and I'm not going to prioritize some thot's well being over my own.

>> No.18787666

Just date a female chink. They are more attracted to social success and hard work than body. Also, you are white probably, so even look wise, you must be above average for those female chinks.

>> No.18787725

not understanding OP is a 4/10 trying to fuck 7/10's and can't figure out why hes failing.
unless your willing to drop thousands of dollars in the first couple weeks on a woman you'll never fuck a hottie, just find you a fatty to fuck so you won't be so fucking jaded.
and just hire a man who'll actually do the fucking job

>> No.18787753


dont look for external validation, it really doesn't benefit you in any way.

Just try to do the best you can to become the best version of yourself, and help others to do the same.

>> No.18787777
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>> No.18787783

Girls are experts to spot unsecure guys like u. U need to keep your business, work on yourself (being lean, doing some sports you enjoy) have fun with some thots or whores (they are the same basically). Then realise it's just a game and meet a really good women who like you and who like the man you became.
It's possible.
Just have sex and move on. do you thing be a man

>> No.18787811

based and fuck (not literally) white roasties

>> No.18787832

remember if you enjoy your life, people will want to be with you because they want to enjoy life with you.
So start working on yourself, everything will follow. Sounds easy but it's all about you.

>> No.18787863

I going toward 20 girls fucked, and i've never yet fucked a young 7/10. 8/10 systematically reject me. I'm around 8/10 body and face wise.
But yes, when you fuck, even if the women are not pretty, it gets better and you don't really think about it, and are not angry.

>> No.18787973
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You’ve fucked close to 20 women and haven’t figured out how hollow and wasteful random hookups are my man? I think when my body count got around 10 I started to see it. Doesn’t matter how hot they are if there’s no connection with them might as well just bang hookers or get a flesh light if you’re that much of a COOMER.

>> No.18788007


haha wow, this is some next level elliot rodgers incel shit

>> No.18788011
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OP just stick your cock meat in their moist holes until your hatred consumes you. Let it wash over you and JUST. Sweet sweet release after that awaits you.

>> No.18788032

Why are you even still having sex and lusting after women? Their attitudes are so disgusting and they are so unpalatably coddled and stupid that I've completely blocked them off and barred them from any of my sexual interest, become transgender and choose to only date trans girls who are like me in some way.

>> No.18788049

Except then he will realize how much work he has to put in to get laid compared to women who do nothing so it will probably just make him rage harder. He needs to work on himself and find a woman to have a connection with not just run through thots.

>> No.18788077

How can you have a real connection with a woman if you own a 1 million dollar business and her answer is "try harder for my gross smelling pussy that other people have fucked"?

>> No.18788086

lol, its pretty obvious no woman under 200lbs would fuck you. don't push your failures and bad decisions on to other people

>> No.18788108

Thanks fren.

I enjoy my life for the most part. I have a really cool office in a great location (the girls are impressed), my own condo downtown in a big city, and get lots of free time to myself to do stuff.

The only part that enrages me, is my lack of success with girls.

I'll try my best to stay positive when interacting with girls. I don't want to feel anger no more.

>> No.18788122

No I've had sex with skinny women all the time but I'm not interested in them any longer after several events that have led to the identification of unsettleable issues.

You're probably upset that you'd look like a rapehon or you're struggling with feeling somewhat deficient about something. How does it feel being one of them?

>> No.18788144

Doesn’t matter what OP has if he’s an asshole on the inside no one will like him anyway and just try to use him for his money. How is become a tranny that only dates other tranny’s a better option? 99% of trans look gross.

>> No.18788199

anon, accomplish all this things and you'll get woman

you need to be skinny, that means no gut. preferably some muscle mass and abs. but your most likely fat so i won't ask to much.
i assume your face is ugly, talk to a plastic surgen and figure out what mild work can be done to make you passable.
once these are accomplished, woman love showing off, so buy fancy shit like a boat to take out friends on the weekends. and post pictures of this shit on social media so women can show off how much money you have...
there you go anon

>> No.18788227
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You know how /fit/ is full of gymmaxxed incels?
>oh no, I'm fuckin jacked but I'm still a 32yo virgin wizard
OP is the equivalent of that. OP is bizmaxxed. OP is a fag.

>> No.18788250

It's way better for me and idk I was in a similar position. After a certain point in running every day and trying to be a good man who could have a family I decided my career and no woman would ever be worth the level of energy and personal risk I was expending so I changed completely. I'm doing a lot better now in every way including financially and my job is much safer and I would never ever ever simp out over anyone who has a stinky vagina that just curses your life with a gross little child and permanently ruins you forever. They arent worth the air they breathe! Lots of trans women are attractive and they become more attractive after you take hormones too because love stops being about your testosterone making you want to illogically and compulsively breed with whoever has the most refined body fat / hip to waste ratio and subtle facial characteristics. It's a lot more pure, love from this angle.

Man + Woman love isnt actually a real thing desu, not logically at least.

>> No.18788276

a what anon?
but i think you're mistaken about me. i'm not that jaded, i just accept the way women act. its amazing how different women act around themselves compared to how they act in front of men.
thankfully the whores loved smoking my weed so they would always invite me to hang out. i didn't get laid by them, but i learned so much about women, truly scary.
now with that being said, there are great women out there, but they get married almost right away. because men know how rare they are lol

>> No.18788299

Just hire an escort and fuck your angst away

>> No.18788316

just get a mail wife from some eastern european country, preferably under 20

>> No.18788332

Based dubs. Getting drunk and hatefucking some dumb beaver is the best therapy for pent-up rage

>> No.18788360

OP work on yourself, I have a gf and i'm an unemployed cripple.

>> No.18788454

A person I generally just kind of ignore.

>> No.18788469

But.... why did you have to turn into a tranny to date a tranny? Why not just date trannies without become one yourself?

>> No.18788538

Because I thought being a man was overrated and stupid. It's like being expected to do way more for way less at all times while bearing the brunt of everyone's burden. It was painful being a man for me but this was gender dysphoria so I guess it's probably not as excruciating for everyone. I felt really good once I took hormones.

>> No.18788558

Who said there is no connection? Between fucking the same women for 30 years, and going full hook up, there is a middle ground.

>> No.18788665

What do you know about mister "I'm a tough pooch so I deserve the best table scraps." ??? *burrrrp* okay cya

>> No.18788803

Nobody cares loser >>>/r9k/.

>> No.18788911
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I don't know but we can swap kiks if you know what i mean

>> No.18788945

Give the job to cute femboy TRAPS!!!

>> No.18789066

It’s because they will never be confident, no matter how much they achieve. They want to feel sorry for themselves, it’s a twisted and sick philosophy. It’s the world’s fault they can’t get laid, not their own. They need to go to church.

>> No.18789099

are you a soiboi transfaggot cuckpocket? probably. so shut your whore mouth.

>> No.18789116

Wasted quads

>> No.18789198

>(the girls are impressed)

>> No.18789437
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>> No.18790465

Hiring a thot, making a move on her, and firing her when she rejects you, is a recipe for a lawsuit if I've ever heard one. Terrible idea. Here's a better one; only hire a thot who sucks your dick to get the job in the first place.

>> No.18790603
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OP should have went the 2d girl route with the patricians.

>> No.18790626

>My dick is filled with blood, but my brain is filled with rage.

>> No.18790685


>> No.18790692

You have been reported to the SEC. You are spreading false information which is leading to inflated stock prices. You will spend time in a federal prison. I reported you, and the SEC will be tracing your ISP and you will be prosecuted.

>> No.18790726

look most makes in history were slaves and killed off.

I just now you can see it in your face via instathot etc.

before people have you know revolutions and joined armies, which reset he balance and gave you a much higher chance at access the best pussy. But also you could die in the revolution or war.

Now you have been soyd/feminism/media'd/wage slaved into helplessness.

So your fucked and never getting that pussy.

The female however it dirven to seek chad, becuase they don't want to sperg our sperg like you who have fucked lives forever.

Can you blame them?

So you have to show yourself fit.

>> No.18790758

>you as long as you find someone you like.
80/20 rule

no one is "into you" unless > 80.

>> No.18791078

>use his position of power to sleep with college girls
>advocating literal rape since their consent is coerced with unequal power dynamic
Yeah good advice

>> No.18791550

No woman will every love you like your mother did when you were a child. You have to accept this fact and stop looking for it.

>> No.18791586

roastie detected

>> No.18791654
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>> No.18791674
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How does it feel to have a wrong opinion?

>> No.18791767

You barely speak english yet you give advice.

>> No.18792541

Eat a dirty dick.

>> No.18792682

posting incel memes doesn't mean you're right or that it's any less abusive. Not to mention she can get lawyers and take you to court for everything

really try to get get women your own age, that are mature and have the same amount of power as you. Then you'll have fulfilling non-abusive relationships

>> No.18792729

>try to get get women your own age
im going to keep fucking 18 year old sluts just to spite u

>> No.18792819

Considering the power of pussy as mentioned in this thread, prime 14 year olds should be just fine for an adult male of any age.

>> No.18792829

>I'll make my moves in a few weeks, and if they reject me, I'll fire them.
lol enjoy the lawsuits

>> No.18793421

I've actually literally been filing reports with the SEC against you UAVS fags. Are you trying to make it a meme? You'll probably have the IRS talking to you in 1-12 months. Takes a while to build a case

>> No.18793500

just fuck escorts. That's what I do. Get your needs taken care of without any bullshit, wasted time, or rejection. Usually their looks, performance in bed, and most importantly attitude is a lot better than your typical thot.

>> No.18793739

This. It's so satisfying just getting away with shit illegally. It's like discovering a hack. The best moments of my life are discovering I can just pirate as much software, music, and movies, discovering that I can easily order steroids on the internet and get jacked easily, and how easy and simple it was to fuck an escort and just fulfill my primal needs easily (I first discovered that on backpage, now there's a whole bunch of spin offs) "Cheating" and "getting away with stuff" is so much more pleasurable than "earning it."

>> No.18793861

I know what you mean. Once I figured out how easy it is to get whatever contraband you want online it does feel a bit like a superpower. in a way it's hard to believe other people haven't figured it out.

>> No.18793979

yes but i got a (you) also i have fixed it now

Look, most males in history were slaves and killed off.

I just now you can see it in your face via instathot etc.

Before, men had revolutions and joined armies, which reset the balance and gave you a much higher chance at access the best pussy. But also you could die in the revolution or war.

Now white men have been soyd/feminism/media'd/wage slaved into helplessness.

So your fucked and never getting that pussy.

The female, however, is driven to seek chad, because they don't want to sperg out spergs like you who have fucked lives forever.

Can you blame them?

So you have to show yourself fit in some way

>> No.18794033



>> No.18794040

>blaming women for being a social loser

>> No.18794102

He wasn't wrong about most of it though. Gotta give him props for that.

>> No.18794169

This but don't shit where you eat. Use dating apps to meet girls. Pretend the ones at your job are all sexless drones. You really don't want a workplace sexual harassment claim in this era.

>> No.18794190
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>> No.18794192


>> No.18794417

Yeah the red pill experience of "pirating" something has never left me. In 2017 it felt like I was just pirating money. Walked away with $900k after tax. It just makes me want to pirate everything. Meanwhile my friend who does everything "the right moral way", is vegan, studied hard, went to a 4 year university, follows all the rules, respects women and "doesn't view them as sex objects" is fucked in every aspect of life compared to me.

>> No.18794496

Work on yourself. This is what they have invented therapy for. No shame in asking helping from somebody that can help you understand yourself. and deal with your rage and anger. Loads of people have this. You are not abnormal. But put in the work, like you have put work in your business.

Also understand that woman will really pick up anger and rage vibes. You would not want to hang out with people you dont feel safe or comfortable with.

Work on yourself is the real work. And for your business. Hire somebody that is good for the job. Fix your personal shit in your personal domain.

>> No.18794512

Pick up a bible and read the first chapter. Men work and build then women fuck it up.

It was true over 2000 years ago as it is today.

The only answer is Male authority and all 3 major religions understand this.

>> No.18794550
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I had issues with this but I accepted it and started the pump and dump. Zero fucks given.

>> No.18794594

Stop trying to talk sense to incels anon

>> No.18794611

Truth anon

>> No.18794634

This is why you hire some old ass widow who’s just grateful for a job. She will work her as off and give you a tug after she fetches coffee.

You’re buying office furniture, be practical.

>> No.18794637

Don't engage the incels anon, just laugh at their faggotry and Chad through life

>> No.18794700
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You have been reported to the SEC. You are spreading false information which is leading to inflated stock prices. You will spend time in a federal prison. I reported you, and the SEC will be tracing your ISP and you will be prosecuted.

>> No.18795160

>Before, men had revolutions and joined armies, which reset the balance and gave you a much higher chance at access the best pussy.
Before women looked and smelled like shit and were diseased disgusting pigs but unfortunately porn was difficult to access

>> No.18795163


been reading a lot of social engineering books lately and they make me want to figure out a way to get cheaper rent or get into payroll at work and bump my wages up. but it’s all still new to me

>> No.18795207

>these girls still treat me like an unfuckable subhuman. Fucking shit.

that's because you are.
just read your own post and ask yourself why any woman would ever feel safe alone in a room with you?
you need a therapist more than an assistant.

>> No.18795210


"looked and smelled like shit and were diseased disgusting"

Not quite right.

Slim, young, and fucked at 13 ish ~ 17 ish. by 20 ish your thought of as over the hill.

So yeah nah, kinda

>> No.18795214

>My dick is filled with blood, but my brain is filled with rage.
hahaha, based!

>> No.18795224

also, no fatties as not enough food.

so bodies were probally toned and fit.

>> No.18795240

The gay doesn't multiply, it only adds. You're not the opposite of gay, you are too gay.

>> No.18795466

There are literally ugly midget men doing porn and fucking 8/10 women. Why can't you losers do the same?
>b-but those women only fuck them for money, they're not really attracted to -
Then start eating right and exercising if you care about actual attraction so much, dumbass
Half of you act like you're so smart yet you can't figure out what the average low IQ man figured out from his preteens to attract women: look good, dress good, and be cool and act normal when talking to them
And if you're not willing to change certain things about yourself, then you have no right to bitch about being an incel/having to pay money to get laid
Some of you don't even realize that the average guy (non-Chad) pays money to get laid. Buying a woman drinks in the club or taking her out to eat counts as that. If you're not like Lebron or Justin Bieber, you're gonna pay money for it one way or another so deal with it
>but facial features, height and penis size
1. Get plastic surgery
2. Go after women shorter than you (some still want a tall guy, but others just want a guy taller than them)
3. Learn to eat pussy. I am not kidding. Some women have said that this would make a difference in terms of them deciding to be with a small dick dude

>> No.18795475

OP I know everyone is shitting on you but I know that feel. And I've had a hot GF in the past (before gaining like 30 lbs). I've banged a couple of cuties as well. I never felt worthy of their affection because of my avg dick, man bewbs, and blowing my load quicker than they would want. And it's definitely bullshit that nowadays they expect Mr. Perfect, otherwise they'll drop you. Because they gotta chase that dopamine and get theirs. It's all programmed into us in this point. We're all dopamine whores.

The truth is a lot of us are mad at women. But really we can't because all of our reward centers are completely fucked, especially women. It's a symptom of the current timeline. It's a human thing. I'm not even trying to give advice, just spewing some words. I have a handful of friends in my position, where they are 31, and have dated girls but nothing worked out. And we're all 31 and single and bitter lmao.

It's all so tiresome and fucked. Right now you're still angry. You gotta get to the it's all tiresome stage. Fuck some hookers.

>> No.18795576

In 1st world making money is way too easy. Anyone can get a decent job, be somewhat frugal, invest and be a millionaire before 50yo. Most people choose not to because it's more important to focus on what's actually hard to get : attention.

Attention is the new most valuable commodity and there are many ways to get it. But the best are looks and popularity, and you don't have them sorry.

>> No.18795702

truthpill him anon

>> No.18795715


>> No.18795765

Don't shit where you eat.
For your rejection problem, stop asking and you will never be rejected again.
Lastly, plenty of fish but you need to swim a lot to find them. We all do.

>> No.18795928

OP Just hire a nice looking girl who's down to earth. Try to come across as an easy going guy and don't sperg out in front of her. When she figures out how much money you have she will either want your dick herself or she'll be desperate to introduce you to her single friends.

>> No.18795966

Christianity, Islam, what’s the third? If you are talking Judaism, Jews are a matriarch al society that bright this gynocentrism on us in the first place.

>> No.18796004

Just go get a face masculinization at a good plastic surgeon for men. Noo need for extreme implants just try some filler first and then you'll see. Trust me op your personality will suddenly get better. Also don't shit where you eat, don't compromise your finances and biz for a thot.

>> No.18796041

2/10. These larp threads are getting lazy.

>> No.18796537

No your rage is not from that.
You rage because you see injustice.
You rage because you see yourself trying so hard, and then some others get it for free.
You see people like you never get the love and affection that you deserve
You see world for what it is, it’s not a fairytale that everyone will get what they want if they try hard enough, it’s a cold world where you have once chance, and it’s being born with the RIGHT genes
Rise above, hire people that are not lucky, just like yourself.

>> No.18796550
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Lucky I have plenty of basic attention tokens. I am set.

>> No.18796650

Because nature doesn't want us to ask they want us to fuck. If we did not build this gay society we'd rape the shit out of them because that's their actual purpose in life.

>> No.18796660

These posts is why I still come to this place. Fug my life is pretty normal and well-adjusted nowadays, but this here looks like the beginning of some Dostojevski tier psychological drama. Snap out of it man.

>> No.18796701

>really try to get get women your own age
post-wall floppy beef detected.
If you are over 25 and female you are totally worthless.

>> No.18796705
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>My dick is filled with blood, but my brain is filled with rage

>> No.18796739

Worthless biologically, but economically, they can produce revenue through using the rut body(Instagram, only fans) well into their 60s

>> No.18796752


>> No.18796770

>And even after building a million dollar biz
Pretty cool, what did you do?
Also don't think about whore too much, just rise your smv as much as possible (being rich is a very good start) and find yourself a nice wholesome average looking girl (and make a good prenup)

>> No.18796801


Most of these girls will look like shit by the time they are 27.

>> No.18796817

Too bad. It has happened to you, it is happening to you, and it will happen to you.

You were not born a Rothschild. And no matter how far down the ladder from that point you were born, you would have always had someone to point to and say "look at them, it's easier for them!!!" The fact that it's taken you 26+ years to realize and overcome this fact is fucking embarrassing.

Just settle into the fact that you occupy a suboptimal position in the human hierarchy and do your best to first, recognize exactly where you honestly sit in relation to others, and move up slowly, one rung at a time from there, skipping when you have the safety net, economic, social, or psychic, to endure the risk of failing and falling back down. That's the only way to get through this shit.

We're all like fucking Dark Souls characters walking around carrying a tiny little candle trying desperately not to let the wind put out what little fire we have. Stoke yours, you have scant years before age takes most of your fire away, and I promise you it's time better spent over wasting your youth trying to blow others' out. If you really think those 7/10 whores don't just look at the Chads that dump them and the 10/10 Stacies they end up marrying the exact same way you look at those women, you really don't get it at all.

>> No.18796822

good advice for betas here

>> No.18796869

Unironically, you need to have sex. You sound like you're 16 years old. If you've had sex and actually spent significant time with them over many years, mixed with the insane feminist propaganda, there's literally no way you can respect them. Deal with them, yes, but an ounce of respect for them? Fuck no. Grow up and have sex.

>> No.18796893

>They need to go to church.

>> No.18796915

Posts like this are why I will never date a mainstream woman and stick with the weirdos, autistic women, and outright unabashed whores who are at least honest about their constant double-standard jewery.

Mainstream women are fucking cancer. Give me the weird girl any day of the fucking week.

>> No.18796934

You sound like a serial killer. 100x off UND then revenge fuck them.

>> No.18797481

Whatever you do OP don't go the plastic surgery route. 100% guaranteed you will look worse. A friend of mine who was a good guy but pretty vain an hero'd in front of a train a few months after getting his face worked on.

>> No.18797504

there's nothing quite as pathetic as a man jealous of women

>> No.18797529

>Have sex, go Mgtow
This is my exact situation, had plenty of sex as a young man and let me tell you that nothing puts you off women quite like women do.

>> No.18797550

Yea don't use your money and power to fuck your hot assistant. Great plan

>> No.18798030
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Gay vax gen.

>> No.18798065
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Women are legal children.

>> No.18798074
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>> No.18798205

imo it all comes down to self worth and self respect. know what your worth (and trust me your more of value than thots) and try to improve yourself but not for girls but only for your self.
like people can say mean things to you or reject you but in the end if you 'have yourself' you won't get mad bc they're just opinions.

>> No.18798253

Hire her through a temp company then bird dog her until she quits.
Make sure you use a temp company , or you can fire her after 90 days

>> No.18798290

I think there might be incels about but most people that get called incel for calling out ratchet roasties are probably just disgusted at the modern pump and dump culture. It’s like a brave new world out here more and more every day.

>> No.18798304



>> No.18798317

I don't know but I have the same issues.
I would love to not care about this but it's out of my reach, fuck my subconscious mind

>> No.18798361

not caring sounds doable in theory but in practice if your someone like me with narcissistic tendencies, being admired by a high status person gets you a huge rush of dopamine, and rejection gets you the opposite, some kind of cortisol release im not sure

>> No.18798371

we assign high status do hot thots whether we like to admit it or not

>> No.18798494

Every girl can see how jaded you are and will avoid you so here’s what you do.

>hire a competent person as your assistant
>go on seeking arrangements (sugar daddy/ sugar baby site)
>you will definitely not be rejected by 7/10+ girls
>but they will be with you only for your money
>pump and dump as many hot girls as you want
>start to calm down
>once calm go for a girl who you are genuinely interested in and try to start dating
>most 7/10 will not date you seriously even if you have money so go for a looksmatch
>if you don’t like you looksmatch then improve yourself, sounds like you have enough money to hire a personal trainer

Holding onto hate isn’t going to stop thots from being thots

>> No.18799358

The Tiananmen Square Incident, crushing Western insurgents/terrorists ("Protestors" as Wikipedia calls them) was not a mistake. Otherwise they'd all dress, dance and act like Western whores today, as well.

>> No.18799397

*Chinese/Asian girls would

>> No.18799412

But they do, idiot.

>> No.18799524
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99% of men live to compete for women' attention, irrespective of the moral behavior fo those women.
Women give meaning to men'lives. men seek to be valued by women at all cost.
women will always see their children as a non-source fo knowledge, because mothers NEED to see their kids as needing mothers, because kids are the only thing which give a meaning to the life of women, because before having kids,l a woman is just a woman who sleeps around and women really hate to see themselves as sluts. Women can only live if they keep infantilizing their kids, otherwise they just get depressed and fall back to casual sex, which they do post wall with boomer orgies [geezers have high amount of STDs] in their retirement coomunities.

All those men are cuckold sooner or later. As soon as a man values a woman, he will be cuckold. SOciety is based on men being disposable and replaceable by women ruling men. A woman has no problem replacing a lover, a husband or a father, especially when she does it ''for the kids'', as opposed to doing it for ''her'', which would be selfish from their POV.

1% of men try to find something else to value
99% of this 1% go crazy in the woods becoming hermits and failing hard

the 1% of the 1% get good at meditation

99% of those 1% of 1% confuse meditation with enlightenment

so 1% of 1% of 1% of men actually stop being coomers.

>> No.18799562

hire the prettiest girl and on her first day make her clean your toilet. make sure you absolutely punish that toilet, too. caked on shit stains, the works. and don't flush, either.

>> No.18800266

Not caring is easier than most men realize

>> No.18800376

>Make it temporary
>When someone calls in to ask you about them as their reference, say you've never heard of them

>> No.18800637 [DELETED] 
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>I'm only going to hire girls that I think I have a chance of fucking. I'll make my moves in a few weeks, and if they reject me, I'll fire them.

This is the most disastrous idea I've ever read on /biz/.
OP, hire a guy and make sure he's gay.

Christ OP, go on a holiday to a country where prostitution is legal and bang hookers for 2 weeks.

>> No.18800703

Bro you need to man up a bit, it's probably because you're a creep and a weak man. Have you ever slapped a girl before? or threaten too? And what would happen if you did get a girlfriend? you would probably be a little wimp and let her walk all over you dude.

>> No.18800977

i like your style