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File: 114 KB, 1024x812, KlondikeDredge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18790741 No.18790741 [Reply] [Original]

Bullion Dealers




>Bullion tax info by state:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCL6FKQZyoM [Open]

Nitric Acid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mg9YcAShTo [Open]
Magnets, how do they work?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgSXg-WOEVY [Open]

https://www.youtube.com/user/silverguru David Morgan
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqmToXM7x2tD7-2rs0KvObA Silver Bullion TV
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXPvtSNFvh9FJrwN02crJ_A money metals exchange podcast
https://www.youtube.com/user/whygoldandsilver mike maloney's channel
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClzSFvylrK8ij3KVwrHzjdA As Good As Gold Australia

>> No.18790773

Old thread:

>> No.18790794
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do you guys use stonks and crypto to buy more rocks
asking because i have boomer brain

>> No.18790814

I buy crypto and rocks

>> No.18790821
File: 69 KB, 499x960, 44891775_2438981022794952_8462473775269543936_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to know anything about your local mineral wealth and how to access it, ask it here, I will be making each answer as short and sweet as possible.

Your basic tools
>shovel / pick, spoons, gold pan and sniffer bottle.

Handy links

Help, I am loosing my mind, I ve repanned my floor grit twice now send paydirt.

>> No.18790842

The metals sites accept ETH and BTC. Dont know anything past that though

>> No.18791300
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, F4E7A27E-0363-4FCF-8814-164EE11C0BC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South east florida. Martin county to be specific. Thanks for what you do

>> No.18791368

Sorry my man but to date no natural gold ore or placer has ever been located in Florida. However there are still tons of lost treasure stories and stuff that washes ashore in storms, I normally don't recommend becoming a detectorist but Florida might be one of those places where its actually worth it.

>> No.18791388

Thanks man. Detecting is useless down here.

>> No.18791413
File: 588 KB, 1500x2010, most brutal mog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You dont get rich giving back gold
You actually do tho. Why'd you think all the billionaires are donating and giving away so much of their money? One of the biggest secrets of wealth is that by sharing it/giving it away you attract more of it. It works on the subtler parts of your mind in a way that gets you into a mindset of abundance. There was this guy, can't remember who, but he told a story of him before he found success. He was in dire straits, no money for gas, or rent - so one day he was walking to this all you can eat buffet place with the last 20 dollars he had to his name. He sits down and he sees this little kid walking in, holding the door open for his mum, pulling her chair out at the table for her and just being a little man for her. He gets in such good spirits from seeing this that he approaches the kid and asks her "Ya taking this lady out for dinner?" kid blushes "It's my mom, dude! And no I'm not, I can't afford that". Guy reaches in his pocket for his 20, hands it to the kid and says "today you are". When he gets back home he hears a voicemail from a guy who owed him some money since years ago, and he's been evading it and feeling guilt for it. Now a successful businessman he's wired it plus a hefty interest as courtesy to assuage his guilt. I believe it was in the higher 5 figures, and this was in the 80s I believe. Point is, guy said after that episode, when he just let go, and opened up to abundance - he never had any issues with money again.

Basically, send back the gold bar, and I'm sure you'll be even greater rewarded. Maybe a distant family member calls you up, your long lost uncle dies and leaves you some inheritance or the eBay seller gives you a treat as a token of appreciating your honesty and character.

Or be the jew. Your choice.

>> No.18791437
File: 130 KB, 1000x731, Floating Dredge at Ballarat Pit Barkerville 1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of dredges, heres a neat shot from archives. A gold dredge working on the Ballarat F Grant in outside Barkerville BC.

In 1958 the dredge flipped and sank after williams creek over banked and flooded the pit it was working in. 2500 or more gold were lost as the dredge could not be recovered when the pit walls caved in, to date none of the gold has been recovered.

>> No.18791481

I was looking at your howtofind link and it gave me some ideas. I'm right in the SW Blue Ridge VA so that's promising but do you think it's worth the effort?

>> No.18791486

A bit of gold for any UK anon's from last year.

To date this is the largest nugget recovered in the UK


>> No.18791525

yes, if you find a good slow point in a creek near a known gold deposit, you could find some seriously good gold, but it would take a lot of work to explore and test as you go. Its up to you if you want to try, 90% of my time when i am prospecting is looking, checking areas I spotted on google earth or on old maps.

>> No.18791664

When it comes to looking, would national forests be a good spot to start? It would make sure I was off private property. And once you find a slow spot in a creek, do you just bring up pans from the bottom to check for deposits?

>> No.18791775

Can anyone point me to a reputable site selling 5 gram gold bars?

>> No.18791794

>can't stop taking my silver coins out of their tube and fondling them
How long do I have before they tarnish?

>> No.18791818
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first off yes a national forest is as good as any to start, just be aware i am pretty sure your only allowed basic hand tools in them, double check local regs, i am not in the states.

Second yes stay off private property, or if you find something neat on private property cut the guy who owns it in, its worked wonders for me in the past.

third, start on shore away from the creek. Look for areas with lots of large river stone, bigger = better here, gold likes to stop where the current slows so any back eddy in front and behind a boulder will catch gold. If bedrock is present, head down towards the water, following the cracks, dig thoughly, clean as best you can, nuggets go deep.

If no bedrock is present, look for solid clay or other features which would slow the gold, it wont travel far without serious current, look for items like leads or bullets too, if they are stopping in an area, than gold cant be far. Stay on shore out of the water, digging underwater with shovels doesnt usually work.

>> No.18791831
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I keep a fondler on my person usually

>> No.18791835

you should be fine, silver takes months to tarnish black.

>> No.18792346

What are precious metals

>> No.18792373
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How many ozs to make it?

>> No.18792390
File: 741 KB, 800x600, gold-copper-silver-pepe-brothers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold and silver mainly. Essentially shiny shit that used to be/always will be money

>> No.18792485

Why will it always be momey?

>> No.18792521

to someone yes
or hanjobs when the real crash happens

>> No.18792537

Yes. It is the first standardized unit of value used in trade. Everything from bills to cryptshit is trying to replicate it.

>> No.18792624

because God commanded it

>> No.18792640
File: 64 KB, 686x526, F09F0BDE-4013-467B-A1FC-B5C51A8927B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice! I'm planning on taking a week or so off in July so I think I'll try my hand if I can find a found spot with a campground somewhat near by

>> No.18792726

get in early before everyone goes broke and starts trying. I ve already seen 14 or 15 travel trailers heading out with mining gear where I am staying right now, its not even spring proper here and the green horns are out looking.

>> No.18792796

Gold and silver have been traded as money for millennia. Only recently has that changed, and humans have been pretty much been doing fine in all that time, so why should things have to change on that front?

Debasement has always seen the decline of societies where it happened, and it keeps going until corrected, or it collapses entirely. What we're seeing now is no different.

Gold and silver have always bought pretty much the same things today as they did no matter when you look. All that happened was that 'luxury living' got cheaper.

>> No.18792984
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>> No.18793005

Jesus Christ. Would pan, sifter, shovel and hammer be enough for a good start?

>> No.18793026

Hey Pan Man, I just watched a vid on youtube where the dude ordered paydirt so he could pan for gold in the comfort of his own home. Have you heard of this, if so would you recommend it to anyone? It looked kinda neat.

>> No.18793090

First, yes those tools will work, but still try and get a sniffer bottle, its nearly impossible to pick fine gold from a pan with your fingers, and you run the risk of having it stuck to surface tension and float out of your pan.

Secondly..... I just ordered a "pan in a can" from Nip and Tuck gold mine for something to do while I wait for the rain to leave. You don't make money at it but its good practice. Also home hardware sand often has fairly good gold in it for shits and giggles.

>> No.18793110
File: 124 KB, 653x523, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fairy tales, but outside of your abundance fantasy bubble billionaires are donating because it's the easiest path to tax evasion and money laundering, you gullible norman.

>> No.18793150

Oh no I thought it was kinda neat, I didn't know you could actually order paydirt, and the idea that you are getting gold so there is that, even if you aren't making money.

>> No.18793188

Buy junk Constitutionals and 18th century Spanish silver that’s already gone completely black for this specific purpose

>> No.18793192

>It would make sure I was off private property
>yes stay off private property
In most of the US the landowner can't own the creek bottom. So if you wander down the middle of the stream panning you're fine so long as you never touch the shore.

Not true in all states though. Texas and Oklahoma have different laws, but then there's no gold to speak of there. Check your state's laws on creek ownership. I've fished and panned a lot of private property because of that rule.

>> No.18793228

like everything if you pay more you get more. last winter I paid a private miner $1500 for two 10 gallon buckets of material fresh from bedrock on his claim to keep me occupied over the winter. Found some very nice pieces in there, almost made back my money with flakes too, but thats not the norm.

>> No.18793264

Yea, the video I saw the man purchased a 1 gram guaranteed bag for 60ish(including S+H) and got just over 1 gram out of it. I kinda thought it might be a neat hobby for being laid off. Could drop a few hundred down on something like that.

>> No.18793281

do some shopping around before you buy, look at reviews too. funny enough selling buckets of dirt to people attracts all sorts of scammers.

>> No.18793298

Thats a fair point, I will probably watch more videos about people who do this on youtube to get a better understanding of what I would be getting into. But that is good advice, I appreciate the insight.

>> No.18793332

i recommend this dude for beginners, https://felixpaydirt.com/

>> No.18793347

Things that need to be thrown in a fire mountain

>> No.18793465
File: 1.13 MB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200430_205057_6839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello frens

>> No.18793508

Southwestern Ontario by any chance? Region of Waterloo.

>> No.18793524

Thanks, I'll look into it.

>> No.18793552

Do you ever just throw your metals in that box with a bunch of nails, glass, sand, and rocks, and shake it around, and then insert that doll anally while you drool over the key board?

>> No.18793581

Why so mad fren?

>> No.18793604

closest really interesting area for PMs is the Bancroft Formation, about 3 hours away from you. There are a large number of small high value gold mines in the region that were relatively close to surface hosted in gold pyrite ore with galena and copper ores like chalcopyrite as well.

Further north you also have the mining giant of Sudbury Ontario, but that region is mostly massive ore bodies deep below ground and though high in value due to bulk tonnage you probably wont find anything more than interesting looking samples in old mine dumps nearby. Not much for placers I am afraid, glaciation sent that gold south.

>> No.18793676

Because throwing your metals in a metal box and playing around with it like toys is retarded.

>> No.18793704

Ah, shit. Well, I might take a trip out to Bancroft sometime. Went there once when I was a kid. Amazed you know all this. Thank you for the information.

>> No.18793735

give it to me straight, /pmg/. Is this faggot right about silver?


>> No.18793828

I'm in coastal Alabama, any prospects here or around here?

>> No.18793938

kek, this guy is pretty based

>> No.18793939

sounds like a salty cunt. and kind of disproves his case by having a silver bar.

>> No.18793949

360 oz of Silver will i make it?

>> No.18793955
File: 264 KB, 756x1008, 2020new2pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this beaut today

>> No.18793972

Is the video satire? Silver was used as money until 1971.

>> No.18794011

I'm in all three, shiny rocks are the ultimate gains realization

>> No.18794047

everything he says, but unironically

>> No.18794141

Lmao I somewhat agree but I'm not sure why he's so salty about silver, the main reason I'm stacking silver is to acquire more gold when the ratio drops

>> No.18794170

when do I get my blowjob?

>> No.18794180

also anyone who bought at the 2011 highs is a retard, bad argument

>> No.18794188


>> No.18794219

karma doesn't exist

>> No.18794257
File: 9 KB, 259x194, critic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. exactly what i said a few threads ago.
if you buy silver, it's because you're too poor to buy gold

>> No.18794336

>Not buying Silver at historic lows.
I'm a gold man myself, but don't poo-poo a money making opportunity just because you think it's lower class. Diversify that portfolio a little bit. Trade the market you have, not the one you want

>> No.18794394

don't catch a falling knife. i diversify with crypto

>> No.18794412
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>selling buckets of dirt to people attracts all sorts of scammers

>> No.18794434

Based, karma is definitely real, but not usually in the cause and effect/tit for tat way that most people would need to start believing in it. Realization of compassion and righteousness is the thing that will open doors and change your life in unimaginable ways, even if that doesn't mean monetary or physical gain, internally there will be a shift to a more whitepilled worldview, letting you do whatever you wish without being trapped by self-doubt and cynicism

>> No.18794449

Based. Tied for American Eagles for most beautiful national coin.

I can't get behind roos, pandas, or any of that shit. Philharmonics are kind of cool but there are no brass instruments.

>> No.18794462

>imaginary memebux

>> No.18794529

yeah that's what silver is you're right

>> No.18794532
File: 10 KB, 251x242, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most beautiful
flip it over m8

>> No.18794583

Hard to say honestly, I ve seen reports of fine gold and a few scattered hard rock mines for both silver, lead, gold copper etc but nothing directly on the coast line.

this has the most concise info on Alabama I can find right now. https://howtofindgoldnuggets.com/gold-prospecting-in-alabama/

>> No.18794629
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...fuck you got me.

>> No.18794630

I honestly wont buy anything with her face on it, I dont care how cool the other side looks.

>> No.18794705
File: 949 KB, 1512x2016, 67dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dumb. What's the problem with a Silver Eagle?
It is quite nice. I'm also pretty partial to this one which I've had since I was a kid. Only 80% silver but a reminder of foregone times when Canada was good.

>> No.18794777

I heard there's a camping spot attraction in Clay County or something that has gold panning attractions. Might be a nice mini vacation spot one day.

>> No.18794779

Nothing. Just fuck high premiums at the moment
Great looking coin. I might buy some from JM they're like $19 and some change at the moment

>> No.18794798

>Tul Ammo
>.38 special PPU
Holy based

>> No.18794805

"her" was referring to Her Majesty. The original post was the brittania coin.

>> No.18794829

queen liz ruins every fucking coin her face is on. i actually ebay'd 5 maples a year ago on the grounds that i don't like seeing her cunt face on my silver.

>> No.18794914
File: 616 KB, 1305x1394, godsavethequeen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yes. Here's the obverse of the coin.
I actually don't mind her relief. It's not easy to see the detail in a still picture, but moving it around in the light it's evident that a considerable effort was put into it. Maybe I'm biased, I'm Canadian.

>> No.18794945

It's amazing a coin with such a beautiful reverse has such a terrible (and generic) obverse. Are there versions of the maple with a goose on the obverse or something instead of the queen?

>> No.18794964

DESU, the coins with her face on it might be worth something if they're minted the year she kicks the bucket.

Based. Simple & elegant.

>> No.18795000

Just want to remind you guys silver is in a setup. Keep your cash dry and wait for the big dump. Buy sub $10 and ONLY legal coins. Coins might be about $11-12/oz at that price target. Also, you could buy gold but when you move back home and have to travel on the plane you will get anal pumped if you have ANY gold bars, coins or 'too much' jewelry.

>> No.18795010

I take it all back. We are all going to miss the queen when she is gone :,(

>> No.18795015

What do you mean setup?

>> No.18795064

No one anywhere is going to be selling silver for that low, even if spot price says they should. Mines go out of business selling silver for that price

>> No.18795139

It dumped below $13 a month or two ago and it was unobtainable, and Nobody was selling close to spot.

>> No.18795146

Lots of dealers/promoters/sellers are pushing the idea silver is the cheapest it's ever been (using the gold silver ratio as the key). The truth is that even though there is new stock of silver and gold legal coin it's not getting sold for the last few months. What you see is generally recycled (buy-backs). Bars are getting sold and generally on the large end. Particularly silver is being pushed on the retail 'investor.' If you don't remain with a good cash position you will not be able to buy huge. Lots of the largest dealers in the world are pushing essentially paper gold and silver on retail 'investors.' They aren't wanting to buy back large quantities of silver and gold coin. Let's put it another way. If 600 basket weaving forum users buy 2,000oz of coins at $12 a pop that's 1,200,000oz of silver - that's kind of a lot and realistic. That's about 25% of the record sales of American Eagles per month. Keep your cash dry and wait. It's coming. You'll be kicking yourself starting your stack with $30oz. I'm fucking telling you. If a few thousands autistic fags buy hundreds of oz each when it hits the low it will set in motion what needs to be done.

>> No.18795198

I've thought about this for many years. It makes no sense. Many mines will be at a loss to sell at that price. But the oil market has shown us how retarded the masters of the universe are. This all will have severe consequences but you have to get in to boat or drown. There will be stock. You need to clear out everything you can at the lowest price possible. EVERYTHING.

>> No.18795201
File: 2.46 MB, 2884x1403, 20200501_000418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my owl coins, now i'm truly protected from bat chan

>> No.18795217
File: 29 KB, 552x533, 1537754894740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo dis nigga on tu som shit. If we just wait til siba down ta $2 we get ta buy it as $2 shieeeet

>> No.18795222

Do you have a source for any of these claims you make, like how most of the silver is recycled now?

>> No.18795233

Any creditintials at all to back the validity of your projected claim? Because I doubt very much, especially if we enter recession and inflation

>> No.18795235

It's telling. Their stock was expensive. The sales of coin in the past couple of months is very low and gay. Keep this up for another month and many dealers will be broke as fuck. i.e. why they are selling paper gold and silver or bulk bars at huge premiums. The volumes are DOWN not UP.New stock is not getting sold and it's at the mints. The mints are going to get fried but they are obligates to sell at at the market price plus a small premium np matter what their costs are. This is bad news for them.

>> No.18795255

anon if anyone ever sells a ASE for $12 i'll gladly pay $13 using a credit card and buy a months worth of pay checks lol

>> No.18795260

Fantastic coin there.

>> No.18795263

Your first two sentences made sense. The rest sounds completely garbled and contradicting anon

>> No.18795271

At the same time, the Fed is going BRRRRRRRRRRR and running another $2,200,000,000,000 into the economy. This piddly little $1,200 we're getting isn't going to hold its value well, and getting silver while we have most of our purchasing power left is the smartest choice.

>> No.18795288

>/pmg/ will corner the silver market and set off collapse of derivatives bubble.
a goy can only dream, lad. i admire your optimism.

>> No.18795293


>> No.18795296

I bought a Kilo sunshine and a 1/4 gold eagle. Yah I got raped in premium for the eagle but it wasn't my money so no loss

>> No.18795311

Japan has been printing for 30 years. The Yen hasn't blown up - it's been deflationary for them.

>> No.18795313

I hope nobody is paying $30/oz when spot is $15 and you can find plenty of places selling for $18-19/oz

>> No.18795321
File: 86 KB, 286x266, Screenshot_2020-05-01 Gold Eagle Coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think

>> No.18795323

i agree the prices will reduce once supply and demand catch up with each other.
however i believe the mints sending bullion to the distributors as fast as they're making it, and honestly i would expect most mints to be working over time to catch up on orders right now.
i'm still buying random govt bullion for 20/oz or less but i'm sure ASE's will come down to 20 or less, before the inflation kicks in

>> No.18795338

I don’t get this hating the queen meme.

>> No.18795346

I've been getting in these threads for the past couple weeks throwing a lifering for you fags. You guys aren't going to corner the market but you can save your skin.

>> No.18795361

the cheapest ASE i can find is 22.87, no one wants those generic buffalo coins, there's millions of them from random private mints. you might as well have industrial silver...

>> No.18795384

She runs cloning centers and kills people

>> No.18795390

and i agree and 'ppreciate your poasts. *but* if spot returns under $15, it's still going to be hard to find good deals near spot. it looks like no one wants to seller silver at under $18 because they have costs as well and can't profit at that point. maybe best bet is buying in bulk from LCS.

i guarantee you JMB isn't going to sell for $12 if spot is $10, because they have operating costs like paying people to pack and ship, paying the postage fee, etc. etc.

>> No.18795393

I've decided only rounds I buy is sovereign coins and generic only bars desu

>> No.18795412

she just looks ugly, man. use your eyes. do you want your silver to have beauty and elegance on it, or do you want some aggro-cunt frowning bitch with a smug little smirk as the design? completely ruins the coin. i want beautiful silver and gold to look at, or just bars with 9999 stamped on it and the makers seal. i don't want some vanity piece featuring the head of some cunt who only got in power through her lineage.

>> No.18795431

Spot is heading under $10.

Yup. Look... industrial silver isn't that bad. I have few hundred kg of the stuff. Great door stops and paperweights.

>> No.18795445

That's still not $30 and I think if youre gonna spend $23/oz there is way cooler shit to buy than ASEs.

>> No.18795457

be careful with bars anon, when the price moons to $50 an oz in a few years. those 10/oz bars just got more expensive and local dealers won't be buying many, unless its just to resell to a mint( apparently lots of silver comes from melting down generics and maples)

>> No.18795503

Think I should stick to 5 oz bars? If it moons to 50/ozt again and I have issues selling LCS I'd probably resell to online dealers

>> No.18795536

You want to sell? Are you fucking bananas? lol Shill on some other forum you fucking faggot.

>> No.18795549

Are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.18795583

well some of those 100oz bars they trade with will always be in demand, i've seen some 10oz canadian bars but the spot on them is getting to high.
honestly, i like govt mint coins from my local region the best... but i think like a 100 oz PAMP Suisse or something similar would be much cheaper...

>> No.18795615

No. It's clear you are a faggot trying to put the idea into our heads that selling for fiat at $50 is a grrreat idea. And that... that is profit. Dipshitter, gold and silver isn't for selling.

>> No.18795622

Silver is for selling to buy gold.

>> No.18795625

I mean at the moment I'm getting bars 18.50-19.50ish/ozt through JM. High premium sure, but still under $20/ozt. Alot of the sovereigns are over $20/ozt

>> No.18795637

umm bro you do understand inflation right? and hopfully you know enough to know, that govts will just make up a new currency when theirs becomes worthless, at which time you cash in your metals and still have the buying power plus some fear based inflation

>> No.18795651

I'm having a conversation with an anon about the liquidity or lack thereof IF in the future it moons and I decide to sell. I'm not trying to put anything into your head schizo. And your weird posts devalidated all the projections you made above. Take your meds

>> No.18795655

Exchange is OK. But, silver is going to be the clear winner going forward in the next couple of decades and longer.

>> No.18795686

I'm telling you faggots to wait a bit. That is all.

>> No.18795718

i wouldn't be surprised if emelia clark is a failed clone daughter of queen liz. so they had to provide a cover story for her and say she is 1/18th pajeet or something. but she looks very similar to the kween. and they hint at this similarity by casting her as...muh kween.

>> No.18795726

so the reason i'm against the generic bars is because most likely they'll get bought by a mint for spot or less and be used to make what ever new coin it is their minting.
normally thats fine, but once silver has mooned and everyone is trying to cash out, its a good idea to have things that are always in demand, like those 100oz bars, the exchange could always use them in theory, so no need to melt down they have demand... same with ASE's boomers (and zoomers) love them and will buy them regardless of the price... but those generic buffalos, well i rather have them then a generic bar, but both will be turned away by local dealers imo and fuck selling enough online to get tax forms

>> No.18795759

that's fine, i'm in DSLV but getting impatient, plus the volume just isn't there. if someone knows of a better short silver etf, pls share.

>> No.18795775

You will find in a few short years if you want to buy a block of land you might be able to do it with legal coins (doesn't have to be ASE). Something that looks like money and not something a faggot kid designed.

>> No.18795798

I cant make myself buy ASE at the moment. If the day returns they drop under $20/ozt again I will be all over them. Until then I'll probably stick to sunshine bars, maybe some foreign sovereigns. JM has Brittanias on presale for 19.7 I believe

>> No.18795818

>one silver eagle per cubic foot of dirt
anon NGMI

>> No.18795913

the biggest brain move is to buy land where you live, pan, mine, and hunt all at once.

>> No.18795919

Great post man. Would love for you to post more old shots.

>> No.18796016
File: 2.59 MB, 1280x720, flour_cold_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18796021
File: 118 KB, 512x691, Sunny side Mill 1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have many, loads of old mining photos buried in my archive

>> No.18796022

>to date none of the gold has been recovered
what has stopped people, or a large company, from recovering that gold?

>> No.18796036

i love those tiny back pack sluices, there so handy for checking out areas.

>> No.18796067

its been tried, but the issue is water and time. The dredge was squashed flat by the collapsing pit walls and every time anyones tried digging it up water from Williams Creek rushes in from underground and floods the worksite faster than you can pump it out. Bert Ball and his wife open pit mined the rest of the Ballarat between 1981 and 2008 and recovered hundreds of ounces of gold each season, but they could never get at the amazing pay channel the dredge was working, they always ran into the same issues. Some estimates think there is still $100 million on the Ballarat, but its just to hard to mine.

>> No.18796106

That's pretty freakin cool.
I love a good gravity process

>> No.18796177

For a moment I thought you were talking about something in Ballarat, Australia. My mistake.

>> No.18796180

How much are you guys buying gold over spot? I can get some like $30 over spot, which I assume is cheap. It's not coins though, but well recognized and stamped local bars. Gold seems like much less of a cuck move since it's less over spot.

>> No.18796257

From a large dealer legal coin $22.60.

>> No.18796258

yea i know its confusing

>> No.18796271

But delivery in June only. Totaly shitbuy. Also, new stock.

>> No.18796315

I know about about Ballarat and the surrounding areas. I owned a patch of land. It had loads of quarts along the surface. About a meter down it was beautiful red brick clay. On another corner of the property it was kaolin. Plenty of people would get out with metal detectors. The local gold shop had a huge trade in large nuggets at well over spot all in cash. Billions of dollars was pulled out there and it doesn't really show. Most of it ended up in London and the locals got paper notes. lol

>> No.18796379

Ok cool, thanks bro. It seems idiotic to buy silver 50% over spot when gold is less than 1% over spot.

>> No.18796386

i watched it and he legit just tells some other guy to talk on camera

>> No.18796426
File: 111 KB, 1000x715, Upper Part Cariboo Gold Fields Bucket Elevator, Barkerville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A similar story happened at the Ballarat F Grant. Back at the start of the 1894 gold rush in BC, when Barkerville and the surrounding areas were only newly discovered, a group of wealthy lords, bankers and businessmen petitioned her majesty queen Victoria to convert sections of claims into "Fiefdom Grants" where all resources from the center of the earth to the surface of the sun belonged to the owner. These worked for a few years but eventually they were all opened up by the crown to private sale, and mega projects like this bucket line elevator project were tried and ultimately failed. Today the current owners of the F Grant at Ballarat are Barkerville Gold Mines, bought from the Ball estate. There are still 11 other F Grants scattered across BC and the Yukon in private hands.

>> No.18796474
File: 29 KB, 307x475, 8EA7A880-1861-4E47-B29B-9043F129FA2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 1000 Morgan Dollars for 10% over spot ($12 each) from a guy that inherited them from his dad.

I’m about to get away with highway robbery. I’ve already eyed at least five CCs

>> No.18796520

Ooh... me likey. Just be careful, there's some common CCs.

>> No.18796555
File: 119 KB, 260x322, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well lets see if china is counterfeiting CC's yet

yes they are.

>> No.18796768

Cheers mate. You are the best kind of history teacher.

>> No.18796831
File: 153 KB, 1000x731, Wreckage of the bucket line elevator at the ballarat pit 1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kek hard when ever I read about how much these guys put into that fucking elevator. 2.2 million in 2 years of construction and planning, only for the thing to break after half a mining season and be basically FUBAR. Thats $2.2 million in 1900s money as well.

Heres the wreckage in 1955 after they dug up the ruins.

>> No.18796884

He didn’t really know what I was doing, but the guy let me pick out random coins and let me test them. I did the following:
>ring test
>weight test
>neodymium magnet
>measures thickness and diameter

If these are fakes, they are damn good fakes made of 90% silver. So at the very least I’m getting my money back I’d I have to melt them.

>> No.18796924

so weird to me that none of you guys knows SG
just the same list of tests every time that will weed out terrible counterfeits but not average or better ones.

the Chinese fakes all look the same, so if you handled the collection and the coins didn't look exactly the same then they're probably real.

>> No.18797060

lol this is a faggot.

>> No.18797093

He sure does talk a lot about silver on his channel.

>> No.18797988

Those miners had huge balls back then.

>> No.18798291

that's a fucking nice looking bar. sucks that i can't afford bars or anything but philharmonics due to 25% VAT and high premiums.

>> No.18798442

Fakes are getting better, I had one which only failed on the ring test, it was an alloy coin, nicely stamped and silver plated. Weight, dimensions, magnesium, lustre and acid test all passed. However looking under a microscope in some areas the underlying metal was visible.
I'd suggest avoiding overly "dirty" coins, I don't mean tarnish, but the fake wax based black dirt they use to avoid suspicion. The ring test is extremely hard to beat, but it's hard to hear, bring a known good silver coin with you to compare.

>> No.18798536

What type of coins were the fakes?

>> No.18798601

My concern is the sheer volume of fakes coming out of China lately. They've got factories turning out millions of morgans, peace dollars, ASE's, PAMP bars, etc. And they're selling them openly on the internet as "collector coins" or "commemorative coins."

Most of them have enough silver to probably pass the ring test, which isn't reliable anyways. Lead or silver solder rings in much the same way pure silver does.

But I guess that's what we get for doing business with China. I think slabbed coins will be the future once counterfeits become so common everyone has bought one or seen one.

>> No.18798607

Also do all coins sound exactly the same? I have over 20 Leafs that seemed to ring OK, then I bought a random coin (SD Bullion) and it rings a lot louder, which makes me worry the Leafs are dodgy.

>> No.18798626

silver has a softer, duller ring than most metals. It's distinctive. I'd be more worried about the louder one. But that doesn't mean it's necessarily bad.

>> No.18798695
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, IMG-15012019-123246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few morgan dollars, their liberties are still using shitty dies. Silver crowns, I've seen some excellent fakes. I'd suggest looking at the horse's tail, less definition than reals and theirs a small ridge. The photo attached isn't the best fake I've seen but you get the point.

>> No.18798732

Cool, I'd rather the loud one be dodgy. Thanks senpai I will sleep better tonight now.

>> No.18798749

OK true, great picture and thanks for the reply, I guess they make them a bit worn like that so bad definition looks like the coins have just been rubbed a bit, better stick to virgin coins only because Chinese are everywhere now.

>> No.18798775

I completely disagree, the ring test is hard to fake because it's composition sensitive, to get a alloy to have the same density (so the weight matches dimensions) and resonance is extremely hard if not impossible. However I suppose if they manage to get the resonance close enough it could trick human hearing, not yet possible.
The factors that affect pitch include
- coin thickness
- coin diameter
- alloy
Best to have a known good coin on hand for the coin you want to buy. to compare.
I find, silver has a lower tone, but you really need to compare to be certain.

>> No.18798814

I wouldn't worry about it being (amplitude) loud, it's more about (frequency) pitch.
If you don't have a fake to hand do a ring test on your fiat currency of choice to see the significant difference.

>> No.18798851
File: 386 KB, 1000x1000, Silver_Crown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not just worn, I like to collect MS/v.fine coins. It's fundamentally different. See real photo.

>> No.18798919

I have 115 oz silver at an average of £13.20 per ounce. Not buying more,

Silver will make another 2 year drop to below £8 per ounce as all these idiots sell off to stop loss their physical that they bought at £30 per ounce. Then they will all panic buy back in and boom, the price will go to £24 spot and rise from there to beyond £50 in 10 years.

>you've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth silverpill

>> No.18798944

Britbong? Where do you buy your PMs from?

>> No.18799166
File: 870 KB, 638x919, Screenshot_2020-04-25_18-00-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ah shit my stop loss for my physical was triggered I better sell it all on ebay

>> No.18799289

Private smaller dealers. Good place to look is numismatic dealers who through trades have acquired bars that they dont want. Just bought a 250g umicore bar for spot plus postage so I guess I am buying a bit more...

Also, stick to 1oz, 100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg bars from LMBA suppliers. And coins from national mints.

>> No.18799493

I think I'm done stacking for awhile, bros. Got 2x rolls of dimes (Mercury and Roosevelt), 4x rolls of half dollars, a batboi and a dozen or so ounces of minted coins. Can't justify paying the fucked premiums anymore.

>> No.18800280



>> No.18800287
File: 808 KB, 2080x1608, YUKON CORNELIUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me - just passing through with my life sustaining supplies of gun powder, ham hocks and guitar strings...

>> No.18800380

what are the coins on the right?

>> No.18800421

Is it weird to really enjoy buffalo rounds? Because I do

>> No.18800445
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, 52632E4D-D3F0-47D6-82A1-138BD67B235A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silvertowne buffalo rounds

>> No.18800464
File: 1.89 MB, 2498x3270, C9E8E2BD-766C-43B5-9862-F5D7A4837B41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What’s with the high premium meme. Does everyone in PM general only buy from eBay or local coin shop?

Pic related is all 2020 produced bullion I ordered at normal premiums.
Perth Mint is still open and does not have any supply issue because WA has some of the largest gold and silver mines in the world. They can’t make 50 different types like they normally do each year because of covid, but they are still making and delivering silver and gold bullion at normal premiums.
You can right now order unlimited 1oz silver coins, 1oz gold coins and 1kg gold bars at normal premium.
>yfw you buy a Perth Mint kangaroo and realise it’s the exact size of a US Eagle
>yfw you discover that Perth mint makes US blanks, all US mint does is stamp an eagle onto Australian blanks.
>yfw you are waiting for eagles that have to come from Perth Mint then be made into Eagles when you could just order right now and not pay the extra premium US mint slaps on.
>WA had a hard border now, meaning no matter what chinks and boomers from Sydney, Melbourne covid hotspots cannot spread it to WA. Production will not stop because of the virus

>> No.18800488

Fuck I love poured silver

>> No.18800491

That nasty ass sunshine mint round in the middle. Fine silver my ass, I have silver 100 years old that looks better.

>> No.18800521

the sunshine mint round is pure silver constitutional rounds are 90% or less silver

>> No.18800605

That’s my fondler coin

>> No.18800610

you have to go back

>> No.18800628

thoroughly unscrupulous

>> No.18800652

Why is it so tarnished? I have .999 fine silver from 1995 that still looks newly minted

>> No.18800663

The Kangaroo will be the most produced 1oz gold and silver coin in history this year.

Kangaroos could become the world standard as they are the only 1st world sovereign coin that is able to accept unlimited orders at normal premiums with only 1-2 week delay.

Screen cap this post so when future anons wonder why they didn’t order bulk Roos at JP Morgan suppressed rates before the COMEX defaults and Roos are the only coin for sale because it’s mined locally, manufactured and sent very quickly not relying on delivery from (((Future delivery contacts))) like every other mint.

>> No.18800685
File: 856 KB, 2012x1640, 1oz rounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine's actually sunshine buffalos, and no - buffalos are awesome! My first gold piece is going to be a buffalo coin.

>> No.18800701

That particular round is from 1988. I bought it like that because I like the look of it.

>> No.18800717

Oh yes I agree about the 24k buffalos. Such a good looking coin.

>> No.18801003
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, gold notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fee about Utah goldbacks?

>> No.18801066

I always buy from online-only dealers and have never paid more than 5$ premium on silver

>> No.18801078

I don’t know enough about them to answer. I’ll look into them.

>> No.18801113

Spot price is for paper silver - ETFs and futures.
A major bullion bank "Scotia-something" was unable to deliver on gold Comex bars in March. Once that BS is settled they are exiting the bullion market.
Silver tends to follow the same trends as gold - not always but mostly.
The high premium you're seeing is the disconnection between paper and physical.

>> No.18801483

10-4. I bought a few. I wanted to (and eventually will) do:
5x 1s
4x 5s
3x 10s
2x 25s
1x 50

So far I bought:
5x 1s
4x 5s
2x 10s

Waiting for them to come in.

>> No.18802120

...turning my stack into a Mormon cash register...