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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18789331 No.18789331 [Reply] [Original]

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has released its widely anticipated advance GDP report for Q1. Based on the data collected so far, last quarter’s economic output rivals the worst for any period in postwar history. Real GDP apparently fell at a 4.9% annual rate from Q4 2019. The economy was already in recession BEFORE the economic fallout from the virus could take full effect. It wasn’t until the middle of March that the first major shutdown orders began to appear – on Twitter feeds – and these weren’t the total lockdowns we’re stuck with now, either. The full shelter-in-place or stay-at-home decrees would only show up at the very end of the month (a great many right at month-end, as well as in early April). That means for the overwhelming majority of the first quarter of 2020, it was business-as-usual.

This combined with the fact that there was mass selling by insiders and politicians in February means that they KNEW the economic shit was hitting the fan BEFORE the virus lockdowns. Now they have an easy scapegoat to cover for their economic mismanagement.

Get the FUCK in here faggots

>> No.18789375
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People who think there will be a quick and easy economic recovery, we were already dealing with another 2008 style crisis BEFORE THE VIRUS, this is a perfect storm

>> No.18789384

biz is well aware of this, they crashed the economy to accumulate link

>> No.18789726

What's the play?

>> No.18789943

Hoard USD, bitcoin, and gold(physical gold) not some meme derivative

Short everything else, except US tech stocks as the FAANG+ companies will continue to grow in power and surpass even nation states

Stock market(specifically tech) will probably do well just from capital flight from the collapsing EU and third world shitholes

I expect real estate to be completely REKT and taxed into oblivion by broke ass municipal/state governments to pay for insolvent boomer pensions, also working from home and limited gatherings will BTFO expensive city centers

Anywhere non-US will get BTFO harder then the US I expect in the following order from worse to best
>third world shitholes that have massive USD denominated debt, example: Lebanon is already descending into civil war/revolution/chaos, Turkey is probably next, the entire MENA region is fucked from low oil prices
>EU will collapse
>Canada/Australia might do well ONLY because of capital flight, otherwise they are fucked and have bubble economies
>Financial troubles in Asia but social chaos will be contained because they have homogeneous societies and authoritarian governments
>USA will be the last to fall

Afterwards(2030's onward) Asia will rise to replace the west as the financial center of the world

>> No.18790538

>Asia will rise to replace the west as the financial center of the world
And history repeats itself.