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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18777546 No.18777546 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18777579

it will always be worth more than gold

>> No.18777584
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>> No.18777593
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>gold is STILL at $1700

>> No.18777643
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>> No.18777658
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>> No.18777774

even if BTC goes to $1000, it will still be the best performing asset since its inception.
Gold is for preserving your wealth, not getting rich quick. BTC is a speculative risk on asset, which will be crushed as we enter a global depression. Very funny how people on /biz/ and crypto twitter post these mocking memes and claim how much BTC has apperciated % wise, yet nearly all of them are DOWN on their initial investment.
Lost money in 2017. Weren't invested in early 2019, and bought the top in summer 2019 and are now DOWN again

>> No.18777938

>Gold is for preserving your wealth
it's the equivalent of having cash, because it doesn't adjust for inflation, well it's actually worse cause you can't buy anything with shiny rocks

>> No.18778633


>> No.18778652

BTC is to transfer value through the fucking air so we don't have to interact with one another

>> No.18778740
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muh halvening

>> No.18778923

BTC has no intrinsic value, it has no uses other than speculation ( which can be applied to anything)
Gold has many use cases ( Jewellry,dentistry,computers, smartphones,medicine, etc.) in addition to being money for 10,000 years. Its intrinsic value and scarcity is what makes it a safe haven, BTC does not have this at all

>> No.18778961

It went from high 7s to over 9k. Of course it pulled back. How did Gold do kek

>> No.18778975

>intrinsic value
please define

>> No.18779076

>intrinsic value
all value is subjective little retard.
a glass of water sells for a different price in the middle of the desert than next to the seashore....
git gud and learn to think like a >102iq human.

>> No.18779105
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The /biz/ discord link is discord gg xe33qt
Join, we will interview John McAfee this week..

>> No.18779190
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It require a lot of manpower, logistic and industrial tools to extract, gold is lierally bottled workforce.
It's even truer for silver :

Buttcorn require 0 work (no, mining digibits aint work, nor is required).

>> No.18779191

how is that example relevant to BTC and Gold? are you handicapped? Gold has many use cases that benefit humanity, all you can do with BTC is sell it to another greater fool and possibly realize a profit. You could do the same thing with beanie babies, but that didn't turn out so well

>> No.18779289

it's not the price of water who's changing you subhuman brainlet, it's the amount of workforce required to bring the water to you in the middle of the desert. Intrinsic value is ALWAYS tied to real work required, anything else is a jewish scam, from shitcoins to findoms.

>> No.18779383

>24h change
+6.61 %

>> No.18779686

A bitcorm requires computers made through labor and electricity ultimately generated through labor. Imagine being right but also being so fucking wrong.

>> No.18779937

nice cherry pick

>> No.18779983
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>> No.18780019

>intrinsic value is always tied to real work required

gtfo marxfag, no amount of labor and effort is going to make me want to buy a sculpture made of seagull droppings

>> No.18780187

okay for the last time
>bitcoin has the longest running, most indestructible network
>as such it is the reserve currency of the cryptocurrency universe
>implementation of blockchain tools (e.g. smart contracts, nonfungible tokens, data storage, notarization systems etc.) will make the coins of those blockchains legitimate valuable.
>government fiat must be loaded into the crypto universe from outside
>bitcoin is already in the crypto universe, immediately available to trade as needed for utility coins.
>hence demand for bitcoin as 'cash' to interact with blockchain tools
screencap this and don't bother me again

>> No.18780201


You don't know what intrinsic means. Intrinsic means "a property of". Value can't be intrinsic because humans assign value to "things", even purely conceptual objects. A hypothetical vein of gold that can't be reached is worth less than a glass of water.

>> No.18780306

inb4 'socially necessary labor'
>socially necessary
>who defines 'necessary'
>oh it's subjective
so basically value is subjective

>> No.18780349

meant to reply to this
but basically the same

>> No.18780394

animal, humans are the ones who will bid up prices of gold and bitcoin, if it doesnt provide value to humans but it is still going up then it is a massive bubble
during the dot com bubble all the bubble touters came up with new metrics, earnings dont matter its all about growth, then boom collapse everyone is bankrupt
muh blockchain muh store of value muh muh muh

>> No.18780410

This boomer has good analysis of the economy but is completely a shill for stupid fake gold stocks.