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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 400x400, aaveghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18762443 No.18762443 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18762472

I’ll be buying your liquidations soon enough.

>> No.18762618

what coin's auctions are you bidding on?

>> No.18762673

You can tell that a lot of bizlets use it


>> No.18762733


holy shit 2 addresses make up 68% lol

2 whales really like aave

>> No.18763199

253 based individual holders of aLINK, seems pretty healthy.

>> No.18763333

Nothing has any value right now but I’ll be watching for ETH and Link when over leveraged anons blow up.

>> No.18763351

MKR will support Chainlink soon to add liquidity to DAI we Bull Market now.

>> No.18763694

Aave has the highest collateralization ratio average of whole DeFi, watch other platform burn down and Buy LEND meanwhile.

>> No.18763720

checked. Distribution goes great, I cant wait for accumulation

>> No.18763821

way to load so much fud into quads

>> No.18764011

doesn't dai minted from usdc defeat the purpose of dai?

>> No.18764157

If they used Chainlink Black Thursday could have been avoided and they wouldn't even need to add USDC. I hope they add more collateral such as gold and real estate eventually. So long as the Smart Contract itself is bulletproof all of the danger from using USDC goes to the individual vault owner.

>> No.18764427

Be careful about MKR and DAI. Imo mkr/dai won't last nor have staying power. Why would I lock up eth in a CDP when there's other lending platforms I can hop on to earn much better yield. MKR is simply not capital efficient. Aave, compound, uniswap v2, etc. are all better for yield hunters. Imo DAI will end up as a failed experiment

>> No.18764586

Professor Tyler from the Chicano Cryptography Club claims Maker added USDC because that would allow them to claim their DAI stable coin isn't technically decentralized because it's partially based upon USDC.

>> No.18764592

LMAO MKR is still 54.15% of DEFI. And the cheapest way to collateralize Eth. MKR is not going anywhere although

>> No.18764656

origination fees are wayyyyy cheaper on aave and compound

>> No.18764657

See: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/agenda-discussion-scientific-governance-and-risk-thursday-march-19-9am-pst-4-00-pm-utc/1703/2

At the same time, severe dislocation in the Dai price trading at $1.08/$1.09, a lot of regular keepers are using the USDC collateral type to help arbitrage the price back down. While it’s not easy to draw perfect causation, the Dai price has improved significantly since USDC has been added. 6 million Dai has been generated in a short amount of time. Tracking this Dai on-chain, it is easy to see that a lot of it has been hitting dexes and secondary lending platforms for peg arbs. I think it’s reasonable to assume that the Dai being generated is helping the Dai price.


>> No.18764711

>AAVE is an acronym for African American Vernacular English
no thanks

>> No.18764744

Stability fees are 0 to generate DAI. So if you take out a 1 million dollar loan it will essentially be interest free (- the origination fee) provided you have sufficient Eth as collateral.

>> No.18764776

yeah but closing your position takes a fuck load of dai. .Only .25% of what you borrowed on aave and compound.

Maker is cheaper if you never plan on withdrawing

>> No.18764781

hes not wrong retard

>> No.18764788

There are many reasons for doing a thing.

>> No.18764798
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>> No.18764821
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>> No.18764830

kek whats the point of using dai when i could skip all that shit and just use usdc?

>> No.18764839

I own more Lend tokens but hedge with a little MKR. Bitcoin has shit smart contracts, and lightning network is a joke yet it has first mover advantage. The same is true with MKR. It's called Multi-collateral but they only have 3 different types rn lol. Aave is a better project in the short run but DAI is here to stay.

>> No.18764884


The #1 reason people generate DAI is to buy more ETH. It gives you all of the benefit of a long without any of the risks (using exchanges)

>> No.18764951

I think meta will win the stablecoin battle. It is like Maker but it only mints from collateralized eth.

Vitalik and molochdao back it

Maker had the right idea but they should have only accepted 100% decentralized coins as collateral.

>> No.18764983

defisaver removes all the risks of liquidation to. That's why I back aave though. defisaver uses flash loans to boost / self-liquidate. If aave goes down, defisaver goes down, and a ton of eth cdp holders on Makerdao will be pissed.

>> No.18765092

What does the LEND token actually do? Can you stake it or anything?

>> No.18765129

This. I'm really disappointed with Maker. I thought it'd be basically all ERC20s, including things like DGX (important to have less correlated assets for those big moves). Instead, it's the usual shitcoins like Bat. Can't even stake my Linkies.

>> No.18765197

Centralised vs decentralised. Its also good to be able to issue DAI yourself based off of non-stablecoin assets, it provides more liquidity to the market (that is desperately needed).

>> No.18765266

>it provides more liquidity to the market (that is desperately needed).
legit question what happens when everyone finally makes the switch to dexes ? that would prove liquidity i think

>> No.18765280

voting rights and crap similar to MKR token. Every time a loan is made a little is burned.

>> No.18765281

governance for the protocol. They're releasing a tokenomics paper soon.

It will be used to vote on accepted collateral, liquidation thresholds, borrowing/lending interest rate algorithms

the devs released this pic today. They are integrating uniswap liquidation pools. People will be able to leverage to double their erc-20 coin. Then use their leveraged stack to provide liquidity to uniswap, garnering fees from used liquidity.

if /biz/ sat down and studied aave for 10 minutes there would be as much hype as chainlink lol. Look at the amount of institutional investing going into compound. Aave is compound, with flash loans, and the ability to invest in the protocol

>> No.18765298
File: 415 KB, 1400x800, uniswappools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, here is the pic

>> No.18765307

Is this shit safe from a tech standpoint

>> No.18765380

They worked with Chainlink and have been audited.

>> No.18765436
File: 356 KB, 1176x1468, hackmoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik backs and trusts them.

They are running the hack money competition where Vitalik is a judge. It is a defi hackathon for eth devs. The vast majority of the projects submitted incorporate aave flash loans.

>> No.18765484

Ah Ok, fair enough. Might need to do more research then. Its come a long way, I remember when it went to nearly nothing a couple of years back, had honestly thought it was a dead project until it got mentioned a few times.

It will, but right now there needs to be way more. Look at that big March crash, everyone needed to exit their positions & stablecoin up, and there just wasn't enough DAI to do it. The whole idea is that you need a kind of decentralised "Central Bank" to provide that liquidity & while it's actually kinda working surprisingly well, need a lot more yet. I don't know percentage of all DEX markets should be needed, hopefully some economics wizz is crunching the numbers - I know the amount right now isn't enough. That's why they need to stop being precious, let me stake my damn Linkies & DGX!

>> No.18765513

>Balance 1337
>Deposited 420
Absolutely based

>> No.18765543
File: 85 KB, 512x512, pounds-of-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this leverage thing you speak of?

>> No.18765547

this too. Maker crashed because their oracle and auction times fucked up.Aave survived because they use Chainlink. A lot of people with Maker eth cdps actually survived black thursday because they used defisaver(app that uses aave flash loans to self-liquidate in event of a crash)

An aave dev wrote the post mortem blogs are siting for the dforce-flash loan attack. Explained where they went wrong and why protocols like compound and aave are safe. I trust them the most out of all the defi protocols(dydx,compound,aave,maker,bZx)


>> No.18765564

yeah I honestly forgot about them. They used to be ethlend(first lending protocol on ethereum). They've been making big moves since their rebrand to aave.

>> No.18765570

ty anons

>> No.18765586

deposit your erc-20 token, borrow stablecoin, use stablecoin to buy more of your erc-20 token, deposit new erc-20 token back into aave.

You can keep leveraging and more than 2x your stack using this.

>> No.18765663

I remember, I think I even did some lending back then with my Eth, but it was shit returns so I got back into just trading my stack lmao. That was back when shit like FUN was still around, 3 years later & it's all changed.

>Makers Oracle crashed
Wait, really?? I remember when those fags were sneering at muh /biz/ scam & explicitly claimed they didn't need it. Unironically bullish for Link, again.

>> No.18765759

maker gave link so much schadenfreude lol

Yeah. I think it was an insider that stole all of that eth from maker.

Their oracle malfunctioned and the auction times for liquidations was only 10 minutes. gas prices being so expensive and $0 bids being allowed made eth slim pickings for this one person. They basically upped their gas price when the network was congested, and made hundreds of 0 dollar bids. They won all of those auctions and cleared 8 million dollars worth of eth

>> No.18765775


welp I'm in the top 10 of this list.

>> No.18765919

Fucking hell. What a fail. Yeah, sounds like an insider alright.

Off topic, since you seem up to date on defi stuff, what's the consensus on Synthetix? I see on aave that their tokens have an insane apy - looks like a kind of CDP-esque platform. Worth looking at? Just wondering if it's worth me grabbing a bunch of those & lending them out at that rate, but not if they're gonna go to 0 through pajeet-tier coding or economics.

>> No.18766360

>origination fees are wayyyyy cheaper on aave and compound
what do you mean by 'origination fees'? interest rate? it's 0 on makerdao currently.
>yeah but closing your position takes a fuck load of dai
that doesn't even make any sense. You borrow x dai and return x dai. How could it work differently.

>> No.18766421

>this too. Maker crashed because their oracle and auction times fucked up
completely wrong
>Wait, really??
no. Oracles perform no function during the liquidation.

>> No.18766595

Well, it sounds like it issued the price wrong. Sounds like an oracle problem to me.

>> No.18766618

it didn't. Liquidations are an auction, the oracle does nothing.

>> No.18766835

And how does Maker know your collateral has met its liquidation price ?

>> No.18766851

from the oracle, but that only starts the auction, which happened

>> No.18766884
File: 207 KB, 750x553, E57AA225-7542-4F6F-BFFE-B86C9EF20123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooo thankssss

>> No.18766918

that's not a fee, that's an annual interest rate.
>Mar 21
the rate is 0 currently

>> No.18767087

Maker governance just voted to reimburse those who lost their money on Black Thursday. Do you have any idea how much MKR will have to mint and sell to reimburse them?

>> No.18767108

Cool so just like all the other exchanges you borrow bitcoin/ETH/lithium/coin that allows to be borrowed and you buy altcoins with it.

Tokens have 0 fees for lending, but what about lending 10/100x bitcoin or ETH to buy altcoins?

>> No.18767182

they are still discussing what's the fair amount to refund

>> No.18767884

It’s still bad for MKR

>> No.18768810

watch this


>> No.18769768


>> No.18769823

hey that me!

>> No.18769878

it means ghost in moonswede

>> No.18770026

Synthetix is a superset of Maker, you mint synthetic assets against collateral, SNX and ETH in particular, Maker allows for the minting only of a synthetic stablecoin, DAI; Synthetix lets you mint sUSD among a dozen other synths

>> No.18770043

Aave=Ghost in finnish. There is a finnish guy in aave team, i think thats were the name came from.

>> No.18770375


>> No.18770488

so I just had a look at the AAVE token itself and its garbage..

The platform has collected $60,000 USD in fees over 3 months, annualised that is a return of $240,000 on a $44m market cap platform.

This is an effective return rate of 0.5% on the tokens you bought....

What am I missing boyos?

>> No.18770631

Nobody uses it for that dude.

>> No.18770672

so how exactly are you guys making money off this
>deposit stack
>borrow a stablecoin against your stack
>invest that
>sell that investment when it raises to repay the loan+put some back into the stack

>> No.18770756

>deposit stack
>borrow a stablecoin against your stack
>invest that
specifically, buy more tokens and deposit them back into Aave, thereby increasing your collateral (as long as it's a supported collateral token, LINK is)
>sell that investment when it raises to repay the loan+put some back into the stack
yes, sell the additional collateral you've deposited once you're sufficiently in profit and keep the excess collateral

>> No.18770796

pretty much only interested in increasing my eth stack so this sounds like a good idea

>> No.18770830


these posts suggest otherwise