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File: 244 KB, 750x761, A97898E5-6540-47BA-AB29-3DBC3D18FB09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18752983 No.18752983 [Reply] [Original]

We killed our economy over a cold


>> No.18753006

Lmao tell that to the nursing staff I work with they’re overwhelmed af in California

>> No.18753013

Ok shariablue

>> No.18753018

More dead in one quarter from a cold than 19 years in Vietnam. LMAO. Brain dead.

>> No.18753027

no they aren't

>> No.18753057

How many died from flu last year? Desperate happening faggot

>> No.18753084
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This is the face of an ICU nurse

This is the face of going through hell

>> No.18753086

Yeah it's really silly. Average age of deaths is 80+ and over half of people dying are living in nursing homes.

The average length of stay in a nursing home is 835 days.

We are really killing our economy and our careers because of this.

For the average person there's nearly no risk of dying.

But I predict this realization will hit people in about 1-2 months.

>> No.18753113


>> No.18753151

Damn you know it's a shill when they make retarded comparisons like this to make it seem worse than it is

I guess >90 IQs might think that's a compelling non arguments


>> No.18753162
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>> No.18753216
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>hire faggy boomer doc to convince people to go back to their shitty wage cage and die for muh stocks
imagine falling for this

>> No.18753237

We can't let the boomers die man, millennials are so fucking selfish

>> No.18753287
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>> No.18753332

Kek. You know most careers are meme careers.

>> No.18753344

Please, PLEASE let the boomers go back to work so the parasites can all finally die, I'm sick of my taxes going to their fucking communist hand outs.

>> No.18753388


Coronavirus is real. It's not just a cold. With that said we never should have shut the economy down and we should have let boomers die. This was our once in a lifetime chance to secure our future and remove them and we blew it.

>> No.18753451

Wrong. We have to ensure that every last boomer dies.

>> No.18753462

Look all I'm saying is this doctor should stick at being a doctor. He isn't a statistician, he's obviously not super good with numbers.
He's making an assumption that people getting tested randomly as if its a random sample of the population. It's not. People who get tested usually exhibit symptoms. So to use the positive testing rate and extrapolate that to the whole population and then say, oh well 15% is already infected and nobody is dying is woefully inaccurate. That this argument is not blown the fuck out of the water before shit like this gets viral says a lot about the intelligence of our society.

>> No.18753500

you're going to tell me that the economy was working before right anon? 40% of the country couldn't afford a $400 car repair to take them to their shitty job where they disassociate thinking about the medical bills they can't pay.

>> No.18753520

how many people had permanent neurological damage from the flu anon?

>> No.18753528
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At least some of us got over a thousand dollars suddenly despite working at a dead end position at a grocery store. The pic is the opposite of me.

>> No.18753532

Are you joking? That's one of the most common long term effects of the flu, including blindness.

>> No.18753535

It damages testicles, hope you're done having kids

>> No.18753544
File: 75 KB, 1082x453, Screenshot from 2020-04-28 21-14-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the mortality rate in belgium.
It's obviously about three times as high as during a flu season and we dont go in lockdown during flu season. So no it is not 'just a flu' it's at least three times as deadly, probably five times as deadly.

It is however not as bad as the Spanish flu so maybe we're overdoing it a bit too much.

I just cant stand that these 110 IQ doctors, whether these guys or the belgian version of fauci get so much attention, spout bullshit but never get any decent criticism because 'muh doctors degree'.

Engineers should rule the world desu.
.t engineer

>> No.18753593

I live in California you soft brain main stream news watching fuck wit.

Hospital is fucking empty. My nurse friend who is a guy say l they do now is secretly fuck each other and watch Netflix all day.

>> No.18753599

That is a brainlet comparison. Comparing raw numbers and not proportions of the whole population. Vietnam was 50 years ago, there were fewer Americans. 60k out of 200m and 60k out of 330m are not the same.

>> No.18753615

Stonks are up

>> No.18753655

This whole panic is going to look so embarassing a couple years from now. I will be proud to tell my future kids one day that i NEVER took the infamous corona hoax seriously, not even for a second

>> No.18753743

I live in the country with the absolute most corona deaths per capita, and our ICUs were only ever half occupied at the peak.

Remember NY and all the panic about overwhelmed hospitals?
Remember when Trump sent that hospital ship to NY?
The ship fucked off again after hardly seeing any patients.
It's all bull.

>> No.18753746

Same but in Argentina, nursing homes are overwhelmed and I know this personally.

>> No.18753783

i would gullitone fags like you first

>> No.18753790

My mother works in a nursing home, the only difference is she has to wear protective clothing.

>> No.18753791

Orange county has 1 cv19 icu case...

>> No.18753820

Overwhelmed from recording Tiktok dance videos?

>> No.18753828
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You were doing really well until
>muh engineers
Engineers are retarded. Who the fuck studies something you can just learn as a job? That's like having a degree in matlab.

>> No.18753887

dimwits like you don't understand what preventative measures are for.
you only have to deal with earthquakes in that limp dick state, but if you had any rationality left in your skull, you'd get that the point of prevention is to make sure the problem isn't as large.
you're like a retard, getting a storm warning, putting plywood over the windows, and sandbagging all the entrances, and then complaining that the roof of your house didnt get ripped off.
of course its not as bad as they predicted if no measures were taken, because measures were taken.

>> No.18753895

You're an idiot who doesn't know how to read a chart.

Protip: the X axis starts at 200.

>> No.18753905

soz, got you two meatheads mixed up.
the sentiment still applies.

>> No.18753921

>you only have to deal with earthquakes in that limp dick state
lmao, who the fuck are you talking to?

>of course its not as bad as they predicted if no measures were taken
I'm not talking about predictions.
I'm talking about actual pressure on ICUs, which was never an issue at all.

>> No.18754008

also >muh lockdown measures

The Netherlands are our direct neighbors to the north and their lockdown measures were instated much later than ours, and were always less strict, yet their corona death rate per capita is nearly A THIRD of ours.

Same with Sweden: much laxer lockdown and nearly a third of our corona death rate per capita.

Nearly all deaths are from old people, the vast majority even in nursing homes.
If our government had focused more on isolating them, and letting everyone else go about their business, the death rate would've been far lower.

>> No.18754011

Imagine saving a gif like this

>> No.18754027

>not talking about predictions
>disaster planning inherently is a prediction
>stocking hospitals is inherently a prediction
>this much double think
kys kook

>> No.18754055

Imagine being triggered by a gif like that.

>> No.18754060

The Jews killed our economy in 2009. It was a ten year pump and dump all along.

>> No.18754065

There are tons of horror stories going around about overwhelmed ICUs and wartime triage etc.
Yet the country with the absolute highest corona death rate per capita only saw HALF of its ICU capacity filled at peak.

Trump sent a military hospital ship to NY after all the ICU horror stories from there, and it barely saw anyone.

Obviously hospitals are hugely exaggerating for some reason, probably for funding.

>> No.18754104


>rate of death from flu .1%
>current mortality of covid-19 in US already at 5%

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.18754125

>postrationalizing the whole worlds motivations to fit your own personal paranoia
whew lad

>> No.18754137

We should have fucking made it a CHOICE to stay inside, not forced this bullshit. Old or have a health condition? Healthy, but live with a person at home who is old or has a condition? Then you can stay home, and the healthy people can go outside. If you choose to stay at home, you can apply for benefits/govt paid grocery delivery for the duration of the virus, while healthy people can continue to go out and businesses stay open.....Can someone explain why the fuck this wasn't done? Did any country do this?

>> No.18754210

I'm not postrationalizing the fact that ICU occupancy only reached 50% at peak in the worst-hit country in the world.

>> No.18754291

Because healthy people can still get permanent lung scarring from it, idk why the mortality rate alone is the metric everybody’s concerned about

>> No.18754316

ICU occupancy as you've quoted is for a country at a national level. Iowa isn't getting hit as hard as NY. you're not wrong per say, you're just abusing statistics to force an outcome you want to come to. ICU occupancy in the entire nation is at 50 percent because there are ICUs empty in the midwest

>> No.18754334

Can you stop with this lie??? A large portion of nurses and hospital staff are on furlough. The ones that are still there are overwhelmed cause the hospital is overworking them

>> No.18754349

if this isn't the best and most productive portion of life ever then what the fuck are you even doing with your time?

>> No.18754354
File: 310 KB, 753x516, corona covd19 deaths reporting certifying probable presumed likely suspected diagnosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current mortality of covid-19 in US already at 5%
Most of it is from NY, and they recently upped the number of infected by a factor of 10; from 250k to 27 million.
So you need to divide the mortality rate by a factor of 10.

"That would indicate a statewide death rate of about 0.5 percent."

And it's likely much lower still, considering the extremely loose corona death reporting rules from the CDC, pic related.

>> No.18754380

are you a smoker?

>> No.18754384

>ICU occupancy as you've quoted is for a country at a national level. Iowa isn't getting hit as hard as NY.
Belgium is like a US state with higher pop density.

>> No.18754386

When you idiots imagine old people you think of some worthless penniless granny in a retirement home. The decisions that are being made right now are to keep old politicians and rich cosmopolitan boomers from keeling over so they can live to jew us another day.

>> No.18754419

You can keep the elderly isolated without isolating young people too.
In fact, that would allow for much tighter isolation due to the concentration of resources (masks etc.).

>> No.18754430

Because people wouldn’t have taken it seriously and the whole point of “flattening the curve” would have been wasted. Now that the curve has been very well managed and we never had any shortages of rooms or vents we should do exactly as you’ve suggested; in fact we could have done it two weeks ago.

>> No.18754467

>muh lockdown measures
see >>18754008

>> No.18754473

you still have the choice to go outside, every country, even china, had the choice.
some countries have just raised the costs of making that choice.
no one is taking your ability to choose away from you.
you're just too much of the pussy to make the choice.

but since you asked, yeah these regulations are so that everyone can go back outside sooner.
look at china, they nipped it in the bud, and everyone complied, and now they go about their business with dirty foreigners threatening their public health.

>> No.18754497

There is no such thing as an emergency during a pandemic. These deaths are not comparative they are additional. They add strain to an already taxed system. Which is why he had stay at Home orders not to eliminate the virus but to flatten the curve for hospitals and infrastructure to give us time. You either go all the way with restrictions or you don't. Because half-assing when dealing with an easily spreadable virus that have a 14 day incubation period without showing symptom while being contagious is a problem. Hence why people parrot the wait two 2-weeks in regard to any change. Because that's how long it takes for the change to take place and be measured.
The question is basically for every person that gets sick how many people are they likely to infect.
The R-0.

Ebola: 2014: 1.51 - 2.53
H1N1 Influenza:, 2009: 1.46 - 1.48
Seasonal Influenza: 0.9 - 2.1
Measles: 12 - 18
Polio: 5 - 7
SARS: 1 - 2.75
Smallpox: 5 - 7
SARS-CoV-2 (causes COVID-19) 1.5 to 3.5.

>> No.18754511

without* dirty foreigners, but whatevs.

>> No.18754564
File: 2.72 MB, 360x640, nothing_to_do.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL no they aren't fucking liar fag.

>> No.18754569

That anon asked and I told him the government’s logic- doesn’t mean I agree with it. In fact I basically never agree with government “logic”.

>> No.18754586

it's a terrorist attack perpetrated by the (((media))).

>> No.18754632

Well then instruct your government to read >>18754008

>> No.18754640

>thinks he's an arbiter of political logic
>puts forth a position of "logic" that would easily get ripped apart by Hobbes' Leviathan.
way to go, you played yourself

>> No.18754666

>Because half-assing when dealing with an easily spreadable virus that have a 14 day incubation period without showing symptom while being contagious is a problem.
Not really.

The Netherlands and Sweden half-assed their restrictions compared to Belgium, yet Belgium has a per-capita corona mortality that's three times higher than them.

>> No.18754669

Meh I love trump and I thought it was funny. Get over yourself.

>> No.18754686
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lol imagine unironically believing that.

>> No.18754691

Except he didn't actually say "drink bleach".
He was pointing to bleach being an ingredient in things like vaccines.

>> No.18754716

That's the fault of liberalism. When you push an ideology of there being no difference between anyone you can't apply specific measures to specific groups. Look at how there's still opposition to banning gays ("men who have sex with men") from giving blood. The only thing saving our blood supply from that high risk group is that most blood donor organizations are private. If the government ran blood donation there'd have to be "equality under the law" and the whole thing would be worse for it.

>> No.18754737
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It's one big psyop

>> No.18754853
File: 25 KB, 403x438, brainlet-wojak-small-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Converting absolute lives to relative lives
>See hurr not eh so bad heh durr derp

>> No.18754932

>simping this hard
thats not what he said

>> No.18754933

stop postrationalizing, brainlet

>> No.18754948

I said he was "pointing to".

>> No.18754959

I’m saving it just to trigger you

>> No.18754961
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>> No.18754969

Only if you stop your Hineininterpretierung.

>> No.18754998

>hiding behind a shroud of weasel language

>> No.18755034

He did not say "drink bleach".
He was talking about bleach being an ingredient in things like vaccines.

>> No.18755150
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Asia flu 1957 - 1 million death on a 2.87 billion
Covid 2020 - 200 000 death on a 7.8 billion

You do the maths

Remember that 200k death is overestimated due to hospital getting trumpbux. It is not the same thing people (sick with cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular disease....) to die WITH coronavirus than to die OF coronavirus

We destroyed the world economy over a glorified flu. Our overlords wanted this to brainwash people for:
- vaccines
- cashless society (Revelations 13:17)
- authoritarian control (house arrest) and testing people sheeple compliance
- fear and polarization
- Universal Basic Income (what they give you, they will be able to take if you don't comply)

They create the crisis so they can come with their solutions (hegelian dialectic)

many more points which i am forgetting. all this done by a cabal of criminals and liars (WHO director, Fauci, etc...)

welcome to clown world...

>> No.18755167

Ok Karen

>> No.18755173

Are they overwhelmed with people sick as fuck or with people who think they're sick and show up and waste people's time and resources? There is a difference.

>> No.18755220
File: 133 KB, 1092x944, deaths-per-1M-pop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about Sweden

Pic is data from https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

From https://www.thespec.com/opinion/contributors/2020/04/22/why-canada-and-sweden-took-different-approaches-to-fighting-covid-19.html
>Having personally experienced the outbreak in both Sweden and Canada, I can understand the Swedish government’s confidence in a system based on trust. When the risk level was raised, despite a lack of law enforcement, fewer people could be seen in public spaces. Academic and research institutions were strongly urging working from home, and within a short time, meetings were being held online.

>The Swedes are betting everything on their rule-abiding citizens.

The case in sweden isn't about letting everyone do whatever the fuck they want to do, it's rather about telling people to take care of themselves, and trusting that they will do. Their policy is basically darwinist. And, from what I've read, that's not only because of their advisors, but because they don't have laws to impose force measures. They are now considering introducing them now, though.

Let's also consider that the Swedish, in general, are not too close to one each other, so their policy would work even without any laws or enforcement.

I don't think complete lockdowns are a solution, but I also don't think you can trust people if you really don't want them to die. So, IMO no one should use Sweden as an example here.

>> No.18755280

lmao no, hospitals all across the country right now have so few pts that all the staff is being furloughed

>> No.18755545

my brother is a med tech and he's happy he wasn't laid off like half of the staff.
they're afraid to tell everybody that this is a nothing burger and business has never been so slow, because they don't want to eat their words.

>> No.18755716

>people are dying and hospitals are overwhelmed
>we're seeing absolute carnage
>i worked 10+ hours treating dying patients
>oh but we also had time to make a fun tiktok video!!

these cringey fucking videos were proof enough for me that it's fake. outside of writing these posts, i don't give a single shit anymore. most if not all """people""' who believe in the hoax are shitlib faggots anyway. i got free trumpbux so whatever.

>> No.18755808

there is literally no covid 19, just reclassification and fixing of numbers, genetic material of this "covid" is everyone, listen to david icke the entire thing is a hoax

>> No.18755874

over a cold with a deathrate of 30% for boomers

>> No.18755908

swaggy swag
free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18755921

Now if we could flip a switch to kill anyone over the age of 40 that posts on 4chan id reckon that op would go mia

>> No.18755925

>responding to obvious bait

>> No.18756011

What an argument

>> No.18756176

Corona threads really bring out the glowies

>> No.18756202

uh, this doesn't confirm to the official narrative must be 100% false

>> No.18756240

... with TikTok ideas

>> No.18756334

>Lmao tell that to the nursing staff I work with
The nursing staff in your house wiping your ass and your chin don't count anon

>> No.18756343

Because they are all furloughed?

>> No.18756355

Hey retards

Got some bad news that hasnt been released officially into the public

People 30 to 50 are dropping dead from strokes and heart attacks in record numbers without it being attributed to covid.

Unofficially doctors are saying covid is actually a blood coagulating virus.
And the immune system attacks the body as well.
I know a 32 year old and a 36 year old who had no symptoms and died suddenly in my own life. JUST recently in a state that had had it the longest.


>> No.18756389

swaggy swag
free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18756403

>But I predict this realization will hit people in about 1-2 months.
it is hitting them now. roughly 1/3 of people are at breaking point in the US right now. A lot of shit will go down from crazy normie antics very soon if they don't lift shit. And it is going to have to be all at once, this gradual return/soft opening is not going to work with schools remaining closed in places and families fucked with having to work and care for children.

>> No.18756494
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By the time the year ends Covid will surpass the fluy at this rate you dumb nigger. It already surpassed several countries. Incubation time and asymptomatic + lack of testing will make this a nightmare. Add in anti vaccine retards and we are fucked.

>> No.18756527

Wtf i know 2 young people who died suddenly of heart attack this month, you're saying its covid?

>> No.18756555

swaggy swag
free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18756610


>> No.18756674

It's an economic controlled burn. They're out of ideas. They're hoping this will make the collapse more manageable down the line.

>> No.18756809

>swaggy swag
>free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18756961

>more likely to die in winter

damn, I never even put much thought into that.

>> No.18756966

Sweden had a lock down but they didnt call it a lock down. Schools were closed there and still are. You fuckheads have nodes wtf you are talking about

>> No.18756977

Did you not watch the OP video you little liberal faggot? The death rate is less than 1 percent. Basically no one's actually fucking dying. Stop being a faggot and go back to pol

>> No.18756984

Sweden's lockdown measures are a joke compared to Belgium's.

>> No.18757015

Sweden didnt want to upset the Somalie

>> No.18757024

fuck me american rightwingers are so fucking retarded

this thread is batshit insane

>> No.18757097

>>swaggy swag
>>free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18757140
File: 123 KB, 900x626, nchs-mortality-report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Measles has a 0.3% CFR also

>> No.18757144

why do you think america is one of the most fundamentally btfo by this thing?

republicans need to fuck off and we need a new Dem split to replace it.

>> No.18757157

ctrl-F QLP

try harder faggot

>> No.18757172

>>>swaggy swag
>>>free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18757176

>Not Buying the Dip
Stay poor faggot
This was a good thing.
There is still time for you to make gains on this.

>> No.18757184
File: 109 KB, 1100x1077, 5e7cf7d8487c2273757162f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you think america is one of the most fundamentally btfo by this thing?
u wot m8?

>> No.18757194

Lmao my nigga, theyre the same people who convinced themselves that Donald Trump "is smart" and "knows things" and "read or takes in new information".. all while calling themselves patriots.
There is no low they wont stoop to.

>> No.18757195

The economy was already going to take a massive plunge, and covid-19 isn't a cold.

Yea, and roughly 20-50 million people were dying from disease single year before WWII - why did barely that many extra people dying in 5 years upset the world so much? As it turns out, entirely novel and sudden changes to the human population are a bigger deal than the shit you're used to dealing with. It's kind of like the fact that my house is technically breaking down slowly around me - I can handle the fact that I have to replace some piping here, replace some external trim there for the $20-$100 at a time that such a thing might take, but if something smashes my front windows now I'm out $1000 minimum.

It killed that many people with all the restrictions we've made to handle it. Is it really that hard to understand that the 50k or so dead would have been a significantly larger number?

>> No.18757206

>>>>swaggy swag
>>>>free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18757212

>Not Buying the Dip
Who said I didn't? I'm actually making way more money than before.

>> No.18757230
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>> No.18757239

>>>>>swaggy swag
>>>>>free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18757252
File: 143 KB, 1149x1200, ES4EbUlXsAIMmX8.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I KEPT TELLING YOU IT WAS A COMMON COLD. We literally just drove our economy off a cliff and gave all of our rights away to authoritarians because ALL OF YOU were too stupid to think for yourself.

Sincerely thanks. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.18757272
File: 48 KB, 1446x241, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>covid-19 isn't a cold
Yes it is, retard.

>> No.18757271

>dude just lock up the majority of wealth in the other 80% of the population in estate court proceedings for the next decade lmao whats the worst that can happen?
>dude, just tank 15% of 40% of the population who also happen to be the largest group of investors and spenders in the nation whats the worst that can happen lmao
>dude lmao haha
This is you. This is how stupid you sound.

>> No.18757295


>> No.18757310
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>> No.18757372

>gun shot wounds are really just complicated stab wounds
Okay, I thought I was talking to a person instead of a subhuman. My bad, you got me.

>> No.18757384


>> No.18757393

you forgot the last part
>dude, I'm 40 years older now, you can't just kill me off with bad public health decision making.

>> No.18757469

I'm trying to target what I can. If any of these denialists had any capability for forethought, we wouldn't even be having these discussions in the first place. It's nothing but particularly myopic navel gazing, I don't imagine any of them have even considered the long-term precedents set outside of
>gubment bad when tell me do thing

>> No.18757475

Your reading comprehension is phenomenal

>> No.18757480

also https://www.corriere.it/politica/20_marzo_26/the-real-death-toll-for-covid-19-is-at-least-4-times-the-official-numbers-b5af0edc-6eeb-11ea-925b-a0c3cdbe1130.shtml

not him, but yes, it could be. no idea about the bloog coagulating thing, but the virus makes people die from an overreactive defensive system that destroys organs, and from lack of oxygen, among other things:

>> No.18757511

It's demonstrably better than yours, simpleton.

>> No.18757537

is this schizo posting or some shit?

>> No.18757558

Encapsulates the American lifestyle

>> No.18757588

>Why yes I am 40 plus and Troll liberals on Reddit. How could you tell
You people practically come with a buzzer

>> No.18757632

This is a really inconvenient topic.

>> No.18757635

Again no one cares about the meme rights you had and the card board economy you old fucks left us with

>> No.18757660


>> No.18757675

>>>>>>swaggy swag
>>>>>>free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18757706

>If you choose to stay at home, you can apply for benefits/govt paid grocery delivery for the duration of the virus, while healthy people can continue to go out and businesses stay open.....Can someone explain why the fuck this wasn't done? Did any country do this?

Then healthy people would spread it to others which will find its way to the unhealthy people quarantined (not everyone lives alone) and there will be unhealthy people who thought they were healthy only to find themselves in serious hotwater thanks to Coronachan. You can't have only some people follow the rules. It's either all or nothing.

>> No.18757791

>I KEPT TELLING YOU IT WAS A COMMON COLD. We literally just drove our economy off a cliff and gave all of our rights away to authoritarians because ALL OF YOU were too stupid to think for yourself.

My little anon can't be this fucking stupid.

>> No.18757859

>>>>>>>swaggy swag
>>>>>>>free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18757961

The vietcong never slaughtered thousands of American civilians on their own soil, they stayed in the jungle and everyone back home had nothing to worry about. That’s what made 9/11 such a big deal, Americans have rarely gotten the warzone taken to them. This is also an enemy that is invisible to everyone, not some third world nigger running around with an AK that can be dealt with by a single bullet.

>> No.18757990

oh man, we got an expert virologist here. discussion is over, everyone go back to working

>> No.18758118

The biggest problem is that we still don't know everything about the virus. You can post your bullshit screenshots that you got out your ass but it doesn't mean anything. The only reason it isn't as bad as predicted is because people began to social distance and stay inside. Until we know everything about the virus it's not unreasonable to take precaution. Not a full shutdown, however. It's clear that this shit spreads faster than flu which is the issue here not necessarily the mortality rate. More infections = more people in the hospital and more strain on the system. It has been disproven again and again that the virus affects everyone. It just happens to be more deadly in boomers

>> No.18758141

I see you were just trying to enjoy the beach and grow some vegetables. How dare you kill grandma, prison for you.

>> No.18758298
File: 92 KB, 716x739, CDC-mortality-rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No change in the number of mortalites from last year, even with a 2 week lag in new Covid hoax results.

>> No.18758325

>waaah waaah i cant go to the beach for a little while

>> No.18758395

Why do people keep reposting these idiot doctors talk shit for an hour? They literally don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

I am not saying the coronavirus was not overblown, but if you let these retards be "the face of truth" when they are so obviously biased and uninformed, it will only discredit anyone trying to offer a counter argument about lockdown.

These guys are fucking stupid and anyone who believe a word they say is fucking stupid. Covid may be no worse than common cold, but that doesn't mean these guys know what the fuck they are talking about, use some common sense.

>> No.18758421


>> No.18758463
File: 79 KB, 400x400, 1580937208396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where? I'll send you 1 BTC if you can prove an overrun hospital from CCPflu anywhere in California you larping faggot.

>> No.18758538

This. Don't do social distancing and you get a higher infection rate and people are mad.

Do social distancing and the infection rate is lower, but all people see is "it wasn't that bad" and are mad.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

>> No.18758559
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No dumbass, this (((economy))) is a jewed to shit, I couldn't give less of a fuck about it. At this point this corona shit was a cover up to a failing economy anyways.

>> No.18758596
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>> No.18758622

better sound

>> No.18758623

If you believe this shit, I've got a bridge to sell you.

>> No.18758636

Then just go out at your own risk. I’m alright if a few million normies die because they wanna go to the mall. It’s no sweat off my ass, I’ll still stay home and then I can just inherit whatever they leave behind after they perish.

>> No.18758666

>nurse friend who is a guy

>> No.18758677
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>> No.18758691

no we didn't faggot.. it was already dead and now retards like you are giving them a scapegoat.

>> No.18758715
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>> No.18758725
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Don't be a retard.


>> No.18758763

>>>>>>>>swaggy swag
>>>>>>>>free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18758768

>overwhelmed af in California
Lol imagine the smell, that's what you get for sucking off tacobenders

>> No.18758806

I'm going based of a dad whose a doctor (and his organization's internal emails) and a sister who specializes in epidemiology.

>> No.18758810

only if you believe official numbers.

>> No.18758821
File: 1.14 MB, 2524x1440, Screenshot_20200326-114013_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were once able to buy a home with only 1 person working, now a home in Oregon is say ~250k and the average wage is 35k. The economy is fucking you in the ass.

>> No.18758833

If it's nothingburger then why is the medical system overloaded?

>> No.18758847

Im from the town these two guys are from, its known for being the retard capital of california, terrible air quality, terrible education standards, high rates of obesity(even relative to the rest of the US), etc.

Whats more likely, that these 2 medical practicioners who run a care center out of a building that used to be a Hollywood Video(not even a blockbuster) figured out something that no other medical scientist has figured out yet(keep in mind these guys aren't scientists or even trained in statistics, they're regular doctors who are shit at science, only know how to remember bones in the body and most likely causes of most likely diagnosis), or that they donated 50k to Kevin McCarthy(who's our congressman) and got access to the incestuous abortion that is the republican party to be used to fit the narrative the Fox News wants to run?

Go to /sci/ and read some of the threads there on how bad these guys are at interpreting data. Just really amateur shit.

>> No.18758848
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>> No.18758853

I love how all you brainwashed niggers are so happy to give away all our inalienable constitutional rights over a fucking cold. Go fuck off Karen.

>> No.18758856

So what do you believe then? Do you know how viruses spread?

>> No.18758862

>they did a dance for literally a few minutes

>>>>>>THEREFORE the whole virus is a hoax and every world leader is conspiring to trick us, the real MAGAMEN

>> No.18758871

You fucking brainlet degenerate.

Of course your deadbeat nurse buddy has "nothing to do" during pandemic. Not every retard in scrubs is qualified to work in ICUs and non-COVID hospital admissions are hitting rock bottom because people are afraid of catching it.

>> No.18758942

Lol this shit is so obvious, this board really is fucking stupid.

>> No.18758966

Why would I not know how viruses spread? Does knowing how viruses spread imply that covid-19 specifically is a world ending plague? Are you just typing dumb shit on purpose?

>> No.18758985

California republicuckism is a special brand of retardation. See: Huntington Beach. An overpriced town of scum and villainy, occupied entirely by hippies-turned-conservatives who combine the worst of both spectrums.

>> No.18759005 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18759026 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18759059

When did I say that it was a world ending plague?It has potential to kill and infect more than the flu is what I said

>> No.18759097
File: 339 KB, 900x642, 1580853409316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish we cared enough about goyim to kill you.

>> No.18759156

Do you know how to tie a pair of shoes?

>> No.18759165
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>> No.18759172

>>>>>>>>>swaggy swag
>>>>>>>>>free mones lol swag sh B real

>> No.18759188

Imagine getting upset by a gif like this

>> No.18759212
File: 58 KB, 317x218, 1586646797253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No goy the bankers, politicians and media members don't control the country, YOU do

>> No.18759273

>The jews are inferior to us!
>Yet they somehow keep outsmarting us and manipulating us despite making up a tiny percentage of the population

Maybe the Jews are the real Ubermensch.

>> No.18759366

You can't drop the omega redpill without preparation that's like going in dry.

>> No.18759392

>>The jews are inferior to us!
I never said this
>>Yet they somehow keep outsmarting us and manipulating us despite making up a tiny percentage of the population
Why do Jews confuse nepotism and corruption with actual ability? You're not talented or even smart because you can lie, sorry. That's like saying someone that robbed someone's house when they were gone is superior, you're just being retarded.
>Maybe the Jews are the real Ubermensch
Not everyone against you retards is a Nazi, I can still call out your bullshit when I see it. That's why Israel has to ask the US for help literally any country in the West for help. If they were superior like you said they wouldn't want or even need it.

>> No.18759579


>> No.18759637

Let’s see some numbers to back this up, my dad works at Nintendo and he just told me your brother is full of shit

>> No.18759659
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>> No.18759750
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>> No.18759754

Lmaoing at my friends locking themselves in tiny apartments and playing animal crossing so they feel like “responsible citizens” while I have taken 3 round trip flights now. Lake beaches in CA are all packed as are national parks, no one is wearing masks at these places. The streets are empty and it’s fun to drive and bike them, public transport is chill and safer now, the weather is nice and everything is calmer. The virus never enters my mind until I see a sign or something talking about it. I hesitate to call it a hoax but it’s not a big deal.

>> No.18759911

And in the winter of 2017 and the one of 2018, the flu caused the actual numbers of deaths rise about 90 people/day higher than the expected number of deaths.
Now with corona, that is already about 300 and the latest data might not be in yet.
Therefore my statement
>it's at least three times as deadly, probably five times as deadly.

>> No.18759932

>(((jounalists))) know more about the disease than the actual medical professionals in the front line
I can see your nose through your post btw you kike

>> No.18760027


>> No.18760162
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>> No.18760183

About as many as died over the last 30 days in the US from covid19 with massive social distancing

>> No.18760252

What’s inflating the death numbers though is it absolutely ravaging nursing homes. Like if one person gets it at one the whole place just gets emptied out. The problem is that the actions of normal people don’t really affect this, so why should we be punished?

>> No.18760257


Good, go catch it and die so we don't have to suffer you low IQ subhumans.

>> No.18760310

I’m a healthy 28 year old man. Im pretty sure I’m fine you brainwashed libshit

>> No.18760396
File: 342 KB, 680x350, NlC8aVr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m a healthy 28 year old man. Im pretty sure I’m fine you brainwashed libshit

>> No.18760420

>he doesn’t know

>> No.18760477

Had me going for a few minutes because he can express himself very well, but he is a retard.
For example he says
>number of confirmed cases are x
>number of test is y
>so the true number of cases is c=(x/y)*p with p being the population
>that gives us a deathrate of p/c

The vast majority of tests are done on people with covid symptoms and/or contact with infected people. So the percentage of the tested that are postiove absolutely cannot be extrapolated onto the entire population.

>> No.18760496

You'll be back at work soon, the unemployment gravy train will be over

>> No.18760530

>he said, weighing 150kg and just having consumed his 4th pepsi of the day

>> No.18760583

Whatever makes you feel better buddy

>> No.18760621

>Revelations 13:17

Shut the fuck up lol

>> No.18760653

>what is high viral load

>> No.18760677

>implication that it wasn't the entire point of the charade

>> No.18760693

It was all a plot for the old money to get in Link low. They were FURIOUS that they had missed it and they simply couldn't let it go.

Hint: Recent dump to $0.001

>> No.18760772

Engineers, like doctors are plug and chug Pajeet-brained simpletons that lack basic numeracy and understanding of statistics.
>sample the most heavily affected group
>death rate suddenly skyrockets to 3-5%

>> No.18760784

Primary schools are still open, high schools and universities are closed. Businesses are still open for the most part including gyms and restaurants. "Lockdown" is locking people in their houses (needing papers to go out or only being able to travel within 2 km like here in Ireland) and also closing all "non-essential" business which Sweden didn't do. Yeah they shut down a handful of restaurants for not obeying social distancing rules. Their measures are nowhere near as draconian as other places.

>> No.18760823

Tick tock goyim

>> No.18760828

Jews killed the economy in 1908

>> No.18760918

> sacrifice the old instead of my job
I expect that you try to make the argument that you should be prioritized by pointing to some imagined "benefit for society" perspective. But what if it turns out you are the largely meaningless one to the economy? What if not being able to go to work means your job wasn't that important, less important in fact than the remaining purchasing power of people who made it to the point of surviving into their 80s. They have experience. They have money. You are probably a debt ridden drain on our economy. What if it turns out the "societal benefit" argument doesn't work in your favor? Will you still be as gung-ho about simply dismissing unprofitable sectors of the population to let them die (old people from covid vs you from starving). What if the decision is up to society and people in general simply put greater value on their granny than on you? I mean, they don't even know you, why would they care if you can't make rent? I'm sure most people would prefer their granny lives if the price to pay is that a useless leech like you will live on the streets. It's not very compassionate, granted, but you have already demonstrated that you are not very compassionate either, so it all works out.

>> No.18760950

God I fucking hate nurses, they're basically welfare niggers like police except they suck your dick instead of insisting that you suck theirs at gunpoint

>> No.18760960

imagine killing all kikes in Israel very slowly

>> No.18761005

Nice false flag Schlomo, it's a clever tactic. Tell the truth whilst painting your self as an unreliable actor, thus tarnishing all who see past an obvious scam as some sort of schizophrenic

>> No.18761018

>You're not talented or even smart because you can lie, sorry. That's like saying someone that robbed someone's house when they were gone is superior, you're just being retarded.
What kind of COPE am I reading here? Success is the only measure of success in this country, anon. Some "work hard and pull yourself up by your bootstraps" boomerspeak is an opiate for people too dumb to realize they're being exploited. If you rob someone of a $1000 and get away with, some Christian moral about having to feel bad about taking things doesn't suddenly remove $1000 from your possession. Whatever dirty trick you think kikes used to get to the top, doesn't change the fact they're at the top. Likewise, being a 180 IQ Gigachad doesn't mean shit if you make $25k a year and can't get laid.
>That's why Israel has to ask the US for help literally any country in the West for help.
It's free money since the US can't suck zionist cock hard enough.

>> No.18761039

Shut the fuck up wagie

>> No.18761133

Gunshot wounds are fundamental different to stab wounds so your analogy doesn't really hold uo.

>> No.18761167


>> No.18761187

You can't compare the two seasons because there is a lockdown.

>> No.18761192


>> No.18761288
File: 165 KB, 645x773, 1587256282471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Success is the only measure of success in this country

>> No.18761321

pearls before swine

>> No.18761611
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1513745576193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they work kern county
>one of the biggest pieces of shit in CA apart fom the eastern edge
>literally filled with hicks who moved there in the dust bowl from oklahoma
>what's more it's also basically mexico but with more pollution from the oil fields
>that's a valid sample size/demographic to extrapolate data from

what the fuck is wrong with these retards lmao apparently doctors can be dipshits too

>> No.18761700

/pol/ utterly btfo

name one (1) jew you know personally that actually talks about the holocaust
I can't for the life of me and I know a fair amount of jewish people here in portland

>> No.18761807

>Whatever dirty trick you think kikes used to get to the top, doesn't change the fact they're at the top
Like I said if you rob someone and become rich that doesn't make you better than them.

>> No.18761983

>Likewise, being a 180 IQ Gigachad doesn't mean shit if you make $25k a year and can't get laid.
Fucking retard, what the fuck does this have to do with anything
>It's free money since the US can't suck zionist cock hard enough
That's true but look at how much AIPAC lobbies, the entire point of this shit was to call out corruption. If I had said "You know the elite that run the media, government and corporations are really keeping the average person down", even if it is cliche at this point I would be hard pressed to find anyone that would go "BUT IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT YOU CAN'T BLAME OTHER PEOPLE FOR HOW YOUR LIFE IS". But as soon as I call out who's responsible I see all these people bitching about "NOOO YOU FUCKING /POL/ACK GO BACK".

>> No.18762007

And Sars2 is fundamentally different to a common cold in all but the most topical comparisons. Comparing the two is like comparing a common gecko to a komodo dragon.
Gun shot wounds feature projecting an often pointed object with high energy inside the human body, which is a stab wound by any other name. So long as saying covid-19 is literally "just a cold" is acceptable, then a gun shot wound is really just a complex stab wound. If we aren't taking consideration of all of the actual differences that make them almost entirely dissimilar and only focusing on the most broadly-definable similarities, then a gunshot wound is a stab wound, a gecko is a komodo dragon, and covid-19/Sars2 is the common cold.

>> No.18762030

checked. and it's not. we have a surplus of supplies now.

>> No.18762055

I’ve had it twice lmao it’s not that bad

>> No.18762087

Nice bro I was actually there when the virus started in Wuhan I fought it 3 times

>> No.18762284

you're an absolute retard and you think you're smart writing this post. I can't even start somewhere...
you're comparing an ongoing, underreported, and heavily suppressed (shutdowns) epidemic with something over.
you're the clown

>> No.18762316

I propose a law where we can snatch happooning faggots from their musty dens and string them up on lamposts and lynch them.

>> No.18762360

>Fucking retard, what the fuck does this have to do with anything
Was illustrating the point that having traits that make you "superior" according to brainlets means nothing when they don't bring you success.
>I had said "You know the elite that run the media, government and corporations are really keeping the average person down", even if it is cliche at this point I would be hard pressed to find anyone that would go "BUT IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT YOU CAN'T BLAME OTHER PEOPLE FOR HOW YOUR LIFE IS".
I didn't say it was your fault. I said you can't call those people inferior if, by all the measures of success in the society you live, they are more successful than you. We know nepotism is not fair but it works. LARPing that the people winning the game, who don't meet some unrelated criteria which has zero impact on said game, somehow are not winners is pathetic and pointless.

>> No.18762519

Shutting down the economy was just needed to trigger a 1929 style great depression where the ultra rich will be able to buy everything on the cheap again.

>> No.18762529

>I said you can't call those people inferior if, by all the measures of success in the society you live, they are more successful than you.
I've already said I never called them inferior. And saying "Well they're successful based off the society we live in" and being opposed to any other metric just because it happens to be what "we" all believe is retarded.
>We know nepotism is not fair but it works
Are you even trying to hide it anymore? Good fucking lord. Nepotism, by definition, is not based off of merit which basically renders your argument that a Jew's success is based off of their own merit meaningless.

>> No.18762539

>be a slave to the jooz
>"they are not superior!"

>> No.18762553


>> No.18762657

>>I said you can't call those people inferior if, by all the measures of success in the society you live, they are more successful than you.
>I've already said I never called them inferior. And saying "Well they're successful based off the society we live in" and being opposed to any other metric just because it happens to be what "we" all believe is retarded.
What metrics anon? If they control the elite positions in the country by your own admission what meaningful metrics are jews failing at?
>>We know nepotism is not fair but it works
>Are you even trying to hide it anymore? Good fucking lord. Nepotism, by definition, is not based off of merit which basically renders your argument that a Jew's success is based off of their own merit meaningless.
Merit doesn't impact success. That's some moral handicap you've put on yourself.

>> No.18762681

>Get shot by a nigger

>> No.18762719

It makes you richer and more successful than them, which most people would say is better. You gonna buy a house with honesty?

>> No.18762761

>Merit doesn't impact success. That's some moral handicap you've put on yourself
Then what was the point you were making at >>18759097? This whole time you've been arguing that.

>> No.18762763

Where are last years numbers on your chart?

>> No.18762817

These aren’t even medical doctors. Nice scientific source.

>> No.18762820

Can you not read the fucking trips? And you wonder why jews outsmart you.

>> No.18762847

>It makes you richer and more successful than them, which most people would say is better
But that doesn't make that person better than someone. My whole point is taking advantage of someone doesn't make them superior. Like stealing 1 million dollars, you didn't create that wealth you just took it from someone else.

>> No.18762910

>Can you not read the fucking trips? And you wonder why jews outsmart you.
You were the one arguing against my point in a different conversation with another anon, my entire point was based off what he said not what you fucking said.

>> No.18763189

By my math the robber is better than the person getting robbed by approximately $1 million unless/until the robber is punished. By what metric, that translates to success in our society, is the person that got robbed better than the robber?
Because conversations can go different directions and another person that comes along and quibbles with what you had said is not married to an argument they didn't make. I don't know how I can make my point any clearer as I restated it several times now. What someone that isn't me said has nothing to do with my point.

>> No.18763359

Read "player piano" from Vonnegut

>> No.18763390

Across a population of 7+ Billion-
Nice maths though, you fucking fag.
-Get a calculator out.
-Enter your MASSIVE number, in fact add 10000 just for fun, make it 75,000
-Now divide that by this, are you ready? Here you go: 7,000,000,000.
-Multiply that by 100
-Report your answer immediately, faggot.

>> No.18763659

they are moron.

>> No.18763805

I'm going to assume all the normies who think this shit is real, are the same normies who bought things like XRP, LTC, and TRON over LINK.

>> No.18763912

And all the ones who think its fake loaded up on USO and UAVs

>> No.18763992
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I remember going to the hospital as a kid for the common flu and getting put in a body bag in advance haha yeah good times anyways this thing is a hoax and please cough on me

>> No.18764188

this shit is real, shutting down the whole economy for that was not. but it was just an excuse for the big crash

>> No.18764200


>> No.18764239

>We are really killing our economy and our careers because of this.

Yeah but now the Fed can print endlessly and the line on the graph goes parabolic. Exactly what the kikes wanted

>> No.18764275

>but it was just an excuse for the big crash

They sacrificed the real economy to retrace the stock market a bit and then pump it higher with endless QE. Think about how evil that is.

>> No.18764286

Why are you so desperate to discredit the protection of your own safety and your neighbors for the sake of a job that doesn't even pay you that well?

>> No.18764862

>Buys life insurance
>Bullshit! What a waste of money, I haven't even died yet.

>> No.18764987
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>votes against better healthcare protection and nationalized healthcare
>turns to crowd funding to cover medical expenses

>> No.18765081

This is what spending two months glued to CNN does to your brain.

>> No.18765160

When did a Flu kill 60k people in one and a half months? In the USA.

>> No.18765228
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man you really got me haha :^)

>> No.18765340

you didn't watch the video. there is a statistical bias that is mentioned.

>> No.18765405
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 2332AB80-B1ED-4A11-B40B-5FC2A510A6D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try. Seriously, nice try.

>> No.18765409
File: 37 KB, 384x290, wagey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just drink bleach and go to work bro

>> No.18765492

>thinking I'm a trump supporter
You should take some time to look at something other then Reddit or Buzzfeed. I'm guessing you don't have the attention span to watch the video in the OP, do you?

>> No.18765730


>> No.18765760

libereral doomer regurgitated nonsense

>> No.18765810

how are these guys more believable than every single media outlet?
i have no knowledge of medicine. how would someone like myself know if china virus is a meme or not??

>> No.18765877
File: 536 KB, 1500x1000, WUHAN-CHINA-VIRUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did see it and it was 2 nurses with big arms arguing that shutting down the economy completely is a foolish way to go about with quarantine.

Which is weird, because the low numbers can be attributed to the very fact that we are undergoing quarantine, despite which we we have ROUGHLY 3 times as many dead from this than the next few countries down.

But im supposed to trust the average American who doesn't understand the immune system and refuses to research the realities of the coronavirus -a coronavirus that can live on surfaces for an average of 3 days and clings to air particulates- with my own personal safety and those around me? the whole globe is undergoing quarantine and trying to mitigate the amount of deaths but the uneducated American who thinks the world revolves around him -in a country with the highest amount of deaths on home turf- argues we should just go to work and play it by ear, anyways. Because 2 dudes in scrubs says something less scary.

this is some psyop bullshit being perpetuated by morons who think that you can just work your way through a pandemic, with the endgoal being an massive weakening of our peoples health and a destabilization of our country.
If you think an economic impact is bad, imagine unmitigated viral spread in "the most powerful country on earth" that would open us up to attack on home turf. Our military is already affected by coronavirus, why not fuck up the average civilian and spread it as far as possible? Lets just operate like a pig farm until either the virus culls us or the government does.

It's so tiresome trying to argue a point to people who believe what they want.
Honestly, I hope they reopen the country.

>> No.18765969

All deaths that they can pin on corona are getting called codona.
Also, they are murdering people to push the covid 19 lie.

>> No.18765972
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Who am I going to listen to - faggots from /pol/ who:

1.) Barely mustered 2.00 GPA in high school
2.) Dropped out of community college
3.) Spend all day on 4chan posting on /pol/
4.) Probably lives at home with mom
5.) Probably works a minimum wage job

Or the President of the United States, and the Governor of New York? Who, just looking at the data, has a track record of making good decisions? Why should I listen to some dickhead, who's extent of research consists of a (1) YouTube video and (2) (((boogeyman))) accusations?

>> No.18766019

Since you are a conformist bootlicker the answer is obvious. You will do exactly as you are told, you jew.

>> No.18766050

A child's case of flu gets into an old folks prison and at least 5 of them are dying.
Covid gets in there and no one dies.
It's a fucking worldwide fraud.

>> No.18766074

>"pneumonia" deaths basically tripled in april from 3 months ago

>> No.18766119
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>> No.18766195

>China killed their economy over a cold
>Russia killed their economy over a cold
>Saudi Arabia killed their economy over a cold
>India killed their economy over a cold
>Iran killed (what's left of) their economy over a cold

Maybe you believe Western governments just place too much value on human life or something (lol) but if you actually think the countries I listed wouldn't shovel 1 million people into a ditch for an extra 2% of GDP growth you're just delusional. And yet they shut their countries down.

>> No.18766200

said the Bakersfield, CA doctor. The reason hes not at a big city University Hospital ?

>> No.18766209

Buddy. You think the bible thumpers are going to stand for this shit?
The kykes?
The sandniggers?
This shit will be over before it g ts off the ground.

>> No.18766248

>who is more believable?
>medical professionals at the front line
Try actually using your brain for once

>> No.18766264

Muslim countries have shut down the mosques, cancelled Ramadan celebrations, the Mecca receives no visitors (air travel is banned anyway) and they're literally beating up people who go out in the street.

>> No.18766266
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lmfao, no wonder you think it's real. It's so tiresome arguing with actual smooth brained mongoloids who don't look at any of the sources they criticize. Why is the CDC system for diagnosing so incredibly loose? Since I know you haven't browsed the thread at all, or read anything here, I'll point you to the post. >>18754354

>> No.18766277

Appeal to authority?
Remember, Hitler ran a pretty tight ship as well.

>> No.18766300

They are in on a world wide fraud to enforce slavery on the populace.
If you're gonna lie. Lie big

>> No.18766312

Hitler's the college dropout in the analogy you know.

>> No.18766337

They already enslaved their population, what do they get out of it exactly? What does North fucking Korea get out of it? They were trying to open their country a bit to bring in tourismbux and now it's all closed.

>> No.18766338

You think the sandniggers are going to put up with this shit for much longer?
They dont get shit from their governments and they are willing to die for a cause.
I'm interested in how bad it's going to get.
If they get help from any foreign power the look will not be good.

>> No.18766367

>Lmao tell that to the nursing staff I work with they’re overwhelmed af in California
bullshit. I know multiple nurses here and they're bored out of their minds because there's nothing to do. That's why they opened up the hospitals to new cases.

>> No.18766379
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The same people who think the New World Order will actually play out are the ones who go against their own government's lite-lockdown.

lol yeah all these vastly different nations that can't even garner the full support of their own people are suddenly going to rally everyone on planet Earth under the same banner.

Btw whats everyone's favorite flavor of lead water? lmao

>> No.18766378

>If they get help from any foreign power the look will not be good.
What do you mean? I thought all governments were in on it? Why would foreign powers support rebels against the quarantine?

And for now they're staying pretty quiet, actually. You don't realize they're used to living under oppressive dictatorships and wartime conditions.

>> No.18766380

Hes more successful and ran his country better then trump.
Trump is the slave of banks and Cuomo is a scumbag mugging for political points.
I'm not for nazis and Hitler but facts are facts

>> No.18766396

Crush small businesses the population and bring in the virtual currency.
Also call the syndrome that's caused by 5g a virus.
Tell me.
What kind of virus cant be detected with a blood sample?

>> No.18766416

>syndrome caused by 5G
haha fuck you're a legit schizo

>> No.18766425

the jewish media also have doctors and nurses saying its bad tho

>> No.18766459

Its true.
Look up the symptoms for exposure to high frequency 5g.
Just ignore the constant 5g isn't causing covid articles google will throw at you.

>> No.18766482

it gives you pneumonia?

>> No.18766552

No. But most cases of flu and pneumonia are claimed to be covid 19.
Even letting people die who have it so they can put them on a covid death list.
This happens.

>> No.18766604

New York had a thousand people dying at times.
Do the nurses need to stop in-between hauling people into refrigerated trucks to confirm, without any doubt, that someone died because of coronavirus to satisfy you?
even if the process took 5 minutes to confirm the corpse in front of you died from a pandemic that is ravaging your city, that would add an additional 83 hours for every 1000 dead if done 1 at a time.

Maybe you're a little too biased in thinking you're smarter than the average retard??

>> No.18766776


Oh wait let me guess, fags like you always say I'll have to "Google it" and just know exactly which one you're talking about.

>> No.18766816

See the big empty conferencd table

>> No.18766823

I guess all those dancing nurse tiktok videos mean nothing? And I live in a "highly affected" area (northern NJ) and I have heard less sirens in the past two months then I have ever heard in my life. I have driven to hospitals close by to see for myself, and they are fucking dead. So no, I'm not seeing any of this "ravaging" even though I'm in prime territory to see it. And yeah, they should take the time to confirm it rather then inflating the numbers to keep a narrative afloat. Let me guess, you live in bumblefuck nowhere and can't go see this stuff for yourself? Maybe you're a little too retarded to think for yourself?

>> No.18766857

People irl have told this tale. People know other people who've had this happen

>> No.18766893
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Its almost like there's a nationwide quarantine going on and there is less opportunity than ever for people to hurt themselves, or something like that.
how weird.

But the tiktoks tho!

>> No.18767023

But this pandemic is sickening and killing millions!!!

>> No.18767063

Holy shit this thread gave me Corona-Aids

>> No.18767064
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>actually unironically believing this
Man, europeans are actually so incredibly dumb. Thinking doctors are nurses, not taking first hand experience into account, ignoring that the death rates are basically the same as last year, ignoring that every other reason for death has gone down due to the stat padding for COVID...

>> No.18767159

208,000 cases considered hospitalized,
divided by 6146 hospitals in America
is about 33 cases in each hospital if spread out completely equally.
Which it isnt.

I dont need to be European to think you're an idiot.
I'm an American who thinks you're an idiot.

Be the true contrarian hero you strive to be and lick some doorknobs

>> No.18767268

>ignores everything posted once again
I'm going to listen to the dude who can't tell the difference between a nurse and a doctor, who can't look at sources outside the mainstream, and who wont even listen to all the sources posted here that disprove literally everything you're trying to backup. Lol.

>> No.18767341

Since this is a business board, how much money have you made here? you sound incredibly smart so I'm sure it's a lot :)