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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 800x533, ethereum32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18747880 No.18747880 [Reply] [Original]

Don't miss out on staking /biz/!

>> No.18747887

I have 2 and I make $1k/month

I will never achieve 32 before staking

>> No.18747894

Same here.

Also I justed myself, when I started to swing. I had 3.3 ETH and now have 1.5.

Pain doesnt go away...

>> No.18747901

we will be left behing

>> No.18747976

Nah fren, ETH still cheap. Just buy as much as you can and keep fucking buying.

I realized that when I lost half of my ETH, that it doesnt really matter at these price levels, just buy and hold until few thousands dollars.

>> No.18747999

All you need is 16 ETH to run your own staking pool through Rocketpool.

>> No.18748020

it is a nice cope but I want my own node

>> No.18748035

You do run your own node and validator through Rocketpool. The only difference is that you contribute 16 instead of 32, and the joiners pay you a portion of their gains. You make more by running a validator through RP than you would independently.

>> No.18748051

Try leveraging on aave or compound

>> No.18748054


32....ETH. hahahaha. I still have 1,300 of this shit from when I bought it for $1.

Thanks for buying my bags.

Don't forget to not buy CKB under a penny.

>> No.18748201

$200 by end of yesterday, CALLED IT

>> No.18748243

>You make more by running a validator through RP than you would independently

>> No.18748577
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I only have 1 ETH

>> No.18748596


>> No.18748714

Read the wp. RocketPool is the first decentralized staking pool token for eth 2.0. To make it decentralized, there has to be a mechanism to attract node operators on the platform (because why would you else run a node on RocketPool if you can run 1 for yourself?). RocketPool has been working since 2016 on it and it's in the testing phase as we speak, backed by consensys. Below 10 mcap. Easy win /biz/.

>> No.18748741
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But I have 7 BTC. :)

>> No.18748909

No one is touching my fucking eth

>> No.18748962

When you validate through RP, you get the same staking rewards on your 16 ETH that you would as an independent validator PLUS you charge a fee to those who join your pool.

>> No.18749065

This guy manually analysed the top 10k ethereum wallets, these are his findings. Tldr bullish on eth


>> No.18749094

I'm so jaded this daily thread is the hugest FUD in my perception

>> No.18749111

Got 19,8 eth
Afraid not gonna make it in time
Can put aside max 400 usd monthly

>> No.18749130

>doesn't even know how smartcontracts work in 2020

yeah you already doomed to not make it, why even bother

>> No.18749222

this man will lose all of his money in a shittly written contract

I literally write solidity and either review personally smaller contracts I interact with, or on fat ones, wait a few months while other retards like you test them.

Also your shitcoin's symbol is a literal rocket ship how can you not smell the curry

>> No.18749240

Will solo staking be similar to Tezos staking? You have to run a machine connected 24/7 with 50gb of blockchain data?

>> No.18749266

pretty much
not sure about the size though

>> No.18749276

so you're saying people who have less than 16 ETH have to pay a fee for having a low stake, and that fee is bigger than the fee you pay to rocketpool? how do you know? I can't seem to find numbers on their fee structure when looking in their FAQ

>> No.18749350

>has been working on it since 2016
>right now in the testing phase
>the muhhh almighty ethereum founder was impressed by it
>but still, anon thinks he is some elite tier dev because he is coding ''hello, world'' on Solidity
>didnt event look at the code itself
>looks at the logo to feed his confirmation bias

Yeah seems like you gonna buy my 'curry' bags at 10 usd, people like you exists to buy the top.

>> No.18750257

This. See the 1440 top? It'll come around again. Don't neglect gains just because your entry isn't perfect, it still beats holding useless fiat.

>> No.18750308


this website says i'll make 500 bucks a year staking 32 eth. big woop

>> No.18750341
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Mixed feelings bro’s but at least enough to stake.

>> No.18750365
File: 254 KB, 1125x2436, B00F735F-FA77-40E1-9BBC-04B4A2FAEF13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can’t wait for that juicy 2.6%!!!

>> No.18750380

>>has been working on it since 2016
>>right now in the testing phase
>>the muhhh almighty ethereum founder was impressed by it

>>but still, anon thinks he is some elite tier dev because he is coding ''hello, world'' on Solidity
>>didnt event look at the code itself
>>looks at the logo to feed his confirmation bias
Fine, I'll give you that, having actually looked at their website and a few posts now, it's probably not an indian scam, but I'd still be extremely weary of putting my ETH into something day 0.

The proposition of staking only 16ETH nodes and letting poorfags fill the rest seems interesting, assuming the income would be greater than if you'd stake half as many 32ETH nodes.

>> No.18750386

he’s an indian shilling his shitcoin

>> No.18750738

Here we go, now we can talk. Yes, I agree with you, putting all your eggs in one basket with a new protocol could be risky thing. I'm not delusional, MakerDAO also has its flaws just like SNX. But in the other hand, I have been talking with their team (they are very active on discord) and it seems that they are still very cautious about every single detail which is a good sign. For example:

>Since we're combining people's deposits, no one person can have the withdrawal keys or they'd just steal everyones elses ETH. What we're currently planning on implementing is a threshold BLS withdrawal signature which is implemented by getting at least 75% of the trusted nodes in the network to agree create a signature for a validator which can be used to later withdraw if the conditions are correct. The trusted nodes which create these signatures are still widely distributed and it means even if a few go down or offline for some reason, the 75% needed to withdraw can still be made. It also means no single node is a custodian as they cannot withdraw without the other nodes agreeing. We've just recently ran this scheme past the EF and they agreed it was pretty much the best solution for now until smart contracts are enabled in Phase 2.

>> No.18750744

I make 2k a month and I am on welfare with no job...

>> No.18751037

I'm less worried about how secure their theoretic design is, and more about the implementation. Any retard can debunk theoretic insecurity, but it takes a lot more brainpower to study the whole system and find attack vectors

I look at it as 5% APR (let's pretend it's a baseline) running a normal ETH node
7.5% APR (and you gotta run more nodes which will cost more, I imagine the most you can fleece out of poors is 50%) running a risky rocketpool ETH node

while 2.5% is juicy, it's not worth risking a whole stack
there's no reason not to let idiots use this thing for a few years, gains are minimal short term, and for something long term you need something stable, secure, and field tested, at launch it will be none of those.

>> No.18751133


fellow based aussie jobseeker

>> No.18751160

200 ETH-let checking in.

>> No.18751863

That rate will probably land somewhere around 4½-5%. Whales are not going to settle for 3% when there are competing financial products that will pay higher.

>> No.18752112

its like 200gb of data

>> No.18752460

So what's the actual new ath going to be? I see estimates everywhere between 1450 and 10k.

I'm a 35 eth whale by the way.

>> No.18752566

I only have 9 eth but I bought a bunch of kyber before their mini pump so planning on selling that to buy more eth

>> No.18752606

I assume it’s better to have more then 32 eth in case you get slashed and then have less and can’t stake

>> No.18753559 [DELETED] 

Rocketpool doesn't charge any fees. It's an open-source decentralized network.

The only fee in the system is what the validators charge to those who join pools. This fee rate is determined by a network-wide vote from the validators taken every few minutes, and the median of the votes is taken as the fee rate. Once you join a pool, your rate is locked in and won't change for the duration of your staking period.

>> No.18753607

Not being in BTC rn
Ahahahahahahahah look I tried to tell you fuckers that normies will never fucking touch eth and thus institutions never will either and that ETH is years from completion while BTC is primed take off now.
But you didnt listen.

>> No.18753631

ETH is unironically the safest 10x in crypto

>> No.18753638

>35 eth

pick one

>> No.18753652
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64 ETH checking in

>> No.18753687

Yeah, 7 transactions per second is more than enough

>> No.18753689

Depends on the time frame. I think we will hit $2k within the next two years and $10k within 5 years.

>> No.18754622

maxis unironically think this because they don't think LN is affected by a defunct main layer

they are retarded, literally all of them

>> No.18754696

I'll run a node for you guys

>> No.18754872

memes aside, thinking smart contracts are safe because they're from a big venture and/or backed by consensys has been a recipe for disaster historically
if you have the knowledge to personally audit the code, this is well and fine, but the number of people who think they have the knowledge to audit solidity code outnumbers the people actually competent at it >1000:1
which makes it perfectly reasonable for the average anon to NOT trust smart contracts

>> No.18754929

I have 10 eth, will I make it?

>> No.18755010


>> No.18755067


>> No.18755083
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>> No.18755175

>anon in 2010: this website says i'll make 500 bucks a year mining bittcoin. big woop

>> No.18755344

people on biz are always looking for the next 10x, but sure they're going to buy 32 eth and stake it for a mere 7% per year lmao

>> No.18755388

Well, you probably can’t see the vision because you’re a poorfag. Some of us have extra eth laying around and this is unironically ideal.

>> No.18755502

$210 resistance being retested
happening imminent

>> No.18756301

>institutions will never touch eth
Imagine unironically thinking this when institutions are already in eth
>BTC is primed take off now
7 tx's a second
is literally only able to do transactions
Imagine being worse then ethereum at the only thing you can do

Absolute state of this board

>> No.18756340

hi im a fucking retard can someone tl;dr how i achieve staking/what to do with my 32 eth

>> No.18756379

tldr is that vitalik is an admitted pedophile and eth staking won't be released for another 10 years

>> No.18756398


>> No.18756642

Wait so ETH 2 is a whole new token with a different market cap and everything? Why are people excited for this? Shits going to fracture network effects and both tokens will be worse off This isn't the scaling I thought it was.

>> No.18756730

yes this is why mass selling will start happening around may

>> No.18756860

this thread STINKs of desperate coping

im sorry that you were too dumb to get 32 ETH in time and are increasingly getting priced out of a neet node cause your wage slave salary is only enough to cover your rent

>> No.18756945
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>> No.18756967

How the fuck did you even come to this conclusion?

DYOR brainlet

>> No.18757288

I have $250 Anons
What crypto do I invest it rn. Looking to push it to $350 within a month

>> No.18757604


>> No.18757649

works on my machine

>> No.18757677


>> No.18757722

Felling so comfy bros

>> No.18757744
File: 64 KB, 645x729, VD09afj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to trade some of my link to get up to 64 ETH. Does that mean I can run two nodes?