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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18742194 No.18742194 [Reply] [Original]

Ever notice boomers always have to back their truck up in parking spots? why cant they just fucking pull in forward and back out later??

if you back into a spot that easy to get out of you are a BOOMER

>> No.18742261

>Ever notice boomers always have to back their truck up in parking spots? why cant they just fucking pull in forward and back out later??
>if you back into a spot that easy to get out of you are a BOOMER

"Shit that minimum wage shopping cart monkeys say"

>> No.18742281

Because when you pull in you can see all around you and safely back in. When you leave you cant see as well and can hit somthing. Statistically its safer and most large companies mandate it

>> No.18742309

Old people have poor spatial recognition and hand eye coordination. They insist on driving vehicles too big for them because they think if people see them in a large vehicle they will think she knows how to drive well.

>> No.18742317

Usually I just look for a spot where I can roll through one empty space into another space where I park. That way I neither have to back in nor back out.

>> No.18742323

It's fine if you like to back into a parking space, but that's the most absolutely bullshit justification I have ever heard for it. You can look behind you and check your surroundings before backing out just as you can when you're backing in. what the fuck?

>> No.18742326
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The wheel base vs body dynamics allow pulling into spots in a truck in reverse much easier brainlet

>> No.18742336

found the boomer

>> No.18742341

When you pull up you can see up and down the sidewalk and laneways. Not so when you leave

>> No.18742355

You're a retarded nigger if this is what you actually think. Backing into a space is safer than backing out into traffic, especially if you can't see because there are other cars parked on either side of you at the time. ALWAYS BACK IN. NEVER BACK OUT. Stupid faggot.

>> No.18742360

ok boomer

>> No.18742372

talking about half empty parking lots retard near a plaza, retard.

>> No.18742374

I drive a midsize sedan but I find it like 10 times hard to back out of a spot than back in. Plus there is the chance you can pull through when you leave, so I never back in. Its pessimization.

>> No.18742413

hey guys I figured out why it's hard to back out of parking spots

>> No.18742418

It’s the proper and safer way to park and it triggers my OCD if I’m not backed in reverse and nearly perfectly straight. Makes your car look badass too.

>> No.18742431

funny because it still takes these assholes fifteen minutes to do it

>> No.18742443

If you drive a large vehicle its definitely better to back in. The fuck? Nothing boomer about that retards

>> No.18742469

lesbian detected

>> No.18742497

>If you drive a large vehicle
that's pretty boomer

>> No.18742513

That’s because they’re shit drivers. If you need to keep pulling forward to straighten up, especially in the age of back up cameras, you’re beyond a shit driver.

>lesbian detected
Seethe and dilate tranny

>> No.18742514

I wish I could back in like chad boomers.

>> No.18742518

they do it in sedans and SUV's too

>> No.18742539
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OK nigger

>> No.18742633
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>> No.18742666

>because they’re shit drivers.
there's that
but there's also the contributing factor of them deciding to drive a house to the grocery store
>>lesbian detected
>Seethe and dilate tranny
lesbian confirmed
fire for effect

>> No.18742676

Backing up instead of just pulling through. Fucking boomers

>> No.18742759

You're a retard

>> No.18743203
File: 126 KB, 481x481, 1526950822277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ADHD riddled zoomers don't even have the patience to back into a parking space and end up making everything harder on themselves

>> No.18743339

lol i feel like /biz/ has a lot of cart pushers. $11 a hour starting pay at walmart to just walk around outside 90% of the day and talk with a few bros about whatever the fuck? yes please

>> No.18743362

I’d like to see a monkey do my job

>> No.18743366

wtf i've been backing in all my driving career do I have to nosedive in now to be cool? i thought backing in was big brain because it takes skill to reverse it into the spot, then you can see clearly when you pull out but there must be something im missing please advise anons

>> No.18743378

I used to do it when I was in uni, got promoted to manager then quit after I got in trouble for ""racism"".

>> No.18743392

you have to go reverse either way dumbass. you just take too long to get in the spot when you have a line of cars behind you JUST GET IN THE PARKING SPOT BOOMER

>> No.18743393
File: 14 KB, 500x319, bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of stories do you have? fellow cartbro here. everybody has to have some. i once found a bank pouch (see pic related) that was so thick and rectangular shaped that it felt like there was at least $10k in there, somebody just fucking left it in a shopping cart lol. OF COURSE i returned it, i thought i was on fucking what would you do with jon kinyonez

>> No.18743405

lmfao please go on this sounds great

>> No.18743408


>> No.18743410

I bet you autist get mad, when I pull my bike up on to the sidewalk and park next to the doors, for no other reason then you can't do it yourself.

>> No.18743415

>taking unnecessary long times to park when you can just ZOOM right in there but noOOoOOOoOoo boomer has to hold up the whole line of cars behind him

>> No.18743428

you woulda got caught they got cameras everywhere

>> No.18743432

get back in your cagie wagie

>> No.18743454

2 types of zoomer
>ooooo can I back out now? now? now? better go slooooooowly
>zooms out right over 5 small children before hitting a car

>> No.18743478
File: 48 KB, 640x738, 39D974F1-BDAF-4F26-A309-A11D90C21968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where’s your mask and gloves wagie? I don’t wanna catch corona now

>> No.18743494

no but i have visibility down the road when I change into reverse, but if I am nosedived in reversing out, I cant see down the road because my visibility comprises of the two cars on either side of me.

If i reverse out I have to rely on cars coming down the road to stop for me (which is very entitled boomer like) if I slowly reverse out with my fingers crossed hoping they dont slam into me.

to me it seems most people who nose into spots either are shit and scared at reversing a car into a spot, often dont align their car parallel to the lines

>> No.18743514 [DELETED] 

>used to work with lazy nigger
>on the days he would turn up he would just fuck around all day and complain
>get promoted
>start working that monkey like a dog
>always on his case
>he turns up to work less and less
>call him one morning he didn't turn up again tell him he's useless etc
>my boss tells me he put in a complaint about me
>as I'm telling him why they should just fire him the word 'coon' slips out of my mouth
>boss laughs but I get in trouble anyway, tells me he has to change the store I work at
>finishing uni soon so quit anyway
Tbf he was a useless coon. The other nog who worked there at least did his job.

>> No.18743582

>there must be something im missing
it's just super super gay that's all

>> No.18743607

>the word 'coon' slips out of my mouth
oh shit
thanks for the laugh

>> No.18743630

It's so you can leave like a boss. Try it sometime.

>> No.18743829

try backing out when there's a mass shooting going on kek

you won't make it

>> No.18743873

My boomer dad used to say it's so you can make a quick getaway after robbing the place.

>> No.18743980

if you pull in, you can do a j turn on the way out

>> No.18744002

can't make a fast getaway backing out retard. boomers are thinking multiple steps ahead and you don't even realize it.

>> No.18744013

they plan for their futures

>> No.18744029


>> No.18744067

Agree it fucking drives me crazy why won’t they all just get corona already

>> No.18744158
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>pulls in
>snug fit
> yea I can totally angle with the space I have to back up back into the one way parking lot
>come back outside after getting your Sour Punch Straws and RedBull
> the cars on both sides of you are differently parked than the ones that were there when you left
>now it's significantly harder to back out facing the correct direction

Smaller towns are better for that where I am (Texas) as the parking spaces are angled

>> No.18744204

The ass end of my car sticks out less than the front end, so I can actually see corners better while exposing less of my vehicle when backing up, therefore I never back into parking spaces unless I'm trying to be a fucking cool guy.
>t. mustang owner

>> No.18744232
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1081, 1588030629821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im an autist with a prius and i havent backed into a space since my driving test 5 years ago because i forgot how. I will drive to the most desolate areas of the parking lot, even if you have to walk farther, to find a parking space where I can pull through.

>> No.18744265
File: 704 KB, 1111x697, uh oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why wagie? Whatever are you doing? Using the phone during work hours to shitpost on a taiwanese pornographic cartoon forum? You know this is a violation of work conduct and my dear Daddums your manager won't appreciate such gross misuse of his worker's time. Now don't get mad at me wagie. If I tell daddums its for your own good, and it will teach you a valuable lesson in responsibility and subservience. Now excuse me, I want to tell daddums so he'll let me watch cartoons in his office!

>> No.18744266
File: 71 KB, 680x324, 53B7B956-AF88-45ED-80DE-558465114FA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha reverse horn go BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP

>> No.18744544

because youre a faggot

>> No.18744980
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x1960, 20191127_164859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the correct answer. takes me literal seconds.

>> No.18745038
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Jesus Xhrist man. The memes about prius drivera are true. At leadt its not a "smart" car.

>> No.18745189

Anyone else like to park really close to the driver door of vehicles parked shitty and not between the parking space lines? Gives me a free excuse to bump it upon opening my door and shitty drivers usually fatasses with a bmi over 20 so they can't leave until I'm done and pull out of my spot. Shit always leaves me with a grin.

>> No.18745202

>bmi over 20 is fat
somebody doesn't lift kek

>> No.18745229

What's ur bf% I bet you have 12 boyfriends.

>> No.18745248

The bigger the Truck, the smaller the ding dong.

>> No.18745362

Found the faggot that is probably driving a robin's egg blue Prius.