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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 223 KB, 1103x740, youarehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1873336 No.1873336 [Reply] [Original]

/MILO/ MiloCoin General - Based VIDEO GUY is now attached to MiloCoin. I wasn't ready for these feels yet!

I’m not gay, but $1 per MiloCoin is $1 per MiloCoin


>Official MiloCoin website:


>MiloCoin maymay Video

>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:

>Skip right to the wallets, baby!

>Looking for some nodes? I gotchu!
(guide to add these addnodes on page 6 of ANN thread)

>Buy MiloCoin (before it’s too late)

>MiloCoin Blockchain

>Coin Marketcap
(the APIs needs some tweaking, but the mad men actually listed it already)

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit
Sike, there is no official MiloCoin subreddit, please go back

>Why haven't you done your part yet?
https://twitter.com/YobitExchange <--tweet at them requesting MiloCoin it takes 2 seconds
https://c-cex.com/?id=vote <--scroll to bottom and submit MiloCoin
support@coinexchange.io ← email them demanding MiloCoin get listed

Do the above and post about it in this thread, usually based anons will send you some MiloCoins

>Best highlight of the previous thread:
A dude literally posted a picture of his dick with MiloCoin listed on it..he wanted them THAT bad.

>Comfy related soundtrack

>Quick Rundown (what you need to know):
MiloCoin is listed on some early exchanges and lazy pajeets are sending their mined coins to the exchange for cheap until they realize their mistake - prices will never be lower than today - refined investors enter the market here.
Gavin has already responded positively to MiloCoin, Milo's response is practically a given, how many coins will you have when the price skyrockets because of this?

>> No.1873347

first for $1.00 a coin

if dubs 1.75

>> No.1873349
File: 145 KB, 458x592, milocoin_visit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just makin' sure its nice and comfy in here

>> No.1873351

My wife's son and I saw Milo Yiannopoulos at a grocery store near Rutgers university yesterday.
I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for specifics on his stance on free speech, Islam and BBC.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken back, and all I could say was “Factcheck.org...” but he kept cutting me off and going “MiloCoin! MiloCoin! MiloCoin”

and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle with Gavin McInnes as I walked off.

When I came to EBT for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen bottles of hair bleach in his hands without paying.

The gender fluid individual working the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.”
At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the cakes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me.

I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bottle and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.1873360

>tfw Saturday night and posting in /gayboycoin/ thread

>> No.1873366

First 2 dubs get 50 milocoins when I get back from gettin pissed, maybe more if I'm fucked up

>> No.1873370
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In case anyone is feeling a little generous


Let's keep this going lads and we'll be at Saturn in no time.

>> No.1873377
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>> No.1873380
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Excuse me, wealth is calling me

>> No.1873441


I'll stick to my etfs

>> No.1873455


Like this?

>> No.1873471

holy shitzu

>> No.1873490


>> No.1873522
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1489766396329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good pick. Ultra comfy

>> No.1873575

Someone sell 15k milos for 300 on nova pls

>> No.1873588

we need your buy wall homie

>> No.1873647


it's over lol

>> No.1873656

It's not doing anything.

>> No.1873659

Drumpf btfo

>> No.1873666

sell your milos to me at 280 sats please.

>> No.1873669

sorry I thought I was in the trumpcoin thread for a second:^)

>> No.1873679

whats our target on this? i have 50k milo and was wondering if i should short the fuck out of this.

>> No.1873731

Short? If you wanted to short then why would you have any milo? Do you know what short means?

>> No.1873734
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Short before its even on a real exchange? da fuk, its like 5 day old. Most coins are 1 sat right now

>> No.1873784
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>> No.1873788


you can't short milo lmao baka people on this board are so clueless sometimes

>> No.1873921

Jus bought some gayjewcoin

>> No.1873925
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Make Journalism Unbiased Again!

Whats your address?

>> No.1873937


make saturday great again

>> No.1873941

Whose the fruit who is trying to buy .75 BTC worth at such a retarded price?

>> No.1873954

I'm finna buy at 275 sats but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen.

>> No.1873955

when do you plan to dump?

>> No.1873963
File: 6 KB, 519x66, milestones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we have low volume and nothing is really certain, but we are approaching a half cent. Milestones fellas.

this is fucking amazing

it could happen .jpg, but not looking good.

Dump? lol. I'll strategically sell off some when we reach the moon. It's part of portfolio now. I dont touch my meme coin bank, for months regardless of price

>> No.1873969

Who has the link for the Gavin mention of the coin?

>> No.1873974


>> No.1873976

have to feel it out, but a cent before some milestone.
.24 or .49 cents

>> No.1873979
File: 61 KB, 600x901, 1455155966597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swear to god, it feels like I picked the absolute worst fucking time to get my money in. why the fuck didnt i set up all my accounts earlier.

watch, by monday when my money gets here milo and all the other coins I want will be at $400 a coin

screencap this

>> No.1873992

it's gonna be higher in 4 days, but still affordable I reckon

>> No.1873999
File: 320 KB, 397x401, shes-waiting-for-a-milocoin-chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any other means of crypto payment at present?

I may be able to help you out, I'm the one always bumping these threads. We could use the Radio show guy, the devs or video guy to escrow. I don't want you to miss the rocketship, I'll help how I can.

What were you looking to spend?

>> No.1874021

Unfortunately, no. Waiting on USD to get bitcoin. Shit out of luck until monday.

Rocket ship better not be fucking off by then. Been bumping, these threads like a madman. Even made a new twitter and made my first meme in all the years I've lurked on this board.

>> No.1874050

Rocket ship is not going to be off by then. This coin is literally less than a week old. This game will be many months. You'll be fine.

>> No.1874060

I actually agree. But I feel him, I've been there before. If it wasnt for chargebacks, id hook him up right now.

But in the long term, you'll be okay with a slightly higher price on Wednesday

>> No.1874065


how many milos for 30 minutes?

>> No.1874072

now 10k
in 6 months 1

>> No.1874079


>> No.1874087
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>> No.1874141


>> No.1874149

Holy shit he's not kidding. Someone just bought LITERALLY everything.

>> No.1874154


>> No.1874157
File: 286 KB, 987x807, milocoin-titties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, someone knows something we dont

>> No.1874159

>Make Journalism Unbiased Again!

address - MRPmgxrx5gZ8PPXhCWWSCMnpFeFJiakHrR

>> No.1874163

>tfw the comfiness is now gone
Prepare yourselves boys

>> No.1874172
File: 44 KB, 1015x719, milo buys his own coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too intelligent to use nova

>> No.1874177

I literally watched it go up 8000 sats.

That's ~4200% in 5 minutes.

>> No.1874179

sorry, i meant 2700%

>> No.1874194

i thought i was going crazy, im too poor to buy any so ive been trying to trade up and down to get enough to actually make money, seems im too late now

>> No.1874201

also here's an address in case someone is feeling generous

>> No.1874204

Good luck cucks tryna buy at one sat and 200 sat it ain't ever going back there

>> No.1874206


>> No.1874216


>> No.1874226

The buy orders haven't caught up, the disparity is hilarious

>> No.1874233

What the tits half my buy order at 300 went through then some fag raised the price

>> No.1874265
File: 29 KB, 669x372, tc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milo Coin is officially starting to wake up

This is the first rev in the engine

Put on your seatbelts lads

>> No.1874269
File: 4 KB, 85x144, 2017-03-13-13-53-59-1734889345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll correct but

higher highs, higher lows

we real human beans have just arrived at step one

about a few months ahead of schedule too

>> No.1874277

better fucking not. I haven't shilled for this thing for the past week just to buy higher cuz I had to wait till fucking monday.

>> No.1874282

Anyone have success mining yet? What pool did you use?

Debating on throwing down a couple of bucks on a mining rental to mine this shit.

>> No.1874284

Youll need in the hundreds of millions of MHZ at least,to even have a chance.. fyi

>> No.1874288 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 999x84, 280 sats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is happening. Almost exactly 20 hours ago I was able to buy 6000 at 280 sats.
Now someone is putting in buy orders for 4000 sats?

Is this the power of crypto?

>> No.1874291

no, it's someone trying to raise the price after having bought everything.

>> No.1874292
File: 27 KB, 999x84, 280 sats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is happening. Almost exactly 20 hours ago I was able to buy 6000 at 280 sats.
Now someone is putting in buy orders for 4000 sats?

Is this the power of crypto?

>> No.1874295

Market manipulation. It'll stabilize once this meme-master has blown his load.

Don't sell. We're still weeks away from actual moonlift. Nobody even knows about milos yet.

>> No.1874296

if anyone could spare some MILOs, i would really appreciate it. I only have a few hundred but that wont get me anything for the moon ride. Any amount is welcome. Praise Kek


>> No.1874301

I think it was just some dude that was like, meh..im too lazy to wait, and bought his load and left. He literally ran thru all the orders in 5 min and then withdrew them, I saw his withdrawal on the blockchain.

>> No.1874309
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Check wallet boi, not much but hey :D

>> No.1874310

Who was the fuck that did this? I bet you're reading this. WHY.

>> No.1874321

This community is the best. Thanks anon. I really do appreciate this.

>> No.1874334
File: 6 KB, 275x183, mypart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


check em

>> No.1874337

Saw yours too anon. Thanks so much. This has inspired me to make some milo related content.

>> No.1874339

Yeah, someone knows something we dont.

>> No.1874361

MiloCoin is a friggin scam you dumb cunts. this shit isnt going anywhere, dont waste your time.

>> No.1874365

>Dont invest in things i dont like

no coiner coping faggot

>> No.1874366

We're coming down!!

>> No.1874367

kek, yeah i get a laugh from the cluelessness of people talking nonsense

>> No.1874368

Tell me somebody sold that spike? Huge gains.

>> No.1874369

It's just some fuck generating a bubble to try and sell high to hyped newcoiners.

Everyone itt should know you don't panic buy or sell. Don't make emotional decisions. Check the reason why the market is behaving a certain way before deciding what to do.

Yeah it's a memecoin. Nobody expects this to actually do anything. The idea is to scam late coming bagholders.

>> No.1874374

he's a TrumpCoiner.
Some of them didn't sell at the obvious final peak, last pump and are so close to downing 50 yellow it's sad.

Cognitive dissonance, delusion who knows. They should cut losses and grab milo, which is basically round two on steroids..instead you get cope FUD ;_;

>> No.1874384

i do coin, i just dont coin shit like this. anyone with a brain can see its a scam. stop shilling it

>> No.1874388

sold 1000 at 1000 sats/$0.01. seems the last few hours has seen some crazy action. still a lot of mining time left so there should be more and more coins on the market as time goes on, so i don't know if i'll buy more as we start getting to several thousand sats.
still have around 0.5 bitcoin to spend, but i don't think i'll buy at >1000

>> No.1874390

show me where i was shilling? youre a sadcunt who has nothing better to do than be butthurt because youre a trump bagholder

>> No.1874392

im not even american. there goes your argument

>> No.1874393

Whats the real sat peak now the newfriends are asleep?

>> No.1874394

i was in trump threads a year ago and there were people who turned up to say the same shit as >>1874384 every single thread. they must be great fun at parties, going around saying what is good and bad.

>> No.1874397

500-300 sats is the real level. only the panicked and the super enthusiastic are buying well above that.

>> No.1874399

It's rough, because I was sure it would drop back down to 300 and I had an order in for it all day, and now I'm doubting it will ever go back. Be careful about being too careful.

>> No.1874403

I bought at 350, but I meant selling wise. the $1 is a great meme to pull in people, I can't see it getting above 0.0002

>> No.1874404

I'm a Trump "bagholder" but I'm pretty comfy with my bags. Trump will pump again. And Milo will pump too.

Ya'll need to chill and stop bashing TC btw. Milocoin is the best thing to happen to TC. Dont be surprised if they pump at the same time...just sayin...

>> No.1874408

If you are a smart investor you should have money in Trump, Milo and Lepen

>> No.1874409

If I could answer that question with complete certainty then I wouldn't be posting in an Indonesian dirt-raking cabal.
But I'd only buy at 400, market considered, which won't happen right now. Just wait. Put a sell up at 1k or something if you want to recover a little initial investment, but we aren't even close to dump yet.

>> No.1874414

i think around 20 cents is a good price with spikes up to 30 cents. i'd be pretty happy with that.

>> No.1874416
File: 20 KB, 480x493, 766b52a177015a63cb67b1e5b125812978092d08007a4511d57eb0740c606a2d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it'll pump again

>> No.1874439

>Get ur lulzorz @ fortune.urge
Kill yourself.

>> No.1874456

the group that will pump this coin to .50 six months from now, is now fully stocked.

that's my theory

>> No.1874459

What should my expected return be on this shit, 5,10,20%? Only got 10k but ifk etf target is but it was already like 50 bucks for my shit.

>> No.1874466

Hey fuckers bring it back down to 300 sats so I can stock up on more coins.

>> No.1874474
File: 344 KB, 495x271, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont push it lad

>> No.1874477

Get ready to keep stocking up when the price settles, boys. transferring btc as we speak
my milo, for good measure:

>> No.1874478
File: 345 KB, 640x480, muhmilocoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check em

>> No.1874479

Snap, didn't even notice my own dubs. Thanks homey

>> No.1874480

>all these idiots willing to pay over 400 sats for the coin right now


>> No.1874481
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Trying to get myself some wheels bois.

>> No.1874483

i think i am going to wait for the price to stabilize.
too volatile for my taste right now.

also, anyone has spare milo?
my milocoin address -

>> No.1874484

>I dont want to take any risk, someone who has taken risk send me some?

suck my cock

>> No.1874485

I've received 174 milo from these threads alone. Time for me to give back


>> No.1874487

the request was specifically meant for miners.

and if i sucked cock i wouldn't have to request.


also, thank you, whoever sent me 6.66 milo.

>> No.1874489


May satan bless your wallet

>> No.1874490

and yours, too.


>> No.1874492

Thank you! Very generous of you. Here's to 1 dollar a coin!

DESU, even if it only got to .25 a coin I will still make some decent cash.

>> No.1874494
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Hi bro

Im still new to crypto Ive set up a wallet

Any coins you can please spare to get me started?


>> No.1874502

Don't get too frisky, i'm no miner ;)

>> No.1874503

check em lads

and pls clap

>> No.1874505

Everyone's feelin' the love tonight! Thanks anon

>> No.1874507

there aren't enough coins mined yet for such a thing to have happened. not even half the coins are available yet. we should all still be stocking up until the mining is over.i don't think you could be fully stocked. one more coin is one more coin.

>> No.1874521


>> No.1874528

what exchanges do you use, i'm sorta uncertain about putting my id on them?? is it safe?

>> No.1874533

Not him but I just use Coinbase. Buy BTC with my credit card if I need it fast or if it can wait I buy it with my bank account. Then you just transfer the BTC off Coinbase to any exchange you want. I like poloneix and novaexchange but everyone will have their favorites.

>> No.1874536

Theres a handful of ATMs that dont require ID yet.
But even if they do, it's safe to buy BTC now.

ATM is fastest way to get btc I think

>> No.1874546

Holy shit, I just checked milocoin, it got pumped to 8k!? I'm glad I bought 0.1btc worth when it was low, milocoin is going to the moon!

>> No.1874547

Need some milo to start out


>> No.1874551

all the exchanges ask for your ID though is that normal?

>> No.1874556

someone who was feeling impatient just filled out ever sell order its not a pump just a pretty thin orderbook

>> No.1874575

Well the resulting price is now doubled so its looking pretty good

>> No.1874599

Pls help a newfag. How do I deposit bitcoin into Novaexchange, Ive been at it for the last hour or so and im still no closer :(

>> No.1874602
File: 8 KB, 232x114, Sit tight it&#039;s gonna be a bumpy ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to kick back and get paid for nothing.

>> No.1874603

go to wallets > BTC > Deposit
The address will be there, use the address to send the BTC.

>> No.1874605

>kick back
69% stake and you are perfectly set.

address -

>> No.1874609

love this comfy coin and these comfy lads.
Gonna need to buy more next btc clear

>> No.1874611
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>> No.1874655

Is it going back down? Or will it stay at 1000 now?

>> No.1874684

it will go back down, but maybe not this week. i am not mining,
but if i were and was only mining to sell and not hold,
i'd build up a good holding instead of drip selling everyday. wait until the price rises due to scarcity and then
take advantage of the high price.
this will causes the price to drop,
who knows to what amount, but in these very early stages, there will be lots of peaks and troughs.

>> No.1874690

kek accidentally bought a bit at 1200 and now everyone's buying high

>> No.1874725

Ive bought a modest miner, waiting for that to arrive. it should get me a few milos if i leave it on 24/7.

I had a sell order for 463 set last night. Didnt expect some randomer come in and fuck things up. Good thing is I havent lost anything. I've set a buy order for 400 and will monitor until sanity is restored! I refuse to buy at 1000 when I know its going down, the point is to amass Milos, not cut them in half.

Thank you wise anon.

>> No.1874728
File: 65 KB, 405x428, 1444493404-e33c2a95fd43d2dabfb5cf42639e1ce5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some MILO would not hurt.


>> No.1874742

HEy, it's says my milo wallet is (out of sync)


>> No.1874745

dont get left on the shelf mate

>> No.1874752

I'm not wasting my money when I could just wait a short while and make even more profit.

>> No.1874790
File: 10 KB, 259x168, poorfag peasants disgust me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwww.......that's such a cute little stack of coins you got there.

>> No.1874792

I've got 20k bro good luck, hope we sell on the right pump.

>> No.1874793

milominerbros what is the current difficulty?

>> No.1874797
File: 4 KB, 390x104, milo difficulty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking insane.....

>> No.1874803

Is the dip coming?

>> No.1874810

If I went in there with a little gridseed g-blade 3MH asic, would I get some milocoins?

>> No.1874815

If the difficulty remains between 1000-2000, my calculations say you should expect 4 - 7.5 MILO a day. Yup, that's it.

Might as well though. Those old gridseeds consume hardly any power, and you can stake the coins at a generous 69%.

Post your address. I'll send you 50 MILO to get you started.

>> No.1874825

Thank you bro

5 a day isn't too bad on average.

There will always be new coins I can jump on after as well!


Thank you for your generosity!

By the way minerbro, is there any coins where a 3mh device would actually thrive?

>> No.1874851


I'd say there is a 90-95% chance this coin is dead and the dev is never returning. If you want to gamble on the off-chance the dev returns however, there are so few people mining it right now that you could mine a relatively healthy stack of coins with only 3mh.

With a 3mh ASIC, your best bet is to gamble on long shots like this. 9/10 times, your coins will end up being worthless. It only takes one lucky break to more than make up for it though.

>> No.1874853

thanks bro

I will give it a go when my rig arrives

>> No.1874858
File: 14 KB, 326x86, currently.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we're having a cock showing competition

>> No.1874875
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also, why are selling and buying prices not matching up?

>> No.1874881
File: 471 KB, 512x288, 1486675091947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed the fucking hype. Help a poorfag out and I promise to fight in the coming race wars (not that I have a choice)


>> No.1874883


>3.335 btc volume.

Enjoy trying to cash out.

>> No.1874885

gtfo alt-rights

>> No.1874889

explain, bitte

>> No.1874899

my sell order for 1000 was eaten away last night.

>> No.1874920

What the actual fuck happened last night?
Did I miss the moon?
That's it im putting an sell order

>> No.1874921
File: 4 KB, 448x196, milocoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just made my stake on MiloCoin I'm making a big bet

>> No.1874932


WTF??!!?!?! Why did the dev give you so much of the hidden premine??!!

This is bullshit. I've been shilling this scam coin just as hard as you have. I'm logging into the super secret IRC chat where we are coordinating the pump and dump to give the dev a piece of my mind.

>> No.1874939

is this good?

>> No.1874942

lol im cashing out

>> No.1874958

Shippity shoop eat my poop

>> No.1875011

Is this the drop?

>> No.1875033

It's dropping to 600 satoshi range once the buy at 999 satoshis gets eaten. Set your orders.

There are still 60 more days of PoW mining left, and it hasn't even hit Yobit. This is just one of many ups and downs that MILO is going to experience on it's way to the moon. The fun is just getting started.

>> No.1875042

What's a successful sell strategy once you meet your target? Seems like selling a large amount of coins would have to take a period of time once it reaches higher prices, especially if bigger players hsve a similar target.

>> No.1875051

sold half my stake at 999; Will probably reinvest when the price drops

>> No.1875055

you're right that you need to sell in smaller batches because otherwise you either take all the buy orders down to a lower price or you force other sellers to sell at a lower price.
you need to call it as you see it at the time. if the price is rising and there is good buy demand you can sell lots little by little so it doesn't look like you are dumping. if there is little buy demand then big sell orders are more noticeable.

>> No.1875073

I don't want to study for midterms. I want to make money off cryptos full time.

Wish I had realized how much I enjoyed this shit earlier.

>> No.1875091

To what do you think it is gonna fall?

>> No.1875167

I just downloaded the wallet, can someone give me some coins so i can start?


>> No.1875191
File: 1.28 MB, 720x1280, MILO COIN - THE FUTURE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OC of mine but I don't see it anywhere and I have to share this beautiful thing. If you're feeling generous I'd appreciate any milos


>> No.1875215

Milocoin price
>720 satoshi
Lowest ask
>899 satoshi
Fucking jews.

>> No.1875270

Could someone explain what the stake interest being set at 69% means please?

>> No.1875366

Are you fucking memeing us right now? If not then put some 10k 600 sat sells down to distribute that shit.

>> No.1875374

Feels like something fishy is going on

>> No.1875381

why? you can't say something like that without an explanation and expect it to not look like Fudding.

>> No.1875395

He's not memeing, he's fudding.
There aren't even that many coins in existence yet.
It's a trumpcoin brigader or someone trying to correct the record.

>> No.1875442
File: 64 KB, 600x450, ae3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MiloCoin is so far ahead of schedule and so under budget daddy would be proud.

that volume already
those higher lows already

>> No.1875463
File: 138 KB, 960x540, Milo to the moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all so early. Dont worry about it. Enjoy some OC. It is not great but i like to show my support.
also: ill make more if i can get some fresh milos

>> No.1875484
File: 19 KB, 448x196, fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice shop job retard... Shit isn't aligned.

>> No.1875485

He didn't even put any effort into shooping it well.

>> No.1875575

check em folks

and LOL at that awful shop

>> No.1875605
File: 3.76 MB, 280x246, iVv8xlgIXGs83.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


may kek bless this post

>> No.1875619

is it too late to get in, in your opinion?

>> No.1875628

arguably too early, theres going to be dips and its currently on a bit of a downtrend

its very early days yet mate, things will be volatile

>> No.1875638
File: 7 KB, 225x225, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a poorfag and just downloaded the wallet. Is someone so generous and sends me some fresh coins?


>> No.1875644

Probably, in relation to the absolute cheapest Milos, but overall it's perfect timing

>> No.1875652

Heard from a pretty good source that Milo is gonna be crashed by whales and then they are gonna pump Trump with a massive pump next month.
just thought I'd give a heads up

>> No.1875656


a pretty good source, huh? well thats good enough for me :)

>> No.1875658

Heard this too brother, gonna get out of Milo and keep holding my trumps strong.

It was fun Milo bros, but we need to face reality, trump is more realistic

>> No.1875659
File: 172 KB, 333x385, 602340full-salma-hayek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so that's still not helpful. Crash by whales when? There's nothing to crash

>> No.1875661

Bought a bit at 700, let's hope for the best

>> No.1875663
File: 2.99 MB, 512x384, 1454038394175.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone ignore the (you) collector and watch this climactic webm

>> No.1875670

Lol I always love posts like these. I'm not against TC at all but I've seen so many posts exactly like this ever since the post-inauguration crash and nothing has ever happened.

>> No.1875676

Did you forget to change your proxy? :^)

>> No.1875680

Same post ID, did you forget to rotate your IP cupcake?

>> No.1875688

how are they going to crash it? there aren't enough coins around to crash it. if it drops to 50 sats, they'll all be bought up. a dump would be welcomed by everyone.

more info on this trump pump though. i heard one was coming late april. you're not the only person in secret groups.

>> No.1875694
File: 1.63 MB, 1754x2481, 1483306484417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, i'm dumb.

how the fuck do i know when to buy and when to sell?

>> No.1875725
File: 54 KB, 500x378, olQxJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this shit dead already?

>> No.1875751


>Milo is gonna be crashed by whales

Crash it? What is there to crash? It needs to pump before it can crash.

>trump is more realistic

Wrong. No one trusts Trump anymore. Too many bad actors, too much infighting, like 8 different ANNs on bitcointalk, and it's price is back down to pre-inauguration pump levels. The coin is a fucking joke.

Trump is more realistic? There was NEVER a legitimate chance that Trump was going to publicly acknowledge Trumpcoin. There was NEVER a legitimate chance that Trump would accept the Trumpfund. The man is President of the United States. You think he wants anything to do with some shady ass memecoin?

Milo on the other hand? He is a degenerate kike faggot and professional troll that loves nigger dick and taking money from the goyim. He fucks underage teenage boys and infects them with his GRIDS. He already stole a fuckton of money from the privilege grant. He will have ZERO moral reservations about accepting his coins, shilling the coin, and helping to pump the coin.

>> No.1875759


I'll make it easy for you.

1. Buy now

2. Stake for 10 weeks

3. Sell

4. Profit

>> No.1875770

What is this staking I keep hearing about?

> This

>> No.1875788
File: 853 KB, 3000x4161, 1488650725948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i said i'm dumb, i meant retarded.

the fuck is stakes?

Thanx anyways

>> No.1875799

Actual samefag. You don't see that everyday

>> No.1875820


>> No.1875822
File: 13 KB, 300x200, 300px-Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepalm_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a moron if you think Trumpcoin won't pump again.

TRUMP is the most recognized name in crypto. Period. Milo - not so much.

TRUMP is named after the United States president and can theoretically pump after any significant political event. It does not matter if Trump publicly acknowledged TC. It obviously didn't.

>No One trusts Trump anymore

"Anymore." Roflmao. No one trusted, TC, ever, no more than anyone trusts Milo.What does Milo have that TC didn't? Fucking nothing. Hell one could argue the infighting an drama helped the coin, it helped bump threads, keep them active and keep the community talking.

Im not sayin this guy is legit but if I was a whale, I have no reason to pump Milo more than TC....at the end of the day TC > Milo any day of the week because its named AFTER THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES YOU IDIOT.

>> No.1875823

t. dep

>> No.1875830

And you are a moron too, for obvious reasons.

Milo is not gonna be crashed by whales, its gonna be pumped as well. Both TC and Milo are pumptastic.

>> No.1875834
File: 70 KB, 500x750, IMG_4227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People buy fake tokens just because they like the name?

>> No.1875851

People buy fake tokens based on hype and speculation. Thats how crypto markets work.

TC is the perfect pumping coin. It's flawless for pumping. It's named after the sitting President of the United States. It's nearly guaranteed money for any pumpers and whales.

>> No.1875857

it was the same guy replying to himself dude. He made it all up. It's one of the remaining trump bag holders.

Not hating on TC, but that's what it is

>> No.1875863
File: 224 KB, 818x342, milocoinyobit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1875864

Yes, I know he replied to himself. He's a moron too. I would take anyone who says they have "secret sources" on here with a grain of salt.

>> No.1875870


>> No.1875875

Your reasoning is so autistic it's unbelievable.

Trump had really only 1 INSANE pump and that was the inauguration pump. We saw pumps on election night and when he won the primary but there weren't much compared to inauguration.

Why the fuck would it pump now? And please stop using the fact that its named after Trump as some sort of argument. There is no reason for pumpers to get behind Trump when there is a fresh new meme on the market. Anyone with a brain can figure that out.

> TRUMP is named after the United States president and can theoretically pump after any significant political event.
Yeah, ok. It could. But it won't, and never will. Because why the fuck would it?

Seriously man I know you're in pain after looking back and realizing how much money you could have made if you cashed out at 50k sats, but you can make it all back with MILO. Hop aboard.

>> No.1875879

You're arguing with someone who has so much to lose if it doesn't pump again.

Imagine you are the only person who didn't get the memo that the inauguration was the final pump, as obvious as it was. How bad that's gotta hurt.

We should all give him some MILOs

>> No.1875882

god fucking dammit...just couldn't wait till tomorrow.

I'm fucking upset.

>> No.1875883

where are you all buying your MILOs?

>> No.1875885


I-Is that bad?

>> No.1875888
File: 8 KB, 480x360, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the autistic one here.

>Why the fuck would it pump now? And please stop using the fact that its named after Trump as some sort of argument. There is no reason for pumpers to get behind Trump when there is a fresh new meme on the market. Anyone with a brain can figure that out.

How long have you been trading crypto? Don't you know coins are pumped multiple times? Look at Putin, pumped multiple times, one after another. Whales do not need a good reason to pump a coin as long as it has good brand/image and the timing is right.

Trump is literally the most perfect pumping coin you retard. Its named atfer the United States President. Milo is an ant compared to Donald Trump, the troll king.

>Yeah, ok. It could. But it won't, and never will. Because why the fuck would it?

Because its named after the President of the United States. Milo is a small celebrity in the alt right scene. Trump appeals to a much broader audience. It's very simple.

>Seriously man I know you're in pain after looking back and realizing how much money you could have made if you cashed out at 50k sats, but you can make it all back with MILO. Hop aboard.

I did cash out at 50k sats....kek. Seems like you are projecting here - I am sorry you didnt cash out at 50k sats like I did. But theres still time to hop aboard the next Trump pump.

I have both Milo and TC.

>> No.1875895


lol who would fall for this

>> No.1875896

no idea, I'm wondering so i can buy some

>> No.1875902

Kind of ironic you said that cause I've used some of my TC profits to mine MILO's. I have one of the biggest wallets, way fatter than any of yours. I've seen the MILO richlist. KEK

>> No.1875903

I've been using it for about a week and I like it a lot. A little confusing at first but great when you get used to it.

>> No.1875914
File: 585 KB, 752x642, chinese-screen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: normally for these type of coins I hear you should hold for a few months and then it's gonna moon properly. But this coin is supposedly far ahead of schedule. So how long will it be? Wouldn't it be risky to hold for the normal time?

Also just in case anyone is feeling generous during these final days of relatively cheap Milos


>> No.1875916

what is the current price of a milo? i can't be fucked to check.

>> No.1875924
File: 16 KB, 239x250, 1473565223865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night everyone, Europoor going to sleep. Can't wait what tomorrow'll bring...

>> No.1875934

Months dude, minimum 6.

check your wallet

>> No.1875939

Milo has just hit Yobit

Let the good times begin

>> No.1875944


You ever hear of a shitcoin called Goldcoin? It was shilled for ages by this guy on bitcointalk who bought up an assload of it when it was dumped into a nearly nonexistent marketcap. His argument for why Goldcoin was a better investment than Bitcoin went something like this, "IT CALL GOLDCOIN. GOLD BETTER THAN BITS. GOLDCOIN BETTER THAN BITCOIN. IT GO MOON CUZ CALL GOLD!!!"

Your argument for why Trumpcoin is a sound investment is basically the same exact "logic". Even if your "logic" were sound (which it isn't) and Trumpcoin were a solid long term investment, that fact is irrelevant right now. Right now and for the next couple months at least, MILO is a better investment than TRUMP by a fucking mile. It isn't even a close call. If you are honestly trying to say buying TRUMP is better than buying MILO right now, you are a fucking retard, you are fucking delusional, or you are shilling to try to sell off the rest of your TRUMP.

>It does not matter if Trump publicly acknowledged TC. It obviously didn't.

Obviously it would have dumbass. If Trump had publicly acknowledged Trumpcoin, it would have gone to a $100 million dollar marketcap instead of dumping at $6 million. And it wouldn't be dumped back into the dirt right now.

>What does Milo have that TC didn't?

Twitter protocol. If the dev isn't lying about that being in development anyway. Don't know what that is? Go read the bitcointalk thread. I'm not going to hold your hand.

Also, as previously stated, MILO the coin actually has a chance of being acknowledged and promoted by Milo the faggot. If you think this is insignificant, you are just fucking dumb.

>Hell one could argue the infighting an drama helped the coin

Pfffftttttt.......you just get dumber and dumber the more you type. Yeah, all the drama and infighting between Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Unlimited has done wonders for the BTC price the last few days hasn't it?

>> No.1875951

Hey man I'm sorry to hear that you have to wait until tomorrow to get your Milos. Have you tried those sites that give out free Satoshis just for doing puzzles? I have a compiled list of them in Document form, if you want to leave an email address I can send it to you. At the least you could spend tonight racking up satoshis and buying Milo

>> No.1875954
File: 255 KB, 2147x1235, Yobit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the real fun begins!

>> No.1875955

is meant for>>1875882

>> No.1875969

probably last chance for cheaps, traders love yobit (for some reason), it's gonna fly

>> No.1875973

Are you aware of all the other coins that did pump? Just like Trump? Lol. Your reasoning is irrelevant.

>Right now and for the next couple months at least, MILO is a better investment than TRUMP by a fucking mile.

No, it's really not, and for one simple reason: Trumpcoin has a history of pumps. Milo does not - its still a very uncertain investment, and that's no matter how you attempt to twist things and no matter what features the coin has.

In fact if you had any experience in investing, investing in something with a known "track record" is always more favorable to something unknown.

>Obviously it would have dumbass. If Trump had publicly acknowledged Trumpcoin, it would have gone to a $100 million dollar marketcap instead of dumping at $6 million. And it wouldn't be dumped back into the dirt right now.

Irrelevant. Gains are gains. Trumpcoin, since the time it came out, had 1,000%+ returns. That's a damn good investment. Trumpcoin never needed Trump's acknowledgement. It just seems to me like you are salty - you probably sold early and didnt sell at 50k like I did.

>Also, as previously stated, MILO the coin actually has a chance of being acknowledged and promoted by Milo the faggot. If you think this is insignificant, you are just fucking dumb.

Milo the who? Who is Milo compared to Donald Trump? Lol. Who is the retard here? Milo is a small celebrity in the alt right scene that appeals to college kids.

Donald Trump is the president of the United States.

That's a big difference.

> Yeah, all the drama and infighting between Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Unlimited

Trumpcoin is not in the same vein as Core and Unlimited. Tcoin was a meme/political coin for fun. It was never meant to become an actual currency.

The salt is strong with you. What's so funny is that if I listened to /biz/, like what you are posting now, i would have never made the money I did when i sold at 50k :D.I would have sold way before the pump - like what you did.

>> No.1875980

It's fucking retarded that this is actually about to pump

>> No.1875989

Just bought to 960. Lets see what happens.

>> No.1875997

Hey man, listen, I didnt come here to put down Milo either. I think that MILO is gonna pump too. I just think bashing Trumpcoin as some bygone memecoin is stupid, its in the same vein as Milo and they both have good chances of pumping.

Invest in what you want. It ain't my money.

>> No.1875998


Actually nevermind I've been trying them now, they're old links, all the sites listed are out of satoshis. Sorry my man. Tomorrow you can still get a good few Milos.

>> No.1876012
File: 60 KB, 1136x571, DEAD COIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Trumpcoin has a history of pumps.

And even bigger dumps!!! When a coin pumps and then loses 100% of it's gains from the previous pump, it is not a good indicator of it's long term viability.

>In fact if you had any experience in investing

Faggot, the fucking house I am sitting in right now was purchased straight cash after I made bank on the Max Keiser/Bill Still QRK pump.

> investing in something with a known "track record" is always more favorable to something unknown.

It's known track record is as a scam coin that has been pumped and dumped a couple times and has no future. It is fucking laughable that you think TC track record is a positive for the coin.

>Irrelevant. Gains are gains. Trumpcoin, since the time it came out, had 1,000%+ returns.

Yeah, and it would have been 25,000% returns if Trump had publicly acknowledged the coin. 1,000%, 25,000$, just a minor irrelevant difference.

>Milo the who? Who is Milo compared to Donald Trump? Lol. Who is the retard here? Milo is a small celebrity in the alt right scene that appeals to college kids.

Huurrrrrr......da coin say TRUMP. TRUMP iz da prezident so TRUMP go moon.

>I would have sold way before the pump - like what you did.

I didn't sell before 50k because I never held any TRUMP. I was taking an extended break from crypto throughout fall and most of winter.

>> No.1876016
File: 8 KB, 229x221, 1489041896822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pedocoin/ general

>> No.1876031
File: 27 KB, 975x379, miloyobit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek here we go

imagine what's gonna happen when it gets to Poloniex

>> No.1876064
File: 104 KB, 600x1067, 1457843906005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck it passed 1k sat already? every time i leave the computer for more than a day something terrible happens

pls gib if you feeling generous MUjnV6PTThLnXjZ8wgXws78CmquU2pkKrN

>> No.1876083

Why won't my wallet connect? I added the addnodes in the way it said to in the ANN thread but it still won't work.

>> No.1876089

Yea just like TrumpCoin? Toplel.

>> No.1876092
File: 3 KB, 157x118, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you knew anything about crypto investing you would know THAT COINS NEVER DIE!

>When a coin pumps and then loses 100% of it's gains from the previous pump, it is not a good indicator of it's long term viability.

So fucking what. You think MILO has long term viability? ....HAHAHAHAHAH

>Faggot, the fucking house I am sitting in right now was purchased

If you want to play that kind of game, we can....:)

Nearly all of the assets I have, which includes my nice split house, my vette, and my past 4 vacations. I was there during the Fontas pumps on BTCE you wannabe. And that doesn't take into account my other crypto stores.

>t's known track record is as a scam coin

The fact that you call it a "scam coin" just shows that you're probably lying about the QRK pump or your "house" is worth shit. You dont understand crypto if you think and call it a scam. You. Don't. Understand. And you shouldnt be giving out advice here noob.

>Yeah, and it would have been 25,000% returns if Trump had publicly acknowledged the coin. 1,000%, 25,000$, just a minor irrelevant difference

I made around $25k from the Trumpcoin pump faggot, and I invested ~$400 worth. You mad brah?

>Huurrrrrr......da coin say TRUMP.

You have nothing intelligent to say because Milo is nothing compared to Donald Trump. He's a small celeb in the alt right and you are comparing him to the fucking President of the United States. DERP!

Stop giving out advice. You're scamming people!

>> No.1876093

How far do you think it will go?

>> No.1876095

I got it in at 1250...

>> No.1876098

> LARPing

>> No.1876110

I'm an absolute noob moron so excuse me the question but if I have 1000 milo how much right now is it worth in $, about 2$?

>> No.1876113

Trumpcoin was shady from the get-go, Milo has enjoyed unprecedented attention and support in just a few days.
I have no idea but I can't wait to find out

>> No.1876118


>> No.1876128

CLOSE wallet, check taskmanager that its really closed.

Make sure you have file extensions visible in your windows settings, heres a guide:

if not youll just be renaming a file .conf.txt instead of actually changing the extension

open file, add nodes, save close. Rename file Milocoin.conf

should prompt you, click yes.

open wallet again.

>> No.1876147

Restart the computer and before you launch the wallet add the addnotes (or if you already added them just start the wallet after rebooting).

>> No.1876170

It was the file extension thing, this fixed it. Thanks!

>> No.1876185

welcome to crypto Chads, 99 cents to go

>> No.1876198

protip: grab the coins on nova before the price "catches up" to yobit.

>> No.1876208
File: 146 KB, 398x396, 1488475803947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extreme poor fag here, may i please have one?


I'll give you my rarest maymay

>> No.1876230

1 is pointless

>> No.1876240

Semi-rich fag here. Looking to drop $1k into Milocoin. Where do I go to buy sell?

Thread too long to read.

>> No.1876250

novaexchange.com, assuming you have BTC already

>> No.1876275

Just got listed on yobit too

>> No.1876291

>If you knew anything about crypto investing you would know THAT COINS NEVER DIE!

Yes they do you stupid faggot. There are thousands of dead coins out there. A blockchain and some private keys existing on a few hard drives does not mean a coin isn't dead.

>So fucking what. You think MILO has long term viability? ....HAHAHAHAHAH

Did I say that? MILO and TRUMP are BOTH DEAD LONG TERM. MILO is going up short to medium term at least. TRUMP coin? Not going up short term, medium term, or long term. ONWARD MARCH TOWARDS 0 SATOSHIS.

>The fact that you call it a "scam coin" just shows that you're probably lying about the QRK pump

Why? QRK was a pump and dump. TRUMP was a pump and dump. They are both useless shitcoins. The former I made money off of. The latter I did not.

>I made around $25k from the Trumpcoin pump faggot, and I invested ~$400 worth. You mad brah?

No. You should be mad. If Trump had actually acknowledged the existence of Trumpcoin, that 25,000$ might be a cool 1,000,000$

>You have nothing intelligent to say because Milo is nothing compared to Donald Trump. He's a small celeb in the alt right and you are comparing him to the fucking President of the United States. DERP!

You realize Trump the man and Trump the coin are two separate entities correct? By your logic, Trumpcoin should have replaced Bitcoin by now. America electing Trump president doesn't mean crypto investors are going to value a dogshit memecoin called Trumpcoin more highly.

DOGE marketcap $25,412,783
TRUMP marketcap $363,763

BAHAHAHAHA!!!!! How ever could this be?!?! Trump is the president!! DOGE is just a.......Doge.

>Stop giving out advice. You're scamming people!

I'm scamming people by advising them to NOT invest in a shitcoin that is clearly dying (Trumpcoin)? And instead recommending they invest in the coin that is CLEARLY going up in the short to medium term (Milocoin)?

GTFO you larping faggot. You know SHIT about crypto.

>> No.1876297

Can someone explain to me how PoS works?

I see 69% Stake on Ann thread but I don't know what that means.

>> No.1876310

Is it only going up? Should I sell now and buy back in later

>> No.1876373

Better late than never. Welcome aboard.

>> No.1876380

No need to sell for minimal potential gains.

>> No.1876385

Tossed in .1btc on nova at about ~1100sat

Let it go where it will

>> No.1876407

can any of you fags gimme some free milos to start staking to the moon? Thanks:


>> No.1876408


>> No.1876417


I've doubled my money in under a week though

>> No.1876460
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a bunch yesterday

>> No.1876490

inb4 milo is behind this coin

>> No.1876500

Can you niggas help me understand what pump means?

>> No.1876588

>What pump means
ignorant fucking neanderthals lurk here too eh?
Let me google that for you.

>> No.1876611

Bout to drop a fucking band of my eth profits in this shit.
When should I get in? now or wait for a dip?

>> No.1876620

Wait for dip imo. There will be a dip, especially this early. Price very inflated atm.

>> No.1876625

def wait for a dip on this memecoin

>> No.1876636



1. Download the MiloCoin wallet. If your MILO is on an exchange, withdrawal them to your local wallet.

2. After 4 hours, your coins will be eligible to stake. Keep your wallet open. You cannot stake if your wallet is not open.

3. Wait.

4. Eventually, your coins will stake and you will be rewarded interest on your MILO at a rate of 69% annually. FREE COINS!

5. When your MILO stakes, it will be locked for 35 blocks. Don't freak out, this is normal. Just wait 35 minutes and you will be able to move your coins again.

>> No.1876641

Just plop a buy order at 500 satoshis and wait. There is still 2 months of mining left. It will get filled eventually.

>> No.1876642


>> No.1876665

>Yes they do you stupid faggot. There are thousands of dead coins out there.

Wrong idiot. Anyone can revive a coin at any time. See bitcoinplus for example. A coin that was considered dead that I invested into and now made profit on.


SHOW US YOUR CRYSTAL BALL. PLEASE. Are you apart of many secret pnd groups? No? Then you dont know what you're talking about. You don't know SHIT.

>Why? QRK was a pump and dump.

No shit QRK was a pump and dump.

>that 25,000$ might be a cool 1,000,000$

For the amount of work I put into Trumpcoin (next to nothing except reading some threads) I am very happy for what I got out of it. :)

>You realize Trump the man and Trump the coin are two separate entities correct?

No, that's not my logic you fucking dumbass. Pump and Dump =/= real market growth. That cool $1,000,000 you speak of could only be achieved by real market growth.

Trumpcoin is perfect for Pump and dumps because its named after the President with a global brand name. It's not that hard to do the math.

>I'm scamming people by advising them to NOT invest in a shitcoin that is clearly dying (Trumpcoin)? And instead recommending they invest in the coin that is CLEARLY going up in the short to medium term (Milocoin)?

Your scamming people just like the fudders did in the summer. How many times did we hear that Trumpcoin is

"About to die." "Trumpcoin is dead time to sell" "The team behind trumpcoin is stoooopid." How many times? How many times? Instead you're promoting a brand new coin with NO NEW track record and telling people to dump Trumpcoin AS USUAL.

If I would have listened to IDIOTS LIKE YOU I would not have made $25,000 dollars selling trumpcoin at the peak. You dont KNOW SHIT you fucking LARPER.

>> No.1876667

But I need BTC, not Milos. :(

Also nice sudden P&D from 4000 satoshi to 86000, but how much Milo and for how much Btc could you have sold in that interval?

>> No.1876714

>BAHAHAHAHA!!!!! How ever could this be?!?! Trump is the president!! DOGE is just a.......Doge.

More to add on this...you dont understand crypto markets.

DOGE was the first memecoin created. If you were around for QRK's pnd you should know this. It was the first memeocin created and the concept caught on and we have the huge marketcap for it today.

The crpyto market is rather illogical, but there is a method to the madness - its based on hype and speculation. If whales want to a pump a coin, Trumpcoin is always a good a choice. It commands the President's name, and has a globally recognized brand. The same goes for Putin. Look at Putin's chart, it was also chosen for PnD's - and also look at its Marketcap. Similar to Trumpcoin's.

It seems to me that Dogecoin may have broader appeal, but there is still a market for these political coins like Trumpcoin, Putin, etc.

So that is why Trumpcoin has the marketcap it has. It will be pumped when they are ready to pump it. And it will be pumped again. If you think its going to 0, you are a fool.

>> No.1876716
File: 49 KB, 600x480, milocoin_8kvolume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8k 24 hour volume

>> No.1876733

Ever feel like you get really ruffled for no reason at all? Simmer down anon-kun. It'll be alright.

>> No.1876751
File: 19 KB, 480x270, t2relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax pls

>> No.1876755 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 380x226, bitbay2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're sick of this nonsense meme of this unlikeable gay person. try investing in a seriously undervalued cryptocurrency instead


>> No.1876774

post trading markets for bitbay

>> No.1876778

how do I mine this shit

>> No.1876782

or is there only this one?

>> No.1876784
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that site

>> No.1876787


>> No.1876863

>buy $300
>sell for $500 (in really $496,86)

>> No.1876874


>telling people to dump Trumpcoin AS USUAL.

Too late, everyone has already dumped.

>Instead you're promoting a brand new coin with NO NEW track record

Here you are again, speaking as if TRUMP coin's track record is something to be proud of. I'm not telling people to invest in MILO. I'm saying that if someone is to make a choice between investing in MILO or TRUMP right now, MILO is the clear choice.

>45 BTC marketcap currently (lots of room for growth, cheap)
>never been pumped, hype building
>just got added to Yobit
>devs claim to be working on a Twitter protocol that will give the coin real utility
>very good chance of getting Milo and Gavin to shill for the coin
>fair launch, active dev, no signs of shady behavior as of yet

>350 BTC marketcap (less room for growth, relatively expensive compared to MiloCoin)
>Pumped and dumped twice. Burned many investors. Lost 100% of the value gained during the inauguration pump.
>Constant drama and infighting. Crypto community has zero trust in anyone involved with the coin.
>Trump will never acknowledge it's existence
>Will live and die on Yobit because no other exchanges want anything to do with it
>zero utility beyond being a memecoin for trading
>no legitimate reason for it to pump anytime soon

Are you seriously going to tell me TRUMP is a more promising investment opportunity than MILO? Yes, I am sure TRUMP will get pumped again. When? Who knows. It could do nothing for the next year. There is no reason for it to pump right now. You are buying to sit on your coins and wait for a whale to randomly pump it. Also, any future TRUMP pump is not likely to get even close to the levels it saw during the inauguration pump. No one is going to buy this shit at 50k satoshis just to watch it fall to it's pre-pump price AGAIN.

Gargle my balls. My DOGE/TRUMP marketcap comparison was 100% apt and you know it.

>> No.1876887

Stop arguing with him. He's clearly a crypto-expert who has made 10's of thousands of dollars every time he gets into a coin because he can predict the market.

I mean shit the guy has a used Corvette, at least know what you're up against :^)

>> No.1876908


Why are trumpcoiners so fucking retarded, it was always a pump and dump

>> No.1876928
File: 12 KB, 222x227, 2017-03-14-11-08-45-1729983231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dev even said once that "pump and dumps were normal :^)"

oh and remember the fake transfer of power?

what about the .rocks website

wait, wait, what about the dAPPs protocol?

>> No.1876938


I made a lot of money on it and was very happy with my profits and left richer. Most people held and I assume are still holding. What's the price now? Is it dead?

>> No.1876941

>not mentioning the coin swap

>> No.1876946

man, i bought it for a quarter of the value it is now haha. here's to hoping it goes up to 40 cents

>> No.1876963

way to let your dreams be dreams.
Try double that m9

>> No.1876986

>tfw only 9k Elon Muskbucks
Is that enough for a moon ticket?

>> No.1876989

I think what you meant was multiply it by 10

>> No.1877014

multibit. dont bother with a pc

>> No.1877111

why is no one using yobit for MiloCoin?

>> No.1877122

I am using Nova

>> No.1877134

black guy question mark.jpg

2500 usd have passed thru yobit in the last 8 hours

>> No.1877151

What's the possibility of this making $1 by 2018?

>> No.1877155


>> No.1877168
File: 41 KB, 500x375, sad-frog-meme-butt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls send a few Milos my way, I'm waiting on verification from coinbase to buy BTC:'(

>> No.1877169
File: 29 KB, 500x300, Facebook-f95324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twice as high as ScottishPajeetCoin (trumpcoin) hitting .53

so bretty gud

>> No.1877177

What about PIVX?

>> No.1877180

Thats not a Milo address sir/mam

>> No.1877242

Pls send will post dick pic with Milo written on it

>> No.1877318
File: 157 KB, 800x536, Tadej-Vaukman-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send Milos

>> No.1877334

put em on some OC tits and we will talk

>> No.1877336

Confirmed that Milo will be going up, otherwise this guy wouldn't of been trying to manipulate people into selling cheap

>> No.1877339

Dicks out for Milo. Again...

>> No.1877381

Will post OC tits of GF for Milos

>> No.1877397


It's a safe for work board. Delete the picture before you get banned.

>> No.1877459
File: 292 KB, 502x355, nightcall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1877466


>> No.1877910

Got shat on when the price has dropped now to around 600/800
Twats kept undercutting each other.