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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18733931 No.18733931 [Reply] [Original]

Is this mooning.. I just dumped my entire stack because this place said it was a scam1!!!

>> No.18734070

You fell for the fud anon, thanks for selling me you bags at a discount.

>> No.18734150

Only a newfag doesn't get that the best stuff gets fudded relentlessly.

>> No.18734187

not a newfag.. I have been here for months.. this used to find a lot of support in here. now all posts are fudders. does it truly have the partnerships?

>> No.18734235

>not a newfag..
>I have been here for months..

Top kek.

>> No.18734348

whatever fag I am old school.. how much eth did you buy in 2018?

>> No.18734375
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>> No.18734378

Because I don't like to lose money.

>> No.18734417

fuck.. I thought that was disproven? is now a good time to buy back?

>> No.18734424

Oh wow they have a vision for Dubai.
Surely a Vision is worth it, and it will definitely come true.
Did the right thing OP, although you should have sold much earlier.

>> No.18734491

they have working DOPS with EVM. nobody else has that but I thought it was too early so I sold.

>> No.18735116

The dumping was for the low confidence selling investors losing their hope and selling their stacks. The token unlock in June is priced in. Once its behind us people will start jumping back in and whales will pump us to top 20-50 range.

>> No.18735465

You overestimate yourself if you think you are "old school" and you weren't here at least from the beginning of 2017 to capitalise on that crazy bull run caused by the ICO bubble (that probably won't repeat itself, sorry to break it to you). You still have much to learn about this space, take it from someone who's been around here since the beginning of 2016.

Don't fall for coordinated fud campaigns on biz or you're going to get left behind on solid projects and holding shilled shitcoins that are going nowhere.
Fantom is one of the projects that are going to do very well in the next bull run, even though it's going to be nothing like 2017 (not every shitcoin under the sun is going to 10x over night).
But you should always be sceptical and not believe anyone on biz, including me. DYOR anon and you should be good!

>> No.18736287

lol what a fake and synthetic conversation. Most plastic thread on biz. Fantom getting totally BTFO here:

>> No.18737579

>central banks
>literal cities
>fastest EVM consensus anywhere
Sounds like you got BTFO not Fantom...

>> No.18737650


>> No.18737681

The problem with waiting so long beside the fact that you get older and older and there is no point to be rich when you can't get teen pussy (or if you can get it she's disgusted about you) is that the fact that you will be alive in a 5 year time frame it's not a sure thing
We live thinking as we were immortal but we are not. You can never know when destiny has planted a malign seed inside you and you are left with only 6 months or 1 year to live.
Being young it's not somenthing that can keep away this tragical fate from you.
Beside illness you can die in a lot of (painful) ways and it can happen tomorrow when you go to your job meme carrier

This is why buddism says: ''do not be so attacched to things (including life) because things are not permanent''

In my opinion the only good way of becaming rich is when you're young and without too much stress. Which is not the case with this post 2017 bubble wanna be rich cube

this is not a pasta. Just a consideration.

Buddism also say this thing, which I find very true: ''The more you want the less you'll have''

this is probably the reason why this shit is not at 100 usd making me a millionaire in Thailand while bob got rich thanks to bitcoin just because hek forgot the keys for years without even thinking about the price