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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18730839 No.18730839 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everything pumping while I'm laid off and cash poor?

>> No.18730863

Because you're dumb

>> No.18730918

Everything you worked for was pointless and useless beyond the point of keeping you occupied. gg no re

>> No.18730942

You're likely a third worlder and have been poor your entire existence

>> No.18730947

Because everyone still getting paid is sitting at home with nothing to consoom but food and netflix. All that excess is going to the only casino still open.

>> No.18730948
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>> No.18730977
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Lol its actually not pumping anon the dollar is just shitting the bed faster then stonks.

The dollar is losing value to QE and OPEC so of course stonks are going up. Share in a company with crap Q2 earnings and massive debt is still going up in value against the dollar.

To be honest it's a bad time to hold anything especially dollars. Invest in guns

>> No.18730994

you'll get the hang of it...

>> No.18731072

the world you perceive is just a simulation where you always lose m8. nothing personnel

>> No.18731212
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Lol I learned to ask biz for advice just so I could short the advice years ago.

It's all in how you look at it anon. Someone is making it if you are losing it

>> No.18731239

the next dump is coming as soon as the dumbfuck GOP governors re-open everything too soon and the COVID numbers spike again

>> No.18731266

central banks are buying out the market and helping their big friends. welcome to the new market where a logical analysis gets thrown out the window

>> No.18731283
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>pandemic starts and crashes everything
>Stock up and cheap ass links
>receive tax return and trumpbux
>still has job
>somehow made more money during this crisis than ever before
Feels fucking good. I guess some of you weren’t meant to make it

>> No.18731340
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Lol ya I bought like 10,000$ of Ethereum with usdc at the bottom around 90-100$ bargains are for strong hands

>> No.18731361

I'm not complaining, I'm still alive snd well.
checked, thanks for your insight.
I've always thought QE couldn't directly pump stocks, also is inflation such a concern when the uncertainty push people to stay liquid?

>> No.18731427

That's why it's pumping. No more worthless employees they have to pay because muh worker rights deny employers from just firing these waste of money draining spaces until now.

>> No.18731446
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Most likely. Imagine still thinking this crisis has anything to do with the virus

>> No.18731589

So that they can widen the wealth disparity and you will never make it.

>> No.18732726
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>> No.18732936

>Oh no the hysteria-causing version of the common cold might spike in numbers again

>> No.18732996

why pay tax when they can just print money. go back to work slaves.

>> No.18733350

>Dudeeee just lockdown your entire nation for 2 yearss dude weed dude!!!1
Fuck off.

>> No.18733593


What do you guys think will happen when people get spooked a 2nd time? Restart too early and the lockdown ultimately will be worse.

>> No.18733614

What's so bad about being poor? Society needs a majority poor to function. It's in human nature to serve the upper classes all the way to the top, and you can't change nature. Be happy that you have a station in life and commit to it, instead of chasing the greener grass. Besides, millionaires suffer more during bad times. Yes, it hurts when you lose 5k out of your 50k savings, but imagine losing 5 millions out of 50k million. These numbers can drive a man to despair.

>> No.18733635

I don't care as long as the $2k monthly check passes.

>> No.18733662

Cuz it’s a great big club... and you ain’t in it.

>> No.18733692
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because the market, like everything else, doesn't give a fuck about you or any of the rest of the plebs.