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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18696191 No.18696191 [Reply] [Original]

Who here /Genius Money/?

>> No.18696234

The most overvalued crypto there is. Hoskinson is a scamming jew, cardano is pure vaporware

>> No.18696270

What does it do?

>> No.18696289

ADA is the end game crypto. You need at least 1 Million ADA to make it long term.

>> No.18696295

Ethereum 2.0 with a glacial development pace. Take that as you will.

>> No.18696318

Why is it below a dollar then when eth is almost 200

>> No.18696319

issuing tokens in the main wallet Daedalus
smart contracts
making me rich(and you, if you're in)
negative IQ Fudder, prove your claims.

>> No.18696358

pos? I only piece of shit but Im assuming it means something different here.
Also it already looks too late on the chart

>> No.18696408

You're new as hell lad. proof of stake.
>Also it already looks too late on the chart
U w0t? You just admitted to being new af and you already think you're a TA prodigy?

>> No.18696423

No need for ADA. That shit is old news. Tezos is the real ethereum killer.

>> No.18696455

Why does something with 1/250th the supply cost more? Surely it's a mystery.

>> No.18696465

I'll run some simulations and see tomorrow if it truly is worth a buy.
I'll bookmark this thread and tell you

>> No.18696497

Oh please, you're an awful larper. threads can die in 2 hours here.

>> No.18696512

you're admitting its low price is normal even though it has better technology than ethereum then why should I expect a rise in value?

>> No.18696534

you have telegram?

>> No.18696585

No I'm calling you out for the inability to comprehend fractions.
I don't actually care what you buy and I would recommend you stay far away from anything that involves numbers.

>> No.18696604

>You need at least 1 Million ADA to make it long term.
Naaaaah thats short term 1-2 years
>100-200k ADA to make it in 3+ years
>20k-50k ADA to make it in 5+ years

>> No.18696607
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>> No.18696689

Fuck Cardano, Tezos and Ethereum
>Chainlink Marines report in

>> No.18696739

Ethereum is more scarce than Ada and has more demand alright
Ada is more available and has less demand ok
The price difference still relies on supply and demand alright.
But you say Ada is better smart contracts than ethereum.
So either
Quality of asset doesnt mean anything for value and decisions to invest should be based around rarity and interest
Ada is not what it claims to be

>> No.18696760

kek.. we are talking about actual blockchains here, not a toy project by a scammer that can't even code. also. coinbase is delisting this trash

>> No.18696794

Just dont buy faggot

>> No.18696806

I said nothing of the sort. You asked "what does it do" and that's is how it is advertised. You can evaluate the rest on your own.

>> No.18696813

>premined shittoken holder here
hold to 0 basement dweller "marine"
>Ada is not what it claims to be
How so? the development is ongoing, milestones are reached.
>it's not in demand = dey liede to meh

>> No.18696848

I am indeed not buying something so obscure.
I asked how it worked and I had very vague replies.
How about explain your Ada in clear terms with exemples.
Take cars for exemple
People buy them because they are way faster than a bike, this is clear and they spend money with trust in the product.
How do you want me to buy of I remain clueless?
How do you expect your asset to rise in value if it remains too complicated for the average consumer?

>> No.18696873

or stay poor.

>> No.18696890

i'll give a shit once it actually exists

>> No.18696905

So you will buy at 50X the price?

>> No.18696920

Shut up before I smack your face!
Chainlink Godtier!

>> No.18696932

There's no token swap, the current ada COINS exist and will not change or be removed.
next FUD please.

>> No.18696945

let butthurt linkies stay poor. they really don't deserve this

>> No.18697007

It says in the coinbase pitch
That it has a decentralized data processing platform (doesnt tell me why it's good or bad for that matter)
It has an algorithm of specific consensus called ouroboros(ok?) That confirms transaction while minimizing energy costs. (This part I understand the appeal)
So it is more eco friendly?
Still too many complicated computation terms make this project unclear to me.
You guys need to understand that a product has to leave the basement one day.
Bill Gates didn't make it by staying in his garage

>> No.18697086

if you look at the codebase and the interaction in the staking testnet tele you may be able to piece together that this network is going to make ethereum look like a toy, which it is.

>> No.18697395
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Let them FOMO in at 2 dollar. Don't waste time on this idiots.

>> No.18697533

why the fuck would i buy vaporware over products that actually exist? xtz, algo, eth etc

go shill your kike bags elsewhere

>> No.18697557

Fuck xtz algo eth etc ada
>Buy Chainlink and dump your shitcoins now!
Chainlink Marines report in!

>> No.18697612

haha.. a linkcuck. I thought you retards were extinct

>> No.18698169

>Actually exist
but Cardano coins exist you giga brainlet.

>> No.18698226

WE are the GODS of Crypto!
>Chainlink will dethrone Bitcoin

>> No.18698253

i love watching you guys say schizo shit like this.. I'm just wondering.. do you ACTUALLY believe it? If so.. anon.. I...

>> No.18698322

What network kek

>> No.18698377
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>who here genius money?
Enjoy for mainnet release in 20 years after Hoskinson finishes his travel blog career

>> No.18698395
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>> No.18698398
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>> No.18698419

Hoskinson dumped his bags at the top and has already made it and has 0 incentive to develop the ecosystem.

>> No.18698435

yet he releases videos and code every few days, and employs the largest dev team in crypto. what are you scared of? do you hold one of those fake platform plays like EOS or Tezos or some shit?

>> No.18698446

Get in here boyos

>> No.18699028
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ADA Cultist go back to your Guru, and listen to his next AMA full of delays Kek.

>> No.18699500

lol all I see is bullshit and little to no progress. No one is going to buy this shitcoin.

>> No.18699555

Imagine getting left behind when this shit changes everything. Why are poor ppl so mad?