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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18688481 No.18688481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what does cuddling with a girl feel like?

>> No.18688534

Just ask your mom or sister to cuddle. Most are okay with it.

>> No.18688545


>> No.18688557

one of the best feelings ever

>> No.18688562

very comfy

>> No.18688564
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I dont have either

>> No.18688588
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It feels like awkward boner.

>> No.18688600

>tfw you cuddle and you know that at any moment you can just slide off her pants and fuck her

>> No.18688606

if ur the big spoon one of ur arms falls asleep after like 20 minutes so its kind of a meme. dat oxytocin tho dawg

>> No.18688638

bags of warm sand

>> No.18688643

have sex

>> No.18688653
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Checked and truth pilled

>> No.18688668

>tfw no cute bf to invest with
What is even the point

>> No.18688669

It feels like 10k LINK being given to you

>> No.18688693

I like being the little spoon and farting right into their crotch

>> No.18688696
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That's tough, bro. I always used to cuddle with my sister.

>> No.18688705
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based and 69

>> No.18688717
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great during the winter, not too great during the summer kek, my roastie ex had no AC in her dorm shit was pure hell

>> No.18688754

It doesn’t change your life, it’s just nice. Lying on your back while she puts her head on your chest and you can just hold her is possible the comfiest of feels possible

>> No.18688779
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I don't know and doubt I ever will.

>> No.18688802
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>> No.18688964

its great. feels like a slab of breathing hot meat.

>> No.18688994
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>> No.18689004

It's beautiful, erotic, and intimate for like 4 minutes. Then it's like laying on the sun, hugging flames.

>> No.18689014
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>tfw girls only want you for sex

I've never cuddled or dated anyone, one night stands

>> No.18689015


>> No.18689022

It gives you the most warm and fuzzy feeling imaginable. Purely content and happy.

>> No.18689024


>> No.18689042
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since when did /biz/ become fucking /tv/? fuck off you cringy incels
buy a fucking prostitute if you're lonely

>> No.18689081


oxytocin release till your late 20's after you turn 30 you don't care anymore

>> No.18689095

nothing remarkable
its best to cuddle with my fellow King friends

>> No.18689111

like anything else OP; great at first with diminishing returns. this can be supplemented with new girls to an extent.

on a side note. i legit hope that everyone who listens to music on their phone speakers in public gets fucking rona. no joke.

>> No.18689245
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>buy a fucking prostitute if you're lonely
Yes cause paying someone to fuck you is absolutely a cure for loneliness.

>> No.18689427

Decent bait, I'll give you that.

>> No.18689431

like a bag of sand

>> No.18689443

You chainlink fuckers are absolute losers

>> No.18689483


>> No.18689538

its better than you dont know. once you get a taste of it and never get it back you feel even worse

t. manlet chad who had 20 girlfriends 10 which were actually hot, but never could keep them for more than a month

>> No.18689546

You're right.

It's like getting 20k LINK.

>> No.18689556

it's tolerable until they start talking about their "feelings". then it's pure hell.

>> No.18689564

what the fuck is that

>> No.18689571

How tall are you?

>> No.18689576

5 foot 7 maybe 5 foot 8 with shoes on

>> No.18689578

Also why couldnt you keep them around?

>> No.18689588


>> No.18689590
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Fren, why you couldn’t keep them for more than one month?
what happend?

>> No.18689591

im like a 8/10 body and face and im outgoing/funny but im broke from shitty job and not good at sex

>> No.18689598

[citation needed]

>> No.18689599

feels warm and fuzzy, like market buying CKB knowing you haven't even cycled once.

>> No.18689604

So they dump you? Thats retarded...

>> No.18689609
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>deemed unworthy of human affection or even simple decency because the bones in my skull are considered a couple of millimeters too shallow

I was really rooting for this virus to wipe out all human life but it let me down. I guess it's back to praying for an asteroid to smash into the surface of the planet.

>> No.18689615

they want a guy with a good job and big dick. i cope with drugs/alcohol

>> No.18689632

meant for >>18689604

if you don't have the chad chin just go after women who have shitty bone structure too. find one whos kind of a butter face but has a fat ass and/or tits

all you need is money and a good dick

>> No.18689635
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th-this isn't true right guys?

>> No.18689641

how small is your dick anon

>> No.18689649

everything in life has diminishing returns. once you're rich for a while it gets boring too.

>> No.18689658

6 inches. 7 is minimum to make it. and it has to be thick.

>> No.18689679

don't waste your time anon, females are the new niggers and will do nothing but ruin you financially and make you miserable with their low IQ decision making in the "muh independent female" era

>> No.18689688

Damn. I didnt know relationships could end that quick. How old are you and where do you meet these chicks?

>> No.18689690
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surely you can just not cuddle for awhile and it'll be nice again?

>> No.18689693

Tinder made all of the ugly/fat girls think they deserve Chads

>> No.18690196

Its more satisfying when she cuddling you .

>> No.18690811

that's a man

>> No.18690837

It feels like HEX going to a penny

>> No.18690856

being the little spoon to a big strong and financially secure bizchad is one of life's true pleasures

>> No.18690919
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like this

>> No.18690947

One of the few benefits of a nympho gf.