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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 802x321, photo_2020-04-25_17-47-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18679834 No.18679834 [Reply] [Original]

Pajeet scam evolving

Bullish news director left Quant

Spuna with Sia uses R3 Corda

China BSN uses chainlink and cosmos

ETH 2.0 interopable

none of these need QNT

change my mind

>> No.18679930


I'm never going to financially recover from this

>> No.18679941

its ogre

>> No.18679967

Buy $OCEAN to invest in a real project. Facts:

> OCEAN advisory board remains unchanged since inception
> OCEAN team are best
> Ocean are using BMW working with bmw but this hasn't been announced yet

Buy before anyone knows

>> No.18679968
File: 85 KB, 668x444, gil is trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18680018

Honestly FUCK 4chan for recommending this piece of shit. How much $ y'all lose? I'm out 3k, which is a lot for me

>> No.18680031

15k here

>> No.18680054

time to ask Muscular Mcfaggot

>> No.18680068

that faggot doesn't even own 1k qnt

>> No.18680077

down 50k its fucking rekt right?

fuck Quamfy lounge and all the bullshit shillers

>> No.18680083
File: 300 KB, 594x738, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom list with partners from https://www.quant.network/ was deleted 4 days ago

Gilbertino dumps 140k quants at the top of the bull run, right after he shills his shitcoin in the lounge to the gullible fools

50 million people, 10 million people, government, SIA, blah blah. SIA releases press on blockchain without mentioning Overledger haha

Gilbert, you motherbitch, you promised us:
SIA update
Cointelegraph article
And many more, including t1 exchanges in q1
Developer portal is empty. Where is bank of england ? Where are the 5 central banks you were talking with before new years eve haha

Where the fuck are the news ?

>> No.18680104

da, another scam shows its face again

>> No.18680124

imagine being all in on this scam. the poor bastards don't know what's coming.

>> No.18680203

Now that the Director is out, let's see who are they going to appoint next.

So far:

Gilbert Alaverdian is CEO
Lara Alaverdian is COO
Gagik Alaverdian is dealing with US
(this is not even a joke lol)

The position is open. You could too become Director of Quant, doesn't matter if you're a plumber as long as you are from the numerous armenian family.

Big Alaverdian family extracting all the ICO funds. Smart motherfuckers these armenians

>> No.18680236

buy OCEAn before the BMW news gets leaked! Come and join our best Chan the telegram Chan t. Me dot baghunters do not trust Gilbert

>> No.18680248

You guys told me to buy at $15, now im financially ruined. Quant is never even acknowledged by the SIA, its already been a year since they've been "exploring" blockchain and they have decided they aren't using QNT. Gilbert is literally dumping his tokens any chance he gets. Fuck you scammers.

>> No.18680257
File: 261 KB, 794x910, thebandits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even joking, this shit looks like a top notch heist movie lmao

>> No.18680305

fuck I didn't even know about this....

>> No.18680321

the Armenian Hustle

>> No.18680380

Donnie, you still haven't figured out who I am in your Chan lmao. Shall I post the dm where you sent everyone to this thread to join the poo in loo fud

Fucking scum snake piece of shit. See you in Thailand soon tranny basher.

>> No.18680403


>> No.18680555

?Family-owned operation working with the federal governments and central banks... lol

>> No.18681044


These pajeets believe that the entire financial infrastructure is going to run through some armernian hustlers centralized shittech

It's not a joke. They think that Swift and SIA are going to pay for licenses to these shady armenians in order to use Overledger


>> No.18681349

just wait until moonshot dumps on you

>> No.18681404

Now they'll need to hire another family member

>> No.18682095

Was researching this just yesterday and found so many red flags I just knew I had to get rid of my bag. Dumped it all earlier today while I'm still in nice profits from buying at $2-3 a month ago.

>> No.18682224


the project started with a solid foundation then it all collapsed when the architects of Overledger left the team (Jean Paul DeJong and Colin Paterson). Also, Sebastian Bramille and a few others, including Cecilia Harvey. Now their director, who's also a big shot guy, left the team.

Then Gilbert burned the bridges with CZ Binance by shitting on him on telegram and was also caught saying that his board of directors is not aware of Coinbase LMAO, saying that they are bigger than Coinbase.

It's fucking hilarious, i'm telling you. Red flag after red flag.

>> No.18682399
File: 555 KB, 809x1817, Screenshot_20200425-212048_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF it's true, I'll be shiting on Quantards so hard when Shillbert finally exit scam

>> No.18682552

Change your ip

>> No.18682657

I don't need to I'm here to fuck Donnie and cobra off. We're coming over to bongingham and scotbong to see them soon, once flights are back on.

>> No.18682697

Hmmm Was your first two posts mean to be sarcastic or something?
Post pics.

>> No.18682720


Nobody from the quamfy lounge 2.0 knows that the Director of Quant left. They just banned the guy who posted evidence WTF loooool. Go check the name in there 'Tariq'. Can't find nothing. they deletd evidence haha

>> No.18682722

Yes post DM.

Or as they say these days:
sEnD iT

>> No.18682774




>> No.18682784

literally a week ago you guys were pumping this scam coin.

I hate this place. just ban discussion of crypto currencies

>> No.18682830


Just found out that their real names in armenia are Allahverdian (some of Gil's connections on facebook). Gagik changed his name to Alaverdian while Gilbert chose Verdian, probably because they are ashamed of their name/roots.

They are not ashamed to extract those ICO bags, though. Soon they will all run Quant, starting from the 12yr son all the way up to grandpa Albert Verdian

>> No.18682906


>> No.18682913
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Keep dialating, Telegram Trannies. I can literally feel the salt through the screen.


Seethe more.

>> No.18683030


the shitcoin is fudding itself, theres no need for anyone to invent stuff. chill the fuck down, kunt

It's not like the director didn't left along with all the top engineers and gil didn't hire his family

>> No.18683043


Dilate more.

>> No.18683048

>dont worry I have a greentext pic to make me feel better

>> No.18683164
File: 76 KB, 1250x266, Gilbert Verdian Authored TC307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donnie is that you, or is that cobra i smell? No, that scent... the pungent coppery aroma of blood in the air, something close to the putrid smell of saliva... the freshly mutilated open wound of Bosch's festering tranny "vaginal" wound twitching and convulsing at the thought of the OVER A MILLION lost in moving from QNT to FTM.

It's over retard, your fud and bullshit ip's fool no one but the low iq retards who don't own any quad anyways because their brains are small. Here biz, have a breadcrumb.

>> No.18683249

>s that cobra i smell?
You should know, you were all sucking his penis the other day. How’s your asshole feel now that he has raped you in the butt?

>> No.18683268


>> No.18683281


Kek, can't wait. However I'm certain I'll be disappointed waiting for a salty autist and "his boys" to come get me.

I don't even post on biz, it's funny as fuck l. Your man child actions seem to have bred a community of disenchanted shitcoiners who laugh at the sorry state of the quamfy lounge.

Over 6 months of salt, I'm drowning in sats and you're drowning in tears.

It's probably Bosch behind most of these posts, and fair play to the guy. The constant gobshite elhe has received from you faggots deserves some form of backlash. It's clearly getting to you psychologically.

Keep up the good work, it's going to be very enjoyable to watch certain events play out over the coming months. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, you know where to find me

>> No.18683465

Quant is shit

V2 quamfy lounge gay as fuck

>> No.18683504

But this must be 10k$ eoy because some brainlet called Cheddar told us in Telegram.

>> No.18683593

Quant has undeniable connections to banks. The question is if it's all a bs cover for one of the most elaborate scams in crypto or if it's legit and nothing has been revealed because of NDAs and the likes. I'm extremely skeptical, this whole thing smells off, it all comes down to whether or not Gilbert is lying and so far he has given plenty of reasons to think he's a conman rather than the opposite (he loves giving bullish announcements that don't pan out at the bottom and then dump the top). If nothing major happens in 2020 then this project is definitely dead.

>> No.18683772


He most likely started with good intentions, but like I said, once the Quant architects left (I call them the founders because Gil is no developer), he was probably left with a codebase and a vision that couldn't be completed. And since he still owns a ton of tokens and funds from the ICO (probably), he wants to milk it as long as possible instead of shutting down the shit and being a position to reimburse the investors. These armenian gangsters are smart.

The fact that he's hiring his family is a red flag bcos it's making him look like he wants to extract the ICO tokens as fast as possible by giving them $100k+ salaries in form of Quant. He can't do it by himself because he would probably have to justify the expenses at one point.

>> No.18683825


If I was any of you, I would stop trading this shitcoin until at least 10% of the things promised by Gilbert hit the news outlets and confirmed by partners. Better to buy at 2x than to be left holding the bag to an exit scam.

>> No.18683928

The fact that Gartner named quant a cool vendor remains one of the most confusing things, this means they must have some kind of decent technology. They're also part of things like the accord project and they recently posted a tech update which looks pretty good:

Anyway the whole thing is confusing, there are obvious red flags but there is also evidence that might point to quant being legit which makes it hard to completely write off

>> No.18683963
File: 41 KB, 645x729, rarebrainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even post on biz

>> No.18683969

Wanchain was cool vendor in September Gartner is a paid scam in blockchain they haven't got a clue

>> No.18683974
File: 187 KB, 727x990, lolgartner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean the same Gartner that has awarded MODUM (a shitcoin that exit scammed) "Cool Vendor in Blockchain Technology" ?

lol, you fell for the Gartner hype. hahaha

>> No.18684010

Imagine believing in someone with surename like Khan

>> No.18684025


Imagine trusting someone with surname like Allah-verdian (changed to Verdian of course to accomodate the us)

>> No.18684185

Good point, I guess I gave them too much credit because LINK was a cool vendor too

>> No.18684272


>> No.18684286

Quant will die in 2020

>> No.18684397

It's a soft exit scam, give it a few years when he got rid of tokens and funds are running low he will make the HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT (BIGGEST YET). Most failed ico will go this way.
If he can play it off as a failed venture then he can avoid police showing up at his doorstep. Dumping all tokens will have serious consequences, however failing a start up isn't a crime
But I don't think he hired his family because of greed, no respectable person want to work for the company is my guess

>> No.18684502


Live rent-free in your head.

Seethe more.

>> No.18684582

This thread is pathetic.

>> No.18684589

Ok don-bra

>> No.18684611

Imagine trusting /pol

>> No.18685463


>> No.18685473
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>> No.18685489
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>> No.18685839

Quamfy v2 lol

>> No.18686008
File: 1.09 MB, 2208x1242, 61BE1CE4-3641-42CB-88EB-7D98D6F212A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying this now after the pump. Should of listened when I was shilling sub 10m market cap
Pic related fucking idiots

>> No.18686084

of course

>> No.18686382

This is the biggest buy signal ever. Just bought more.
Ocean will be ok in 5 years. Got a long wait. Ill he buying at 500 sats again.
Im up 90k on Qnt over 2 years. Happy guy here

>> No.18686409 [DELETED] 

Oceans scam exit pump will he glorious

>> No.18686450

Oceans a SCAM.
The exit scam pump will be Glorious

>> No.18686577

Ocean is a shitcoin wtf u guys even talking about. Just search online for all the shady shit the’ve been doing this year


>> No.18686781

BTW, for anyone having second thoughts on Gil, heres an article from forbes


“ Having worked for the U.K.’s former Chancellor George Osborne to safeguard the Treasury’s billions after the global financial crisis, Gilbert Verdian’s reputation as a cybersecurity expert earned him the support to set up his own business, Quant Network.”

Sure, an armenian scammer safeguarding the Uk’s treasury. Only idiots believe These Quant fudders

>> No.18686858

Had not seen this, thanks!

>> No.18686939

You don't even know who Tariq is. Literal pleb trying to fud and pump his Ocean bags.
What a currynigger - could you please explain ETH's interoperability approach? Oh wait you can't because you have zero clues about blockchain technology.
Spunta isn't even live yet
Imagine thinking BSN using Chainlink is bearish for Quant.

Oh god you're fucking retarded, take your meds faggot.

>> No.18687154

Gilbert dumped on you so he could get an article written about him. Good job moron, you fell for this part of the scam.

>> No.18687862 [DELETED] 

This is comedy value

>> No.18687958

Ocean is a scam without any real partnerships. Kek
Cobra and Donnie do gay porn together to fund their pump and dump coins.
Cobra is a true faggot with serious mental issues.
Get some help pal.
Your mom would be proud.

>> No.18687990


Still doesn't change the fact that the director of Quant that was there since the beginning has left the team, top architects left the team, Gilbert hasn't released shit and he has all his family on director positions extracting the ICO funds.

Let's not lose the focus here

>> No.18688056
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>> No.18688090
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>> No.18688123

Donnie is a cunt. Hope he sucks my dick next.
Send me some dick pix sexy
Like you do to all the guys

>> No.18688143

The director of Quant hasn't left

Ocean is a Scam

>> No.18688167

The director of Quant hasn't left.
Fake Pictures

Ocean is a Scam

>> No.18688187


Desperate to bury the truth, cocksucker ?


>> No.18688264

Lmao. Go suck a dick

>> No.18688285

When Quant updates partner section with all the banks....

>> No.18688378

Yes faggots, i’m sure him taking out new leases for offices across the globe, hiring a new team and signing new banks up to use overledger is a sign of a scam. One director left - have you seen how many positions that director holds? People come and go. Deal with it. I’ve never even heard of that cuck anyway.

>> No.18688396

When ocean have any worth while partnerships

>> No.18688499

Proof for any of your claims?

>> No.18688581

Proof? Or <just trust me bro>

>> No.18688592

I believe everything anonymous people say. Kek
When ocean dumps you'll be buying back kek

>> No.18688608


"trust me bro, I know what I'm doing" - I'm an accredited investor. I jerk off to tranny porn and I buy all the highs and sell all the lows in my pimped out basement

>> No.18689109


holy fuck someone on this board other than myself talks about cosmos. for the love of fucking god thank you.

all this board is is jewish retards talking about chainlink every fucking day. nothing even relevant. just stupid sheep boards asking how much to buy. fucking worms.

thank you OP. you are not a god damn sheep.

>> No.18689279

/biz has turned to shit, leaving for good. We used to want to help each other out but nowadays its all about shilling or fudding whatever coin we happen to hold with no regard for truth or facts, just straight out made up shit. Was good while it lasted []

>> No.18689368

So lemme get this straight... is this the same #WomenInTech #BlackLivesMatter Quant that I’m familiar with...? “biz” actually shilled this trash? This place has reached an ATL.

>> No.18689543

Don’t forget, you’re here forever