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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1867926 No.1867926 [Reply] [Original]

Lol ETH is dropping. Time for all u Fags to cry

Tfw a mere pump n dump

>> No.1867931

I've been waiting for a dip. Nows my chance

>> No.1867938

Nah, no way it will sustain the pump. Easily gonna be back at 35 tmr. A slight increase but this is synthetic bullshit n shilling.

The real increase is in ETC once it dumps. Watch

>> No.1867939

>55 USD

>> No.1867942

Watching it drop as we speak.

>> No.1867945

I've seen that. ETC has been getting a good boost. So many coins...hard to keep track. I need to write a python script to keep all this together.

>> No.1867946


>> No.1867947

The price always drops down a bit after rapidly increasing. Tomorrow the price will increase to $60

>> No.1867949


also, thinking /biz/ is responsible for a $300m+ daily volume

baka desu

>> No.1867953

Get ready for a 70-80 sunday monday you fucking coinless idiots.

>> No.1867968

Keep shilling, same Fags. Do u even know about margin trading? This entire pumps a shill,

ETC is gonna rise once the update happens. As of right now, ETC and ETH go hand in hand. Both of them are dropping hard, then ETC will shine.

>> No.1867985

LOL mad he missed out. Made 2k in 2 days feelsgoodman

>> No.1867990
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Lol OP doesn't know anything about anything.

>> No.1868005
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>> No.1868007
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Lol I already sold back when it hit $18. As of writing this post ETH went from 48 to 45

>> No.1868012
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>sold back when it hit $18

explains why you're so mad.

>> No.1868014

Very nice, thanks for the heads up. I'll be happy I was patient and bought later

>> No.1868015

In telling you, etc will boom next

U all sound like emotional fag hots btw. Hoping on sheer luck when it's obvious this is a pump

>> No.1868037

psst; you are the impatient; get pumped and dumped moneyslut.

>> No.1868042
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>> No.1868045

Please tell me why etc will boom next.

It's based on older block chain tech.

>> No.1868052

there's always been quite a discrepancy between exchanges of a few percent

it wasn't a big deal when it was 10, but now around 50 you can have 47 on one exchange and 53 on another

the korean exchanges were over 60 usd somehow

poloniex is usually the biggest market and the lowest price, it's the most popular place to short

there's been no interruption to this rocket

>> No.1868056

I don't believe in etc, but it has
>btc backers supporting it to splinter eth
>miners who don't like pos

>> No.1868058


50% upward momentum
>merely a slight updraft

0.5% downward momentum

>> No.1868089
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I think I have some bad news op

>> No.1868095

Naw FUCK ETH. whoever investing rn instead of waiting should be worried. Shit can drop in a second.

>> No.1868099

Peole said the same about BTC when it was less than 5% of its current value.

>> No.1868113

What's going on now is pussy shit compared to the growth over the next couple months, which will be pussy shit compared to the growth over the next year

>> No.1868116

>Shit can drop in a second
This is what ignorant people say all the time.

>> No.1868144

Its $51 it was $56 at 11pm

coinbase prices

>> No.1868306


GO ETC ONCE IT DIPS. I'm done giving tips fuck all yall

>> No.1868323


Buttcoin shill detected sorry your investment is obsolete bro dont throw a tantrum

>> No.1868404

Alright u fux u got me. cashed in n got 15 eth at 3200... how highs it gonna hit?

>> No.1868424

lmfao u should really stop giving advice, you are awful at it