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>> No.18673976

Fuck bulls

>> No.18673987

How do you guys decide upon a large cap, mid cap, or small cap stock?

>> No.18673989

Golden may bull run. Embrace it.

>> No.18674006
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so....who is nervous?

>> No.18674011

i buy them all

>> No.18674012
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>tfw mass exodus from new york soon

>> No.18674017
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>tfw no office lady /biz/ gf

Imagine the smell...
I can't but I bet it's that faint, indescribable scent that makes me feel at home.

>> No.18674022

Post your favorite mid to large caps that aren't well known. And your reasons for buying them. Lets get some /comfy/ stock discussion going on.

>> No.18674033

Long Detroit

>> No.18674036

Priced in

>> No.18674048
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I keep trying to meme lines but I run out of chart. :(

>> No.18674050

MCD is gonna pop off.

>> No.18674064
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>Greatest oil crisis in history
>Greatest debt crisis in history
>Greatest unemployment in history
>Largest stimulus in history
>Stocks almost all time high

>> No.18674070


>> No.18674081
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>> No.18674082
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>> No.18674088

Genius! If we just have magnets pull up the stock market, it could never go down!

>> No.18674089
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Am I retarded for thinking about longing chinese Solar energy next week?
Now that chinks have experienced what clean air is like maybe they'll get more interest in renewable energy?
Im just an idiot idk

>> No.18674107
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Also HK confirmed Kim is dead. Hope you bought your puts on the SK ETF.

Live broadcast

>> No.18674117

Solar won’t take off meaningfully in your lifetime. Long nuclear energy or oil.

>> No.18674130

19k to 120$ ama

>> No.18674136

that soiboi on the screen has such a punchable face

>> No.18674137
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>Over 6% of All Mortgages Now in Forbearance

>> No.18674143


>> No.18674151

i see you post this shitty wojak every day, attaching an overused meme to a news article doesn't make it relevant to the stock market

>> No.18674152

I genuinely don't understand how so much of america lives paycheck to paycheck. I have like 5 years worth of savings and I'm only 30. People and companies alike need to learn the hard lesson of having a rainy day fund.

>> No.18674166

same. but then again im making $34 an hour

>> No.18674167

>I fucked up with my money
>idiots like you
Fren, it was never your money in the first place
>how's the SOXL treating you?
I can't complain. Before the dump most of my stack was in cash and crypto cuz even though I could never predict the magnitude of it, all the macro signs were pointing toward a dump. Not one to waste a catastrophe I've been buying in pretty steadily. I'm still mostly in cash since it seems implausibly optimistic he damage from the virus doesn't catch up to the market in a bad way. The rally is still in an uptrend though it did get shaky this week but my stops are in right under the last low so if things change I'll get right out. Got a bunch of puts generating cash so none of my stack stays idle and I buy in a grand or so every day. I think I'm decently prepared for whatever happens.

>> No.18674176

Imagine if you don't live in America (or western country), youre not wondering if you have a home, youre wondering if you have food.

>only one person uses red wojaks
>6% forbearance on mortgages is a nothing burger
Fuck off

>> No.18674195
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>> No.18674207

I need more stimmy checks lets fucking go.

>> No.18674209

What's you yolo on

>> No.18674218

Line only goes up

>> No.18674238

Shitty families and illness and shitty gfs/bfs

>> No.18674240
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I don't really get Jap twitter. But I like how the ladies aren't always showing off their butts.

Sometimes though...

>> No.18674241
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>> No.18674246

What the fuck bros do I get IKBR lite or pro?

>> No.18674256

Are you the 3x levered etf shill too? The guy who was talking about backtesting them etc

>> No.18674258

Would it be smart to sell OTM weekly covered calls on Ford for like the next year

>> No.18674262
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as much as I want to believe in a v-shaped recovery, it's incredibly unlikely and the fact that we are about to get fucked senseless by this market scares me more every day

>> No.18674276

its because they keep having fucking kids.
the failure of sex ed in this country has created so many problems. if we just had accurate sex ed., and the government subsidized birth control, we'd save so much fucking money longterm.
all these fucking morons that keep pumping out kids. then they cant pay the mortgage one day, because they were living paycheck to paycheck, because they had 4 fucking kids when they were making $60,000 a year.
back when i was in uni, i took a class about "Gender and Race in Latin America." our prof was talking about how life was stacked against the lives of people in these areas and blah blah blah. we had to read this article about this man who was only paid 10 cents an hour during manual labor, and he had 12 fucking kids.

>> No.18674280

Whos going to buy them?

>> No.18674290

you spend $600 on one hundred shares in a zombie company, so you can make $6 selling calls? not much of a game plan, old boy.

>> No.18674291

I can't even go through the catalog without disgusting roasties being posted. Makes me want to puke my fucking liver out.
With this out of the way- WTF happens if we go into deflation and inflation afterwards?

>> No.18674300

Yep. Simulated 2x and 3x S&P/Dow/sector-based ETFs including slippage, fees, decay, the whole bit have been backtested to the 1800s and even through the worst of times like the Great Depression, Black Monday, the GFC, etc. have still utterly crushed market returns. SSO, the 2x ETF based on the S&P existed before the GFC in 2008 and had you bought it at the top just before the crash you still would have beaten the underlying. Volatility decay is real and certainly relevant especially for commodity based ETFs but for index and sector equity based funds it's much less of an issue in the long term.
I posted several times going into the Covid19 dump that I would come out profitable and that I would be sure to post no matter what and I intend to keep that promise. So far so good.

>> No.18674302

I dunno, I’m a poorfag looking for a stock to try this strategy on longterm

>> No.18674317

his broker, moron

>> No.18674321

>all these fucking morons that keep pumping out kids. then they cant pay the mortgage one day, because they were living paycheck to paycheck, because they had 4 fucking kids when they were making $60,000 a year.

Wow, you're really brainwashed huh?
No, it's simple. People are bad with money now. Worse than before, in fact.

People would rather not put 20% of their pay in their savings or pay off their credit cards. People are simply more impulsive. You might actually be dumb.

>> No.18674327

if youre going to sell covered calls, sell calls in a company you believe in. thats the trick. you dont want to own one hundred shares of a corpse.
the boomer strategy is to buy into SPY and sell covered calls. im trying to save enough money to do this myself, after the market hits bottom.

>> No.18674336

>God will provide
>Gov will provide

>> No.18674337

youre dumb af

>> No.18674342

Just sell calls and buy a slightly lower strike call at same expiry, you lose some profit but you’re hedged

>> No.18674343

Yeah I remember talking to you like 2 months ago
you didn't have a name then

>> No.18674345

Must CONSOOM. I'm guilty of it too, I have savings for about 4 months because I like buying expensive ass guns.

>> No.18674353

Because people aren't taught about budget, taxes, income, and banking, then they go out and buy iphones and cars and big tvs and eat out every day. On purpose to make debt slaves. Public education is a fucking joke.
Why the fuck would his broker buy worthless OTM Ford calls?

>> No.18674360


Just google average number of kids per family in America.
2019: 1.93 children average per couple.

It's not sex ed that's destroying responsibility. It's just irresponsibility in general.
You know what would actually do good? Teaching finance and budgeting.

You're deluded and have no facts.

>> No.18674362

"The birth rate is so low that we need to import third worlders, but the real problem is too many kids"

>> No.18674364

I know it's obnoxious and I don't usually have the stupid name, only when I'm discussing this specific topic so people can hold me accountable at least to some extent. I've talked big shit on this subject and if I'm wrong I deserve to be mocked. Again, so far so good. We'll see when it's over

>> No.18674368

Because that’s what brokers do. You can sell worthless calls and collect your $.01 premium

>> No.18674374

this pretty much

People are very impulsive. They want a new computer, new phone, new tv, etc. etc. No one is holding a gun up to people's heads and saying "YOU CAN'T SAVE 20% OF OUR MONEY!"

>> No.18674378

Dont forget
>women must be allowed to work! (So we can double the workforce and pay them half!)
>Immigrants are good! (That way we can pay natives less!)
>Illegals do jobs Americans wont! (Because we can pay them pennies under the table!)
>Why can't I buy a house and raise a family with a career anymore?? Why does everyone need to go to college, and why is college so expensive?!
Makes you think, huh?

>> No.18674381

How is the foreseeable future on soxl? Looking to get off oil calls, they're gonna crash again. Think soxl will survive the next dip?

>> No.18674396
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This is the next weed market

>> No.18674399

summed it up pretty well

>> No.18674400

>2019: 1.93 children average per couple.
so? you proved what? i bet, if we could get the statistics of the people not paying their mortgages, they've got 3.0+ children on average.
boo hoo boo hoo poor pollack
i have a black stepdad its so hardddd i have to go on 4chan and talk about birthrates
booo hooo booo hooo

>> No.18674407

Nah I enjoy your posts, if you tag your name they're searchable which can be useful.
I've talked to some other people after who have 2x, 3x etfs but they keep them low weighted, like 5 to 15%. Do you disagree with this approach? Would you still TQQQ your grandma's money and all cases like that?

>> No.18674417

>so? you proved what?

Conclusion: On average, people are having less and less kids yet still live paycheck to paycheck. You're drawing lines where there aren't.

>they've got 3.0+ children on average.

And this proves? Correlation does not prove causation. Did you know that people not paying mortgages are biological humans? *gasp* Being a human is the cause of living paycheck to paycheck!

You have a lot of air in your head.

>> No.18674425

To you and anyone else that wants to use 3x instruments, it’s dangerous and losses compound extremely quickly. It’s just not a good idea for most investors

>> No.18674439

>How is the foreseeable future on soxl? Looking to get off oil calls, they're gonna crash again. Think soxl will survive the next dip?
The semiconductor sector is bound so tightly to the overall market (it's the largest sector) that where the S&P goes it is sure to follow but with greater volatility and more long term upside. So the underlying sector SOXL is based off will surely thrive. If you're concerned SOXL might get liquidated note that we've seen some of the fastest plunging in the history of the market recently yet neither SOXL nor any of the other 3x index/sector ETFs came anywhere close to the danger zone. If you're still worried simply. It a good mix of SOXL, UPRO, TQQQ, TECL, and maybe even some TMF for leveraged bond exposure. Just rebalance ever so often and you'll be fine. The upshot is it's my belief SOXL has more upside than just about anything else in the long term so that's a good place to park some cash. What happens tomorrow or next week or next month however is anybody's guess

>> No.18674445

Long term they have crushed 1x

>> No.18674465

I think I cover some of your questions here >>18674439. As far as a hypothetically extremely unsophisticated and risk averse investor, no I don't think I'd recommend leveraged ETFs since being leveraged there is always the possibility of them going bust no matter how remote it is and even the possibility of somebody like grandma losing it all one day is too much. However for a 20-something educated man living in a Western country with many possibilities and time for recovery from catastrophic loss, I think you'd be remiss to not consider it. Personally 30% of my assets are in this stuff and I think that's appropriate.

>> No.18674471

I'll drop an anecdotal story on you
>be dating a girl
>her father makes 180k/year
>DROWNING in debt
>bought 2 new cars, a boat, luxurious RV, quads, large drivable machines, new guns and accessories, etc.
>his credit is fucked and he has no savings

this is your average American citizen, but reduce 180k to 50k. They get money and they want things so then they get a thing and have no money left.

You can probably compare this to the obesity epidemic. It's easy not to be fat. But it requires some discipline when fast food is so easy and cheap. But it tastes good.

And yet everyone here is fat. This is a good window in the discipline of your average american. They can, but don't. You can logically apply this assumption to more facets of their life which require some long-term discipline and find it lacking.

>> No.18674495
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>> No.18674511
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Shit while I'm at it and still awake, I'll crap on you some more. This time instead of an anecdote, a fact

>Lottery winners are more likely to declare bankruptcy within three to five years than the average American.


Is that because lottery winners have so many kids? No. You can randomly select a winner from the American population anywhere (that's what the lotto literally is) and they're 3x more likely to go broke.

Why do millionaire lotto winners go broke when self-made millionaires do not? HMMMM


>> No.18674522

based cat. We'll make bank by the end of the upcoming week. See you in Breville land.

>> No.18674530

I would love to see that

>> No.18674535

we're entering a recession. Do you think Tesla, a highly in debt and leveraged company, won't file for bankruptcy.

>> No.18674556

tesla isn't going anywhere

>> No.18674560


>> No.18674566

a little bit of both

>> No.18674570


>> No.18674578
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theoretically they can become a hyper-profitable company that can mass produce cars efficiently, but currently they're very much in debt and pretty inefficient in meeting quotas.

With the recession, less people will buy new cars, which Tesla, a new car company, needs them to do, because there aren't a lot of used Teslas in as comparable circulation for sale.

Maybe if we were in a bull economy

>> No.18674581

we're technically not even in a recession yet

>> No.18674586
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We haven't had the VIX be this high since the 2008 recession. People are making a lot of similar charting similarities between now and then.

Pic related. We may the next leg down as soon as next week. It's earnings week for powrhouse companies too

>> No.18674606

No because tesla is a meme stock and people are always willing to invest in this shit even if it will never be profitable. Any other company with the same numbers would already be bankrupt

>> No.18674614

Green start, red end.

>> No.18674622

It's dangerous to short a cult.

>> No.18674628

>people are paying for a fraction of a cent for oil

>> No.18674629
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It's gonna be mother fucking hard on monday if we're hard green because I'm holding TVIX.

Today ate me up but boy will it pay off.

>> No.18674662

>some dude buys 1m$ worth of calls for Pinterest for today
>share increases by almost 10%
I wonder how much he made

>> No.18674663

Predictions are worthless, just trade what's on the chart when it gets there. Are you a trend trader? Good, the S&P has been trending up the last 3 or 4 weeks. Higher highs and higher lows. Even the last few days albeit choppy still preserved the trend and gave us a new higher low to put a stop under. You do have your stops (or at least your alerts) ready, right? Protip: SPY breaks under 270 look out below. Otherwise, keep riding the brrr and check back in another week

>> No.18674682
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Yes, fool. There is plenty of funding available for Tesla as soon as they ask. Deep pocketed investors were happy to give Elon money especially considering all the recent success of SpaceX.
>With the recession, less people will buy new cars, which Tesla, a new car company, needs them to do, because there aren't a lot of used Teslas in as comparable circulation for sale.
A larger used car market would would hurt their new car sales.

fuck off with your trannies and nonsense opinions


>> No.18674695

Tesla is a separate company from SpaceX though.

>A larger used car market would would hurt their new car sales.
Less people will buy new cars in general, meaning less tesla purchases. They are new and basically only sell new cars.

also fuck trannies. They're mentally ill. Funny webm though

>> No.18674697

Can't you look for the contract and calculate it?

>> No.18674755
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>> No.18674766
File: 250 KB, 1600x2400, shimakaze_class_destroyer_by_mihashichu_dckand1-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ you say some stupid shit. I'll be very happy when you finally say something insightful instead of attacking everyone you disagree with.

I hope your parents don't get upset when they see what you've done with the account they let you play around with.

If there's anyone left here who's not an arrogant retard like these new summerfags, goodnight.

>> No.18674783

bye faggot

>> No.18674784

itm atm otm calls bros?

>> No.18674795


Hey! Thought you were gone from here. I'm still steadily investing in leveraged S&P. What do you think of tesla stock btw?

>> No.18674805

Fuck off kike.

>> No.18674813

Is MRO actually good or a Jewish trick

>> No.18674841
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>Today ate me up but boy will it pay off.
You're gonna lose. There is no holding the vix. You get stopped out or you win. Holding it like you are doing, over the weekend to boot, is very dumb.

>> No.18674847
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i guess i can always average down...

what do you mean? not that I own a ton of McDonalds or anything...

>> No.18674862

Cargo ships or oil tankers?

>> No.18674890

No my fren I've been in and out you know how it is. I was wondering if you were still buying DBPG, it's been nice this last month since the rally. I bought a ton of SOXL and SPXL toward the bottom like several hundred shares of both so I'm pretty happy at the moment in profit for the year despite the downturn. Ready for round two with plenty of cash and a slew of short puts.
As far as TSLA bro, your guess is as good as mine. It defies gravity and logic. I wouldn't even bother trading it on fundamentals. Based on the chart it along with the rest of the market still looks up. Should it breach 660 on the low side I might start thinking about stopping out since that could easily be the start of a downtrend. If it does then pulls back to 750 and dives again I'd take that as confirmation of a down trend and start shorting or buying puts.
But if we don't see 660 breached then keep riding long

>> No.18674892

Nevermind, I looked up one of the ship names. Oil tankers it is.

>> No.18674895

tankers only

>> No.18674901
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Forgot to post Tesla chart for reference

>> No.18674909

Are you able to tell if they are en route to pick-up or deliver, or whether they're sitting in place as storage?

>> No.18674919

Do they do natty gas too or just oil?

>> No.18674927

where's that photo from btw?

>> No.18674977
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HK satellite tv still only outlet reporting this. It appears nobody can confirm. Depending on the news outlet i'm reading he's either recovering from surgery, in a coma, or according to the HK channel, dead. Weird.

>> No.18674992

Bro I don't know anyone around my age (mid late 20s) having kids
Like dozens of adults, zero children
How many people under 30 do you know who have kids, and how many kids do they have?

>> No.18675052

"HK satellite TV" is not a HK TV channel. Take it woth grain of salts.

>> No.18675079

Tesla and Elon Musk have been compromised by the CCP. Unless China runs out of their near endless supply of de facto slave labor and the biggest supply of weapons grade resources in the world, they are going to be around.

>> No.18675080

Nah, people will que to give more money to Tesla.

>> No.18675097
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The problem is stagnating wages (partly due to mass immigration) and crazy house price inflation (partly due to falling interest rates since the early 80s)

In our partents' generation it was easy to support a family on one income. Now both parents have to work and it's still not enough for the house/car/children.

>> No.18675128

Thanks. I don't trade like you. I'm honestly very busy with studying and I don't think I'd be very good at it anyway. I just buy ~1k DBPG every month as my interest free student loan comes in.

The reason I'm interested in tesla is honestly just because I think Musk is based. I bought amazon a few years ago because I thought Bezos was based and it turned out pretty good.

>> No.18675165

>The reason I'm interested in tesla is honestly just because I think Musk is based.
Plenty of haters here and everywhere else but you're right. Musk is based and people betting against him will probably be sorry.

>> No.18675175

TSLA will moon because its no net revenue will be slightly less than previous no revenue but its still not a legit car company so it doesn't have to be appraised as such
#TeamBleachInjection means that Clorox will be a winner

>> No.18675191

>stagnating wages
Caused by low labor cost in China and rest of Asia
>crazy house price inflation
Caused by Chinese investors

Both can be fixed by a new cold war (or a non-cold one)

>> No.18675202

3M is probably going to disappoint peopke who brought it due to corona

>> No.18675212
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>> No.18675233

Bro, let me share something with you. I'm not posting the charts because you can see for yourself. In a volatility expansion, a leveraged product, tvix is 2x VIX, will have compound upon compound returns. The opposite is true during a volatility contraction. That said what if you held twice the amount of TVIX in SPY from Feb 19th? I'll let you figure it out, but that's a hedge. If you think TVIX will blow up, you can go into it with much less risk.

>> No.18675245

Fed QE since the 90s has caused inflation almost exclusively in the stock market which is why they keep thinking its better to load more ammunition in the bazooka every time. Stocks are by far the greatest return on investment and has been outpacing actual GDP ever faster since 2008 (but started in 1990). Guess who owns most of the equities?

>> No.18675256

Zoom should be worth like 20, not 200. There is still a lot more empty space below that price.

>> No.18675264

you are correct
it is a fucking webcam application

>> No.18675351

... that charges fees and that everybody and their grandmother uses.

>> No.18675390

Ford motors market cap: 14B
PGE market cap: 5.62B
US Steel market cap: 4B
Zoom market cap: 44 BILLION dollars

>> No.18675391


>> No.18675402

Crap, meant to paste that to a /mu/ thread. Time for bed

>> No.18675422

k so you compared zoom to some dying boomer shit. how about this though?
MSFT 1300 billion
AAPL 1200 billion
GOOGL 880 billion dollars

>> No.18675455

Interactive Brokers is the way to go for Canadians right? Do you really need to verify income and trading experience or can you just lie? I've heard Americans just lie on the IB US side

>> No.18675459

Tech in general is in another massive bubble. Nothing is sensible in that space again. But those listings at least are more than a single app. Even in a bubble space these P/E's:
MSFT: 30.4
AAPL: 22.4
Zoom: 1857
Zoom is being valued nearly 60 times the actual computer running it.

>> No.18675464

do they actually pull a credit check? if not, make up all the shit in the world

>> No.18675480

IB, at least the last time I used it, felt like it was designed in the late 90s. It is a few more hoops to use something like Ameritrade but it will be worth your time.

>> No.18675482


>> No.18675487

hmm yes that is true. i usually dont give two fucks about P/E but ZMs ratio is really fucked up. lets see how it goes

>> No.18675500

for all you tech haters, i guess you can short SHOP .. ? their stock price exploded but they are, as of yet, a cash burning machine. their P/E is negative

>> No.18675510

>lets see how it goes
i hope it fucking dumps to fucking $5 or something which it deserves
also because that would make me filthy rich

>> No.18675542

I plan to buy some of those when results come out and they have their inevitable massive drops so not nervous at all.

>> No.18675545

I normally don’t care for Bobos but, yeah it’s deserves to be ripped apart.

>> No.18675565

Tesla isn't in that much debt, though.
I actually looked into this because I couldn't figure out how the fuck Tesla was still climbing but apparently Tesla doesn't have that much debt on the books because anytime they need money people literally line up to give it to them for free.
They had a massive stock offering last year and their stock STILL climbed a ridiculous amount.

>> No.18675571

Shopfiy and Uber are "summer children" buoyed by a ten year bull market and access to some of the easiest credit in history. They are all part of the tech bubble. When people realize that the stock itself will never have any dividends and that it is purely a short play then the incentive will be the first one to leave in a mass sell off.
Zoom is the shorting opportunity of maybe a few decades. You time the put right you can turn 10k into 1 million. But its not alone. I am cautious about a V or W recovery but one absolute surefire trigger would be a tech bubble burst dragging SPY (and thus all) of the indices down with it.

>> No.18675583

>I normally don’t care for Bobos
you should always play both sides where possible

>> No.18675664

I love pizza bros

>> No.18675829

Buffet stake in BA in 3... 2... 1

>> No.18675878
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are we in recession mode yet?

>> No.18675932
File: 2.69 MB, 1908x2385, Elizabeth_Warren,_official_portrait,_114th_Congress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A female US president call REJECTED again.
Can we ever break that titanium ceiling?

>> No.18675938

Kids become adults and are a source of income for the government. The country benefits from high birthrate.

>> No.18675985

Why, just for UI differences? You shouldn't be staring at charts all day anyway and IB has the lowest fees

>> No.18675987

Goddamn I would really give it to jalter now that I know that’s a thing. Jack and jalter. The whole franchise is built around fap bait, it’s all coomer gatcha fanfic. Goddamn that dark Sakura and now there’s the Rin twins. This series is nuts.

Yeah but it’s a weird recession. Technically it’s not official until the economic data comes in, but it’ll be bad.

Just read this article; the first two paragraphs alone are enough to get the gist.

>> No.18676004
File: 95 KB, 750x703, 1558235958229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't oil crash again with the June contract?

It's not like demand for oil will catch up fast enough in the span of 2 months, even if the lockdown measures were to disappear literally tomorrow. So oil will drop again, and tankers will go up. Am I correct or retarded?

>> No.18676044

>You shouldn't be staring at charts all day anyway and IB has the lowest fees
Which fees? IB charges per share and charges more per option. IIRC it also charges an inactivity fee if the account has 100k or less. In fact. I think the only way IB in which IB is cheaper is mutual funds. In theoy its actually better for day trading with its out of the box algorithms and possibility to make your own.

>> No.18676051

bro help me out what is this franchise? is it a game? is it a show? who made it?

>> No.18676078

The question is will the supply drop quick enough to match with the demand drop.
Also, apparently the spectacular drop of May oil was due to China's equity linked contracts, they're trying to settle billion dollar worth contract on the second last day and that crashed the price to -40 for a brief moment, it is not likely for the situation to repeat in the upcoming month as all of those contracts have become more than total lost already, and rest of the world's ETFs and other similar products have already started to roll over to later months instead of waiting till final moments.
Also, even the Nay cobtract renounced to something like 9 or 10 USD at the very end.

>> No.18676083

guys i m gonna short the non family stocks.

>> No.18676123

What are you comparing it to though, some American thing? TD in Canada charges way more per option contract AND charges flat on top of that, like $10 USD for a US options trade flat fee that goes down to $7 if you trade a lot. That's terrible

>> No.18676150


>> No.18676194
File: 73 KB, 750x503, 3BF2970A-6086-4142-AB3A-37C8C799F7A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 3 shares of SPY. I’ve made a couple dollaridoos in the past 10 days. Thoughts on buying USO instead? I’m new to stonks

>> No.18676198

What is “non family?”

>> No.18676219

so what's all this "Trump told us all to inject bleach" shit going on currently? real or fake?

>> No.18676247

I thought you could get "US investor" pricing merely if you got a US tax number from here: https://invest.tdameritrade.com/grid/p/accountApplication
Ameritrade through TD investing is not worth except for huge index/mutual fund accounts.

>> No.18676248

Fake. Trump made a vague statement about using something to disinfect the human body or the virus. Or rather the possibility of doing so.

He didn’t suggest anyone consume or inject chemicals

>> No.18676270

>I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you're totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous—whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light—and I think you said that that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you're going to test that too. It sounds interesting…

>And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds—it sounds interesting to me.

USO is facing a very serious threat of liquidation over the next month or two (avoid):

>> No.18676275

Is Kim dying bullish?

>> No.18676276

He asked if iv'ing sanitizer would cure the virus lol

>> No.18676282

>it does a tremendous number on the lungs
It also does a tremendous number on my sides.

>> No.18676284

His statement was vague (and slightly stupid) and the media twisted it into "He's telling everyone to drink bleach!!!!"

>> No.18676290

he literally said disinfectant and injection

>> No.18676292

Let’s not be retarded. He put his foot in his mouth. He was asking about processes to clean the body basically. You would have to be a complete dumbass to think he meant “injecting hand sanitizer.”

>> No.18676295

it honestly sounds like he's talking about some experimental new medical procedures we don't know about that are in testing and he hopes they work, am i wrong? also holy shit i wish he talked more clearly...

>> No.18676302

Which cheapies are guaranteed to moon next week?

>> No.18676303

>Thoughts on buying USO instead?

>> No.18676310

can you short USO?

>> No.18676322


On disinfectants:
>I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs.

On UV light:
>I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too... So, we'll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute - that's pretty powerful

>> No.18676330

it’s another “trump says something retarded and his followers feel compelled to irrationally defend it no matter what” event

>> No.18676346

Fuck, why is /biz/ always doing this to me?

>> No.18676349

Trump is currently saying it was "sarcastic".
You could with bear oil ETFs but those have already skyrocketed. And commodity ETFs, and especially leveraged commodity ETFs, are just scams of retail investors.

>> No.18676358

Trump using the
>i was just pretending to be retarded
defense, kek

>> No.18676390

How about we talk about stocks again?

>> No.18676393

It's probably a reference to pre-penicillin medicine when people would be treated with UV rays in the blood.

Obviously this will damage anything cellular in its path, but virus don't really hang out in the bloodstream only. It's kind of a nuclear option for getting rid of bacteria.

But I don't think Trump really gives a shit about its viability, at best he takes the credit for suggesting it, at worst his entertainment value is boosted and the past has shown it gets him votes.

>> No.18676402
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first one sounds like he's basically asking "can we do this? we really need a way to clean out the virus BEFORE it does the damage, because even if they survive it often leaves scar tissue behind and serious health damage"
-emphasis on "And is there a way we can do something like that"

second one sounds similar "can we do this?" he even said "And I think you said you're going to test that too... So, we'll see" seems clear he just wants a solution to this chinese virus as soon as possible and wants officials to be researching any avenue that may prove useful. am i wrong in this interpretation?

>> No.18676419

seems more like a "trump says something kinda dumb but harmless and TDS sufferers pretend it was the absolute most retarded sequence of words imaginable and the end of the world" event

>> No.18676430

If USO liquidates, they will be forced to sell the futures tanking the market, right? Or if June contracts seem risky, they will roll over to later contracts early, tanking the June.

Lmao maga retards in denial. I have no doubts that Trump gets re-elected because the crisis era boost and other options are shit, but why can't you just admit that your childhood hero is a fucking low IQ boomer. In Feb he actually was baffled to hear that flu vaccine does not work for corona.

>> No.18676452

Imagine if King Nigger said anything close to Trump's sanitizer comment and now ask yourself if your take is honest

>> No.18676464
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No unions for you

>> No.18676466
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Bullish or simply priced in?

>> No.18676495


got an actually reputable source?

>> No.18676496

>kinda dumb but harmless
>inject disinfectant guys

>> No.18676503



>> No.18676504

Nope but as a medfag, their story is plausible at least. I wonder how they're going to execute the interventional cardiologist who let him code on the cath table kek.

>> No.18676508

obama isn't as dumb so he wouldn't say it

>> No.18676528

>I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of
>and I think you said that that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it.
>And is there a way we can do something like that
>So it would be interesting to check that
>So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with.

you can tell who the libtard is because they act like these sentences weren't spoken.

>> No.18676536

>If USO liquidates, they will be forced to sell the futures tanking the market, right?
ETFs have no assets to back them. If they liquidate you get, and are entitled, to nothing. In theory they might give a 0.01 per "share" as more of an accounting requirement. This is fairly standard in the fine print of all ETFs.
Only retail investors who clearly have no idea why oil is a dumpster fire right now are doing it because they think there is "price memory" in commodities. There isn't.
The value in USO is in short positions where you keep it at most a few days. Anything else is unironically burning your cash.

>> No.18676550

He should be asking professors behind the door if he sincerely wonder what would happen, not to all the media and public.

>> No.18676577

>ETFs have no assets to back them.

>> No.18676594
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what do you guys think

>> No.18676602

fuckin mastermind.

>> No.18676620

The awkwardness of Bill when Trump said that and Bill had to avoid embarrassing the president in front if the whole country by saying that that is dumb as fuck.

>> No.18676652

He’s going to get broken up after re election and the economy recovers.

>> No.18676658

what makes you so sure about that?

>> No.18676675

what is this? the toxic asset portfolio?

>> No.18676724

that's not how he operates. he speaks his mind openly to the People, he always has. it's a good quality for a leader to have. you might be complaining now, but imagine someone like Hillary in power instead. she'd be telling you one thing in public and then doing the opposite behind closed doors. she'd tell you everything is fine and in the backroom be selling out the country and you'd never know. everyone would think she's great and then in a couple of years we're all fucked, because she's an expert liar, has done it her whole life. when that's the alternative i'll take Trump any day of the week, easy. and that's not even mentioning the continued fight against PC culture and trannies.

>> No.18676748

in what world does this happen

>> No.18676772

>Maryland emergency hotline receives more than 100 calls about disinfectant after Trump comments
>The Maryland Emergency Management Agency warned residents not to inject or ingest disinfectant following President Trump’s comments regarding disinfectant and COVID-19 Thursday.

that said, i hate how many retarded people are out there and wish they would die to preserve the gene pool. as if Trump said to jump off a bridge they'd do it sort of thing. he's clearly talking about medical procedures done by trained doctors and medical staff and people are like HURR DURR ME INJECT DISINFECTANT NOW??? i mean wtf is this shit?

>> No.18676789
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R8 my boomer portfolio. Looking to DCA any big tech next week. Pic 1 of 2

>> No.18676791
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I was given a face mask and didn't buy that disinfection alcohol or whatever the fuck that is.
No panicking, no losses.
And adding insult to injury.
I scavenged old soviet gas masks in 2016. I am not wearing them, but I have them just in case (the filters probably don't work)

>> No.18676793

>ETFs have no assets to back them.

Well this is wrong, there are physical and non physical etfs. USO invests directly to oil futures and thus in theory has "assets backing it". However I'm not sure about the liquidation terms of USO and I don't really care, I care whether my oil future shorts print or not.

>> No.18676804
File: 482 KB, 1242x2315, AC6F0761-D08F-497E-9521-C127ED5E5303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 of 2. Looking to pick up DAL at a super stinky price if we get another substantial dip.

>> No.18676815

BA is the most annoy stock to own next to GE

>> No.18676842
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>> No.18676852

According to "redflagdeals", not allowed for Canadians

>> No.18676858

Trump: Just a prank, bro

>> No.18676869

I want to believe a bunch of reddit bernie bros made these calls.

>> No.18676881

It was probably literal boomers

>> No.18676898

>it's a good quality to be a retard

>> No.18676900

what exactly makes it toxic ?

>> No.18676910

>she's an expert liar, has done it her whole life
Also sounds like Trump to me

>> No.18676917

I'd get out of Boeing as soon as you cut above your buy in price. Boeing might recover in a decade but the stock price will never be close to what it was before February

>> No.18676928

>he speaks his mind openly to the People, he always has
The eternally moving goalposts on what he "really means" and really doesn't mean give you exactly the same doublespeak you are complaining about. You get to take all the credit for anything that eventually works and back off from anything that doesn't.
It is what you want in some kinds of salespeople, not a leader.

>> No.18676937

Typically nice guns hold their value pretty well tho

>> No.18676950

KDP has held up very well. It's stayed in the green across the board for me more times during this virus shit than most of my other positions

>> No.18676954

America just loves their salespeople. It's a consumer economy.

>> No.18676986

The next leg down isn’t coming till after we reach new highs S&P 4000 minimum.

>> No.18676996

>People and companies alike need to learn the hard lesson of having a rainy day fund.
There are a lot of companies right now that have never had to deal with actually balancing financials. The power of QE begun in the 90s that ramped up in 2008 into infinite QE in 2020. You can just keep getting new loans to pay for your old loans and use inflation to make up the overhead.
With the exception of 1 quarter where they sold part of their business, Uber has not made a single dime of net revenue in 43 out of 44 quarters. 11 years of being a money pit.
And here's the kicker, the government is also not interested in reigning in these unprofitable companies because employment is roped into them. The more zombie companies, the less you want to kill them.
Personal finance has taken a similar track but that is a bit more riding the coattails of what companies are doing but sometimes with less foresight. Auto loans, college loans, variable rate mortgages are all deceptively easy to think you can pay out of them. But its all traps.

>> No.18677009

Each time it gets close to my break even I hold thinking things are on the upswing... it never is though.

>> No.18677030

The economy yes but in equities no we have much higher to go s&p 4000 this summer

>> No.18677033
File: 65 KB, 600x772, floor plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here built a house? I just wanna build a small 1000 - 1200 sqft cabin type, My grandparents have land i can build it on thanks to them being redpilled and not doing reverse mortgages or any other jewish shit

I really like this floor plan, might add a vault room for gun/precious metal storage

>> No.18677050

Think god my only debt is my house. Never had any college loans (didn't go), only had one auto loan (several years ago; paid the shit off in 3.5 yrs instead of 5), and I've kept my credit card paid off.

>> No.18677060

>Have to bring up Hillary to defend Trump

>> No.18677069
File: 203 KB, 757x1000, 165414965165653457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weekend /smg/ is the best, just thought you guys would like to know :^)

where's my /coffee gang/ at?

>> No.18677071

I thought that about DPZ but people got out despite good sales.

>> No.18677072

Me, enjoying a cup now

>> No.18677101

Fukkin based poster.

>> No.18677104

The single worst financial decision my parents ever made was an adjustable rate mortgage they took out in 2004. Easily delayed their retirement by maybe 8-10 years

>> No.18677107
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>> No.18677121
File: 74 KB, 727x720, Snapchat-157874893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really enjoying my wall, national concealed carry reciprocity, and of course the draining of the swamp! What a swell guy!

>> No.18677138
File: 726 KB, 2048x1536, 1656574352276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live with parents who already have mortgage on house paid off in the suburbs, no crime upper middle class white/jew neighborhood (say what you will about jews but they're more racist than whites, so i never have to deal with minorities)
>went to community college and then transferred with honors (got scholarships), easily paid that back around like $20k total i think
>work at same place my dad and brother work at, so i don't need a car, the three of us just carpool together
>now i have a fat brokerage account to play with, making money day trading using a proven backtested strategy with predefined risk on every trade, currently working on learning how to code so i can automate it

it's amazing what you can do with the right sacrifices in life, and not being a complete fucking idiot about it.

>> No.18677147
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Boomer here looking for easy passive income and holding for retirement/dividend appreciation. Should I continue to invest in these stocks? Or do I diversify? If I diversify should they be in tried and true blue chips? Or something else? Personally I like the dividends, but maybe I'm missing something on how to make even more money passively and for retirement.

Also yes I know SPCE was a meme buy, but I'm still in the green with where it's priced now.

>> No.18677171

I want to get a trailer and just live away from humanity forever...

Made a caffiene drink
I can't drink coffee cause acidic

>> No.18677181

>comparing a president to his opponent during the election is bad

literally if you didn't have Trump as president, you'd have Hillary as president.

>> No.18677189

Trump loves megacorps and subsidizing their failures. There's a zero% chance that he even considers anti-trust meddling.

>> No.18677204

I got lucky when I bought my house. I got it during the last housing crash, when houses were basically given away. I'll admit to also using the owner's own mistakes/greed against them to secure an even better deal. They were in a rush to sell (they had an eye on a bigger place) They'd also tried to do a bit of work in the basement, blotched the electrical in the process. So the result of it all was my payment is only 400 a month. I fixed the electrical issues myself for cheap.

>> No.18677217

KHC and SPCE seem out of place here. Personally I'd replace KHC or MSFT with JNJ. Everything about JNJ is solid for the foreseeable future.

>> No.18677296

Should sex offenders kill themselves?

>> No.18677313

yes, but not before I do

>> No.18677346

>during the election
Anon, we are now in year 2020. Hillary isn't running for president tgis year.

>> No.18677349

yes, in fact anybody who commits a crime twice should be immediately killed. Rehabilitation is a joke and a waste of tax payers dollars, the cure for niggardtry only cost 25 cents and probably much less on government bulk sales

>> No.18677385

My plan is too work 12hrs a day living in complete isolation try to save up for retirement. I'm 30 years old. Than completely isolate even harder.

>> No.18677411

With the corona pandemic and food shortages, I think people are seeing the value in storaging foods with longer shelf lives. Kraft Heinz manufactures many foods with longer shelf lives and can outpace other competitors with their sheer manufacturing power and command of the market share. I bought a few just to have.

And yes you're right SPCE is out of place. I do plan on hedging more towards MSFT, and JNJ seems like a nice long term investment with attractive dividends. I'm only concerned about their share prices, but I suppose their value will climb going forward, so I'm not entirely put off by it.

>> No.18677415
File: 157 KB, 600x787, 1557692181411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I genuinely don't understand how so much of america
because the VAST majority of Americans are braindead "looking like a fool with their pants on the ground" retarded. If you don't believe me, go spend a little bit of time in your local grocery store during the reign of Corona-Chan.

>> No.18677452

Doesn't Tesla have a shitload of backorders to manufacture? A drop in new orders may give them some breathing room. Maybe they'll have time to start doing QA.

>> No.18677473

Should it a credit crunch soon. So don’t know

>> No.18677495

I'll be glad when the whole TP hoarding thing is over with. Even though June is looking like the re-opening stage, people are still hoarding TP like crazy. That and PT.

>> No.18677524
File: 34 KB, 614x469, jnj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JNJ seems like a nice long term investment with attractive dividends. I'm only concerned about their share prices, but I suppose their value will climb going forward, so I'm not entirely put off by it.
The main advantage of JNJ is that it barely responds at all even to major market slumps. It dropped 33% at max and has already recovered. It might be a bit overpriced now because it is a solid pharma company in a time where a virus is one of the major concerns but probably not by much. I think it should be on everyone's long term hold watch list.

>> No.18677540

I unironically think that TSLA would crash if it started being valued as a car company by actually making revenue.

>> No.18677629
File: 79 KB, 1440x1234, Screenshot_2020-04-25 Tesla Operational Update Tesla, Inc .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u ok bro?

>> No.18677636

what earnings plays are you guys doing? I doubled my money on SNAP calls last week and currently eyeing AMD and BA plays

>> No.18677719

I'm thinking about going long on BA after earnings on Wednesday

>> No.18677726

Trump hates Amazon and Jeff Bezos personally and has said it on multiple occasions.

>> No.18677759

I've lost 95%+ of my account doing retarded option trades, but I believe that we've reached the top of this movement.

SPY put options are cheap AF. All bears are dead, even me, from 19K I have 100$ in my account.

>> No.18677809

Come on anons, there's more to life than just money

>> No.18677814

That's the thing I don't understand with liberals, they want increased pay, more work related safety, etc etc. But at the same time they are all pushing for pretty much open border immigration which is literally stopping their "fight" against better terms and shit at the workplace. I don't know if they are all just stupid or flat-out ignorant. Even Bernie knew about it before he got a few houses along with a couple of millions so he can ensure a safe retirement

>> No.18677829
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You know

>> No.18677858

its not about the money, its about having more money and winning.

>> No.18677861

Lol buy some puts then

>> No.18677871

Damn anon. Stop gambling and focus on investing. No one gets rich from options trading because it’s a gambling addiction. You can’t win if you always go back to the table

>> No.18677877

Sounds like its time to buy puts

>> No.18677892

i guess im the only one willing to help you
>no etf option is cheap right now

>> No.18677893

So as I see there are 2 ways of making money when the global indexes are falling.
You short
Or you wait for the bottom and buy in.

>> No.18677908
File: 253 KB, 950x515, yqj9b8f23yu41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a list of it. I'm strongly considering playing UPS and Spotify, but earnings are just a straight up gamble so might not do anything

>> No.18677918

both of it is not easy. you only understand when you yourself have waited for a bottom with a decent chunk of cash to invest.

>> No.18677921

No, I disagree. Use them for labor.

>> No.18677927
File: 44 KB, 950x397, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, and I will consider buying JNJ stock but I think I'm going to wait for the price to scale down to around $145 before I purchase a couple of shares.

Would it make more sense to buy into a health sector focused ETF like VHT? Their largest holding is in JNJ with holdings in other companies like Merck, Fisher, etc. Their recovery seems the same as JNJ with decent stability on their stock price throughout the last 6m-1y.

>> No.18677957

Okay faggots, let's talk about L Brands and the deal with Sycamore partners falling through.

I'm middle management at L Brands. One thing I can say for certain, under the deal there was a pandemic clause written in which allowed Sycamore to enter into renegotiations in case something like this happened before the deals closure originally expected by the end of Q2. What's not clear is, if that clause would allow for altogether termination as opposed to some reasonable renegotiations on the fiscal side.

>> No.18677958

i don't have any money left and I won't risk more

Well, I didn't gamble at first, I've traded the virus. Then I've traded, retardedly, based on random WSB trades and without actually knowing what I'm doing, that was a stupid gamble.

What's cheap then?

>> No.18677978
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>Or you wait for the bottom

>> No.18678014

meme names

>> No.18678022

Should I make meth when I move out into my trailer in Alabama?
Or would the LARP be too autistic?

>> No.18678037

Not worth the risk

>> No.18678053
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The fact nobody has replied shows that biz will be late to the party again. As someone who benefits from psilocybin I myself see the huge advantage of micro dosing. But it doesn't matter what I think. What are the results of the clinic trials? Oh what's that? Huge success rates? Patients getting over OCD or PTSD with minimal dosing? Sounds like snake oil, except I've tried it and can confirm this is legit.

Take notes kiddies. My ticket is up 143% in six months.

>> No.18678060

im honestly just bored and thinking weird stuff I'll never do. What if I just made enough for my own consumption

>> No.18678069

Can someone explain why we’re getting pedo bait ads

>> No.18678073

Me. I bought at the very bottom of the March dip. And I feel it in my guts that we're in a bull trap. Every economic indicator is ringing the alarm bells yet I won't sell

>> No.18678098


Trump does nothing but backtracking.

>> No.18678110

Is $ really the better choice if the FED is inflating the shit out of it?

>> No.18678114

Hey boomer. 35 year old boomer here, looked at your picks and here is my food for thought for you:

You're pretty much where you should be, you're largely safe. Although no one will give you credit for boring investing here, because we all like to YOLO options for 500% gains, it's a decent start.

But ...
If you are looking for yields, you're not well positioned yet. $KO seems to be your best yield at 3.5%. Even boring municipal bond funds are just as safe, and can have larger 5% yields. More if you believe that we will see a jobs program at the tail end of all this to put people back to work on infrastructure projects.

And ask yourself if a tech ETF really is a good place to be. As a sector, will tech still be bouncing off ATHs with 100:1 P/Es at the end of spring? I don't know either, but assess your downside correctly.

Anyway, good luck to you, fren.

>> No.18678117

I can't wait for AMD to miss estimate. Here come the big short.

>> No.18678129

fitbit is shit, why would I buy their crap when I can buy a 30$ watch from aliexpress?

Good question, use uBlock origin

>> No.18678139


Which should I buy now?

>> No.18678152

Any particular companies invested in it thus far? I totally agree with you after doing a couple of research papers on it that it could well be the next big thing. Off-label ketamine is also interesting they both show plastic response which could have favorable implications since there's only a few known substance to cause it.

>> No.18678172

Muni bonds are getting shit to pieces. Pay attention, bitch.

>> No.18678175
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You can open leveraged shorts on these next week for easy gains smg, because Im buying on monday.
You can thank me with a lambo picture

>> No.18678194

ok so you dont understand how to trade options, enjoy your losses.

>> No.18678215

no need to diversify at all when you havent even got 10k.-

>> No.18678217

Same here. Still hoding onto my high leveraged puts, so far i have lost 2/3 of my trading stack, but who really cares. If we really don't get down again (which is very unlikely...see every fucking crisis in history) then WE don't need to worry about any other recession again. Just long x2 the shit out of the market, take out loans, sell your house and enjoy at least 10-15% yearly.

But then again...Check all indicators and economical statistics, the card house is on fire right now, but there is no more water to control it.

>> No.18678242

What ad, what you're seeing might be different fron what I'm seeing

>> No.18678249
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I put all my 250k in microsoft stock hoping for the best lol

>> No.18678250

Dude I don't think automating it will work, it'll take out the luck you're having

>> No.18678255

i grow shrooms in my 2nd floor closet
but they're going real slow right now, no idea why :/
when you say
>My ticket is up 143% in six months.
I'm not clear on what you mean by that

>> No.18678257

Can you really leverage short 3800.hk and 257.hk?

>> No.18678274


I like tech and cloud stocks but from what i can tell microsoft is the only cloud stock that isnt horribly overvalued so i just went all in. Maybe im retarded.

>> No.18678278

I'm already short BA, but fuck Southwest and GE are tempting shorts. I'm guessing crab market until BA, which will be a 2 digit stock come Friday. The endeavor deal falling through gives them $4BN in liquidity which is nice, but also further reduces their stance against Airbus who is going to launch the a220 with no competition. As it did the first time, BA will lead the market down.

>> No.18678296

fuck diversifying

>> No.18678316

M$'s cloud offer sucks dick compared to everyone else's. Only people already using an M$ stack go with azure, and only because M$ salespeople are authorized to give up to 90% off for the first year. Like everything else, their platform and tools are designed to be incompatible with everything else, so migration is more costly than assuming their normal rates.

>> No.18678318

With zero interest rates growing earnings can support a very, very high P/E

With treasuries at 0.6, why shouldn't a growing company with a rock solid balance sheet and a monopoly-like market position support a P/E of 50x? E.g. Microsoft

>> No.18678320
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Thanks, senpai. Throughout the years diversification has more often than not been fucking me up.

>> No.18678329


>> No.18678339
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SHRM. Check out the company website. One of the subsidiaries that they own is a Canadian ketamine clinic.

>> No.18678341

>Implying any company deserves a +50 P/E
This just shows how retarded value investing became.

>> No.18678342

I'm trying to be provocative using the 50x example, but to make a point

>> No.18678343

Which 5G stock is the best? AMT, SBAC or CCI? Or maybe TMUS?

>> No.18678345


>AMD will go tits up
>Municipal bonds will go tits up
>Experimental Ketamine is a good play

Opinions discarded, now go mow the lawn junior.

>> No.18678351

Is shorting Chevron and Exxon guaranteed money? There is no way their earnings will be anything but abysmal. Or is this already priced in? Seems too easy.

>> No.18678353
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Just sell my shit up man. You know this is how it works

>> No.18678366

Woah okay calm down mr. javascript developer lmfao

>> No.18678420

Diversify as you near retirement to lessen yourself to market exposure, but if you're under 40 with a decent job you shouldn't concern yourself with it much.

>> No.18678449
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>> No.18678480
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Jew money says it’ll be red

>> No.18678529

This. This is why if we see a run on counters to sell, Tesla will be wiped off the map. They're a shell of a company.

>> No.18678590

What brokerage?

>> No.18678603

>gex, dix
That doesn't mean shit

>> No.18678615
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Remember when Canopy and GWPH 10x'd? These are penny stocks that can net you huge gains or lose you piteous sums.

Muni bonds, and bonds in general are not a good area to be right now. But you do you.

AMD PE is shit, they already expected a decline in performance prior to all the CoV shit. They're doing well, but they're not doing as well as their equities indicate. The only way they can shoulder this burden is through continually flawless execution, which they've failed repeatedly in thanks to small failures across their product line like poor RAM support, BIOS tuning, driver issues among other things.

>> No.18678626

Bearish if true. Geopolitical instability in Asia.

>> No.18678701

It means Jew money is selling. Follow the money faggot.

>> No.18678729

It’s on Fox News.