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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18671749 No.18671749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is this faggots problem? Shipping costs were already high. This will fuck a ton of small businesses

>> No.18671820


>> No.18672507

lol so now first class mail will cost $20? I'd rather burn my inventory or sell locally than pay those extortionate pricing.

>> No.18672539

They have been dying to kill USPS and privatize the mail. Idiot Obama should have killed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act when Dems had control

>> No.18672549

Good news for my IWM puts

>> No.18672568

You dont like capitalism bro? Are you venezuelan?

>> No.18672591

Am retard, whats the gist of the PAE act?

>> No.18672599

people who hate usps fail to understand the real cost of not having it and the impact it would have in every business in the country

>> No.18672626

Required the USPS to create a $72 billion fund to pay for the cost of its post-retirement health care costs, 75 years into the future.

>> No.18672658

What is USPS really better for, besides stuff that should be emailed anyway?

>> No.18672681

Yup. That's the real battle. Privatizing away your rights. USPS is gov owned and operated meaning they cannot open your mail with out a warrant. Private company on the other hand can open any package they want to.

>> No.18672692

Gave the Post Office 10 years to meet the standards already imposed on private pensions to actually fund the ridiculous pensions it hands out to its wagies.

For example, if you're not a scam artist and you promise a 20 year old that you'll chip on for a ventilator when they turn 70, you need to set aside money on a 50 year time horizon.

>AEA did not require USPS to prefund 75 years of retiree health benefits over a 10-year period. Rather, pursuant to OPM's methodology, such payments would be projected to fund the liability over a period in excess of 50 years.


Compare to:

>> No.18672717

>USPS is gov owned and operated meaning they cannot open your mail with out a warrant. Private company on the other hand can open any package they want to.
No one gives a shit about your boomer mail. The USPS is a target because it bleeds red ink and donates 10:1 in favor of Democrats.

>> No.18672719

Ordering drugs and sending cash, unironically. They are the largest drug trafficking organization in the world.

>> No.18672743
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>donates 10:1 in favor of Democrats

>> No.18672765
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>> No.18672827

Imagine you have a company that delivers parcels.
Now think of all the shit you can charge for if your company was a monopoly.
Just by existing, the USPS provides an incentive for lower prices for the entire market.
Still don't understand? Look at Europe, and you will understand, it literally costs $20 if you use the postal service to mail a package from one member state to another member state because its crossing a border.
the USPS is basic infrastructure that most countries don't have and would profoundly alter the US economy if it ceased to exist.

>> No.18672911

The only reason people use the shitty post office is because they're cheap. How would raising their prices higher than FedEx/UPS save them? So dumb

>> No.18673024

Is the issue that they promised and obscene amount of money for pensions but dont have anything in place to follow through with it? creating massive debt?

So the issue from you guys's 2 post explanation is that the USPS has a massive pension expectation but no actual budget set aside to follow through with that expectation, nor the profit margins to set aside for the pensions?

Yah? Or nah?
I'm learning more about how broken everything is every day, ahaha..

>> No.18673031

>sell locally
That’s the point fren

>> No.18673156

meanwhile, people buy chink shit because it's subsidized by the chinese govt.

funny shit.

>> No.18673167

>So the issue from you guys's 2 post explanation is that the USPS has a massive pension expectation but no actual budget set aside to follow through with that expectation, nor the profit margins to set aside for the pensions?

Yes. Normally a company in their situation would have gone bankrupt long ago and the management would be left poor, blacklisted, and remembered as incompetent fuckups.

Since the USPS is politically protected, there aren't any of those consequences and it's just a fake standoff with Congress over other people's money.

If the founding fathers were even smarter they would've introduced some competitive dynamics - say two or three "posts office" but alas we only have states as competing institutions.

>> No.18673173

This guy gets it

>> No.18673185

Fuck you and your democrats paedophile satan worshippers

>> No.18673204
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>by four times
So a 1lb parcel will now coast $45 to ship? Oh lord.

>> No.18673235

yeah this
what's the problem with actually getting some value out of the govt for a change?
For three and a half dollars the usps will take a package from the deepest ghetto of puerto rico and carry it all the way to some beat up shack in the muddiest patch of remote alaskan tundra.
I'm all for private enterprise but this is one of those things that can't be done right unless you're ready to lose money.

>> No.18673274

>USPS is basic infrastructure
yes yes
usa is pretty huge and the usps takes a lot of friction out of domestic commerce
kind of a national security issue when you break it down

>> No.18673665


>> No.18673716

>Ordering drugs and sending cash, unironically. They are the largest drug trafficking organization in the world.
Food. Trucks.

And Brother's Pizza. It's run by the mob.

>> No.18673769

>USPS is politically protected
>Let's make 3 more politically protected things to compete with it.

>> No.18673790


>> No.18673818

If you think any downballot Republican is suicidal enough to go along with Trump's privatization of the USPS you're in for a rude awakening. Talking about reforming social security is one thing, everyone will unite against dismantling the post office.

>> No.18673829

Neck yourself, retard.

>> No.18673839

States have a monopoly on their territory and a lot of legal power, but still end up competing on many dimensions because citizens can move between then. You'd go for the same thing when it came to people sending or receiving mail with the USPS/FPS/NPS.

>> No.18673892

>USPS and privatize the mail
Already done retard, Hence why its called the Postal SERVICE, the original jurisdiction was the post OFFICE. Shame people don't want to learn history.

The postal SERVICE is privatised.
The post system is the world's 2nd global oldest institution (1st was the church). The UPU constitution is treaty that binds all nations together. have a read of it (its ~250 BORING pages). The postal SERVICE or some derivative of (Royal Mail for the UK) doesn't follow this constitution but act as agent to the post OFFICE who do follow it.

This comment it too high IQ for /biz/ to grasp i fear

>> No.18673935

didn't read. not selling

>> No.18674472


>> No.18674492

>brick and mortar cucks complain and get a tax on online purchases
>Now you have to pay for shipping + Tax

Fuck Taxes!

>> No.18674513

amazon and ebay won't let him do that

he likes to act tough but at the end of the day he's a turd in the rain

>> No.18674700
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>"Trump is bad!"

>> No.18674728
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but as a government utility they are to be expected to operate at some type of loss in order to provide service that a private company would be hard pressed to not abuse, right?

I can understand the idea of a government postal service needing to be adjusted for the sake of correcting its own books, but to suddenly take the postal service and make it exponentially more expensive at a time like this is kind of ridiculous. It's price gouging at a time when every company is price gouging.

Like honestly, what the fuck? How is bleeding Americans dry through postage price increase going to solve our immediate problem? Especially when no one has any money because they got furloughed or outright laid off, and Postage is the only feasible way to move product because of social distancing? Do they expect to make an entire office's pension back in the beginning of a Super-Recession?

All increasing the Post Office's prices at a time like this will do is drive demand way down to the point where they'll be more insolvent than they were before. I could see slowly increasing the costs over a period of time, but a x4 increase will kill the Postal Service.

Is he just trying to aggressively attack the issues he knows about to compensate for the failure this whole thing has been so far?

How much of a mess was this government when he inherited it?
And how much mess did he add so far?

>> No.18674731


>> No.18675042

why is it you people immediately start bleating
as if to imply Trump's critics have to stretch to find bad things about him and their criticisms are non-serious, but you never actually address the serious criticisms being presented?

>> No.18675053

The USPS isn't profitable because they're forced to deliver EVERYWHERE, by mandate. Other carriers like UPS and fedex often pass last-mile deliveries to rural places off to the USPS.

The USPS exists for a very good reason. That's what it's in the constitution for.

>> No.18675054
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I just get called a tranny soi boi whenever i turn up the roast. You get used to it.

>> No.18675078

you need to have an above median IQ to post on this board

>> No.18675107

Destroying distance business would be great.
The lower the people's mobility, the stronger the families.

People are not a gaz. Fuck you Miriam.

>> No.18675150

why is it a good thing for everyone to pay in order to subsidize an artificially inexpensive connection btwn puerto rico and alaska? Seems like it'd create a lot of inefficient economic relationships, when they'd alternatively be working more with neighbors.

>> No.18675153

>usps dies
>last mile shipping is axed
>rural communities get fucked

>> No.18675180

>people stop buying their necessities from across the world
>local businesses are needed everywhere again
>somehow this is specifically bad for rural communities
Were your parents related before marriage?

>> No.18675199

you don't have to be buying things from across the world, you just have to receive mail at all to benefit from the USPS. Killing deliveries isn't going to magically revitalize a vibrant local economy, it's just going to fuck rural people over. It's particularly insane during a pandemic.

>> No.18675204

The USPS is one of the few things my taxes are spent on that I receive a direct and material benefit from. Why the fuck are MAGAts so adamant about axing it while continuing to send billions of tax dollars overseas? Not to mention, they've been the most reliable and on-time shipper I've dealt with during this pandemic. They've proven themselves worthy of the task they are assigned.

>he doesn't realize rural free postal delivery was a thing during the greatest industrial expansion of the nation's history and contributed greatly to it
You retards are historically illiterate.

>> No.18675260
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All the good America things are going to go away, aren't they?

feels fucking bad, man..

>> No.18675276

The elites never let a good crisis go to waste. What's sad is they always manage to find enough sheeple to cheer on their authoritarian power grabs and cuts to the standard of living of Americans. Look at the morons cheering on the death of USPS as a good thing in this very thread.

>> No.18675288


>> No.18675291

This. Any of you fucking mongoloids actually advocating for the USPS to be dissolved are absolutely brain dead..

>> No.18675297


>> No.18675304

Either that or stockholders in private delivery firms (UPS, FedEx, DHL etc) who think they'll benefit. So at best they're shills, at worst they are braindead.

>> No.18675415

>Now think of all the shit you can charge for if your company was a monopoly.
why are you assuming that there would be a monopoly? DHL, FedEx, USAC, UPS, and a thousand small local couriers all compete for market share, keeping each others price down. The only one that is, kind-of, a monopoly is the USPS, cause they're the only one's that are allowed to use mail boxes.

>> No.18675673
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read your post and repeat it realizing the word everyone goes to you as well as it goes to joe blow starting a company shipping his product out. it reduces costs of entry into the market, it is a great leveler
>why are you assuming that there would be a monopoly
none of those companies compete today, there are major logistics involved here not just what you see by the carrier at your door. Postal service is used by everyone of the companies you mentioned to do their last mile delivery, so local monopolies would develop at a minimum what would happen in reality is they'd agree not to compete because they would provide complementary services to one another. like I mentioned above, without the USPS you would have higher prices, not just a little bit, prices would quadruple, USPS is an incredibly lean organization they literally don't even have to pay rent for most of their stations. I'm not even american and I understand this how do you not? its like when I have to explain the rural utilities comission to an american and they don't get it. the entire country would be fucked were if you got rid of the USPS and you would quit being able to get your shit delivered at cost. Think of Sears back in the day, it wouldn't even exist if it weren't for postal service

>> No.18675827

republicans are controlled opposition for democrats, prove me wrong
>protip: you can't

>> No.18676030

>why are you assuming that there would be a monopoly?
there'd be geo monopolies, all of whom would be overpriced gougers offering a shit fucking service while not competing with each other. See: ISP/cable 'service', shitehawks like Comcast et al. With the added bonus they would additionally figure out how to gouge you each and every time your post crossed another monopolies territory.

>> No.18676036

he probably isn't holding UND and is salty he missed bottom.

>> No.18676065

local business BOOM incoming

My dick is hard

>> No.18676080

OK retard nice argument. Also announcing sage is now allowed.