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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18672269 No.18672269 [Reply] [Original]

>stepdad beat the shit out of me again

This is why I want to make it, so I can get the hell out of here. I don't want a lambo or escorts, I just want out of this shithole

please tell me the next moonshot

>> No.18672302

Report that dickweed and get traumabux

>> No.18672314


>> No.18672319

XTZ. Your welcome.

>> No.18672329

The next step is call the police.

>> No.18672331

Just get a job, faggot

>> No.18672342

Gather videos with context of him beating the shit out of you then report it to the police.

>> No.18672359

There's no story, he's just a drunk asshole who takes his shit out on me for no reason

Police here won't give a shit since I'm over 18.

No one is hiring except grocery stores and I wont make anywhere near enough to afford rent.

Is it on Binance?

>> No.18672365
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Fight back retard

>> No.18672383

>No one is hiring except grocery stores and I wont make anywhere near enough to afford rent.
Ive been listening to you losers say this for years

>> No.18672408

>No one is hiring except grocery stores and I wont make anywhere near enough to afford rent.

So? I still have my job that I was furloughed from and am receiving federal getting unemployment for, and I just took a gig stocking shelves because they’re offering 40 hours a week.

Start praying, start lifting, start working

beat the shit out of your stepdad if he ever tries that shit again

>> No.18672444

Snatch his ass up in a bear trap. Leave that motherfucker swinging from a tree so high no one finds his ass for days. GLOCK GLOCK you know what I'm saying?

>> No.18672470
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Anon, I'll be 30 in a few weeks. I'm still stuck at home. I spent most of my 20s in a pretty deep depression, and was essentially a hermit for 3+ years.


I went back to school, I got help/took loans, got straight As, and worked out an Associates degree, with the bachelors in process. I started working again full time at a little IT company, making decent money. I got 8k in the bank already after a few months of saving, and a pretty cute gf. And I'm already looking for an apartment to rent.

Life gets better, but you gotta work for it.

>> No.18672493

How old are you? This is an 18+ board only, there’s no way you can’t over power an old man at that age

>> No.18672505

have sex

>> No.18672532

22. He's 34 and my mum is 42. He could bench press twice me body weight easily. I wouldn't stand a chance trying to fight back. Just result in more pain for me.

Congrats anon, I mean it. I dont share your optimism though

>> No.18672558


my stepdad would smack me around when i was a kid. mostly was just smacks in the shoulder/arm but occasionally would pull me by the hair/ear

it sucked and now im afraid to do anything or make any mistakes because something bad will happen. im still a scared timid little boy.

>> No.18672560

you know something, anon? you're like school in summertime

>> No.18672570

>stepdad beat the shit out of me again
Poor kid, someone should hel-

>Police here won't give a shit since I'm over 18.

>> No.18672588

School in summertime?

>> No.18672657

yeah bitch school in summertime. open your fucking ears you fucking bitch whore. I'll pop your bitch ass.

>> No.18672679

Op, you COULD still be listed as dependent.
Please, call the police and get a restraining order, it isn't healthy/safe/worth it to go on a day with those living conditions.
It's worth a try to get a grocery store job, and you can try building skills to get a job online. You have the potential of making a life of your own
God bless anon

>> No.18672701

Why can't you kick his ass? Have you even tried? The first time I beat the fuck out of my stepdad was one of the best days of my life. I don't know why that skinny crackhead thought he could fuck with a 200lb football player.

Now we actually have a great relationship. Go figure.

>> No.18672783

Document the abuse, murder him in his sleep and claim a psychotic break. No jury will ever convict you.

>> No.18672807

Bro you're a grown ass man and you let some boomer beat the shit out of you? Grow some balls you numale faggot

>> No.18672811

consider enlisting

>> No.18672835

I've been wondering about enlisting, myself (not OP), but the time from enlistment to BTS is like a year. And BTS schools are closing to receiving attendants, but still shipping.

Would consider enlisting for OP, but a year out from now seems like an eternity.

>> No.18672851

Sounds like you deserve it, little brat. Hope he used the studded belt and kept all his rings on.

>> No.18672854

holy christ we're not training new recruits right now?

>> No.18672857

>I'm over 18
Learn brazilian jiu jitsu. Move out.

>> No.18672864


>> No.18672870

How do you do this without money

>> No.18672883

rather. the ones that already enlisted are going through still. but because of pentagon guidance and covid, new recruits aren't able to go to basic training. still accepting applications. makes me wonder where those 27 million people are going to go

>> No.18672885
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i dont know how you faggots manage to be so meek and pathetic and accept any sort of correction or aggression from any other men except for your dad (only to certaint extent). Im of similar age, 19 and been living with a relative and her husband for a while (pay all the fucking bills myself, im just a roommate), this faggot raised his voice to me ONCE and i almost beat the fucking shit out of him. Havent talked to him in months. I'm always on edge. I got a huge adrenaline pump just from reading your post. If someone touches me i swear i cant sleep before beating their ass so bad they shit themselves.

>> No.18672900

this is not good

>> No.18672933

buy a gun and shoot him. i recommend the mossberg 590a1. Cheap, reliable, splatters people. he can't beat you if he has a hole in his chest.

>> No.18672934

this is what you do
>get a shitty job
>find a shitty place to live
>move in with two or three shitty friends
it's an american right of passage to live in a car/sleep on a mattress on the floor/live with filthy psychotic assholes etc. for 6-months to two years in your twenties.
Just do it and get it over with.

>> No.18672940

Not easily. But if you're an able bodied person, you can earn money. If you're not an able bodied person, the gubment will give you money.

>> No.18672956

*rite of passage

>> No.18673288

>filthy psychotic assholes
Where do you meet these people?

>> No.18673406

just pick any fella between the ages of 18 and 25. Their filthy psychotic traits will be apparent before the first light bill comes in.

>> No.18673428

Looks pretty powerful, I see lots of people aiming from the eye.
Could it blow up in my face?

>> No.18674470

>Not shooting and killing him
Stupid faggot op
and if you're too poor for that use a knife and stab him

>> No.18674571

fight back faggot. go to /fit/ instead of this shithole

>> No.18674573

You're not going to make it and are doomed to repeat this cycle countless times
Free yourself from the cycle of karma

>> No.18674593

hilarious larp lol

>> No.18674633

You sound like a psycho anon
Wonder why he puts up with your ass in their house

>> No.18674898

I used to get bullied a lot, got beat up, they took my money, made my blood spill. My father also beat me too.

If you act like a little faggot they'll see you as a little faggot. Get a fucking rock and hit that motherfucker in the head, a big fucking rock just hit him or get a baseball bat and break his fucking legs, and then make him beg, make him beg that motherfucker. Don't call the police, don't call the ambulance, just break his legs and make that faggot beg then break his fucking arms too, piss on his face and then fuck your mom.



>> No.18674911


Fucking based as fuck anon. Based as fuck.

>> No.18674932

you fucking pussy, fight back, use a weapon if you have to

>> No.18674984
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Dude, I sleep on a fucking ban, I fix and re sell cars and I shower down the river or anywhere I can, grow some fucking balls and get the fuck out the shit stained nest your living at, stay the fuck away from meth heads and junkies cus they'll flock to you like a swarm of pigs to shit.

First time I left home I was 16, get the fuck out of there, get the message he's tired of dealing with your bitch ass he wants you out

>> No.18675039

Look at this other bitch, giving bitch ass faggot advice, go take your fucking transsexual pills you homo and kill yourself, you and that faggot op need to grow a pair of testicles and realise some testosterone faggots

>> No.18675095

That's what they make you do sheltered faggot, once you start mingling with strangers you'll realize that the only way to interact with them is if their afraid you'll snap the fuck out on them, I used to be a meek faggot when I first got out of home and everybody tried to take advantage of me because that's what most fucking ass holes do when they smell fear, it wasn't until I got a psychotic don't fuck with me or I'll lock your room and burn the fucking house down attitude that they stopped fucking with me.

Some times you just have to mark your territory and don't let a single fucking soul get near it unless they're willing to bend over for you

>> No.18675112


>> No.18675182

LOOOOOOOL that's what you get for being a dyel

>> No.18675189
File: 100 KB, 1492x1080, 1511198466629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy Ethereum. Get a wage cuck job and buy more Ethereum until it SLOWLY moons.

What kind of a retard comes here and asks for advice from internet frogs. I literally come here just to short whatever these incel faggots are doing. 99% probability of failure or ponzi is everything posted. Makes for good trading sentiment thats about it.

>> No.18675213
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get some Steroids anon. they made me a better person. not even joking

Darknet is ur fren

>> No.18675250

Did your balls shriveled up and your brain is all kinds of mushed now?

>> No.18675298
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>> No.18675329
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fake news

Balls look fine they only shrink when you are on it and Chad hormones make you smarter dumbass. People with Chad hormones have more money ergo they are smarter.

>> No.18675334

I also like jews

>> No.18675600

Real Capitalists produce actual goods and services. Jews practice arbitrage and Usury. Their wealth is empty and made of paper/fiat.

>> No.18675624

Suck his dick real good, make him love you. Boom, evil step dad is now sugar daddy.

>> No.18675630

roid + mma

>> No.18675646

contact the police then

>> No.18675654

Or just take hcg to maintain fullness. He's probably meming though, brains are mushy even when on gear, it's bones and muscle that roids affect.

>> No.18675672

Your stepdad wants to make you better op. Just imagine if Michael Jacksons dad never beat him we wouldn't have Thrilller. Now take your beatings like a man.

>> No.18675681

>22. He's 34 and my mum is 42. He could bench press twice me body weight easily. I wouldn't stand a chance trying to fight back. Just result in more pain for me.

>22. He's 34

Beat the shit out of him

>> No.18675847

Roofie him and have butt sex. Maybe try injecting a long acting estrogen and androgen blocker. It'd be funny to watch him turn into a pretty girl over the course of months. Then you can kiss him and it won't be gay.

>> No.18675871

Suterusu can free you. You should call the police, then move out forever and NEVER talk to him again.

>> No.18675876

You cannot post under 18.

>> No.18675887

Take your transsexual pills

>> No.18675908

Get /fit/

>> No.18675909

You don't have to fight and win. You just have to fight. Thank your stepfather for teaching you the rules of the jungle.

>> No.18675914


I wish someone told me this as an adolescent - I'm 35 years old now

>> No.18675926

I need money too cause I'm 23 and stucked in my mom's basement. I graduated in economy 5 months ago and when I started to search some jobs the quarantine started. There are no jobs here, not even in groceries. Life is pure shit now for me anon, I feel you.

>> No.18675953


i did. doesn't help. just stronger and angrier. and confused too, my stepdad's problem with me was i never listened to him, was never going to listen to him, and i would always talk about how i was gonna go live with my dad instead BUT my dad was also kinda an asshole for playing fucking devils advocate and fucking trying to bribe me to want to go live with him. thats some shady shit too. why the fuck couldnt him and my mom just act like fucking adults and talk to each other or talk to me. fuck them. like, it sucked getting hit and all that but at the end of the day my stepdad still taught me a lot of things and to be able to still help someone who would blatantly just talk about wanting to go live with someone who wasn't even around. idk. like i said, confused and angry.

>> No.18675963

>Maybe try injecting a long acting estrogen and androgen blocker
Imagine actually doing this to somebody you hated absolutely brutal

>> No.18675966

I have a feeling your stepdad was right to beat you

>> No.18676011

Fight back your not a kid anymore. Hit him with a brick or bat or something.

>> No.18676034


>> No.18676071

The god of business only helps those who help themselves. Stop fucking begging and being a bitch. Solve your problems; that's the heart of business success.

>> No.18676073

take advantage that youre beat up physically rn, grab a knife, stick it in his fucking neck/throat, call the cops, tell him he was gonna kill you and you just defended yourself. Funny Im 34 myself and i wouldnt beat up a 22 year old of a bitch i were banging unless he was a massive pain in the ass cunt

>> No.18676086

Literally kill him. Jail is better and if you kill a domestic abuser then it will be better for the world.

>> No.18676121

Fight back and be a man you idiot. Claim your right to financial independence while you are at it
buy CKB

>> No.18676187

Cuck him and fuck his wife, that'll learn him

>> No.18676288

Buy bear mace and use it on him.

>> No.18676357

But then he'll use twink mace on op

>> No.18676905
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This is the correct way to be. Not because being an asshole is enjoyable, it's not. There are a lot of predators out there who can smell fear. Financial predators, sexual predators, psychopaths, straight up bullies. If not for yourself, step up for the friends and family around you who are weak. It's the only worth a man has.

>> No.18676914

You will never make it unless you beat the shit out of your stepdad.

>> No.18677025

>tfw bullied by stepdad again
maaaan fuck Chad

>> No.18677043

Its illegal to sleep in vans in america

>> No.18677076

Anon I'm sorry but your step dad sounds Chad as fuck

>> No.18677096

Meanwhile my parents never laid a finger on me and I have near crippling social anxiety.

>> No.18677115

Picked on in school?

>> No.18677136

LINK is the surest thing in Crypto I know of, since the entire market will go x100 and LINK is the centerpiece I would just buy LINK.

BTC ETH and perhaps XTZ and XMR are also good bets

>> No.18677163

Why not just go to the police you retard

>> No.18677230

Sorry your step-dad is a prick.
Next moon-shot, in my honest opinion, is RPL. You missed LINK. Don't miss this.

>> No.18677425

have you tried not being a pussy

>> No.18677881

Buy a gun

>> No.18677950

Obvious pity stratagem

>> No.18677960

then why are you buying crypto
get some camping gear and learn to survive on the street

>> No.18678021

You could literally make datasets with all the aggregate responses to this LARP thread and come away with a very thorough profile of /biz/ users.

Fascinating data that I hope some brave autist out there isnt letting go to waste.

>> No.18678356

What do you mean anon? Elaborate and I'll do it

>> No.18678752

>chad as fuck
>marries a women 10 years older

>> No.18679575
File: 7 KB, 263x192, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How your supposed to handle shit , another man even attempts to lay hands on you do whatever it takes to eliminate the threat, especially at home jesus christ. OP if he beat the shit out of you and he is larger than you Just fucking get a Weapon , Literally Next time he hits you grab something heavy like a TV and bash it over his fucking skull when hes sleeping then call the police. Go live in a studio roommate Apartment and get a fucking job just get the fuck out of there.
T. Fought 5 Times and won Never again tho

>> No.18679581


Honestly just buy a shitty van off Craigslist and live in it while you work at a grocery store or any other essential business. Being a hobo is better than domestic abuse anon.

>> No.18679605

Sounds like a prison sentence

>> No.18679646

If you really want to win OP just Record hi doing it again, then immediately go to the police with the recording and post it to social media , straight up
you will not only ruin him socially but the police will go ape shit on him and he will be sent to prison. Then fuck your moms asshole for letting it happen or rape her

>> No.18679726

remember /biz/, these are the retarded faglord kids giving you investing advice

>> No.18679997

lol wheres your real dad faggot?
ur mum's a walking whore

>> No.18680346

>look up hcg
>can only find information about how it's produced during pregnancy
where the fuck do you people get your information?

>> No.18680494

go on /fit/ and lift anon

>> No.18680608

Killing him would be ideal but this is the most pragmatic approach. Good luck, OP.

>> No.18680632

this is the only way to live in the kali yuga.

>> No.18680677

If you dont already see it, I dont know how much good spoonfeeding will do.

Some responses are passive aggressive, others are go to the cops, others are murder that fucker, others are you deserve it, etc. Just a really fascinating spectrum of humanity. Might give valuable insights into the nature of investors as a whole and their motivations.

>> No.18680716

I have sympathy with you, Anon. To us, getting rich isn't about "LAMBO WHEN" or all that other dumb onions shit, it's a means for survival. In my case, escaping the wage slave "life" is my goal.

>> No.18680979

Holy shit. Defend yourself noob. Also, go find a class A company that will pay to train you.

>> No.18681016

Fight back pussy, he only does it because you dont fight back.

>> No.18681026

Then die.

>> No.18682026

Get a gun. In most states you are within your legal rights to KILL anyone who physically attacks you.

>> No.18682233

What country ?

>> No.18682482
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>stepdad plays the piano again

This is why I want to make it, so I can get the hell out of here. I don't want a lambo or escorts, I just want out of this shithole

please tell me the next moonshot

>> No.18682753

Don't buy any shitcoins, despite underage fags will recommend that. Go sort things out, go to police, try to sue him, move out, develop and grow

>> No.18682809
File: 262 KB, 860x840, 1488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve it for being a basedboy. If you had a shred of testosterone in your body, you would kick his filthy ass.

>> No.18682842

Don't be a cuck and kick his ass. If you're not strong enough it's your fault. Start lifting. Or kys

>> No.18682916

You have been down on how to cloak your internet traffic from the public, I am here to put a smile on your face as @tachyon does that perfectly as @TACHYON uses FTP simulation to makes internet traffic looks like a file transfer.

>> No.18683013

that's exactly how everything works anon

>> No.18683063

Pain or damage don't end the world. Or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you've got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man... and give some back.

>> No.18683559

>significant dataset on an eastern wicker crafts forum
if you're proposing to track /biz/ as an entity, shorting him is a documented get rich quick scheme
as far as sentiment tracking, your approach is missing 1.an initial state 2.tracking of outcome.
These in hand, your approach is the only way to make predictions
this is why we buy speakers from duckduckgo

>> No.18683613

came here to post this

>> No.18683631

It's called a book dude, you should try it.
So not the best link but it's a fucking hormone, as you said it's also seen in pregnant women, it's got multiple uses and I just clicked the literal first link in Google.

>> No.18683694

This thread is glowing.
Does this live up to your expectations, glowies?
>muh lack of male role models

>> No.18683748

Best advice

>> No.18683762

Except the raping moma’s asshole, didn’t read all the way.