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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18668078 No.18668078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> What's your biggest goal/dream in life?

>> No.18668104

To reconcile freedom and tradition.

>> No.18668103
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I... Uhh... Umm...

>> No.18668124

to just not have to work anymore, spend time with the kiddos and enjoy to see them grow up

>> No.18668152

>eventually get a wife that likes animu and cars
>have maximum of 2 kids
>live off stocks
>be at minimum upper-middleclass

>> No.18668156

I want to become a superhuman demi-god basically.

>> No.18668159
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to find someone to share things with

>> No.18668164

Beat OCD and anxiety

>> No.18668170


>> No.18668191


Buy a plot of land in a rural area
Build a comfy house and garden/raise chickens
Pursue painting and general artsy shit in my free time
Drop the techie shit and take up teaching or at least slide into an ez/comfy job in an IT department in some podunk little town.

That plan is a good 10 years out though, time to work.

>> No.18668202

I want a small house, a concrete pad for my shitboxes, enough land where my neighbors won't bother me, and to impregnate my weeaboo gf. Once those are secure I don't need much disposable income. Enough for car parts and babies

>> No.18668207

>bumping your own thread 24 seconds after the previous post

>> No.18668249

I have a weird fantasy about bioengineered frog-dogs with massive ballsacks whose jizz provides regenerative powers to people who drink it. So in the future everyone guzzles frog cum every day and is functionally immortal. I want to write stories or do comics about what it's like to live in this cummy world of the future.

I wish I was joking.

>> No.18668251


>> No.18668256

Work up the courage to kms

>> No.18668276

Have kids, build saunas, leave fruit trees for my children

>> No.18668278

CEO of capitalism

>> No.18668280

To buy 4chan and make it that whenever a /pol/tard writes jews it is filtered to "i love bbc"

>> No.18668666


>> No.18668720

Checked, move to the country and make babies and eat really high quality food.

>> No.18668769

I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger, now I just want to stop drinking

>> No.18668842

Wub a lub a dub dub hey Morty check out my weird fantasy Morty

>> No.18668851

CEO of the whole world

>> No.18668981

to move out of my parent's basement, have my own place without roommates. A reliable vehicle and non shitty food would be good, too.

>> No.18669035

I wish you make it anon

>> No.18669074

This. I don't want to work an office job while having kids, I know I don't have the energy for both

>> No.18669130

Why does this wojak have nigger facial features?

>> No.18669180

thx bro

>> No.18669185

I wanna buy my father a house. He got screwed by his land lord two years ago, and they evicted him for being old and confused and like 2 days late with rent. Then they fined him like 50k for renovations and had him blacklisted by landlords all over town. Now I've been working my ass off trying to find him subletted apartments and he has to move like twice a year which is draining for a boomer of his age. I just want him to be able to relax during his last couple of years :(

>> No.18669202

Unironically FIRE meme

20k in passive income a month after taxes

2/5 of the way there

>> No.18669210

To be at worth at least 60 million dollars.

>> No.18669224

What's your passive income per month now?

>> No.18669238

To own a barcade on the boardwalk of a beach.

>> No.18669240

>get super /fit/
>quiet and comfy sized home for my future family in a rural area
>loyal wife with healthy genes to pump full of babies
>be a great dad
>have enough invested to give my children an excellent private k-12 education / college education to give them a better shot at life and not let them get saddled with debt.
>spoil my grandkids rotten
>pass away at an advanced age in my sleep and be remembered fondly by my family members

>> No.18669277

Nice I’m at like 1.3/5, keep up the good work anon.

>> No.18669294

Guys only want one thing and it’s DISGUSTING

>> No.18669298

If we took it in a vacuum after taxes it is a little under 8k a month.

There was an anon here long ago during the golden age of /biz/ that walked me through what he did and I followed in his footsteps.

>> No.18669332

Can you advise me where to start anon?

>> No.18669336
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I need to somehow get an asian wife while existing as a black guy

>> No.18669387

>8k in passive income
Hey go fuck yourself

>> No.18669405

Unironically, I do NNN leases. This anon that helped me owned a Wendy's through a NNN lease. Explained to me steps and after the math is done, it ends up having extremely high "returns".

I did this during 2018 anon where I cashed out on crypto so I had a large amount of cash but you can easily do this with 100k etc as NNN properties come in all shapes in sizes.

>> No.18669410

I understand the feeling anon, I'm white but I had a qt asian gf for a while but she was not americanized whatsoever and it led to me eventually breaking up with her. I hope you make it anon and I hope she is everything you thought she would be, best of luck friend.

>> No.18669428 [DELETED] 

> I'm white but I had a qt asian gf for a while but she was not americanized whatsoever and it led to me eventually breaking up with her

Sorry to here that, and thanks from. I met a slut asian friend that I'm hoping can be corrected.

>> No.18669431

To go from poor neet relying on mommies tendies to rich neet

>> No.18669444

Interesting, thanks for the advice anon.

>> No.18669479
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Buying 30k shares of ATHX, multistem curing corona and stroke, ATHX share price going to 1000 eoy, me retiring early. Wait... this is reality!

>> No.18669540

So you buy NNN leases and rent them out?

>> No.18669611

Nice trips, yeah after the tax advantages and the hands off holding especially if you are in a decent income range, the return is actually pretty fucking nuts, 10%+ especially if you are in an area where real estate is appreciating the returns are way higher.

I always took these metrics to heart when I go buying cause you gotta look at the city. You want above average population growth and income, this corresponds with low crime. From this you want to see the average commercial and real estate prices rising which corresponds with the first two metrics, because you want your commercial property in an area that is growing faster then the rest of America.

All these metrics are an easy google search anon and will put you way, way ahead of retards that put way too much money into a property that will get them nowhere because they think they got a good deal in a shitty location. This applies to residential real estate as well.

Good luck anon on your journey.

>> No.18669646

Technically, yes.

You own the building and land the business resides in and they rent it from you, but NNN leases I buy are usually 15+ years with 5 or 10 year rent escalations built in.

I am liable for 0 things so if a crackhead fell down on knife in the building I technically own, it is not my fault.

>> No.18669786 [DELETED] 

Checked and thatsdeepilled

>> No.18669845

Ideally have a pied a terre in a major metropolitan area, and then a compound out in the sticks somewhere. Have some setup where I can play music in the city, and maybe have an office I can show up to occasionally, and then do the bulk of my work/living out in the wilderness.

Money wise, I just want enough I can go grocery shopping at whole foods and not even look at the prices. So probably a gorillion dollars.

>> No.18669947


>> No.18669971

To be CEO of racism

>> No.18670020
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To drive the jewish race into perpetual and definitive oblivion.

quite based too

>> No.18670049

Live on a hippy ranch and have at least 30 kids.

>> No.18670215

have so much money i can retire now and just be a permaneet forever

>> No.18670241

I'm clueless

>> No.18670284
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>> No.18670297

Be really good at tech recruitment

>> No.18670322

I don't have any, which makes me depressed so I've decided to take on my parents', which is owning a beach house. They go for 150k minimum here and we've always been quite poor so it's just a dream for them, but I'm gonna make it true one way or another

I have 10k in savings, took me a bit less than three years for that and I have no skills and dropped out of college so 150k is far away by just wageslaving, by then they'll be too old. I'll gamble them one way or another, which is why I'm starting to look into the stock market

If I can get them that house then I'll have done something with my life and I'll go back to drinking myself to death

>> No.18670354


>> No.18670451
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>Perpetual and definitive Oblivion.

>> No.18670452

Get a house for my mom in a state with low property tax, like West Virginia

>> No.18670786

be financially independent so i can have an invite only art studio where we make functional art and food for other people.

>> No.18671196

i want to rob rich people.

>> No.18671197

it's a pleonasm, and it has the rhetorical value of emphasizing a meaning.

>> No.18671212

A good night's sleep. If I could sleep for 8 hours on command, my life would be completely different.

>> No.18671223

Freedom can allow us to access the eternal experiences of tradition - such as when the father goes out and makes transgressions against nature to provide for his family. Man acts, but he also inherits those acts.

>> No.18671235

To develop meaningful relationships/friendships/social life

Any day now

>> No.18671245

>tfw no racist finance frens

>> No.18671261

Dreaming of better people who are more beautiful and accomplished and virtuous than the ones around you is keeping you from being happy. Let people hurt you.

>> No.18671288
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Buying Kilff Kingsbury's home

>> No.18671305

I just don't want to be forced to do things. I don't want to be forced to work, I don't want to be forced to keep the peace with family/roommates, and I don't want to be forced to participate in this degenerate consoomer society. I just want to be well-off enough to be left alone.

>> No.18671322

This is ultimately destructive mentality. It will kill you.

>> No.18671330

This. I have a wife but no kids yet cause I dont have a job or a house. I want a house and a car at most.

>> No.18671373
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we're everywhere buddy, just gotta look real close.

>> No.18671434

A pleonasm is a kind of tautology.

>> No.18671456

Giga IQ chad right here

>> No.18671464

Jesus would take tyrone's mixtape anon :(

>> No.18671477

Fuck the legs off some trannies.

>> No.18671510

retire early and live the rest of my life as a comfy neet
not rich just comfy

>> No.18671528

This while running a company

>> No.18671580

Achieve immortality.

>> No.18671590

World domination.

>> No.18671639
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To become a writer so I can write cool stories and uplift the human spirit while also dropping as many red pills as I can.

>> No.18671660

To turn three countries into superpowers.
Which three countries?
Wouldnt you like to know......

>> No.18671674
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To own 200-500 acres with a nice house, a pretty wife, and 12 white christian homeschooled kids.

>> No.18671676

if you want to be a writer and aren't writing your a faggot larper

>> No.18671680

Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia?

>> No.18671709

Based and high-iq

>> No.18671729


>> No.18671744

I hope you succeed brother.

>> No.18671755

Currently working on my 1st book. It's a lot of work to be honest. Only reason why I started writing was to get rid of the feeling of awkwardness whenever I had to write a paper for college. Now I love it and want to spend the rest of my life writing stories to help "wake" people up in the culture war.

>> No.18671819

I want to rid myself of desire and serve the greater good of mankind. But until then, I want to master the piano and raise my children with a love for life. And I want to pick them up and carry them around the house so they feel like they're flying just like my father did for me.

>> No.18671965

I want to be financially independent from my parents, have a at gf, and be able to cry again.

Probably being able to cry again would be nice at the least. Viewed as the relatively calm one in the family and I run support.

Also wanting to get rid of this anger I have deep in my heart

>> No.18672054

I plead the 5th

>> No.18672183

>Ive been found out!

>> No.18672268
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This, nothing more. Why is it so hard bros? Feels like I'll never find somebody to discuss my favorite things with

>> No.18672290
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