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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18664009 No.18664009 [Reply] [Original]

>has NPC mannerisms/demeanor
>lived in SF (before getting vanned)
>used his real name online everywhere, even when soliciting help for his crypto drug emporium project
>had an interest in meme diets
>watched the Colbert Report, and was arrested as he was downloading the previous night's episode

>> No.18664045

who cares about this faggot

i told his fan page administrator to kys on twitter

he answered me with so much "proofs" that he is not a white nigger that I had to block him

i piss on his nordcvck's face

>> No.18664050
File: 32 KB, 300x317, thumb_sad-music-apu-apustaja-know-your-meme-53675932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's still based in our hearts

>> No.18664093

>drug dealer
>hired a hitman to kill one of his internet friend
>trust fund baby

>> No.18664119
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You have to be at least 18 to post here. Read the rules if you’re not familiar with this site

>> No.18664120

he was just a good goy, didn't want to harm anybody. also he was arrested in a time when the redpill, moldbug, the dark enlightenment, and associated research and propaganda campaigns hadn't ramped up and consolidated, so it's understandable he'd be the way he was.

>> No.18664157

Kys tard

>> No.18664178

>hired hitman
yeah that makes sense

>> No.18664191

Drugs are bad. Fuck off nigger.

>> No.18664226

druggies get the rope

>> No.18664235

>>hired a hitman to kill one of his internet friend
He got conned by LARPers out of $650k for five hits, none of which were carried out.
Guy was a naive NPC fuckup.

>> No.18664244

The hitman didn't sell the drugs, compared to what niggers do when they sell drugs and have gang warfare, selling them online was way better than that.
People will use drugs forever, and have since human history, might as well make it easier for them to avoid niggers.

>> No.18664243

do you know who you're talking to
that's frenchbro, alpha male who's had more boipussy than you've had or likely to have in your entire life
and he shorts the top of every btc pump
pay some respect

>> No.18664252

>dated a black chick
>played acoustic guitar
>drank craft beer
>had a LinkedIn profile.

>> No.18664275

how's it going mohamed

>> No.18664329

>that's frenchbro, alpha male who's had more boipussy than you've had or likely to have in your entire life
All tripfags deserve death, I don't know how a group of posters can be so consistently retarded.

>> No.18664336

You wanna sell drugs without violence fine thats a different issue, either way the man running the whole operation hired hired a hitman and he wasn't even dealing just the middle man.

>> No.18664344

Calm down loser, it's just fun.. Fuck Ross though

>> No.18664419

omg is that the real frenchbro? omg I love you how do I become rich and swave with a nice beard and tons of women like you?

>> No.18664422
File: 52 KB, 500x320, 226-2268033_apu-uses-water-gun-on-enemy-wojak-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no

>> No.18664812

just buy the dip and sell the top "bro"

>> No.18665822

>All tripfags deserve death, I don't know how a group of posters can be so consistently retarded.
Yes, their posts are somehow consistently the lowest IQ, least original posts on this and every other board.
They're also often semi-coherent and written in broken English.

>> No.18665974

selling ebooks and freedom hosting invites on sr and bmr netted me so much money it’s not even funny. downside is I don’t have that shit anymore lel. I’d be rich as fuck.

>> No.18667137

He also needlessly endangered his users with poor opsec/netsec