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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 500x500, wecreditsnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
185803 No.185803 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=496685.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptocredits
Facebook: fb.com/cryptocredits
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/OfficialCredits/

Website: http://cryptocredits.org/index.html

Binaries: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xvltiha76evtpcc/CreditsPackage-WINandMAC.zip
Source: https://github.com/usecredits/Credits

(Working) Pools:
http://cr.verleta.net/ - %0 free, events such as %0 for spring break
http://dredd.cryptocredits.org (been fixed, check it) - 0% fee
http://cr.poolerino.com/ - 0% fee <- Donations pool 0% fee - set your own donation free if wanted
http://batmanbeyond.cryptocredits.org/ <- donation pool 0% fee - set your own amount
Friendly reminder to use donation pools to support credits development.

Current Exchanges (Trade with Caution):

>> No.185813
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Get Credits on more exchanges:
Cryptsy - Write a support ticket & Message Mullick(might pass on queries to Big Vern)
Coinedup - Contact
Coinmarket.io - IRC: #coinmarket @ freenode
Cryptorush.in - Support + IRC
Coinmarketcap - Request Credits & Message Gliss
CryptX.io - Leave them a note(bottom right corner)
Mintpal - Email them: support@mintpal.com & Submit a ticket
BTER - Email them: support@bter.com
Vicurex - Email them: customerservice@vircurex.com
Coinpayments(Merchant tool) - Request Credits
Allcoin.com - Email them: service@allcoin.com
Cryptoaltex - Ask for Credits
Coinwarz - Contact

Not yet!

Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

>> No.185842


>> No.185847
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>> No.185853

Still mining in the event that this does go somewhere. Up to 1000 Cr after three days of mining.

>> No.185861

Why is the deus ex pool not in the working pool list?

>> No.185864
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What ideas have people come up with so that we can further market this coin? Someone had the idea of a contest but what should the contestants do?

>> No.185868

0.7Ghash on day 2 = DOA?

>> No.185884

Prob needs to be updated

>> No.185880

Someone should hurry up with the gambling site and the Cr that goes to the house should go to a lottery you can sign up for or pay into.

A flash horse racing game where you can bet on who wins.

>> No.185889

There's barely any hash power on the donation pools

>> No.185901

Jump on the IRC and maybe we can get someone on that. Mention that you brought up the gambling site and Ill respond.

>> No.185933

Question, i'm mining on the dudesex pool and what i'm getting are "shares", those are supposed to turn into credits when the block is fully mined?

>> No.185939


>> No.185941

Where I can change this thing for doge?

>> No.185946

Shares=credits or i get a number of credits proportional to my shares?

>> No.185956

I don't know about that pool but most pools read your percentage of the pool hash as shares. 2 shares = 2% of hashrate = 2% of blockrewards.

>> No.185983


it's in the op you silly, on swisscex

>> No.185986
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>> No.186015

I'll give you1 doge for 5 Cr

>> No.186028

What is the total market cap in USD?

>> No.186035

Someone said on the forums that is somewhere close to 5800$

>> No.186036

can someone tip me a few credits?

>> No.186044

Impossible to know, waiting for coinmarketcap and a big exchange

>> No.186045

>waiting for coinmarketcap and big exchange
This will never happen if the coin dies.
See PND.

>> No.186051

PND is on coinmarketcap

>> No.186072

If Cr. doesn't reach $100,000 market cap by the end of this month it will die.

>> No.186081
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posting a funny gif in hopes of some credit tip

>> No.186087

Shiiiet I've already made 4 cents off this shit.
Good coin.

>> No.186092

>Not yet!


i have measly 41 credits

i was hoping to trade CR, should i reach 50 CR

how the hell i cant mine

>> No.186097

Thank you kind anon

but seriously if CR needs to surbive you guys then need to make a faucet to spread it

>> No.186102

But can you convince me this isn't just another ponzi?

>> No.186104

Why should I mine this if I could just wait and get higher rewards? The coin doesn't have enough traction to hit a higher difficulty to offset the reward increase.

>> No.186137

I decided to jump into the Dredd pool so we can get some gambling action going on and it is taking a while to earn Creds from the pool I was originally in, How long do you think it will take before I see progress?

>> No.186147

>still mining/buying shitcoins

seriously guys this was fun when doge came out but now its gone to shit... why not just mine/shill doge? its the only shitcoin that has a chance...

oh well i already lost to much money/time on shitcoins i got better shit to do like play TESO

>> No.186156

>implying I'm not mining shitcoins, trading them for BTC and buying Doge with BTC.

>> No.186186

>Still buying doge
The moon was 270+ sato, only the greedy and stupid think it gets better than that.

>> No.186214

Okay, so all of the devs are discussing changes that we are possibly going to implement and fork. Any specific suggestions?

>> No.186215


>> No.186222

Implement Kimotos Gravity Well.

>> No.186225

>crypto currencies should last less than 2 months and we should jump between shitcoins regularly
You're the cancer killing cryptos

>> No.186227

Wut, credits already has KGW...

>> No.186234

Really? I haven't read the source yet.

>> No.186235

Yes, >>186227 is correct.

>> No.186251

How about this.
>bundle i2p or TOR with the wallet
>route everything through i2p or TOR
>implement coinjoin

>> No.186262

Reward the miners that did not act in their own best interests by mining up to this point.

>> No.186284

We're not really looking to change anything in the security aspect, more block rewards, etc.

>> No.186297

Free advertising of other sites smaller sites if they do the same for us

>> No.186303

How much does advertising here cost?

>> No.186304

Assuming people would do that, that is an awesome idea. What small sites are you thinking about?

>> No.186308

I'm sorry, what?

>> No.186311

A sort of partnership between cryptocredits.org and other small sites, We advertise them on our site and in return they advertise us

>> No.186316

>not looking to change anything in the security aspect
Are you at least implementing coinjoin at any time? Without coinjoin or something similar transactions are clearly visible.

>> No.186317

Maybe some niche work safe forums and reading up on how to get traffic to your website couldn't hurt.

>> No.186324

Unless there was some sort of payment service implemented I don't really see how that would garner interest. How would we advertise you?

>> No.186346

A page for advertisements or banners located in the purple boxes so when people scroll down to see what to do they are hard to miss, Have them also be built into the site so adblock doesn't work on them

>> No.186352
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>> No.186371

Sorry, we're not really looking for advertising. More like suggestions that will give Credits actual interest + value. Changes in the source.

>> No.186382
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This is hilarious
I was saying this before launch but they wouldn't listen. They were saying
>He thinks $19 000 daily volume is anything
At the moment the volume on swisscex is 0.2 BTC

To maintain the buy price at swisscex, we would need an influx of 6.8BTC per day, which right now is about $4 415. Even that is unsustainable, Nobody is buying credits.
If you want to save credits, you need to stop people selling, or attract buyers. Advertise and shill the hell out of that market, maybe some promotion like 0 fee's or something.

Despite what people are saying, don't increase block reward now, you'll kill the coin with the influx of new coins. Throw out the "FAIR" block reward model for something gentler, like max reward of 1500 instead of that insane 12796. increase by increments of 100 or something.

Maybe as extreme measures, temporally DROP the reward to 500, which will drive away the weak miners, but the dedicated true belivers™, aka. the one's holding their coins would mine the credits that would have instantly been dump. This preserves value.

As rewards go up the fickle would come again, but if you gain popularity during the period of decreased reward, the market might be able to handle it

>> No.186387

Thankyou for listening to the miners concerns.
While the increasing block reward does has many positives it is much to strong as it stands. As was said on btt "What I mine in 20 hours now I will get in 9 hours in 2 weeks, 5.8 hours in 4 weeks and 4.3 hours in 6".
I like the idea of an increasing block reward to deter pumping but it needs to be cut back. As it stands it will be 2-4 months before it's worth mining.

>> No.186400

I'm telling you man, implementing coinjoin would give interest and value. People value anonymity.

>> No.186451

Also make the client look better, fix that left column especially. That alignment is atrocious

>> No.186460

Why is there no Japanese translation for the Credits wallet?

>> No.186471

You can move that sidebar
I want this now

>> No.186469


>> No.186474

You're right
Guess I never noticed

>> No.186475


>> No.186483

>Google for translate
>Get Shit motherfucker Tsu - Wiktionary Japanese version - Wiktionary
Was Tsu really a shit motherfucker?

>> No.186499

He actually said Japanese a shit

>> No.186511

Lol, this is why you don't google translate

>My Japanese sucks

>> No.186513

I figured that I just liked the wiki I got as a response.

>> No.186522
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What if the difficulty and block rewards were completely schizo, e.g. high up to a point for one week, low for a month or more, high for a day, low again for another month

>> No.186525

So, the people in the bitcointalk thread seem to agree with this.

We are thinking of reducing the "inflationary" period to one month total, and changing the block reward increase to be in much smaller increments, and be more rapid (every couple of days).

What do you guys think of this?

>> No.186528

Good idea.

>> No.186533

That wouldn't be fair at all, whoever knows when the block reward changes would be at a huge advantage.

>> No.186532

Also do coinjoin to compete with Darkcoin.

>> No.186543
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>> No.186550

This sounds adequate. Thank you for listening.

>> No.186551

That would push higher hashers away as it would need constant attention. A coin needs steady hash increase to get noticed.

>> No.186601

Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.186671

How would somebody know? It would be random. It would reward people who mine non stop and dont jump around to other coins.

>> No.186679

Reading the source

>> No.186706

Yep, this.

>> No.186716

IRC bots are a good idea

>> No.186749

does forking mean we lose our current credits?

>> No.186757

Yes, you have been goyumed.

>> No.186790

It'll be a compulsory wallet update, get your coins in your wallet and don't move them anywhere until you have the update installed.

>> No.186805
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>Actually believing that a meme-based cryptocurrency will last more than a few months

>> No.186816


>> No.186829
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>> No.186831

You made me look, at least it has gone back to 600.

>> No.186832
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>> No.186838

Spring break in 2 weeks? Will I look like a weirdo if I come over as a 30yo Aussie looking for young American pussy?

>> No.186845

yes, sell now before it's too late

>> No.186923

Yes you fucking beta

>> No.186948

Im willing to give 100 Cr for someone to make me an iphone 5 wallpaper with the credits logo. Im unsure of the resolution. Ill chuck in an extra 50 if you create a really clean/creative one.

>> No.186998

Why do you assume I'm beta? My last gf was 19 and fucked like a champion, I'm just interested in the possibility of getting many 19yo pussies in a short time frame.

I could go to Thailand but I'm not about to pay, it's more fun to earn it.

>> No.187006

Because you replied

>> No.187012
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how's this?

>> No.187024

Looks great. Thanks for the effort. Sending through now.

>> No.187118


>> No.187116


>> No.187122

>no lens flares
>no TV lines
>no gradients


>> No.187133

>paying $60,000 for an iPhone wallpaper

>> No.187185

If someone can make one looking like that I will pay again. Also if someone can make a 1920x1080 wallpaper and spread it about ill double it.

>> No.187199

Which one?

>> No.187214 [DELETED] 

The very top one.

Im going to wash my car so ill pay up when im back on later

>> No.187215

The very top one.

Im going to wash my car so if somethings up later ill pay up then. Thanks guys

>> No.187223

Credit cards are a scam.

>> No.187232

So what do things like 'hashrate' and 'difficulty' mean for your mining?

>> No.187259

Combined with block time and reward it dictates how many we get. I like to mine coins early when the hash rate and difficulty are low as I can get in hours what takes days latter.

For example I'm mining a coin now that has the largest pool going down every few hours. When the pool it up hash rate is 0.8Ghash, when it's down it's 0.2Ghash. My estimated coin per day increases from 300 to 1,100.

>> No.187299


I see, so I've been mining for like 15 - 20 minutes now and I have an estimated payout of 16, is that a lot? Is it worth doing if I'm going at this pace? And when does an estimate turn into a payout into my wallet?

>> No.187304

It will get paid into your wallet when a block is found and confirmed, expect that number to go up and down until it is found. Also if you stop mining now it will drop

>> No.187318

16 per 15 minutes
15 * 4 = 60 minutes(1 hour)
16 * 4 = 64 Credits/hour
24 * 60 = 1440 hours per day
24 * 64 = 1532 Credits/day

Yes, that's a nice amount.

>> No.187407
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Is there a page on the pool or a site that can tell me what it is that I'm looking at? There's a lot of info here but not a lot of explanation on what it all means, and Est. Shares just went over 100% :\

>> No.187631

Wallet out

>> No.187661

! ! ! !THIS IS NOT CREDITS! ! ! !

>> No.187689

Where'd the devs come out of restructuring the reward system?

>> No.187692

>>187012 http://i.imgur.com/e7lv3sd.jpg?1

You can thank me by giving me those credits now.

>> No.187700

People didn't like that it takes too long for it to Peak

>> No.187704

I know. I led the push. Did they decide what to change it to?

>> No.187708

Yeah check the second to last page on the BTCtalk thread

>> No.187714

Gonna make me do work, aren't ya?

You're fired from my life.

>> No.187729

Is 1 credit really worth 64 cents?

>> No.187792


>> No.187803
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>> No.187819

We are thinking of doing something similar to this.

30 day inflationary period
6 increases, each after five days
9000>>9500>>10000>>10500>>11000>>12500 >> goes down to 10000 after

And then keeps going down, like normal.

>> No.187827

Fuck, well you guys get the idea.

>> No.187861

Should I invest in Credits now? I am only mining @ 120khash.

>> No.187870

So what about those of us who just spent the last four days mining and have as many coins as we'll earn in three hours after the first increase?

>> No.187884

Get fucked

>> No.187885

I guess we'll still be ahead then. Our miners are already up and running.

>> No.187891

I sent you 150. Just stay with us. It will be worth it. We just need to hype it up more and get the benefits out there.

>> No.187895

Wish I'd waited.

>> No.187890

Well it's not final by any means.

>> No.187933

Thats way too high man. Why fuck over the people who believed in you from the beginning?

>> No.187956

You don't need a bajazillimiilltrilligillion coins for it to be popular.

>> No.187966
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What do you suggest?

>> No.187970

The difficulty will go up, so you'll end up with roughly the same amount of coins.

>> No.188002

How long does it take credits to confirm?

>> No.188008

Well, the current reward is at 796. You cant just jump 1130%, where's the logic in that? Increase the block reward with 50% six times over 30 days.

This is much more fair as your system just basically makes most of the coins currently mined worthless

>> No.188012

If we go from 796 coins per block to 9000, the difficulty has to massively to offset the change.

>> No.188025

True. That should be reduced I think.

>> No.188030

Left a word out there, but you get the idea.

>> No.188053

How about 1 billion. Plain and simple.

>> No.188057

1 billion coins at 10,000 per block?

>> No.188075

Ha, no it was more of just an arbitrary question on people's thoughts on a total number of coins. No other factors involved here.

>> No.188085

It should correspond to the block size, so it's a difficult question to answer in the abstract. You have four days at 796 coins per block. To jump to anything that makes a billion coins even remotely attainable or practical doesn't sound right.

>> No.188088

1 Billion sounds good.

>> No.188091

What's your reasoning behind a 1130% increase in the block reward? Don't you think that's a bit drastic? I've mined since release and I only have 5000 in total now, that huge increase would cause all my mining to have been in vain

>> No.188102

I haven't even covered my electricity costs over the past four days.

>> No.188104

Works for me.

You guys need a big marketing push too.

>> No.188103

Yeah we're making sure that the block reward isn't too high, something more like this probably.

2000>> 2250>> 2500>> 2750>> 3000>> 4000 >> goes down to 3000 and down, down, down

>> No.188109

is this a test wallet?

>> No.188113

Where do you suggest? We've tried a lot of stuff in the marketing side, but I'm sure we've missed a great deal in that respect.

>> No.188120

Just in the Bitcointalk thread. Call it a relaunch or something. People need to know that waiting until month six to mine is no longer feasible, that everything has changed, etc. Just make a lot of noise.

>> No.188146

I have like 38 credits mining for 3 days. I feel so useless :(

>> No.188162

I got to 120 after 3 days. I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.188169

Anybody want to buy my 900 cr for 0.008 btc?

>> No.188167

I have a decent GPU. maybe my intensity isn't high enough or something :(

>> No.188176

This, make it loud and clear in the OP that you want to help out miners. "This is for you as a thanks for supporting our coin" something along those lines. You should get a lot of "thanks" and post count always helps.

>> No.188180

What GPU? Someone might be able to help.

>> No.188189


>> No.188195

People are only getting 150-200 with them, must be the wrong GPU sorry.

>> No.188235

That's what I have. I tried some recommended settings of gpu 955 and mem clock 1365 with 15 intensity, got to 180KH/s at only 55 C.
But it seemed to be giving more garbage hashrate because it didn't equate to more shares than when I was at 140KH/s with stock clock settings.

It just feels futile when I still only get maybe 20 Cr after 12 hours mining.

>> No.188244

i got 2 BTC I wanna put in a cryptocurrency, should I wait till this gets on a bigger exchange?

its bound to go up from here, r-right?

>> No.188257

If you do, wait until we release the fork of it.

>> No.188258

Wait until the devs decide on how they're going to refactor the reward scaling.

>> No.188396 [DELETED] 

If there is a change in block reward anytime soon we wont loose our coins will we? I just mined 4 days straight and invested some spare cash.

>> No.188412

No you'll be fine

>> No.188421

What markets are currently trading cr?

>> No.188434


Find us on the following exchanges:
Vote for us on others!

>> No.188563

fuck you the wallet for Mac (on mavericks) still doesn't work. I'm not switching from litecoin until you fix.

>> No.188631


trying to go on swisscex to trade with 50CR

wanted to trade with 100 CR, can anyone tip me remaining 50 CR?

>> No.188665
File: 26 KB, 850x150, awef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New block reward system coming soon!
Stay tuned, shouldn't take too long.

>> No.188693


Anyone 40 CR atleast?

>> No.188695

This has to be fake, right?

>> No.188696

Check the bitcointalk thread and see for yourself.

>> No.188698

anyone for the love of god give me some credits

>> No.188700

Wow, wtf. Now there's no value in the coins people already have. Why the hell should I continue mining if this is gonna start over?

>> No.188705

If it's a hard fork, it's just as simple as making sure everyone updates to the new wallet. No coins lost.

>> No.188710

Because everyone totally will do something just because they should.

Seriously, if you can't release something decentralized right the first time, don't bother.

>> No.188717 [DELETED] 

Atleast they are making an effort to stop it failing and listening to users. The changes might also bring in some new interest.

>> No.188715

If they don't want to lose their coins, sure, they don't have to update, they'd have them on the old wallet until they try to move any more in/out.
>Seriously, if you can't release something decentralized right the first time, don't bother.
I can't think of a single product/service/concept that has been released since the turn of the millennium that has had a seamless launch.

>> No.188718

From what I understand, the update wont effect the users current coins. That would be silly.

>> No.188720
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I'm not understanding, didn't you guys want a new block reward system?

>> No.188724

Well there we go, nothing to worry about but how to spend that mad dosh kicking in once the block rewards change.

>> No.188729

Not particularly.
I wanted a faster block time as originally advertised, a wallet gui that actually makes sense and doesn't waste so much space on screen, and a marketplace ad placement that doesn't hurt my OCD.

Btw the marketplace should be linked in the OP, seeing as it's currently the credits only actual feature.

>> No.188732

Keep mining guys. This coin has a lot of potential in the future. The early start before the update will be worth it once a myriad of miners join the race.

>> No.188739

Can we get some more people in the Dredd pool

>> No.188751
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Pic related, what I mean by wasting space.
The Frozen one could be even more compact without the uselessly large logo, or better yet, a logo in the background, no reason it should have its own element in the gui.

Also the usual wallet features, like choosing which address to send from.

And of course the fact that wallet is only available as a fucking zip file that contains both windows and mac versions.
1) make the OSes separate
2) do NOT include miners that are known to trigger AV false alarms, those should be completely separate too
3) make it an actual windows installer that automatically also install the conf file. To paraphrase one of the posters above, I can't think of a single product/service/concept that has been released since the turn of the millennium that had me manually copy over config files. Real products I mean.

And that's just the wallet, I could go on and on about other features.

>> No.188759

Wait, are my credits worthless now?

>> No.188764

No, as said before its simply a wallet update. Keep mining. Your Credits are safe

>> No.188774

Does anyone know when the next block will be?

>> No.188786

i cant believe this is trading at twice the value of doge...

>> No.188788

>not understanding market caps

>> No.188822

So I downloaded the zip for the site, signed up for a pool, made a worker, and edited the .bat. All the libraries are in the same folder as the credits exe and minerd and I keep getting "make sure the executables and libraries are in the same directory as credits-qt"

What the dick? I followed all of the instructions to the letter

>> No.188837

HOw do i update my wallet without loosing my coins?

>> No.188838

What happens if I'm mining and my internet connection is disrupted for about a minuet?

>> No.188857
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Sit it out and wait for the waltz, I guess.

>> No.189145

relaunch when? do I lose all my coins then?

>> No.189153

I can't mine.

can someone sell me $200 worth?

>> No.189157

you don't, it's jsut a hard fork they say

>> No.189259

You will NOT lose any of your Credits with our fork. We are merely just calling it a "relaunch" because the block rewards system is being changed.

>> No.189317

Actually with the fork that we are doing, we are evening out the block rewards system which will stop the rapid inflation that was the original (admittedly stupid) plan. This means that your coins that you have mined between release and the fork will actually be worth more than they would have originally been, in the current pre-fork system.

>> No.189421


>> No.189474

So how many people do we have in the official pools, There's a whopping 12 in Dredd pool.

>> No.189496

Not many at all, and I don't blame anyone. We messed up the launch of the pools pretty badly, so we're all going to keep the fees at 0% for a pretty long time.

>> No.189497

Thanks again for taking community suggestion on board. You would be the best devs (aside from some btt posts) I have seen.

>> No.189507

Thanks, that's awesome to hear. I know the exact bitcointalk posts that you are referring to, and that specific person will not be (officially) posting anymore in that thread, IRC or any thread for that matter anymore. Almost ruined Credits as a whole.

>> No.189518


if you are taking suggestions, may i suggest a faucet

i cant mine and have serious lack of credits

>> No.189549

Sent, don't have many (only from donations) but we need to spread the wealth!

Also, sorry but I'm not gonna give out cr to every person who begs, I would be broke after ten people haha.

>> No.189594

That guy sounded like an angsty teenager. Good job on getting rid of him.

>> No.189622

We're about to break 50% on the dudesex pool in our current block (which is to say, the first)

>> No.189660

Thank you

>don't have many (only from donations)

i see

>but we need to spread the wealth!

yes, maybe the pools need to set a mining fee around 0.5% - 1% and use the fee for making a faucet ?

>> No.189719

We will, once we get actual users on the official pools haha.

>> No.189729


i see

>> No.189850

When is the hard fork and what changes?

I'm loving the new difficulty. Last night I had 300 in my wallet, now I have almost 600!

>> No.189880

The hard fork will be download ready in a couple of days most likely. We will then be giving you guys a week to download the new client, and then the actual changes will take effect.

These are the changes:

- The inflationary period is 30 days now, as opposed to 6 months.

- 6 separate periods of five days each

2000>> 2250>> 2500>> 2750>> 3000>> 5000 >> goes down to 2000
Then halves every two years.

Still toying around with the last period, but for the most part this is final.

>> No.189986

So, the max is actually 4000 instead of 5000. My mistake.

>> No.190194

Bumping to get feedback on >>189880

>> No.190252

What is Bamboohouse's Credit limit?

I keep getting that threshold error.

>> No.190372

I'm looking at the future, a coin that appeals to people who shop on Steam and Amazon. A cryptocurrency for gamers and collectors.

>> No.190459

i've got a 6870

how many khashes am i supposed to get?

>> No.190517

This is the coin!

>> No.190699
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Also, BTCtalk and others have been updated to show pic related.

Hopefully it didn't push away a lot of people.

>> No.190703

Probably 250.
Set up auto payout
Same happened on my people and that's why he always suggested to do so.

>> No.190801

are you guys going to implement coinjoin? it'll be a great way to get more attention and actually make the coin stand out.

>> No.190809

I'd prefer having the option of using coinjoin if implemented

>> No.190814


It's still being discussed, nothing is final yet

>> No.190835

( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤) le hard fork face

>> No.190883

Can you guys sort out the wallet packages? I don't want to download the miner and both the mac and windows wallets together.

Individual downloads please.

>> No.190885
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Will be done when the hard fork comes out.

>> No.191091


>> No.191451


It's here

>> No.191522

That's what we're hoping for!

One thing that we are trying to do right now is get into contact with some game devs and try to get Credits integrated into a couple of games. We're going to be contacting them in a range from devs that make random iOS/Android games, to (very optimistically) contacting big game devs, so if anyone wants to help us out with that and give us a shoutout, that would be great!

>> No.191532

im an AGDG fag making an indie game.
I plan on having credits as the currency.
Mining will be a sort of minigame on the side aswell.
>I dont even care if you approve or not cause im doing it

>> No.191540

does anyone have any working nodes ?

>> No.191547

That would be awesome, and no I am not opposed to you spreading Credits, haha.

>> No.191567

how long until 1Cr = $20

>> No.191569

Give it a year

>> No.191579

Are credits listed anywhere? I want to see the current btc price.

>> No.191590

Is it better to mine in the smaller pools (<15 miners active) or to get in a larger pool for your credits per day rate?

>> No.191596

Mine in the biggest pool if you like money.

>> No.191606

Yep, currently on three exchanges.


>> No.191607

Only Allcoin has volume at decent prices, though

>> No.191622

The wallet still doesn't work for mavericks help.

>> No.191778

what do you guys mine these alt coins with
my gpu only gets 87kh/s and calculating that at current difficulty of 9 i get 10 credits a day
that's hardly profitable

>> No.192029

750ti, 285 kh/s and I'm getting ~500 cr/day.
Your math seems kinda off.

>> No.192091

Is this still worth mining if I have a 290?

>> No.192104
File: 23 KB, 850x150, wecreds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then mine on my pool at cr.verleta.net
By the pool, our pool is updated to the latest block reward system which kicks in on Sunday

>> No.192106

gtfo nvidia fag

>> No.192135

I'm doing fine on a 6850 so yes

>> No.192136

With this new fork do I need to download anything or change my .bat?

>> No.192140

How much are you getting p/day?

>> No.192142

not sure as I only mine over night but I get 400Kh/s and my wallet has 1000 Cr in it so far

>> No.192145

how do i update my wallet without loosing my coins?

>> No.192149

just replace credits-qt. your wallet is fine and stored in appdata under winblows.

>> No.192150

Is this another shit scrypt p&d coin?

>> No.192158

how can i backup my wallet? i cant find the wallet.bat? where exactly can i find it?

>> No.192159

type %appdata% int the explorer then the credits folder. its wallet.dat btw

>> No.192249

And where exactly are we supposed to download the update?
The website still links the shitty pc+mac+miners zip file with the old version.

Nah, those are actually trying to look at least a little bit professional.

>> No.192248

So I downloaded the files from the bct forum, put them in a new folder called "wallet" and replaced it with my old wallet folder that came with the Creditspackage, Is that all that is needed to be done?

What is Creditsd.exe?

>> No.192282


Is it just me or does the cr.verleta.net pool seem to have a much slower and weaker payoff to the dredd pool and other 0% fee pools already up?

>> No.192287


On top of that, has anyone found or have any documentation on things like damage and wear to a GPU due to constant mining, say overnight or for a day or two at a time? I have a GTX680 and am curious to know if mining would burn it out over time

>> No.192377

Just sent 2k from my old wallet, are they gone foreve?

>> No.192393


>> No.192459

Working fine for me.
Most people mine 24/7. My three 280x cards have been mining constantly since december without any damage

>> No.192465

Nvidia cards actually burn out pretty quick because of mining, since they hav epoor VRM cooling, so beware.
AMD cards can run 24/7 for long periods of time.

>> No.192469

Where did you send the 2k?

>> No.192471

Swisscex, still not there

>> No.192472

It takes a while with Swisscex, at least in my experience

>> No.192479

I sent 2k from my wallet and 100 from the pool I was mining on, the 100 arrived immediately on swisscex.

>> No.192511

after a hash increase as a reaction to the fork, the hash lowered to the same level as before...

>> No.192532

Well that's cause you faggots won't shill and credits to the moon

>> No.192536

PND fate incoming. Anyway I'm glad I sold yesterday for 500 satoshi

>> No.192584

So what do I need to do to get the fork?
Do I need to completely delete my old wallet?

>> No.192588

so which is the best pool to mine?

>> No.192594

What does a fork mean?
Do I lose my current credits?

>> No.192591

An official one

>> No.192599

No, you don't lose your credits, update your wallet though, check BTCTalk

>> No.192600

like this? http://cr.verleta.net/

>> No.192605

crpyptorush when? And why should i mine this coin?
I already have like 500

>> No.192607

My pool isn't official.
The official ones are:

>> No.192610


I'd stay away from the official ones, they've shown their incompetence at launch when it took them 24 hours to actually bring the pools online.

And it's not the only incompetent thing about this coins development.

>> No.192613

>>And it's not the only incompetent thing about this coins development.
oh boy

is that coin destined to die off

>> No.192619

So it's gone?
Fucking hell.

>> No.192628

Unless the devs get replaced by someone who actually knows what they're doing, yes.

>> No.192659

Someone needs to buy that guys raffle script and use it to make a Credits Raffle website.

>> No.192668


>> No.192701

300mh a week lates = success?

>> No.192771


>> No.192946
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 1393867546793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded the files from the bct forum, put them in a new folder called "wallet" and replaced it with my old wallet folder that came with the Creditspackage, Is that all that is needed to be done?

What is Creditsd.exe?

>> No.192958

No. Smaller transactions go through more quickly.

>> No.192968

I asked the swisscex guy on irc and he fixed it.

>> No.192980

wait what
my wallet syncs fine?

>> No.192986

Pretty much, just make sure to always use the new wallet.

Creditsd is for people who want to run it as a daemon

>> No.193096

The future is here.

>> No.193101
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Hope I get to buy the occulas rift with Cr

>> No.193110

I have 21,500 now. I hope the value goes up.

>> No.193136

>We are merely just calling it a "relaunch" because the block rewards system is being changed.

so basically this only affects miners

>> No.193154

Do end users HAVE to update their wallets, or just pools? I think I just answered my own question, but I'm asking anyway, because I'm not afraid. You hear that? I'M. NOT. AFRAID.

>> No.193164
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Yes, hence why it's a "Mandatory Update"
It's Mandatory

>> No.193167

I was asking who it was mandatory for. But thanks. I'll be sure not to use your pool now that you've been unnecessarily surly.

>> No.193173

Giving away 100¤ for OC (more if it's actually good)

>> No.193179 [DELETED] 

Hey everyone, the four official themed pools are now patched for the fork and ready to go!


>> No.193181
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You pussy, thinking everyone is mean and out to get you. I bet you have a lot of close friends.

>> No.193184

Reduce the number of pools to one and people will actually use it. Splitting up the hashrate like that made me switch back to bamboohouse because it took more than 13 hours to find a block

>> No.193186

That didn't make any sense.

>> No.193188


>> No.193191

Dredd is the only one worth keeping.

>> No.193250


this coin smells so much like stinky nerds with superhero comics

its even attracting the autists like this faggot >>193167

I'm out

>> No.193257

this coin is dead, just give up, please

>> No.193309

i dont know

its doing well than some other coins

>> No.193336

Please leave. The coin is growing fast already

>> No.193365

To the cyberpunk MOON.
Credits will be the next up and coming coin.
Buy in now. (Screencapped.)

>> No.193368

To the space station

>> No.193383
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Neu thread