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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 1270x515, 5464567533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18635659 No.18635659 [Reply] [Original]

yeah i think we're undervalued
inb4 scam

>> No.18635795

what is this? no source just a graph with numbers .. i call scam

>> No.18635910

Looks like a scam tbth.

>> No.18636047
File: 45 KB, 1156x332, 1584083396845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is apparently the top rated token but these ratings are behind paywall...

>> No.18636081

sell this shit before they exit scam

buy unibright a future top 10 coin

>> No.18636149

The fact is the tech is fucking great. Constellation DAG were better at fudding Fantom though.

>> No.18636234

where is this, got a link for it?

>> No.18636248


>> No.18636306

I find it unlikely that schizo FUD was the reason FTM crashed this hard. Maybe a few biztards sold as a result but who the fuck cares about jeet stacks.

>> No.18636381

enjoy your "good" tech lol

>> No.18636560

you kids are so fucking dumb it makes me sick

>> No.18636590

cant believe bag holders are still trying to find greater fools a month before the 400 million token unlock. inflation on fantom is apocalypticly bad

>> No.18636632

nice coin, did a x10 last year, then dumped down all the way to x0 again.

but maybe some suicide stack is worth something

>> No.18636684

It was fud like this that crushed Fantom. Over 5 years they will airdrop the team tokens to stakers. It's just 30% in 5 years. Literaly nothing and now team own zero.

>> No.18636741

oh so they exit scammed already

explains why they let it burn out

>> No.18636950

Weiss based their tech rating on 100 000 to 300 000 tps, dag with smart contracts. They did not change their rating after it was known that what FTM, in reality, would deliver was a trainwreck of a crashed Ethereum Virtual Machine fork and nothing more. Fantom is the most obvious scam in crypto.

>> No.18636965

>Literaly nothing and now team own zero.
Are you high? Through the foundation, friends etc Fantom team still controls over 50% of FTM total supply.

>> No.18636992

They sold everything

>> No.18637006

Isn't that basically an exit scam?

>> No.18637028

Schizo rears his little head, here's your (You) Denny
No they didn't
It would be if they did

>> No.18637048

They dumped their own private holdings on investors, but still control over 50% through the foundation, partners, marketing etc. Whole Ponzi scheme lock up is designed to create artificial lack of supply, so the price is liftet synthetically, while the team is dumping like hell, while desperate bagholders have to wait days for unlocking while the price is crashing. Fantom scammers are just waiting for the right time.

>> No.18637054

Who is Denny, you idiot? Are you one of the giant marketing department in Fantom, aka scammers, with zero devs?

>> No.18637078

based schizo

>> No.18637440

>Absolutely deranged DAGholder
>Not Denny
I'm surprised there's more than one of you still on the payroll.

>> No.18637474

Just post all your pasta and be done with it, don't make these poor fools suffer through your barely coherent rambling for hours.
This is where you're headed, right? This is why you keep posting, to lure poor /biz/tards into your competing scam?
>We are excited that the Constellation Mainnet is launching soon!

>> No.18637521

>I'm surprised there's more than one of you still on the payroll.
Payroll, are you smoking crack? How did you reached your stupd and false "conclusion" that I am paid? Worse, Fantom's giant "marketing" department was here spamming the living daylight out of biz for over a year, every single day, 24/7, so who is paid here?

>> No.18637547


>Fantom's giant "marketing" department was here spamming the living daylight out of biz for over a year, every single day, 24/7

Still not as annoying than the relentless stink spam that's been ongoing for the last 2 years straight.

>> No.18637604

>stink spam
You mean documented criticism of your failed scam, for a few months since Nov last year? Plus hardly any threads started, while you Fantom scammers spammed biz with multiple active threads at the very same time, 24/7. Do you scamming assholes have no shame?

>> No.18637715

Absolute delusion from the deranged and unpaid DAG janny. Can't even understand what people are talking about so he fires off one of his random rebuttals.
He meant LINK spamming, you obvious newfag retard.

>> No.18637719

>there are people still holding this dumpster fire
lmao how's that staking working out for you retards?

>> No.18637760

working great
1 ftm = 1 ftm

>> No.18637770

Ah, link, yes partly agree with that.

>> No.18637788

>He meant LINK spamming, you obvious newfag retard.
Believe me fantom scammer, I've been here far longer than you. Don't care much about slang, my brain is logical.

>> No.18637795

This is just pricing in the dump. Everyone expects it, so no upward momentum. All we can do is stake and wait until eoy

>> No.18637844

I can fucking smell the curry man fuck off.
>payroll, are you smoking Crack?
>how did you reached
>so who is paid here?
You need to hide your accent better. I hope they cut your pay

>> No.18637859

>Don't care much about slang, my brain is logical.
t. 85 IQ altcoin investor
If you really have been here for years, why are you investing in awful scams like DAG and MTV?

>> No.18637915

You are an utter Fantom moron. My IQ is around the double of 85. DAG 10x'ed after I promoted DAG early last summer, in a bear market. MTV is producing great tech and I started to buy after a pricefall of more than 90%. All this can be easily proven. What about you and your sick and nasty Fantom scam, spammer?

>> No.18637935

I am making snap comments while working. Never ever bother to proof read. Deal with it, Fantom scammer. Hope you assholes go to jail.

>> No.18638218

100k is still well achievable with the FVM coming this year.

Fantom even now has faster tps and finality than cosmos. aBFT also more secure. Fantom will continue to get more and more decentralized.

They have at least 4 years of runway. You mothwrfuckers will all be sucking the big fantom Chad cock real soon.

>> No.18638239

nothing substantial included your schizo pasta. All fake bs. You guys are ducking cancer

>> No.18638262

Every time a schizo pasta is posted I buy more

>> No.18638271
File: 58 KB, 1309x482, Fantom Scam and lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your stress testing. How many nodes. Your project is a joke in the dev community. You have been lying from day one. You even blantly lie about your competitors like VISA where every idiot can do a fast search and expose you scamming trash. Pic. Real Visa tps is 65 000 tps. Your tps a couple of hundred,

>> No.18638286

You must have bought a ton of BCC (Bitconnect) then. Why am I not surprised, Fantom moron?

>> No.18638311

shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.18638425
File: 222 KB, 1440x2058, Fake Fantom - Oracle Partnership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more about your Oracle-Fantom partnership you Fantom scammers brag so much about. Why do you never ever state that all you dirty criminals have is a small sales-rep deal? What a joke. Criminal fantom scammers.

>> No.18638430

No I bought DAG and sold the top when I realized it was a satsgang pump and dump and a scam coin. Pothead Wyatt spent all the money on weed. Go figure.

>> No.18638444

Schizo has already proven multiple times he has no idea what he's talking about since he shilled scams like MTV who has literally flatlined and DAG who's going on life support after this pathetic attempt of a mainnet pump. I'm glad I bought LINK instead.

>> No.18638478

This may actually be valid, I don't know how they arrived at their conclusions nor do I give a fuck about what Weiss kikes think.
Not true
Took bait
>he spams these threads for free
Zero biz slang knowledge
Quietly corrects himself and hopes nobody notices
More deranged lies from idiot DAG scammer, first he claims his IQ is around 170 while in actuality there have been absolutely no stress tests to prove this and I saw someone on this board say he has 85 so that's probably closer to the real figure.
Claims to be able to prove "promoting DAG" without any proof despite having a whole folder full of Fantom FUD at his disposal.
Absolutely no proof that MTV has great tech either, just more lies.
Calls people spammers while almost always being 40% or more of the replies in every Fantom thread in the past 6 months.
>I'm too busy to type like a white man
Show me your hand
The same bullshit as usual, completely breaks down into a loop of BITCONNECT and VISA SCREENSHOT until the thread gets archived.

In summation, schizo gets the rope whenever we finish with the trannies and faggots and move onto the mentally ill

>> No.18638503

Stop spamming so fast, I can't keep up with the replies.
Checked, based, good luck with your LINKies

>> No.18638539


>> No.18638555
File: 66 KB, 715x660, 324324324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole desperate Fantom marketing department is here spamming their mentally deranged garbage. 38 people and zero devs. Only utter idiots would even invest in such an obvious scam.

You lead dev is a scammer that not only have fled Fantom, but also can't even manage the smallest tech project without crashing:


>> No.18638568
File: 40 KB, 240x280, 1572662273813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit boys he's dipping into his carefully selected screenshot folder.

>> No.18638593
File: 250 KB, 1044x655, 1569855374241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic since you fantom scammers are officially discord trannies, after you idiots had to move away from Telegram so you could delete the hell out off openly lying and incriminating posts, pic related. Sad.

>> No.18638616
File: 99 KB, 760x706, Annotation 2020-02-15 101134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called documentation, something you fantom scammers never provide.

>> No.18638618

DAG was LITERALLY confirmed to be a satsgang pump and dump on Twitter retard. Don't tell me about trannies. Just go, search #DAG and have fun

>> No.18638686

You know what the worst part about the DAG platform is? No fucking devs. Look at that github activity... Huge red flag. At least fantom makes an effort, but DAG has NO DEVELOPERS and all they can do is add comment to their code in order to make it look like they are doing something.

Stay away from this scam. Keeps dumping, will be back at FTM price levels next alt dump. Sad!

>> No.18638696
File: 87 KB, 746x550, Annotation 2020-02-23 004436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DAG was LITERALLY confirmed to be a satsgang pump and dump on Twitter retard.
Insane statement. You fantom imbeciles should stay the hell away from any kind of financial investment. Mainnet swap next week. Tons of partnerships lined up and commercial contracts. You have no clue.

>> No.18638756

This is a known Pump And Dump Scam by Denny Dagins (previously Megaman) and Luckeyy and Rn03xx. DO NOT BUY THIS FUCKING SCAM

Per the $33M lost in 18 months they just raised capital from Shillrock 2 weeks ago. That is proof they ran out.

Here is the SBIR contract they DAG received which spells out exactly what it is, a small business grant not a USAF contract.

Here is the entire team and their current positions. Every single one can be verified by going to their Linkedin profiles. They all left abandoned DAG and found new jobs.

Ryle Goehausen - VP of Engineering – currently a senior software engineer @ Bloomberg LP
Zac Russell – VP of Marketing is currently @ Camera IQ
Brion Hickey – VP of Product is currently the Sr. Director of Growth @ Human Interest
Sebastian Spitzer – Global Ambassador is now @ Shaeffler
Giovanni Valdenegro - Lead Product Designer is now Senior Product Designer @ Ease Inc.
Sophie Feinberg - Executive Assistant is now @ Virtual Mason's
Shreyas Kitty - Community Manager is now Community Manager @ Coinlist
Gina Rubino – Marketing Manager is now Digital Marketing Specialist @ Pegasus Protocol
Emily Arth – VP of Operations does not have a Linkedin profile but is assumed to be gone as well, she hasn’t posted anything or been mentioned since 2018.
Altif Brown – CCO and Co-Founder downgraded to Advisor on the teams own website, proving he is no longer a full time employee.
Brendan Playford – CEO/Founder mysteriously disappeared in 2018 and the team to this day refuses to discuss what happened and claim to be under a hush order from their lawyers. An insider accused him of day trading investor funds for massive losses prior to his departure. When pressed to explain the team pleaded the 5th.

>> No.18638818

Oh wow you paid some guy for a shit interview very nice.

Wow you DAG shills make FTM shills look white. Holy fuck lol. Just as bad as the Afghanistan (((partnership)))

>> No.18638889

Here is the main admin in DAGs channel (a verified Satsgang member RNox33 spamming twitter with RSR and VNT. Look how fucking rekt both projects are. They are doing the same manipulation to DAG.
And here is the same Satsgang DAG admin pumping QNT
Do you think its a coincidence the DAG admin pumping and dumping DAG is also promoting 3 other fully manipulated failed business small MC shitcoins on biz?
Here is another DAG Satsgang admin InfiniteLoop
Hes pumping DAG, OCEAN, QNT, FRM, FTM, BOLT, COTI, and RLC
Wow what are the odds? LOL you fucking cunts are scamming the fuck out of biz. I hope you rot in prison.
Here is another Satsgang admin for DAG, his name is Bazerka. He is pumping DAG, QNT, COTI, OCEAN, RSR, RLC, FRM, FTM, VIDT, and BOLT.
Again another amazing coincidence. Yet another DAG Satsgang admin pumping the exact small mc shitcoins that have all been dumped consistently. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TOKEN
Here is another Satsgang faggot DAG spammer
Another amazing coincidence. It just happens to be the couple small MC shitcoins constantly spammed on biz

And here is another DAG Satsgang admin pumping the same shitcoins. His name is Cryptofaux
He is pumping DAG, QNT, RSR, FRM, COTI, BOLT, and GO
Another incredible coincidence. All the same small MC scams
Here is another DAG Satsgang administrator pumping the exact same shitcoins. His name is Headroom
He is pumping DAG, RSR, COTI, QNT, RLC, BOLT

>> No.18638919

Token unlock When? So I can buy more for free

>> No.18638942 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 850x567, 1561227684654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pathetic lies have been debunked 1000 times. Here:

>Oh wow you paid some guy for a shit interview very nice.
You have no clue who he is, as you have no understanding of cutting edge tech projects and you have no clue what impact this interview has and what it means. Same with the brain behind Hello Kitty, of best marketing geniuses the last 100 years, being part of Constellation. Here:

>> No.18639029
File: 286 KB, 850x567, 1561227684654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pathetic lies have been debunked 1000 times. Here:

>Oh wow you paid some guy for a shit interview very nice.
You have no clue who he is, as you have no understanding of cutting edge tech projects and you have no clue what impact this interview has and what it means. Same with the brain behind Hello Kitty, one of the best marketing geniuses the last 100 years, being part of Constellation. Here:

>> No.18639061
File: 2.33 MB, 3739x1320, Mentally Insane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you panic sell DAG pedo-Raphael? Or are you that drugged youtube idiot that Martini guy? Both of you are pathetic hobby-investors and should stay the hell away from financial investments, especially tech investments.

>> No.18639207
File: 62 KB, 394x367, dubs-tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally fucking who you little shit stain of a pajeet? Nobody wants your retard token looking for a problem to solve.

Oh wow I'm sold! Hey guys this is it this time in the history of alts nobody has EVER had someone ON BOARD LIKE THIS. Meanwhile the original team exit scammed. What a hypocrite lmao

Face it satsgang is dumping on you and leaving you to hold the bag.

>> No.18639232
File: 106 KB, 750x1000, 5473474574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a known Pump And Dump Scam by Denny Dagins (previously Megaman)

>> No.18639484

Uh oh spaghetti o, schizo left the chat.

Quick talk about fantom

>> No.18639681

>he posted it again
>deleting incriminating posts
Like "mainnet next week my little DAGholders!"?
Screenshotting your own tweet is not documentation
DAG is and has been a pump and dump and you obviously know since you're self-incriminating about being a part of the amazing 10x you pulled
None of these buzzwords prove anything other than your average Sub-Saharan IQ

Please keep replying, I literally have all fucking day unlike you, worthless fucking wagie with his precious 0.1BTC invested in DAG and MTV of all things

>> No.18639776
File: 59 KB, 1171x388, What.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now Cardano is number 1 , what has happened in these last hours?

>> No.18639904

Tezos is retarded and I don't see what the fuck it does that ETH or similar can't.

>> No.18639966

imagine thinking tps still matters in 2020 good lord