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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18635055 No.18635055 [Reply] [Original]

>average INTP income is $30,000, the lowest of all MBTI groups

>> No.18635071
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INFP here nearly 30 years old and making around that amount. I feel your pain

>> No.18635075

costs of social phobia

>> No.18635078 [DELETED] 

INTP basically just means you are on the autism spectrum so that makes sense.

>> No.18635093

It's because INTPs are autistic. Being successful in the job market has actually almost fuck all to do with your skills. It has to do with your connections and social skills and as an autist INTP you're shit out of luck. The highest earners are sales and business people. You think they have some gargantuan IQ? Certainly they're no idiots, but it's the schmoozing that matters.

>> No.18635145
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yep. Only 3-5% of people are intp.
I don't think there's ever been places like the internet where you can get such high concentrations of intps

better off doing a big 5 test though https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/IPIP-BFFM/

>> No.18635171
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thats why u buy chainlink

>> No.18635234

Always been an INTJ, my understanding is the only difference between me and you is that I’m slightly better at sticking to a plan and you’re slightly better at playing by ear.
Either way we’re both fucking weirdo nerds, on average.

>> No.18635268
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>> No.18635299

>tfw INFP

Do any other INFPs get tons of people telling them how "good" or "pure-hearted" a person they are frequently? It's weird because I feel like a total shitbag.

>> No.18635340
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the most i ever made was 45k

>> No.18635361

ENTJ, 150k p.a. - sounds like a lot but really isnt... QoL stayed roughly the same vs 100k except that the car and house got bigger to accommodate for the first kid.

>> No.18635373

I'm an Aquarius

>> No.18635445

Oh and of course in typical ENTJ fashion I am insensitively hijacking INFP conversations in a braggadocious way - cant help it

>> No.18635451

Yep, got a big job as an INTP, smart enough for it but the whole people thing screwed me over.

Good I have 20k LINK.

>> No.18635865


INFPs and ISFPs incomes are worse.

>> No.18635879

>autism PREVENTS you from making gains
>not using it to your advantage

>> No.18635887

you must be 18 years or older to use this site

>> No.18635907


I Always find It curious that ESFJ have an income so High, they are supposed to be one of the least intelligent types. Probabile the effect of hard work + sociality.

>> No.18635930

intp losers kek

>> No.18635945


>> No.18635963

im 32 y/o INTP. Became a millionaire within 5 years of working. Its possible bro, INTPs are smart just need to get out in the water and start swimming.

>> No.18635967
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Imagine being an INTJ and making more than that, trading from home

>> No.18636000

>tfw you see brainlets all around you making more yet not knowing differences between their, they’re, there, and thinking it’s ‘would of’ instead of would’ve

my brain hurts but mostly my back hurts bc of this sperglord warehouse job i’m in

>at least i don’t have to talk to anyone ...right guys?

>> No.18636021

Right? It’s like the guys that make over $200K and then come here for financial advice. Like how are you so retarded yet make so much.

>> No.18636025

what do they do

>> No.18636112
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What does ESTP do? I took the test way back and forgot bros

>> No.18636136
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>> No.18636165

>be me, chad

>> No.18636170

If you play the normie game you'll never make it as an intp. That game is rigged in favor of the types naturally good at the social game. Exception is if your autsitic natural interest IS the social game.
Intp is a high risk high reward type, glass canon type, etc. The road to success is dangerous and painful.

Ps. buy quant (QNT).

>> No.18636184

tfw too smart to be a wagie

>> No.18636196


fucking weed money or ‘consultant’ or some other shit. what even is a consultant?
seriously bros i’m fucking tired of making shit money but i can’t function in an office and i don’t know what path to even start as far as careers go

>> No.18636214

professional bullshitter

>> No.18636219
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Escape the rat race bro. Live in a trailer and grow your own food

>> No.18636221


If an INTJ learns to socialize, they win the game

>> No.18636290

I've never heard INTP described as glass cannon before, that's fuckin hilarious dude.

>> No.18636291

If you want to be rich this is the test to take


>> No.18636322

I honestly feel like ya INTPs can get but with our awkward yet sometimes endearing personality. Like in elementary school I was a know it all and I was always right yet I had no friends. After a while i made a persona that is me but an exaggerated version. I was less accurate but I traded that to become more funny and charming. I’d turn on the analytic part sometimes but not to much so I wouldn’t drive ppl away. Not only that but it also takes humility. I had to realize logic isn’t always the best thing to use in every scenario(it is in most tho imo). At the end of HS I was homecoming king and was dating the prom queen. Us INTPs have good traits you just have to turn some of them down while tiring the others up

>> No.18636326

All the jobs are pretty shit anon, but the ones that are less shit require schooling, so maybe join the army. Free degree and you can get /fit/, get some discipline, make some friends and your living expenses will probably go way down. Maybe you'll figure out what you want to do by the time you finish. Never been in the army but it sounds pretty based

>> No.18636340

Ha, so at least you're not a fucking ENTP.

Feels bad.

>> No.18636383

work for yourself, plus money is for faggots with no skill

>> No.18636395

>64% Machiavellian
What does that mean?

>> No.18636401

can you use your money to start an INTP reserver we can all live on?

>> No.18636442

That’s because INTP are either mega rich or poor NEETS , no inbetween

>> No.18636476

>Your score was 66 of 100, with higher scores indicating more machiavellianism.

>> No.18636478

I got 52 /100
I’m a successful entrepreneur/ investor who started with nothing but a good education and left home at 21

>> No.18636507

It means your an asshole

>> No.18636530

>What does ESTP do?
Smooth talking retard chad.

>> No.18636545

These are the results of the MACH-IV.

Your score was 94 of 100, with higher scores indicating more machiavellianism
What’s this mean?

>> No.18636576

There is no such thing as personality type. The MBPT test is a spook designed to manipulate young adults into behavior patterns. Bullied autismos gravitate towards the 'scorned genius' archetype and cling to it because they mistakenly believe it is acceptable to be a certain way due to it falling on a jew-created spectrum. It's just a way to categorize people and absolve personal responsibility (the responsibility to adapt to changing situations).

None of you are intps or istp or entjs. You are the way you decide you want to be. You make the decision to be a certain way. Nobody else.

>> No.18636585


tfw 32 and married tho.
i just want to go work on an ocean rig

>> No.18636619

>there is no such thing as a personality type
lmao fucking pseud

>> No.18636689
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>TFW read thread

>> No.18636699

Yeah.. don't cling to any of this shit too much, it's unhealthy... you might be a giga autist but that doesn't stop you from supplementing what you're naturally good at with what you're not

>> No.18636715

Nothing is more "psued" than personality typing, brainlet.

>> No.18636737

intj detected

>> No.18636738

that's bullshit.
rank ordered, factor analysis that can give you insights like 80% of the variance in income between people is explained by personality trait consciousness and IQ.

>> No.18636762

it means you are a psycho or a politician

>> No.18637271

any of you intps know the best volunteer work available every summer? seems lucky to work at one of the convention centers

>> No.18637273

>working for free

>> No.18637511

To a degree , but introversion & extroversion seems pretty set in stone in my opinion, the rest is more so your natural state , sure you can change it just as you can change your “body type”

>> No.18637681

ENTJ. I feel a fucking fire in my head like a fucking addiction like i want to make my own company and make millions. Im 21 and im kinda broke rn. ANy advices? Im constantly checking where i can profit and start making money but cant find any.

>> No.18638281

Being an INTP means living Life on Easy mode, you are STEM geniuses and only need motivation to not procrastinate and to not be lazy.


Based, I can see you bought the IDR labs pass.

>> No.18638358


>> No.18638565

use common sense + network + going out of your way

>> No.18638733

ENTPs are actually the highest earners of all types after age 40. Just slow starters.

>> No.18638753
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ESTP results here

>> No.18638799

>factor analysis
Muh not-quite orthogonal 0.654 A, 0.235 B, 0.765 C "explanatory" factor.

>People with different IQ and "personality" do different things
wow much insight, really needed that factor analysis for that. Next you tell me that your body shape determines if you will be good at physical sports.

>> No.18638840

>Being an INTP means living Life on Easy mode, you are STEM geniuses and only need motivation to not procrastinate and to not be lazy.

True in a way but extremely hard to get the motivation to do something, and the discipline to keep at it. I have zero problems getting into a new project Im excited about, I lose track of time and work on it for entire days at a time because Im so engrossed in it. Then if monotonous work shows up, I quickly lose interest, motivation, and stop.

>> No.18638952

Is this bait? you can predict things about peoples lives and populations by measuring their personality and iq.
Literally no one denies this, if you think that isn't useful you don't think science is useful

>> No.18638980

thanks anon, I dove in and started swimming for a bit, but now I'm soaking wet and still poor.

>> No.18639043

jokes on you, im a NEET

>> No.18639085
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>tfw INTJ pre college but ENTJ post college and making six figures now

I've figured the world out

>> No.18639098

since entj jobs are all based around bullshitting (sales, marketing, consulting etc) what are some jobs an intp could bullshit at and still succeed?

>> No.18639186

Friendly reminder that MBTI was never supposed to be a personality test but more of a brain function analysis. You can develop abilities and personality traits that aren't tied to the type and that's because, like in everything else, you can reconfigure the way your brain works by seeing what's the most beneficial course of action at any given moment.

>> No.18639469

Believing this dumb shit.
ENTJ BTW with fat link stacks

>> No.18639490

Welcome to Burger King, how may I take your order?

>> No.18639501


>> No.18639563

would be a shame if you couldn't do something about it
except you can
(and it's bullshit anyway)

>> No.18639592

Unironically programming

>> No.18639625


ENTJ's are management, C-suite, and entrepreneurs, not salesmen and marketers. Those are people with less of a rational base but a strong charismatic base. The ENTJ is an autist who has unlocked a manageable amount of social skills.

>> No.18639716

it means you get results

>> No.18640465

>None of you are intps or istp or entjs. You are the way you decide you want to be. You make the decision to be a certain way. Nobody else.

Impossible. Different types of people are inclined to different things.Try getting someone into crypto and you'll see people instinctively drawn or repelled by different aspects. XNTX types would be drawn and intrigued by the new ideas and potential opportunities created by blockchain tech. XSXX need to see that it works before they can commit to anything, essentially tossing them out of the competent/early investor pools.

>> No.18640503

How did you learn to make this transition?

>> No.18640607

Don’t forget the Chan’s is like 70% INTJ and us rare ENTP come here to grab the ideals and spread them in the real world cuz y’all too much of a bitch nigga to do anything about it so it takes real niggas to get anything done

>> No.18641432

Same kek

I posted how I’d went from intj to entj on another board and they thought I was lying but I started college intj and ended entj. Tho my intro/extro version was always on the borderline like around 51-54% introvert now it’s in the 56-61% extrovert range depending on my mood

>> No.18641466

>only 5%
>when there 16 types of personalities
That makes an average of 6,25% for each. It's always funny to me how people think they're special because of the one they got.

>> No.18641520


When I went to school I really wanted to finally be "cool" and get laid, to put it simply. I forced myself out to house parties that made me incredibly uncomfortable at first. With time these became a lot easier and I realized social settings didn't have to be scary but were actually pretty fun, now I live for them.

At the same time I had to force myself out of my comfort zone for internship and job interviews, and finally internships and jobs. Put on a happier and more amicable face, learn to flow with the small talk, learn to talk yourself up.

College is basically a bootcamp if you treat it the right way. INTJs go one of two ways... they break out of their shell and unlock potential most aren't afforded, or they turtle up in their dorm room and graduate a virginfag with a 4.0.

>> No.18641628

Pretty much what I did. I wanted to rid myself of the lingering mental blocks that would always inevitably damper my social ability. Think I took a detour with too many drugs but eventually I learned enough from all the socializing that my base state had shifted. Still need to get the 6 figure pay part down though

>> No.18641672

Imagine putting that much faith into a personality test. This shit is just astrology for people who hate astrology. Losers.

>> No.18641694

I am the idea guy.

>> No.18641742

Shut up fag

>> No.18641914

Entp here, lmao this disposition is great, why dislike it anon? Chad debater than can argue against anyone and win by bringing in wild left hooks from tangentially related topics

>> No.18642252

This, I made good connections at work and I treat every interaction with management as a chess match, and I make sure to NEVER openly complain about the company. I am the first to sign up for things and I say good morning and hello to everyone. You wouldn't believe how far that goes when it comes to Perception. I can fuck off all day now and they never give me shit. I used to work my ass off and constantly be the 110%er at other companies and all that did was get me more work and distain from management. As long as you have some aptutude, 90% of how your boss and management views you, is purely perception and how you conduct yourself. A manager would rather promote a less capable worker who is popular and gets along with people, than a highly skilled loner. It took me almost a decade to figure this out and now i am sharing it with you guys. Focus on your interpersonal relationships in the work place, and be positive and friendly with management. dont focus so much on the actual work, but how you are viewed. Do this at your next job, or now if you haven't been there long, and watch how fast doors open, and supervisors look out for you.

>> No.18643412

>>18635055 I’m INTP, but I make 97k at 25. What’s your excuse?

>> No.18643567

>tfw ENTJ chad
Feels good man

>> No.18643620
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>> No.18643758
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>Now I am become Chad, destroyer of worlds

>> No.18643918

Same but I went from INTP to INTJ in my early 20s. Feels like I live in a completely different world now.

>> No.18644246
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oh no

>> No.18644343


The key to success is to be as intelligent as possible without ever conjuring novel thought.

As intelligence increases you either pass into the autistic zone or the psychopath zone and I've rarely seen anybody who defies this pattern.

>> No.18644354

Intj reporting in, fren

>> No.18644378

>It's weird because I feel like a total shitbag.
>I feel
Therefore, you're not a shitbag

>> No.18644441

intp autism CAN be redirected to the social sphere. you have to develop a contempt for humanity and find a goal worth pursuing

>> No.18644510

INTJ is the superior kind, it's the asperger autistic mastermind that has both the intelligence and the will to do autistic things and dominate everyone that is not INTJ

>> No.18644553

I think you are just on the successful end of the into bell curve

>> No.18644670
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I don't think I'm going to make it lads

>> No.18644741


It's more to do with INTPs innate desire for NEET tendencies which are the antithesis of making money.
They are chronically indecisive too.

>> No.18644762

>That’s because INTP are either mega rich or poor NEETS , no inbetween

This. INTPs are natural-born min-maxers. Those who are truly intelligent or have real talents will leverage their strengths into millions. Those without, not so much ...

>> No.18644831

>glass cannon

What did anons mean by this?

>> No.18644842

Was just thinking about that in the shower, cursing myself, why am I such a failure despite being so high iq, and that's the first thread I see when I come back. Being autistic is such a curse.

>> No.18645041
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>tfw INFP stuck in sales/marketing
>good enough to keep going
>not good enough to make a killing
>want to get into buying but can't find an in

>> No.18645047

extraversion (E)-introversion (I), this one is real, you know which one you are
but then
intuition (N), feeling (F), perception (P)
sensing (S), thinking (T), judgement (J)
is mostly about how logical you wish to consider yourself
so you end up with a website full of so called INTP/J when it really just means it's a bunch of invtroverts who lack the emotional intelligence to recognize their faults and blame it on being too smart
there's a reason this is pseudoscience and nobody takes it seriously, it's the male version of horoscopes

>> No.18645085

What makes you think that the general population is spread evenly across the 16 personality types? It's always funny how some people are just wrong.

>> No.18645110

I met a girl that was like the ideal INFP streaming. and was like WOA. seriously blown away. i would beat anyone to death that tried to hurt her

>> No.18645124
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>your score was 75 out of 100
i thought it was a gud boy

>> No.18645157

autism is meme word. i used to think that about myself but then i get alcohol in my system and would get money the ski mask way if it came down to it

>> No.18645189

ES** people are kinda cringe and feel bad for them. IN** is objectively superior.

some people hit genetic lottery

>> No.18645200

>be INFP
>get brutalized for my hard and great solitary work
>basically I solved problems unsolvable for anyone else and ... everyone else got the credit + bounty
>feel defeated and burned-out
>put meager money into crypto
>ride the shitcoin wave
>december 2017
>after getting burned by a stupid trade put everything into chainlink
>multimilionare now living off capital
>dick doesn't work due to stress and substance abuse

>> No.18645325
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at least I'm all in on LINK

>> No.18645396
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>INTJ that knows when to put on the E mask.
>Above the curve

Feels fucking good man.

>> No.18645429


MBTI isn't real. It's pseudoscience bullshit just like 90% of all psychology.

>> No.18645447

INTP more like ILikeCocks lmao

>> No.18645477

madeup bullshit just like money

>> No.18645547


>> No.18645582

About the same here (85), desu if you don't have 70+ then you're really naive.

>> No.18645628

>it isn't totally abstract and deals with complex issues
>it's bullshit
>I can't deal with uncertainty
retard detected

>> No.18645714

whats up with this cosmo magazine personality bullshit

>> No.18645739

84 desu

>> No.18645760

INTJ, am i going to make it?

>> No.18645769
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How do you do, fellow sociopath?

>> No.18645808

thats because all the faggot loners answer all the questions about being (((logical and smart and cool))) and bottom out when they don't live up to it

>> No.18645825

Who /ENTP/ attending a top 5 university and riding the 200k computer science bubble post graduation here?

>> No.18645878

Why would I want to socialize though? Regardless of the money. It just will never be me.

>> No.18645909

I did this fucking test at least 3 times now. There have been around 2-3 years between all runs. All the fucking times it came up with the exact same result.
>INFP/T pussyfaggot
I literally cry at emotional moments and crave for socialization yet I do not have real frens at all*. It sucks big time. Sociopaths are blessed.

*aside from you lads

>> No.18645975
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yeah but it's always been like that. I stopped caring after a while because it just made me realize most people are shitty. Regardless, that's part of the pain of being INFP. Despite being introverted, a lot of people like you and you can connect with a wide variety of different people from various different backgrounds. I literally have friends who are homeless methheads and I have other friends who have over a million dollars.

This anon is right, it's all about how others perceive you to a degree. Your boss liking you is more important than you being better than others.

This was basically me. I got fired from my sales job and ended up a shift lead for a scooter rental company like Bird that does things in house. Actually pretty comfy job just pays like shit/about the same as my SDR job

checked, at least you made it anon. I made stupid trades but didn't put anything into chainlink lol

Honestly being INFP sucks for me. I feel extremely creative most of the time but I can't into art or design at all. My interests change fairly rapidly, but I don't have the time or discipline to master them. I graduated college in 2013 and I'm making the most money I've ever made right now, which is $17 per hour. Somehow still employed and getting paid even though I'm not working in corona.

I want to go to law school for ideological reasons and personal beliefs but I just don't think I have the stamina for it. I can foresee myself really getting burned out.

The only thing that appeals to me is being a designer of some kind, either an architect or urban planner (designing roads n shit) or somehow getting into automotive design or other product design. It's such an unrealistic goal for me but the only thing that sounds enjoyable and meaningful.

>> No.18645976

this is exactly why you aren't successful
"oh it'll never be me" is code for: "im too fucking stubborn to change and develop as a human being"

>> No.18646008
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>ITT wage cuck normies trying to shit on introverts
LMAO whatever cope keeps you from the rope wagie. I got a STEM degree and bought the Jewish lie of materialism/career ladder bullshit and after 2 years realized how gay it was and Became a NEET pot dealer and now have 10x more money and a make it stack of link and hefty BTC bag as well. Enjoy your cagies wagie! At least you will get to brag with all the other Norman’s about your big boy job and promotion sending emails and making spread sheets.

>> No.18646038

>but I can't into art or design
Artist here as well, you can do art it just takes years of drawing and practicing fren. Very very few are just naturally good at it and even they had to put in a fair amount of work.

>> No.18646054
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>I literally cry at emotional moments and crave for socialization yet I do not have real frens at all*. It sucks big time. Sociopaths are blessed.

I feel you anon. I have one best friend and feel lucky to have a good group of friends in general. Still, I'm not as close with them as I once was, and in many ways they're just people I occasionally get fucked and party with.

But yeah I watch good movies or listen to a great piece of music and can't help but cry. I feel bad for normies who can't appreciate good art and the depth of the human soul. There is profound beauty in this world, and it makes me sad knowing that others shut themselves off from it or they're too retarded to understand it.

Being an INFP feels pointless sometimes. I feel like I'm supposed to be creative, like an artist or something, but anytime I try to do creative things I'm really bad to mediocre, even as a kid it was like that.

All that being said though I am thoroughly enjoying quarantine and watching all the extroverts freak out cause they can't socialize as much. Feels good desu

>> No.18646109

>All that being said though I am thoroughly enjoying quarantine and watching all the extroverts freak out cause they can't socialize as much. Feels good desu
Ein anderer INFPBernd :3
Vielleicht sollten wir einen INFPFaden eröffnen auf dem Kanal um uns auszutauschen und ggf. noch andere aufzuspüren?

>> No.18646115
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> you can do art it just takes years of drawing and practicing fren

yeah this is what I realize, I know a big part of it is just effort and practice. But I'm about to turn 29, and I've never really practiced because I was never good at it as a kid. In fact visual arts and crafts was arguably even worse than Physical Education for me, which is hard to believe. I just sucked at drawing, I have shaky hands so trying to draw or even take good photos is a challenge for me.

I've thought about going to design school, wondering if computer aided tech would help me, but it seems like such a pipe dream

>> No.18646178

>Vielleicht sollten wir einen INFPFaden eröffnen auf dem Kanal um uns auszutauschen und ggf. noch andere aufzuspüren?

dude just cause I posted a hitler wojak doesn't mean I speak kraut. This is an english board.

regardless I put your post through google translate and it says "
Perhaps we should open an INFPFaden on the channel to exchange ideas and possibly track down others?"

I'm down for this, although I don't know how connecting with other INFPs will help me. There is a subreddit r/INFP but it's mostly populated by women.

>> No.18646181
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> be INFJ
> Having high difficulty with STEM
> living with a toxic family not giving me any Freedom and wanting me to wageslave

Well, the positive side is that, except the career, I live a pretty Comfy Life and I'm psychologically sane.

>> No.18646198
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>subreddit r/INFP
Nigga wat

>> No.18646199
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originally meant to post this yesterday

this is correct, I'm an INFP who worked in low level sales and I can assure you that many of the top salespeople are basically retards. They are smart at one thing in life, and that is the ability to persuade and sell you something.

However, that one skill can open a lot of doors for you besides just selling products and services to people. It helps with personal relationships because it means if you're a good salesmen you can convince people that you are cool and thus become friends with powerful smart people and convince hot babes to date you. It's basically the opposite of being autistic, they're often very perceptive of others feelings and thus modulate their responses.

Honestly I just fuck my life up with drug usage and pointless arguing on the internet and other hedonistic activities.

>> No.18646215


This, but INTP normally.

ENTP-T with mask or when on phenibut.

>> No.18646261


I am INTP but pretty good at conversing with people, I just hate doing it. What are the best ways to craft my mask? Been reading some 48 laws of power recently, helps give ideas on how to deal with people

>> No.18646286
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there are various subreddits for different personality types. inb4 reddit is gay. The INFP sub is an example of reddit's gayness. It's just a bunch of chicks n fags posting pictures of clouds n shit. Still, I know that feel

>> No.18646288

L*nk going to wreck this chart for INTJ’s

>> No.18646350

>INTJ pre college but ENTJ post college

I was the same as you, anon. Made a shit ton of money. Fucked a couple real nice girls, Drank a lot of it away. Lost a lot. Back to INTJ.
So yeah, you're going to come back.

>> No.18646354

I'm pretty sure all the ENTJ types are sociopaths.

>> No.18646522


Type doesn't change. Your confidence did the trick. Now you just need to have it back.

>> No.18646540

Ive got ENTJ and my coworker called me a sociopath at every given moment. I don't want to hurt nobody tho.

>> No.18646610

Yeah, I can fake extroversion really well. If I feel like it. I don't feel like it.

>> No.18646665


Your type can definitely change it happened to me

>> No.18646752

That's like your opinion man.

>> No.18646846
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Whadya think?

>> No.18646912

>extroverts make so much more money


>> No.18646937


I use drugs to ease myself and then just copy how I acted on said drug (really)

>> No.18647013

I've taken the test and it's INFP, yet I still make 100k, this is silly horoscope tier pseudoscience and either way fake it until you make it

>> No.18647017

hi fren

Intj here, and working at architecture office -what you are describing about not "getting" art or design is called the gap.

what do you mean when you say you feel extremely creative most of the time?
Would love to help, I've been in this shit for 10 years and theres a lot of stuff i would have done differently if i could start from zero.

>> No.18647037

Men can transition to being a woman, I think I can transition to ENTP master race.

>> No.18647046

4 point hint: google retest reliability of Myers-Briggs.

>> No.18647117

95 and everyone lower than this lied to themselves in some of the questions to stay "a gud boi".

>> No.18647147


One of the two wasn't your real type.

>> No.18647152

I'm an INTP working in sales making 3x that much. Just don't be a faggot and it's not hard to make money

>> No.18647211

No my entire personality changed. Repeatedly got INTP when I was younger then changed to INTJ. Not sure why you think someone's personality can't change.

>> No.18647271

>4 point hint: google retest reliability of Myers-Briggs.

The guy of the website Objective personality Is actually reasearching in this field and he Is getting good result in creating an Objective typing test.

>> No.18647442

As an INTP, every year my performance review comes back saying how great I am as a technical resource and how indispensable I am to the team. Then they add something very thinly-veiled about how I'm a socially awkward loser nice guy, completely lacking any sense of self-confidence and because of that I don't deserve to make as much as my coworkers despite being a much better performer than any of them.

>> No.18647601
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>what do you mean when you say you feel extremely creative most of the time?

I guess another word would be "inspired". Without tooting my own horn too much I feel like I have pretty good taste when it comes to art, and I'm someone who largely believes in objective beauty a la plato. For a low level example, it's rare if I show someone a band I like and they also don't like it, people come to me for music recommendations.

When I say I feel creative I mean that in my head I can picture songs or works of art or designs. I can really conceptualize some things, I just don't at all have the skills to translate those into something real. I'm pretty bad at photoshop, and whenever I make memes they're in MSPaint and they suck. Here's a recent one I made, I plan on making a final version but this meme idea came to me in the shower yesterday and made me lol, so I knew I had to make it

This is going to sound cringe as fuck but I think my ideal job would be in some kind of advising role to a group of artists and designers. Giving them advice and inspirational speeches to help them look inside themselves and work together on a goal to create something truly beautiful. However I know that as someone who absolutely sucks at art I would likely never be able to have such a role

>> No.18647796
File: 300 KB, 1000x1000, F202CA15-8350-4B80-BDF6-952969634D8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m an ENTP sociopath who emulates what I think general morality should be.

I could do more and make more money but nothing outside of my own personal motivations can garner enough interest for me to put in more than minimal effort to “succeed” in life.

Wife and child, my best year was 55k.

I’m able to more or less blend in with normies by emulating versions of their brains. I could easily take over any given situation or group, and I do if it suits my fancy, but mostly I don’t care so I don’t try. I can literally finish the average normies sentence for them. I know entire conversations ahead what they will say or do.

I’m scared because I do love my wife, long term partner in crime of a decade and change, think Saul Goodman and Kim Wexler type relationship almost to a T.

I find it hard to “feel” love for my daughter despite trying very hard. I take good care of and I’m not abusive but I’m finding it hard to make that connection people say is there.

Maybe once she can talk and we can share ideas and maybe she will have enough of my mind that we can make a connection that way.

81% on that Machiavellian test. 10,000 LINK holder.

>> No.18647834
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I cut myself on the amount of edge in this post, did you start your own fight club too?

>> No.18647907


Just anonymous honesty. Maybe you don’t know what it’s like to interact with the real life equivalent of video game NPCs and be expected to do anything other than reach peak efficiency in dismissing them so you can resume what you actually want to do.

Try getting a 3 digit IQ and you might understand.

>> No.18647968

Can't say I'm shocked, was just answering honestly

>> No.18648018

Meh my IQ is in the top 3-5 percentile, I’m just not a sociopathic normie like yourself. You do realize normies are the sociopaths that are too afraid of introspection and empathy right? I have more money than you and am not a wagie so I do whatever I want all day KEK. Shit I have more in Link than your yearly salary. I know exactly what it’s like to interact with people, the reason people are so shitty is because of the behaviors you take pride in. 0 accountability for others but your own selfish needs. I’d suggest reading some philosophy and looking for a deeper meaning in life, that or stay chasing that hedonistic wagie carrot thinking others are your play things.

>> No.18648023

Real talk how do you make 100k with only a bachelors? Make about 50 right now, and work decently hard. Can’t imagine it takes twice the effort to make 100k

>> No.18648046
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>> No.18648065
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This says something different

>> No.18648087
File: 129 KB, 923x713, 1580360878583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize that actual skill at your job is about 20% of your paycheck and social skills is the other 80% because humans are fucking retards

Fellow INTP, wasted 10 goddamn years of my life before I figured that one out. Fortunately, social skills are just skills like any other, meaning everyone has more or less talent at it, but anyone can get decently good with intelligent practice, and thanks to YouTube there is an infinite amount of information on the subject.

The good thing being INTP is that you can more or less understand anything, and once you "get" how social skills work, you make incredible progress compared to normies who don't even give it a second thought.

Also I hate saying it because everyone does, but "How To Win Friends And Influence People" by Andrew Carnegie is almost a step-by-step manual for Not Being A Socially Awkward Fuck. Between that and YouTube, you can become a social success in under a year.

>> No.18648098

>the butthurt retardation of xntj on display

>> No.18648100

You have to take into account that Intp's work the least. Maybe their income/hours is actually pretty high.

>> No.18648117


>Top 3-5% IQ

Kek who’s the LARPing edgelord now. You’re so retarded you think my interest I mentioned are social or carnal. Confirmed base level retard.

I’m a stay at home dad 80% of the time real talk not a made up fantasy story like you just laid out so honestly suck my dick.

>> No.18648212


Take care of heart health, quit smoking, invest in bs appearances for ur own sake, get validation for hard work put into something for ur own sake, and one day recognize the free, non-jaded version of you (enfp>infp>enfp?)

>> No.18648240

What like frog memes?

>> No.18648270

>stay at home dad
>real talk
Yikes you’re a cuckold that tries to speak Ebonics too? You can choose to believe whatever you want, I don’t feel the need to prove anything to normies anymore. The fact you’re so easily butt hurt displays how childish you are (maybe it’s because you are basically a woman that babysits all day?). You sure act like one with the whole edge lord sociopath/mind game thing. I should stop trolling now, you won’t listen and that’s ok better luck in your next life, but maybe try reading some plato, jung or Nietzsche and losing that loser mind set of yours.

>> No.18648335
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>> No.18648338

it's over

>> No.18648370
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I hope racist and women hating post don't come from Intp's. I would be ashamed as an Intp or would say that mbti doesn't have any real predictability.

>> No.18648403
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>> No.18648442
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As an Intp you have to double your wage because Intps don't do shit at work half of the time (don't let XSTJ know this)

>> No.18648472

ISTP - The Autist

>> No.18648557
File: 248 KB, 352x500, FA1FD1AD-A495-4539-BCF1-74AC77F48E01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>”Real Talk” is Ebonics
>Read these Normiecore books like I did I’m so enlightened XD

Did you just tell me to read Plato and act like you’re some kind of higher being? What an absolute fucking retard.

You got me, I’m a huge cuck loser. I’ll be at home shitposting in my jammies long after the quarantine is over, slamming my wife that makes six figures a year with no prenup, not that there is any chance she ever leaves me or cheats on me as she’s emotionally and socially dependent on me for literally everything.

Got me I’m a loser Kek. Enjoy whatever basic level fag shit you thing is cosmic enlightenment, while I’m sculpting another human beings mind from day one.

Nietzsche Lmao what a retard.

>> No.18648579


>> No.18648602

ENFP here -- the ass clown.

>> No.18648678

You can't stand Trump?

>> No.18648698

lol at your meme
watch this

my professional network is only artists and designers/architects none of them take any advise from anyone. They need consultants, but consultants fit the role of knowing one thing really really well. A shoe designer for example needs to know a little bit about a lot of stuff, he/she can then rely on a third party consultant that is going to be an expert on material science lets say. Because the designer can't reach that level of mastery on all the subjects associated with designing a shoe, let alone a boat/car/house.

Keep making stuff dude. People underestimate what they can do in one day and overestimate what they can do in one year. If you make one thing a day by the end of the year you have 365 works to further investigate.

hope this helps :)

>> No.18648836

>wife that makes six figures
Does her boss hold onto the key to your chastity device for her or does she keep it in her purse?

>> No.18648884

What type are you?

>> No.18649455

Bullshit. I got 72. And honestly, I was very honest.
Am I a good person? Well, it depends.
You cannot simply put so much weight on this simple test.
You clearly have no or very few real life experience, because then you would know that being an edgy ass
isn't going to get you anywhere. Being good has rewards. It's not about being a "gud boi".
You know what, with 95, you should probably go out some more and do something good for the people you love.
Maybe then you will start to see a little bit more light in life. I wish you well.

TLDR: you are either stupid or autistic.

>> No.18649506

Problem or opportunity occurs
Does some weird autistic acid head facial expression and farts then waits for the problem or opportunity to leave
Acts quickly on the problem or opportunity while making maximum gains and fucking Stacy at the same time

Sorry, virgins.

>> No.18649581

Hello Asuka

>> No.18649628
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Hey, I just took one of the tests and got this result too. It's said to be particularly rare, less than 1% of people. Perfectionist, but not attracted to power. Enjoy helping others but dislike being the center of attention. Who knows how much of this is just astrology, but it seems to add up.
In law enforcement now, I can see myself making a career out of it. Always known as a quiet guy, but absolutely speak my mind when something is wrong.

>> No.18649894
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>> No.18649983

I bet you got some faggot result, didn't you? Probably the equivalent of "worker ant."

>> No.18650106
File: 124 KB, 582x543, f3b6efcbadcce641fe1097b0551cb762--introvert-personality-infj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks all the Myers-Briggs types are equally distributed

>> No.18650146

wtf are you

>> No.18650367

>tfw did the test year and years ago and gotn INTP
>was much more autistic then and over time thought I probably gamed the questions to get 'le ebin logical robot' personality
>Take test again a few weeks ago expecting different result
>tfw INTP

>> No.18650409

Actually this.
T. 36, intp and no career, but enough link for generational wealth in 5 years

>> No.18650441

What do you mean with autistic? Intp is not robotic because it has N. N means creative, head in the clouds not like a robot at all.

>> No.18650465

Get an easy and secure job (downside protection) and trade on the side (upside potential)

>> No.18650533

I was an ISTJ 2 years ago. I just retook the test and now I'm an ENTP, what the fuck? how is this even possible?

>> No.18650560

They're also insufferable cunts with no mates.

>> No.18650590
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>You clearly have no or very few real life experience, because then you would know that being an edgy ass
isn't going to get you anywhere. Being good has rewards. It's not about being a "gud boi".

Pretending to argue. Don't act like you believe that shit.

How old are you?
When you do have real experiences you will realize that being the nice guy only pays in that you're too stupid to know you're being used by everyone else.

For those of us who are not complete morons, we see that humans, like any other animal, just seek their own gain. Even if that means feeling good about yourself by helping others.

I mean, you fucking said it yourself
>Being good has rewards
If you're being good for rewards, are you really being good? Everyone acts in their own self interest. It's not a cynical, "edgy" perspective, it is just a reality that many choose to ignore.
They don't just ignore it, they are active deniers of that fact because it gives such a gross feeling about oneself. Again, it's done in self interest.

>TLDR: you are either stupid or autistic.
this is you trying to be edgy yourself

I probably just responded to bait, but whatever... Consider it a favor from me to give a (you)

>> No.18650648

Yeah. Once we're out of quarantine I'm looking for 4 days labouring, outside. Had a 70k job in marketing but couldn't handle the Normans. Or the feeling of existential dread.

>> No.18650687

>finish grad school 5 years
>two lab mates ended up getting jobs at amazon and google
>I trade crypto
If I didn't have a wife I would have probably offed myself by now

>> No.18650717

ISTP, am I the only one here?

>> No.18650933

Definitely not, it's a behavioral pattern you can change. I went from 100% introvert to 50% after college

>> No.18650994
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at least you aren't me. you are literally just a nicer version of me.
>tfw nobody can beat my top 1% gamer score of disagreeableness

>> No.18651306
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I can't commit to my plans even if my life depended on it. Tell me how you went from P to J. I BEG OF THEE!

>> No.18651334
File: 147 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200423-192616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is an introverted logician personality the lowest earner???? I bet a lot of people think they're INTP because it's "rare" or something but they're not that smart.

>> No.18651375

INTP here, autistic as all fuck but making $150k base salary as software engineer.

>> No.18651426

Has anybody even looked at the studies that say this?

>> No.18651471
File: 120 KB, 1288x928, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found some results pretty quick from google. not sure how good the study is.

>> No.18651493

tone it down one level buddy

>> No.18651521


Absentminded INTPs
INTPs, and especially male INTPs, reported some of the lowest incomes of all of the types.
Often portrayed as intellectual and complex, INTPs are also thought of as “absentminded
professor” types: the unconventional geniuses who leave the house without their shoes on.35
Although we didn’t gather data about intelligence, we can conclude that INTPs do
underperform when it comes to income.
If indeed INTPs do possess some special brilliance (Albert Einstein is the most commonly
cited member of the INTP tribe) then it seems that some factor is stopping them short of
translating this trait into earnings. Perhaps INTPs’ nontraditional qualities put them at a
disadvantage in the typical workplace.

>> No.18652511

I don't think so man. It doesn't mean being social, it means gaining energy after a social interaction vs being drained from it from what I understand. I am more social now too but it's still draining and need to be alone to recharge.

>> No.18652975

90IQ post

>> No.18653003
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>XNTJ so rare for women

>> No.18653128

I'm a female INTJ. The traits are typically socialized out of us, I think. I was raised by turbo autists, so I'm one as well.

>> No.18653187

Indeed brother

This isn't even our final form

>> No.18653304

as an intp you have to find some kind of industry where interpersonal skills almost or completely do not matter
probably the best is writing and selling your own software - absolutely everything is on your intellect, and there's no interpersonal skills needed. outsource marketing to someone else, and you'll make it.
if this was 100 years ago, the best industry for intps would be novel writing

>> No.18653308

INTP here. I make 90k annually. I am 24

>> No.18653316
File: 505 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200423-195838_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an intp like 5 years ago, I guess I've changed

>> No.18653532
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What does this mean?

>> No.18653744

You take BBC up the ass.

>> No.18654394
File: 78 KB, 843x861, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the optional second page all female shit???

>> No.18654417
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Lol.... It's over for me

>> No.18654675


>> No.18654702
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>> No.18654740

more evidence to my theory that defining characteristic of a 4chan user is low agreeableness.
>the introverted normie

>> No.18654793

simp wigger

>> No.18654824
File: 204 KB, 492x341, laughing budgie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people keep equating autism with INTP?

I'm INTP as fuck, and neurotypical as fuck. I've never had a problem making friends or being social, I only have problems FINDING social situations. I also have social anxiety about not progressing to where my friends have, which is why I stop talking to them and eventually lose my social life. But I find it very easy to read emotions, actual aspies seem like subhumans to me.

>> No.18654937

it means you literally seethe when you're around other people because you get offended by what they say

>> No.18654999
File: 157 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200424-002453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember i would always get infp on tests turns out i was severely depressed and now i consistently get ESFP kek
what does this mean then?

>> No.18655004

24 y/o INFP and I make 175k lol. Outlier I guess.

>> No.18655065

You can change to some extent by changing your environment. I thought I was a hard introvert but I found people who aren't nearly as draining and I love spending time with them. It turns out that on average people are just annoying. You just need to get over the hump of actually gathering enough worthwhile people to spend time with.

>> No.18655151

I relate to this.

>> No.18655219

23 y/o INTP (close on the I and P) just got $160k job out of uni. Beat out many super social people to get the job. MB personality tests are confirmed to be bullshit anyway. Field / luck / good opportunities early in life matter way more than that shit.

>> No.18655313
File: 136 KB, 784x219, screenshot (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not looking good lads

>> No.18655531

>I find it hard to “feel” love for my daughter despite trying very hard. I take good care of and I’m not abusive but I’m finding it hard to make that connection people say is there.

This is one of my biggest fears about ever becoming a parent. I love some of my nieces/nephews sometimes, and I've felt it romantically twice but I'm horrified about not being there for a child.

>> No.18655544

0th percentile agreeableness.
wtf anon

>> No.18655846

>Retake MBTI for this thread

What the fuck, it's said I was an INTJ since 2014

>> No.18655925

True ISTP is more akin to autism

>> No.18655969

> Did the long version of the test, ENTP
> Profit last year 312k

Letting your nature define your decisions is shameful.
If it is hard... Do it... If it is really hard... Do it twice.

>> No.18656087

welcome to normie town

>> No.18656110
File: 9 KB, 205x246, chad_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I'm metrosexual, how would you know?

>> No.18656135
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do these score percentiles make me autistic

>> No.18656154

How is Entp normie? Lol most rebellious personality typr

>> No.18656163


>> No.18656185

Autism is low agreeable, low conscientiousness, low emotional stability, low intellect, low extrovert

>> No.18656186
File: 13 KB, 263x192, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's all genetic. Your parents were NTs and now you're one too. Don't fall for the nurture meme, it's mostly nature.

>> No.18656187


INTP is basically the "inventor" stereotype. If you're an inventor who never invents anything truly exceptional how much money do you think you're going to make?

>> No.18656198

i'm an INTP engineer but social autism is the biggest thing holding me back from truly succeeding. i have exactly 20k link

>> No.18656199


INTJ's are on the only ones capable of changing their behaviors given new information, enviroments, or challenges etc. We generally can flip to ENTJ, INFJ, or INTP if the situation calls for it. Truly the master race. Unless you are like 85% or high "I" you might have a hard time hiding the autism otherwise you are golden. Buy Chainlink etc


>> No.18656245
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Depends more on the environment really. MBTI is just the top layer of epigenetics.

>> No.18656249

ESTJ's are obnoxious and boring. Change my mind.

>> No.18656260

You seem rather dangerous

>> No.18656265
File: 49 KB, 748x479, INTJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

85% thinking 94% Assertive Lmao I'm a psycho basically, and I can flip I to E relatively easily.

>> No.18656301

Shit 96% I thought it said 94% even better

>> No.18656310

You don't like to be imprecise with information?

>> No.18656312

Generally speaking, the more extroverted, the more likely you are to take risks. It's easy to live in your bubble, be alone, not interact. But that's not what pulls in cash.

Fulfill your destiny or face the consequences. Nothing is free. Nothing.

>> No.18656328

Trait neuroticism is risk aversion

>> No.18656414

You don't have a personality, you have a growing list of afflictions.
-internet addict
-porn addict
-masturbation addict
-faggot by proxy( due to consuming anime)

>> No.18656452

>the more extroverted, the more likely you are to take risks.
So biz must be full of extroverts, this board is all about gambling your money away. Neuroticism makes you more risk averse >>18656328

>> No.18656471

>faggot by proxy

>> No.18656499

Do they account for people who don't make any money at all or people that gambled their money away, people that are incarcerated etc.?

>> No.18656528

get into sales you lazy prick

>> No.18656585

These tests don't work because I don't have enough life experience or knowledge about myself to give real answers.

>> No.18656698

>I'll ignore tangible reality in lieu of what I think reality should be like

>> No.18656709

personality type is another name for IQ
you can't make the decision to be smart (INTJ) if you're an inferior ESFP or something
stop typing random meaningless shit online

an INTJ would never type something illogical like this

stop typing random nonsense low IQ faggot
stating a fact (anime watchers are faggots) doesn't make your post true

>> No.18656830

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18656879

Nice one

>> No.18656903

OMG! Personality Science is so interesting! It confirms so many things I intuitively knew already!


>> No.18657039

This is literally text book low IQ cope. Just because you wish or work really hard doesn't mean you can become a genius if you were born a retard.

>personality type is another name for IQ
Low IQ cope. Just because you got INTJ from this test doesn't mean your IQ is high.

>> No.18657119

If you are representative of intj's, I can conclude that intj's suck

>> No.18657292

I'm INFP and I'm 80% down in crypto.

I'm also currently applying for multiple international sales positions atm. Wish me luck.
Sometimes I wish I could just make make by drawing coomes art. But I want to face the fucking reality.

>> No.18657430

What is with you Americans all wanting to work in sales? Is it such a big part of the economy?

>> No.18657464

We don't build anything here anymore so unless you want to roll the dice on student loans for a high-value degree it's the only area where the effort you put in gets reflected in your paycheck.

>> No.18657591

Didn't know that. Now Im glad to live in europe (Germany = exporting nation).

>> No.18658209
File: 51 KB, 676x347, main-qimg-8037c26cf2aa32e9977bf4720339dca2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not but they're intellectually superior, you say they suck for no reason, frustrated to be born with an inferior mind?

what does it have to do with me? your point is just the same as me, do you believe I'm INTJ, and you're not, and you're frustrated about it? non INTJ cope in this case

>> No.18658246

>frustrated to be born with an inferior mind
Funny that you show that picture
t. Intp

>> No.18658404

So what careers are best as an ENTP I see mentions in this thread of being high earners

>> No.18658498

>take test a year ago
>take test again now
>still INFJ

There's maybe 0-2 posts per thread with this type at best.

>tfw such an outcast that you can't even fit in on the social reject outcast forum

Oh well, at least I share a personality type with Hitler

>> No.18658523

No I just think ENFP's are a lot of feels and drama . Sometimes I feel more in tune with introverts. y two best friends are intros.

>> No.18658544

>what does it have to do with me? your point is just the same as me, do you believe I'm INTJ, and you're not, and you're frustrated about it? non INTJ cope in this case

Impressive how ALL of your takes can be the literal opposite of reality. Your graph doesn't even prove that INTJ = high IQ.

And I've always been INTP, can't see why I would want to be INTJ desu.

>> No.18658610

Everything you do is for your own benefit.
You can make people happy or rich only if it makes you feel good and gives you that bit of dopamine. If you wouldnt gain anything from other peoples company, or wouldnt feel anything that pleases your inner self in some way, you wouldnt do anything or stay in contact with anyone. Basically - everything you do, at the very core of it, is so only you could feel good.

Everyone is an egocentric narcissist, the only difference is whether the person is honest and admits it, or is a liar like you.

>> No.18658617

Are you me from year ago?

>> No.18658647
File: 254 KB, 1927x1080, Screenshot_20200422_115550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accepting the premise that everyone is a egotistical narcissist. Some narcissistic behavior (helping others to make yourself feel better) is morally better than other narcissistic behavior (hurting others to make yourself feel better).

>> No.18658678

based af

>> No.18658886

Post yfw you are not an intp on the spectrum

>> No.18658902


>> No.18658920

How is this thread still alive?
Where are the glowniggers who take personality data of 4chan users?

>> No.18658970

Been holding off on opening this thread but it's still here. I went from being ENTP to INTP after some serious damage to my face and I found out I was only liked by my peers because I was handsome beforehand. Being the same person afterwards gained me no new friends or acquaintances, and all family and friends slowly abandoned me or treated me worse. Can honestly say intelligence is meaningless in the range of 95-130 for males, most people only care about charisma.

I'd argue women being allowed to vote/self-determine made the world this way, I couldn't imagine any famous scientist or mathematician in history being successful in today's world.

>> No.18659018

> James Simmons net worth 21,6 billion USD
> world is run by silicon Valley which run by programmers, mathematicians

>> No.18659056

Yes, and according to the pic above we get paid in accolades and not cash

>> No.18659104

Once you become mega-rich you are a NEET again, just ascended

>> No.18659148

i want intp gf so bad

>> No.18659162

The people at the top are the charismatic assholes 99% of the time. There are exceptions but you need to be the 130+ to work for them. Even if they rised to the top back in the 90s or 00s they have an army beneath them to do the work now.

>> No.18659248

When I watch interviews with billionaires/forerunners they don't strike me "charismatic assholes" (for example founders of Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Wikipedia probably all INTP). Charismatic assholes seem to be the exception now (Trump, who is more of a conman).

>> No.18659287

Good advice.
This post explains my experiance as well.
Every year I would work my ass off, and get only like a 2% raise. I was always doing more work than my peers, and I was always stressed out, which means I was probably coming off as a dick. One year I just stopped, and started slacking off, and boom, I got a 20% raise. During my review, everyone complimented me on how my attitude had improved. Most people only need to work at like 80% capacity. Focus on significant tasks, and talk about those tasks in meetings.

>> No.18659332
File: 122 KB, 467x700, MoviePoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>18649628 here
Been reading more. Seems like it's mostly women. You can get a sense of the personality from the infj subreddit (I know, I know). It's accurate to a point of making me uneasy, but again maybe it's only a little more reliable than astrology.

>> No.18659535

If aliens abducted me and asked me what humans are like, I'd likely insist on the value of this thread. Mind boggling set of sentences and vanity. Feeling home right there, with all its flaws, beauty, and despicable wastes, still useful for the equilibrium.
0 lnk
0 btc

>> No.18659700
File: 189 KB, 1080x851, IMG_20190812_092623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm attracted to the vagina.

>> No.18660184

Just came to this thread to crtl+f entp. The guy who said ENTP's don't get good jobs til they're 40 is right. I'm a loser through and through. To be an ENTP, you must go through the trails of loserdom and a good amount of people have to hate you without you knowing why before you reach any type of success. We're all just fans of our own voices in the end even though we try to keep it in check around people who don't "know" your weirdness, right guys? Really though, 30 is next year... After years of putting myself out there, volunteering, internships, conferences, skype meetings, I'm maybe finally just now starting a path that will get me out of minimum wage despite having a BS, but we'll have to see. I really just want to become an ascetic. I have all of these visions of what I can be and do if I were to just spend the fucking time on it. Perhaps it's best to just do nothing.

>> No.18660445

Programmers don't get paid any money, their chad bosses do.

>> No.18660759
File: 464 KB, 600x600, 1563364859568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INFJ here. I feel everything. I FEEL YOU ALL. Feels good knowing Hitler was one. 20k link holder. Take my data glowies. (I hope you have a wonderful day.)

>> No.18660842

You live in a fantasy world where people appreciate introverted logical people. When you grow up and see how the real world actually works you'll realize that the extroverted marketers/salesmen make all the money. Making money is always about selling something, it actually doesn't even matter if what you're selling is the best or even good or not as long as the sale happens the money is being made.

>> No.18660844


Probably not. I have an ISTP father, ISTJ Mother, INTP brother and I am INFJ.

>> No.18660980

What type are you?

>> No.18661028

>extroverted marketers/salesman
I know that you live in a consumer economy (probably the US).