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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18630561 No.18630561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ think of the 45th President of the United State of America, Donald JUST. Trump?

>> No.18630579

Obama was better

>> No.18630582

priced in

>> No.18630592

2020 winner

>> No.18630595

janny doesn't like political questions. only post trannies and scat that's what he likes

>> No.18630657

Absolutely based, unbeatable, makes liberals finna seethe, will win 2020, will end all chances of Dems ever regaining office.

>> No.18630685

Probably the #1 worse president in history. The guy has nothing. No long term economic vision. Just divisive and can't even unify people in a pandemic. He is 40% of a president because all he does is pander to his base. He isn't even conservative. He is the biggest socialist president in history. The biggest handouts, the biggest deficits, the biggest economic crash, and soon to reside over the collapse of the national currency.

>> No.18630694

>the black faggot was better
never change /biz/

>> No.18630702


>> No.18630706

The God Emperor (praise KEK!) is the most based and redpilled president ever. Just look at how hard he owns the lefties on twitter. My only disappointment with him is that he hasn't started killing his opponents by throwing them out of helicopters lololololol. I can't wait until I'm old enough to vote for him for his third term in 2024.

>> No.18630747
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>The guy has nothing

Browse this board some more new fella.

>> No.18630773

>more power for the fed with none of the oversight
Why is your reading comprehension so bad?

>> No.18630805
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>trump owns the fed
no the fed now owns the treasury

Just trust the plan

>> No.18630826

Probably the most based president since Lincoln. A sheer force of will.

>> No.18630860

i wish my country had someone like him

>> No.18630897


I mean he has nothing to like about him, other than "libs hate him." In terms of power / impact, he is huge of course. The GOP has dismantled all checks and balances on the executive branch. And he pretty much killed the free market in favor of this state-directed corporatocracy. He is the opposite of what is traditionally "conservative," he is for big government, state-run economies, interventionist, with extremely liberal monetary policy. He killed the free market that powered this country for 100 years. Trump will be seen as the turning point when America started its decline, or at least the last nail that sealed the coffin.

>> No.18630903
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>the self described biggest yuppie of the most satanic decade in the most satanic city is a political outsider who is riding the world of corruption
I'm sure pic related came with no strings attached

>> No.18630913

would literally suck his peee peee like it was dusty Cheeto finger.

>> No.18630937

if he doesn't cuck on the immigration ban then he's the GOAT

>> No.18630961

He already said it doesn't apply to agriculture workers, temporary workers or any non green card immigrant.

>> No.18630973
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obama was the most anti-american, globohomo cuck president we've ever had. the fact trump, the sheer antithesis of everything obama was, got elected right afterwards is the only thing that gave me hope that this country still has fighting spirit left in it

>> No.18630978

>tripled the national debt
>killed Khadaffi
>made racial relations worse than they had ever been in 50 years
>tried to bring America closer to socialism
>fucked up middle east beyond repair
>started the "refugee crisis" that single handedly delivered the birthplace of all human science, art and philosophy to niggers forever
>"muh Obama legacy"
every single person who says Obama was good should be euthanized with a hammer. You could have been fooled before he took office. Never after he left it. America was objectively a worse place in 2016 than it was in 2008 because of him.

these are jews

>> No.18630990

I honestly think even Bush jr was better. Thought probably because only half his cabinet was incompetent corrupt cronies, unlike trump whose entire cabinet is that.
Still, feel bad for trump. The pressure he's feeling must be inhuman. Although any sympathy will be lost if he starts another war based on bullshit.

>> No.18630998

I don't care how Trump is doing I just want to make it

>> No.18631015

>I honestly think even Bush jr was better
Hang yourself neocon kike

>> No.18631019

the fed has been in a state of nationalizing since 1913, first with the federal reserve act and secondly with the banking act in 1933 which forced it to exclusively buy government bonds and be a slave to congress
trump just changed it toward it's original design, dealing with businesses directly

>> No.18631023

>proceeds to publish more unintelligible tweets than a 13 year old girl

>> No.18631034

Electing him was good for a laugh, him losing this time around would also be good for one

>> No.18631068

the most socialist president in history. honestly fuck him. no wander bernie fags want to vote for him

>> No.18631070

Fascinating mutt logic
>use one of the worst presidents in history as the standard for shitty presidents
No wonder America is going to hell with this blatant black and white logic.

>> No.18631108
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He's doing exactly what can't be suppressed or stopped in any way, shape, or form. I voted for him and will again. As for the people that hate him, I don't know why they are still oblivious to the fact that this presidency is different than all the rest. You can just feel it in the air. He's is literally conquering the world and it's quite hilarious seeing others go fucking crazy & losing their sanity.

>> No.18631144

>He's is literally conquering the world and it's quite hilarious seeing others go fucking crazy & losing their sanity.
What? American hegemony is finally dying under him.

>> No.18631171
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>> No.18631185

Incredibly based compared to all other leaders across the world. But tame compared to the campaign he ran. Hopefully his second term will be more like 2016 campaign Trump.

>> No.18631217

Donald trumps administration turnover rate is at 85%, dismantled our pandemic response team, imprisons mexicans in our own personal american internment camps, sent over 17 tons of our medical gear to china, muzzled our government medical advisors, refuses to allow oversight on a business stimulus package that he didnt contribute to in the slightest besides a signature, masterfully negotiated us into an apocalyptic oil crisis, and is our bumbling twitter-ranting president during a pandemic/oil/economic total collapse that our mediocre TV show host turned mediocre governmental Despot expertly maneuvered us into during his 4 years of reality television leadership.

Do you spout seething hypotheticals in the face of your own fucking stupidity, or do you really not know whats going on besides that you hate that nigger Obama, you fucking frothing fetal-alcohol-syndrome looking white-trash faggot

>> No.18631238
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Bush is dogshit, I'm not a Trump fan by any means but the response to 9/11 under his administration immediately puts him at the bottom. Trump is no where near that level of faggotry.

>> No.18631251

He's based

>> No.18631256
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>imprisons mexicans in our own personal american internment camps

>> No.18631283

His response to corona has been so incompetent it's actually funny.
I just wish I was watching from a distance instead of having a front-row seat.

>> No.18631291

A race-traitor and a Zionist

>> No.18631305

Obama reduced the deficit, which is what actually matters, that he inherited from the financial crisis, you fucking retard.
The fact that pro-Trump posters trash on Obama because muh debt is absolutely hysterical, given that Trump is skyrocketing the deficit.

>> No.18631314

>The redditor containment thread has arrived

Carry on m'sirs

>> No.18631317
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reddit: the post
You don't even know if I'm white, you seething faggot. And I'd hate Obama even if he was blond with blue eyes.

>> No.18631322

So blowing up the world economy while tweeting that you should get back to waging one day, lock yourself in the next, then go out again as more people die than in 9/11, is better than Bush's response to 9/11?
Okay. Did you lose a brother in Iraq or something?

>> No.18631328
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Presented without comment

>> No.18631333


>> No.18631345
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>is our bumbling twitter-ranting president during a pandemic/oil/economic total collapse that our mediocre TV show host turned mediocre governmental Despot expertly maneuvered us into during his 4 years of reality television leadership.
>you fucking frothing fetal-alcohol-syndrome looking white-trash faggot

>> No.18631348

I'm not pro Trump, retard. I'm anti Obama. Republicans vs Democrats isn't the big superbowl for me, I'm not an amerimutt.

>> No.18631370


>> No.18631433

>Trump is responsible for coronavirus
God, are you fucking retarded?
>more people die than in 9/11, is better than Bush's response to 9/11?
>Okay. Did you lose a brother in Iraq or something?
The TSA, NSA and the fact we became the World's police (again) are the reasons I hate the Bushes, that's why I said the RESPONSE to 9/11 dumbass. And besides the point, I don't have any reason to be mad at Trump over some local governments (which is most of the arrested videos online) when he literally has no authority over them.

>> No.18631441

Again, is not the debt what actually matters, but the deficit, you troglodyte. Have you ever studied macroeconomics? Do you understand the concept of fiscal solvency?

You don't even seem to grasp how fiscal years and recessions work if you're trying to blame Obama for FY2009.

>> No.18631444

>1 post by this ID
Get the fuck off, /biz/.

>> No.18631459

Running a trillion dollar deficit during a massive economic collapse is understandable. Running a trillion dollar deficit during a boom period like donald was doing, not so much.

>> No.18631466

found the faggot

>> No.18631500

>There are actually people defending the retard who prides himself on hiring 'the best people' and being a successful businessman who can't hold a stable cabinet, has gone bankrupt multiple times and got his real estate empire and connections from his father
This isn't even talking about his retarded ventures like Trump uni and Trump steaks. The dude's amazing at selling his name as the image of success, but that's it

>> No.18631536

Mate, you're absolutely furious. You're even replying twice to the same post.
No, trumps not responsible for it, but he did make it worse for Americans by pretending "it was under control". That's what I expect from retards like lil kimmy in NK or erdogan.
And you say he has no authority over them, yet not even a week ago he declared that he has absolute power over them.
And let's not kid ourselves, you fags have another falseflagged war coming by the end of the year. Guess trump took a page from the book Bush read to secure his re election.

>> No.18631556

>t. little bitch who got ran out of /int/

>> No.18631643
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This is the most stupid reddit tier info I have ever seen. Honestly there are things I like and don't like about trump but this is an example of a tranny autist.

For example those imprisoned spics who were out on the news are from the Obama administration.

Y'know I remember some tard awhile back posted some anarchist flag and some tards were replying in droves about how based it was. I honestly pray and hope your either a euro a bait troll or some tranny because if your actually some normal guy I'll be disappointed at how terrible the modern Americans fact checking is. Good lord I wanted to leave /Pol/ but it's seems my favorite containment board has a crack in it

>> No.18631838
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same poster here,

The only thing Obama's 8 years of competent presidency did was encourage all the hateful retards to come out of the woodworks like rats to vote for whoever was most outspokenly racist and contrarian. You voted for the moron who was most outspokenly moronic because you think being a loud and abrasive asshole is the key to running the country.

You could have voted for a normal person who wouldn't have destroyed our country like Mitt Romney, but you stand behind a guy who claims our last president was Kenyan and demanded him to release his birth certificate, yet he couldn't even follow through with releasing his Tax info.

Meanwhile you cope with your pathetic existence by shifting your hatred from one minority group to another, despite how your situation is entirely your fault and your desire to perpetuate your hatred through your "Vote in someone who hates good like me" attitude.

Sub 100 IQ's like you people should only be allowed to vote on your favorite flavor of lead water.

>> No.18631866
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thats cool and all, but where is the sneed in your post? i cant see the fucking sneed

>> No.18631877

Stopped reading there, tou don't know shit Bong

>> No.18631915


Good lord just seeing you make an essay format post. I honestly think I was right about you either being a tranny from college or reddit. You disappoint me anon. And not only that you make me hate blacks gays and spics even more.

>> No.18631932
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>You could have voted for a normal person who wouldn't have destroyed our country like Mitt Romney, but you stand behind a guy who claims our last president was Kenyan and demanded him to release his birth certificate, yet he couldn't even follow through with releasing his Tax info.
>Meanwhile you cope with your pathetic existence by shifting your hatred from one minority group to another, despite how your situation is entirely your fault and your desire to perpetuate your hatred through your "Vote in someone who hates good like me" attitude.
>Sub 100 IQ's like you people should only be allowed to vote on your favorite flavor of lead water

>> No.18631948

I'm sorry, would you like me to type slower for you? Should I space out my words so its easier for you to read?

>> No.18632276
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hello, this is the sneed police, please post sneed immediately

>> No.18632313

he looks like he tints his face and hair, lel
I'm not murican, but I think he's a good president, ONLY because he's not as hawkish as the previous ones (inlcuding dem hypocrites), and because he's destroying US politics.

obama bombed more countries than any other US president

>> No.18632363

if he actually walled up and prevented international travel to prevent sars2 he would be the goat but he didnt

>> No.18632371

Fat seething retard who let illegal border crossings hit a 12 year high, the China trade deficit hit a ten year high, and trippled the deficit to over $1T during an expansion.

But his supporters are equally retarded and fat so they think the "elites" invented a global pandemic to "get him."

Clear reason democracy should be banned and eugenics enforced, if the entire continent of Africa wasn't evidence enough.

>> No.18632402
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>Why is your reading comprehension so bad?

Explain yourself, cretin.

I'm seeing this guy being the one to sign off on the Fed's actions.

>> No.18632427
File: 2.47 MB, 611x2880, CNBCvanishedarticleSpire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obama reduced the deficit, which is what actually matters, that he inherited from the financial crisis, you fucking retard.

He's also a puppethead for the banks.

>> No.18632431


>> No.18632502

The reason the economy has boomed since he was elected and the same reason America will bounce out of this chink crash is because he does what is best and doesn't give a shit what retarded lesbians on twitter think about him.

>> No.18632531
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>> No.18632533

>because he does what is best

So what exactly is it that he 'did' to bump the economy? The economy has been moving up steadily since he got elected, not since he got into office