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18622188 No.18622188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happens when we die, seriously?

>> No.18622201

All of your investments go to $0

>> No.18622209

Heaven if you weren't a Jew or degenerate.

>> No.18622212

Ask 42

>> No.18622211

you are dead, gone forever, your mind is gone too, in short, NOTHING

>> No.18622223

Samsara or liberation

>> No.18622233

You will be like before you were born

>> No.18622249

we finally wake up

>> No.18622256
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You literally cannot die from your point of view. Ever had that moment when you could almost have died from a simple mistake, but survived? Like, hit by a car but you moved a little bit faster? Well, you actually died, but your conscious moved to the alternate universe where you didn't die. Nobody knows how long you can live because nobody has ever really died. Quantum immortality.

>> No.18622262

You go to Heaven if you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior or you go to eternal hell if you disobeyed his rules

>> No.18622276

Sweet fucking relief. I can't wait.

>> No.18622279

You take a little more crypto out of circulation.

>> No.18622282

(((They))) siphon off your gains, if you have any, and pass any debts to your successors

>> No.18622300

Wow, I kinda thought of that myself once. Is there a name for this belief?

>> No.18622314

You are reborn as a pajeet or a dindu

>> No.18622315


>> No.18622317
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No more pain

>> No.18622323
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Quantum immortality anon. I put it in the post

>> No.18622361

Remember what things were like before you were born? Yeah it’s a lot like that

>> No.18622368

You become a shitcoin, others will trade you trying to become rich.

>> No.18622375

You become a spooky gost

>> No.18622389

What even is nothing? We came from "nothing" remember? We have no fucking clue seriously, if we're not in a simulation which i really doubt we aren't i think what consciousness is like the potential of matter to arrange in a form that makes a computational structure to observe itself so in other words when we "die" that potential, structure, network or whatever it is merges with the other matter that is we become one with earth and the universe as we were once as "Stardust"! man the depth of the mind is really something else, i don't know if this answers your question but it's something to think about..

>> No.18622429

Thanks mane. I didn't know if it was a term you made up for something that might have existed in some religious tradition earlier.
That's pretty fucking cool, man. I had a bit of a psychotic episode once and kinda thought this concept up myself while I was out driving. "Man, I almost crashed... maybe I DID and I died, but I just can't experience the version of the universe where that happened."

>> No.18622439

you shit yourself very hard

>> No.18622447

i think the same way

>> No.18622492

What happens when you eventually die of old age?

>> No.18622497

It doesn't make sense to say 'when' we die. That isn't a point in time.
You may as well ask 'what colour is death'? It isn't. Any conception you have of what happens 'when' we die is as much mortal cope as thinking that black is the colour of death.

The conditions for your existence are eternal and unchanging. The events of your life, which take place within time, cannot change this.
Every life is eternally 'occurring', and simultaneously no two lives can overlap. If they could overlap, they would be one life, and the principle would be affirmed nonetheless.

And you must ask yourself what you mean by 'we' or 'myself', in essential terms. It doesn't refer to anything other than the substratum for phenomenological existence itself, that which is shared by all life.
Thus, we are all one, eternally. There is no death, there is eternal life. But this eternal life is not heaven. It is simply the totality of being, which must always be occurring. It cannot end, nor can it change.

>> No.18622500

The undead curse means you will resurrect, but if over the span of time you lose hope then you will become hollow and perhaps sent to a place of confinement to await the end of the world.

>> No.18622523

Cute female morticians laugh at your corpse's penis

>> No.18622525

i also believe in quantum immortality, but i also realise it's just a coping mechanism desu

still 100x better than believing in a bearded scammer from 2000 years ago

>> No.18622552

I remember the bizonacci episode where bogdanoff activated quantum immortality

>> No.18622556

Just like before you were born

>> No.18622596


The big secret is that there’s really only One of us here. When we die we all wake up as that same One. What you perceive to be reality is actually just yourself, projected out from the One consciousness into a torus of light. “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.”

There is only the One and the illusion of something else other than the One. The One beholds His own image in the Light in order to know His Self.

Know thy self.

>> No.18622637

Damn nigga more like know THIGH self. Where's my thicc gf to crush my skull while I smell her pussy

>> No.18622646
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Where did the universe come from? If you believe in god then where did he come from? If universe or god is eternal than how does that even work? How does one even comprehend "eternal"? Like God has always been. Wtf? Mind boggling. How does time even work? So weird. You feel like you have control of the moment, but that moment has already passed.

>> No.18622658
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I for one welcome the cold embrace of eternal silence

>> No.18622737

Quantum Stupidity to be exact

>> No.18622844


You assume that you need to understand it all at this level of the experience. You don’t. It would ruin the game.

>> No.18622949
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The universe is actually just one consciousness experiencing itself. You just feel like "you" because of your limited ego thinks it's distinct. But the only meaningful thoughts you can have are all embedded in experience and interaction with the world around you.

When you die, to the universe it's akin to your body shedding a dead cell. The whole continues, and the small part never had the capability to ever comprehend the whole, but it still played it's part.

>> No.18623070


You are the whole. You will comprehend it all before taking on a new role.

>> No.18623081

>t. armchair philosophist

>> No.18623148

LINK finally moons

>> No.18623161

So all I have to do is take a train ride in the right system and sit/wait until success? Sounds comfy

>> No.18623413


Success doesn’t exist. Only brain dead sheep believe in such fantasies. Everyone dies either way and nobody will care about your death regardless of your self-proclaimed idea of success. Does anyone really want Einstein back alive? Does anyone miss him and mourn his death? No. Nobody gives a fuck on a personal level.

>> No.18623449

Spicnig hybrids kill genocide your children and blame whitey for it

>> No.18623516

you go back to where you were before you were born


then come back elsewhere

>> No.18623556

You go to lamboland and ride forever with Satoshi Nakamoto, anon.

>> No.18623574

me too but after i stepped in front of car and near miss. thought that maybe i did actually die but percieved it differently

>> No.18623612

what happens when we die? We never truly die, we are always alive. death of the physical isn't death. Physical life isn't eternal, nor is the life after physical life. It's a cycle. You will always be thrust back into the physical until you learn how to overcome it and transcend your human form.

>> No.18623692

What's to keep you from being pulled back into this universe from the abyss. Where did your consciousness come from? Why are you tied to the person you are or is it all just an illusion. Is consciousness one the same across the board? We just don't know.

>> No.18623730

Have u ever been under general anaesthesia? It's something like that. U literally don't exist. I've been under twice and oddly it was very comforting not that I had any consciousness

>> No.18623789

Yeah thinking about infinite time, infinte existence, basically eternality blows my mind. The fact that there never was a beginning and whatever is beyond has always existed is awestriking.

You want to know something that will really blow your mind. Imagine if there was nothingness instead. Like this universe popped out of existence and anything beyond didn't exist either. Really focus on that. That's what really messes me up.

>> No.18623791
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I don't know, but it's pretty fucking cool that we're at a point in time where you can ask this question on the internet and a bunch of random people from all over the world can comment and reply with their own unique spin on what they think the answer is.

One of the reasons 4chan is so special is because you can get a bunch of anonymous replies to questions/comments in real time. Every random person in this thread has the opportunity to share knowledge and learn from random people all over the world. Pretty cool.

>> No.18623834


FFS. You can’t perceive comfort if you don’t have consciousness.

>> No.18623858


Hopefully just lights out. I'm kinda scared that the Jews really are the chosen people and they'll come for my unpaid bills even in death.

>> No.18623919
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You wind up in a world that looks a lot like Thief 1.

>> No.18623940
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You smell like cum.

>> No.18624029

its like sleeping until judgement day comes, although you won't feel the time after you die, its gonna be like you have slept 8 hours on a normal day.

>> No.18624064
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>> No.18624083

Dude you want to commit suicide or not?

>> No.18624154

This is mostly true but your metaphor of the universe shedding a cell is lacking because it supposes that the principle is within time.

>> No.18624174

When YOU die I wont have to report so many off topic threads.

>> No.18624185
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The overwhelming fear of dying suddenly washes away and a wave of peace floods into you. You realize that you are no longer a physical body but immaterial. The realization dawns on you that even though your body has died, you still exist.

This is your final affirmation of whether you accept Jesus and the Father and Mother Mary, or if you freely choose to reject then and spend and eternity away from the very roots of your existence.

Every deed in your life good or bad must be accounted for. The Fathers mercy is greater than you've ever dreamed.

>> No.18624233

Great post

>> No.18624258

Its been recorded from interviews with many people who have technically died but got resuscitated that they have said that they experienced a moment where they were looking down at their own body and their first thought was something along the lines of "I've done this before." Personally, I believe in reincarnation but I go step further in thinking we (or "us" in our true forms after being released from our flesh prisons) have the choice of when and how we will want to experience life next time they get born again. Why did you and I choose to live this life and not get born as some chad billionaire? Dunno, but I'm sure we had our reasons.

>> No.18624355

All we can observe is that when other people die, they appear to stop moving, stop responding to stimuli, and their atomic components disperse into the environment. the pattern of habits and behaviors previously characterized as 'that person' ceases to exist.

That's literally it and is literally the only epistemologically responsible attitude towards death. It's apparent cessation of self and conscious perception, forevermore.

All this other garbage about universal oneness, quantum immortality, reincarnation, heaven, hell, simulations, etc are just propositions and/or wishful thinking. As ideas or potentialities they are fine and worth thinking about and investigating, but without verifiable and reproducible evidence that supports any of them, it's irresponsible to believe them as truth.

>> No.18624370

After death, even MORE taxes.

>> No.18624425

It's equally irresponsible to even believe that other people even exist. It being impossible to observe an observer, and freedom and observation being irrelevant to natural causation, what reason have you other than loneliness and habit to believe in anyone at all?

>> No.18624426

no, it's schizophrenic retarded word salad garbage.

>> No.18624430
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Quantum immortality is a consequence of the ridiculous Many World interpretation. Everett extrapolates the (limited, only applicable to quantum systems) Shrodinger equation to the universe. Laughable.

However the theory that quantum phenomena (and more!) play a role in consciousness as put forward by Penrose is very valid. Likely something does happen to our consciousness after we die.
Personally I think there's something to be said for the collective unconscious and higher dimensions.

t. actual phd in physics

>> No.18624573

true, I don't know that everyone else on earth aren't philosophical zombies. But if it quacks like a duck: they look like me, act like me, talk like me, have reactions like me. It would be strange and improbable that they behave in all the same ways that I do but do not have conscious percepts like I do. But they most certainly do not have any apparent signifiers of conscious perception after death. So, I can only presume the same lies in wait for me.

Again, I can imagine all sorts of fanciful places my consciousness might go to after death. But I have no evidence for any of them and therefore no reason to believe any of them.

>> No.18624613
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To answer this question, you have to understand "what does it mean to live."

When a cloud turns to rain, it doesn't "die." It changes form. The rain becomes a river. Then it flows to the sea. And then it becomes a cloud again. Change is constant. Entropy is constant. When you die your life energy is transferred to the rest of the world. What was "you" is impressed upon the rest of the world via how you interacted with it i.e. Karma. The self is an illusion. Your ego is a mental construct. You aren't an independent existence. Everything is interdependent.

Look into Zen and Esoteric Buddhism and the book The Art of Living.

>> No.18624646


>> No.18624657

that could mean you'll end up in the universe where you suffer but survived forever.

>> No.18624684

Well, then your errors with respect to your own belief, if you are committing any, lie in your empiricism. But your errors with respect to your condemnation of the beliefs of others is a misunderstanding (or lack of lucid comprehension) of their epistemological positions.
I believe that there exists truth in the very structure of being, independent whatever may be occurring in the particulars of that at which we look. These truths are reachable and understandable by use of reason alone.
I can't convince you of anything at this level of depth on /biz/ (nor you me), but it seems to me that the only possible options are a denial of everything, including one's own future self, causation as such, other individuals, 'things'; or the truth of the original statement which you called schizophrenic retarded word salad garbage.
But obviously I can't arrive the proof of this here.

>> No.18624693

Is consciousness a type of energy?

>> No.18624743



>> No.18624742

Only if you warp the word to refer to something entirely different from that energy of the physicists.

>> No.18624750

>their first thought was something along the lines of "I've done this before."
Despite the material mindset it must be said that there is something funky about this whole thing. With things like Deja Vu which is similar to what you described to synchronicities. Consider the fact that the conditions on Earth are remarkably perfect for the incubation of life. How the moon always faces the Earth and is the right size and distance to block out the Sun. The periodic table with atoms tuned with just right properties able to bond into specific molecules which lifeforms use perfectly within their systems. And these molecules can exist in their same form across the universe in the same way.

>> No.18624779

Unironically, try getting a breakthrough on DMT

>> No.18624800

I imagine it's basically the same as before you were born, so nothing

>> No.18624818

respawn as an insect probably or worse a nigger

>> No.18624836 [DELETED] 

low iq

>> No.18624863

low iq

>> No.18624864
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Wether you like it or not. You will remain but your body will not.
You are to be judged for your actions and works.
You will be given the option regardless of a life without Christ to be granted forgiveness and mercy.

If you deny his offer you are in the hands of the purgatorial spirit or the satanic spirit.

Choose wisely

>> No.18624890
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This entire thread just reinforces my belief in the one true God, Jesus Christ. Heaven and Hell are a lot more believable than quantum immortality, alternate universes, collective minds and reincarnation.

Thanks for the boost in faith lads. I'll be praying for you

>> No.18624911
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Faith and love alone will keep you safe.

Try as you might to never slip from Gods grace.

>> No.18625015

It is weird, because how can "something" come out of "nothing"? Fucked up is what it is.

>> No.18625078

i like to think of God as this one big teddy bear that people hug on to when they're too terrified to deal with the reality of death. they hug the teddy bear when things get hard. they thank and hug the teddy bear when things are good. religion isn't bad, but it's the ultimate cope.

God isn't real.

>> No.18625192

what i meant to say is it was comforting to me after the fact knowing death is literally nothing, its black

>> No.18625214
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I don't know and I don't really care I just don't want to become senile

>> No.18625233

Subconscious mind runs on an electrical grid, you simply return back to the "grid" only to be rerouted to a different plane of existence. The reason why you don't remember has to do with the amount of memory the brain can store, and data tends to get deleted as you bounce from place to place. A sort of hard reset

>> No.18625237

That's fucking retarded

>> No.18625262

what the fuck does this have to do with finance. when you die hopefully you take your boring ass questions with you

>> No.18625270

This is true but I don't get why people fear death so much, just as long as you're relatively smart and have okay genes you'll live long enough and die like everyone before and after you. Big fucking deal.

>> No.18625304
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according to the space aliens
you return to the source

>> No.18625615
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You're free to believe whatever your mind comes up with.
My resolve is firm in my belief because after 26 years growing up without religion, stones were set in place to guide me right into the path of, away from the fear of the unknown and the darkness of self exaltation.

Because of my discernment and agreement to faith and the blessed trinity I have been able to learn so much more about myself and unlock secrets some people search for their entire lives. I am one lucky son of a bitch.
Here's some nifty things I get now in my life. I have the vision skills to see into the spiritual realm, meaning I can see all the roaming souls in purgatory, I see all the malicious demons and when requested I see the holy spirit which may manifest itself in various ways (usually in deep blue energy that looks as if it's raining). I have direct communication with God's three most prominent archangels, Raphael, Michael, & Gabriel, in which I get blessings from daily.
I have learned too that energy can be manipulated by the will of your mind alone
>i.e magic or spells.
The most surefire way to start learning it is to learn sacred prayers. Im lucky in that I get to physically see the energy manipulation at work and most can only "feel" it.
I have learned that through suppressing or eliminating the 7 cardinal sins from your life it will in turn increase the link between you and the holy spirit thus upping powers.
I have seen before my eyes, conjuration, restoration & holy-light works of magic done by me or others who are also granted these gifts. I know that human life is literally as if we are writing an exam and we will know we are gonna "pass" once these things start manifesting in you.

I probably lost you at the whole magic aspect but I dont care, I know what I know and can now do what I can do. Its absolutely mesmerizing watch the holy spirit grace you with its' presence and I wish all anons could achieve the link as I have.
