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18613893 No.18613893 [Reply] [Original]

Explain chainlink to me as if I had an IQ of 70

>> No.18613904

Let's be honest with ourselves you do have IQ of 70.

>> No.18613970


>> No.18614160

The narwhal bacons at midnight

>> No.18614166

it solves the lambo problem

>> No.18614170
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>> No.18614181
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>it solves the lambo problem
Yes, but not for you.

>> No.18614183


>> No.18614205
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Waste of money to help Sergay make money

>> No.18614264

Chainlink technical concept is the idea that people would rather trust random chinese miners and north korea to tell the truth rather than real world-companies that could be sued for the damage they caused by lying.

Chainlink investment concept is the idea that people are at the summit of mount stupid in dunning-kruger knowledge about oracles and blockchain will buy into it, making it a good potential pump and dump ride if you are purely after making money.

>Is chainlink gonna be seriously used by big players, ever ?
No. It doesn't solve any problem that are not better solved by trusted third parties with skin in the game (e.g : how SSL/Https works).

>Shall I buy Chainlink
Why not, if you think you can time the exit.

>> No.18614379
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I am a racist and I hold Chainlink. And I know I'm not the only one. I first heard of this smartcontract middleware project when posting in Stormfront. We were brain-STORMING (pun intended) some ideas that we nazis could use to undermine women and minorities and some intelligent anon brought up investing in the project and became the most upvoted idea. What does Chainlink have to do, at all, with opressing women and minorities you may ask? Well, I will explain to you in a way even a pathetic, weak and stupid female would understand, so you better be grateful here:

Because of the inefficiency of modern day contract enforcement, dominated by slow and inefficient government owned courts, in the last decades modern society has seen a huge explosion in the number of people employed as white collar workers. The stereotypes about white collar workers, all of them, are absolutely true. They are lazy pieces of shit, doing non-essential make-work while browsing their phones, maybe doing an hour or two at most or real work in the entire day. This is the context in which women entered the "work"force in masse. Women can't do real jobs. Well, maybe 10% can do something useful, but most of you only strut around in air conditioned offices like you're the hottest shit in the world, while men still do 95% of the work.

So... what is going to happen to all that unnecessary administrative bloat? Thanks to our man Sergey Nazarov the days of you paper pushers, lawyers and other parasites are numbered. Within a decade all these jobs will almost be gone. Smart contracts will make all of you go back into the kitchen, where you should have always been because there won't be a Jew megacorp willing to waste its money in hiring you when NEET nodes will do it for a fraction of the price.

Chainlink, the currency for a bright future where women will be oppressed and niggers curb stomped into extermination!


>> No.18614404

Number go up !

>> No.18614669

Link is incredibly jewish, possibly even a trick

>> No.18614697

You buy the coin and the price goes up because we meme about it and other people buy the coin and some fat Russian and his occult-obsessed friend fuck Asian hookers and work on the codebase very slowly.

>> No.18614763

this desu

>> No.18614778

>as if

>> No.18614783


Blockchains = laptop
Smart contracts = programs on that laptop.

Right now that laptop does not have wifi or ethernet access. It can do stuff, but it can potentially do so much more if it had access to external data. Chainlink is the ethernet cable/router that will bring in external data which in turn makes the laptop useful.

>> No.18614784

If it's successful it will automate entire industries and you'll be rich enough to suck all the dick you could want.

>> No.18615205

Link is the jew coin of choice you mongloid. Once again pol proves to be THE dumbest board

>> No.18615244
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shiny things are shiny.

>> No.18616031

hello retard, don't worry, i'm here to help, i don't know why i feel pity for brainlets, and I really like and enjoy to help them, as w've all known for a while only 125+ IQ and sub 80 IQ are true chainlink believers, so you fit the profile quite well.

first of all the name CHAINLINK, is composed of two parts, CHAIN wich refers to the blockchain and LINK that refers to the link that the technology will create between the blockchains.

second, chainlink is what we call a middleware, sergey used to call it that, to make it easy to understand, a middleware is basically a software that sits in the middle of two systems, and allows them to communicate.

let's say you have BLOCKCHAIN-A and BLOCKCHAIN-B, well chainlink will sit between these two blockchains and allow them to communicate, without knowing each other, all these blockchains need to do is communicate with chainlink, kinda like when you want to know what's the weather, and you ask alexa, that will fetch the data for you over the internet, you're too lazy to search google, so you ask alexa, chainlink is the alexa of blockchains, not only does chainlink allow blockchains to communicate between them, but also just like with alexa, allows them to getb data from the internet.

BUT chainlink does more than alexa, let's see exactly inside the chainlink middleware now, why is it unique and why do we love it so much?

the chainlink middleware is in reality, a network, it's not just a piece of software or an iot device like alexa, WHAT? ITS A NETWORK? HOW CAN YOU QUERY A NETWORK? woahh calm your tits little brainlet, let me explain, the chainlink middleware is a network of nodes, where each node is basically a computer owned by an independent (or not) entity, I insist on the fact that a node is a computer, because, nodes can do much much more things than simply fetching data, by answering a request done by a blockchain. continued....

>> No.18616262

let's take an easy example , imagine that a blockchain wants to fetch the temperature in new york.

how can the blockchain know the temperature in new york you may ask? it's just impossible? the blockchain cannot access the internet because its an independent closed system.
well, that's the whole point of chainlink, chainlink will go fetch the temperature in new york for the blockchain, and will create a transaction on chain, with extra data saying what the temperature is.

how it really works(over-simplified) is:
Step 1 : the blockchain first creates a transaction in itself, asking WHAT IS THE TEMPERATURE IN NEWYORK?

Step 2 : a chainlink node operator will see this transaction and will basically query a weather app, or whetever and fetch the temperature, then he creates a transaction on the blockchain with some extra data that says : THE TEMPERATURE IN NEW YORK IS 30°C

Step 3: the blockchain will see the node operator transaction, and will do whatever it pleases with this information.

okay, I over simplified all this just so you understand the process, basically node operators in the chainlink network, wait for orders emitted by the blockchain, and will process those orders, and then put the result on the blockchain, by writing a transaction onchain.

the uniqueness of chainlink, is that each node operator is independant, and in reality, the blockchain doesn't query 1 node, but multiple nodes, sergey basically says that the more nodes you query the more security you have, because you make sure that the result you get won't be manipulated.

>> No.18616286

Underrated kek
You need to post more lad, swear you’re the best poster in this eternal hellscape

>> No.18616312

in reality when a blockchain queries the weather, it doesn't just ask 1 node, it usually asks 20 nodes if not 100 nodes, then it either averages the results, or finds the median. and any nodes that answerd too far from the median for example, they will be punished. because node operators in order to answer to queries by the blockchain, they need to put chainlink token as collateral to have skin in the game, so if a node tries to game the system, or doesn't reply like the other nodes, it gets punished.

it makes sure the node operators are honest when they answer a query by the blockchain.
also in the white paper, it is written that there will be a reputation system where each node operator can register, and give info about himself, KYC, infrastructure, social info...and the reputation system will basically give a score to each node and will also monitor the node on chain, so whenever it does a mistake it's score gets wrecked, kinda like AirBnb, each room has a rating.
node operators will also be rated, and whenever a blockchain queries the chainlink network, it will filter out the nodes with bad rep.

right now we still don't have reputation and stacking, they are still in developpement, and sergey is basically bootstrapping the network with only trusted node operators, that are basically oracle providers like oraclize.

basically right now chainlink is composed of multiple oracle providers that known in the business and are legit.

but they can't cheat because for each price feed chainlink offers there are like 20 nodes each being an independent entity.

the network will be open to public when chainlink current network proves that it works flawlessly, and that it becomes the standard in the space. only then we will see neet nodes,(nodes ran by bizraelis)

>> No.18616375

>Jew megacorp hire useless lazy women as office ornaments
>any work of value is completed by white men
>chainlink replaces the need for work
>white men get fired, ornamental women more valuable than ever

Well done, you played yourself.
>implying your post wasn't just kike nonsense, designed to suck Nazis into buying Link, a Jewish scam

>> No.18616399


>> No.18616408

I love this place sometimes.

>> No.18616459

what I explained is pee pee poo poo tier, chainlink does much much more than simply fetching data.

a chainlink node can be seen also as an AGENT of the blockchain, a node can not only fetch data from the internet, but also process data, or interact with other systems in the name of the blockchain. for example a chainlink node could be a trading bot that will sell and buy for you, and you basically just pay a monthly fee to the smart contract.

it could be a shopping bot that will buy stuff for you online anonymously.
it could be an AI, that recieves orders.
it could be trading bot, that could allow you to exchange digital goods with anyone.
it could be a self driving taxi that could drive you around town...
chainlink nodes can be anything, and that's the magic of chainlink, and to tell you the truth, most LINKERS even don't even understand or know.
most linkers think that chainlink is just an oracle or basically API adapters, that just fetch data from APIs, when in reality chainlink nodes can be much much muuuuccchhh more, and ari juels have been insisting on this for a long time, thats why he speaks of assassination conbtracts and flight ticket booking or steam games exchange...

that's why I insisted in the beggining that nodes are computers, they can be ANYTHING

>> No.18616462

You just convinced me to buy in! 1488

>> No.18616484

You can't just cuck the working organization like that

>> No.18616546
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Appreciate the intro anon

>> No.18616570

Here's what I don't get. When I ask the oracle to check the weather for me, I would have to send it a query that is either highly abstract ("I want to know if it is raining in New York, find out however you can") or very concrete ("call the web service at url wserv.com/ny with these parameters"). If it is the latter, then it seems you could just call the target url yourself about as easily from your smart contract platform (if it can call your oracle network). If it is the former, well that is quite some cookie, where there has to be a highly formalized query language, ontologies, visible and verifiable algorithms for transforming abstract queries into concrete execution plans, etc etc...in short, Wolfram Alpha on (even more) steroids. The middleman that acting as a proxy for calling a web service I think chainlink could easily do, of course, but I don't see much need. The Wolfram Alpha scenario, I doubt they can pull off. What is the actual, real, third alternative that I'm completely missing?

>> No.18616581


>> No.18616593

Fuck off Redditor tryhard

>> No.18616606

A fancy and complicated ponzi scheme

>> No.18616633
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go back to r*ddit for your updoots tripfag scum

>> No.18616646

okay, we both agree that smart contracts are temperproof and basically immutable? if so, then you cannot write in the smart contract an http endpoint address, solely because that http endpoint could move to a new address, or could be terminated, smart contracts should always work, they shouldn't stop as soon as the endpoint they want changes address or is terminated.

you are not taking into account in your reasoning the fact that blockchains are immutable and that you cannot ask for a specific API endpoint.

the magic of chainlink is that the blockchain doesn't have to bother with the endpoint, it just gets the data it wants, we don't really care where it comes from, just make sure that the nodes you query are trustworthy and you query enough of them so that you won't be played.

also the smart contract querying the nodes, can set a rule in its Service agreement that whenever a node doesn't answer correctly the smart contract will be paid by the nodes collateral, so it would be profitable to have faulty nodes, making the node operators the little bitches of the onchain smart coontract.

>> No.18616654

So should I buy the link pool token? Ty

>> No.18616663

It has no Machine Learning of its own like timeseriesforecasting. So it's useless.

>> No.18616692

A not really needed real life usecase that already works with A. A simple weather app, B. Google Assistant C. Alexa D. Moni ai and many more.

Why so complicated chainlink?

>> No.18616730


if you have some money to throw at it, then just go for it, the team is nice jonny does a great job, and they have ideas to try and corner the pooling / staking market.

i'm pretty sure they will also release advanced node reputation and all, they will become huge when chainlink will make it.

but i don't know why i feel like there will be other pools when chainlink will become big or not? who knows its speculation.

>> No.18616770


>> No.18616772

Ok, makes sense, but how on earth could there be a protocol advanced enough to specify formally and precisely what the oracle should look up, without involving a list of endpoints?

>> No.18616791

>>18616730 True. If chainlink gets big, link pool will be a good investment. Then again if chainlink gets big, there will probally be other possibilities of staking. Thank you bro

>> No.18616848

the protocol is what is referred to as adapters.
chainlink nodes use adapters, and adapters are open source, any node operator can install an adapter on his node, and provide a service.

for example one of the link marfines called LinkButler, he released an adapter for the esports pandascore API
you can see his adapter here:


it's really cool as it allows any node to provide esports match results to the blockchain using the pandascore API.

this adapter was developped using the Bridges technology, that is developped by LinkPool, it allows for easy adapters developpement.

anyone can create an adapter and post it on the adapter store, then node operators could BUY adapters or they could download free adapters.
there will be a market of adapters, and you can already browse it here:


market.link is one of the first link market places, i think there will be others

>> No.18616875
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Lol you are well loved here anon post moar

>> No.18616897

data offchain. also, you're late. we're all 30x from ICO. wait until $2K BTC / 35 cent LINK, and buy ARPA in the meantime.

>> No.18616927

i dont think you understand how chainlink works, a smart contract will query a chainlink node, and give it arguments.

here is an example its in the documentation of that adapter:

on the blockchain, to query the pandascore API, you write in your smart contract:

>Chainlink.Request memory req = buildChainlinkRequest(jobId, this, this.fulfill.selector);
>req.add("match_id_or_slug", "virtus-pro-vs-infamous-2019-08-17");
>req.add("copyPath", "match_result");

the smart contract builds a request to the chainlink network, then it gives it the parameters, and then the transaction is created and the chainlink networ is queried

>> No.18617681

no prob fren

>> No.18617753 [DELETED] 


Swift is working with chainlink


>> No.18617756 [DELETED] 


Swift is working with chainlink


>> No.18618150 [DELETED] 

wow you really did explain it to the retarded nigger

>> No.18618174

not anymore in the meetoo era,most white collar women now have negative work value.

>> No.18618693
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Tripfaggot reddit nigger

>> No.18619147

>right now it cant
wellll, right now they can, with chainlink, thats why we have price data feeds

>> No.18619188

>explain scamlink to me

>> No.18619208

Sure like cock.

>> No.18619286


>> No.18620093
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after 3 years holding this (im all in) i finally understand what i bought.

Thank you, Marine!

>> No.18620218
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at your service fren

>> No.18620240
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oh also based to have gone all in link just for the memes, that's really amazing!

i too, the tilme back 3 years ago to read the whitepaper before going all in though

>> No.18621305


>> No.18621310

Just dropping in to say how based you are.

>> No.18621368


oil is fake .... =Oo ... we still can trade numbers on screen right?

>> No.18621701
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tx fren <3

>> No.18622443


>> No.18622522
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BSV is the true coin of the huwhite man.

>> No.18622968

okay fren