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File: 2.22 MB, 1280x720, simping-is-king-shit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18613646 No.18613646 [Reply] [Original]

Video game addiction is predicted to hit record levels due to isolation from COVID-19.

This will cause a domino effect leading to record levels of obesity and simping.

How do we capitalize on this?

>> No.18613655

Calls on nvidia and the like

>> No.18613676

This Guatemalan bean picker has the mouth of a Bass. I'm glad the webm doesn't have sound.

>> No.18613701

Will these unemployed losers be able to afford new graphics cards?

>> No.18613784

You've seen people on welfare with iphones right? Trumpbux, unemployment.. yeah

>> No.18613789

>How do we capitalize on this?
Be big boobie streamer

>> No.18613803

vtuber porn

>> No.18613811


most of the nvideas profit doesn't come from gamers

>> No.18613830

Pretty much the only answer.

>> No.18613878

Blackmale, and extort for nudes

>> No.18613911

She is probably a cia asset.

>> No.18613968

I'm getting too old for this shit and youngster lingo, had to look up what"simping" is. Joyce talked about how the Irish took the English language and enhanced it, burgers are going the opposite way, turning it into the most retarded mess possible.

>record levels of simping
yeah sure something that's being going on since the dawn of time will explode because zoomers gave it a cool name. By that logic Tinder invented casual sex .

>record levels of obesity
now you're talking. Without going as far as aobesity, most people are getting chunky in confinement. Longs on diet/nutrition/fitness seem coherent, once out of their homes, everyone will rush to undo the damage before the end of summer. Not a secret obscure niche, quite the oppposite, a general normie trend. You should actually aim for the most normie fitness possible (Weight Watchers, that US gym taht offers pizza, etc...)

>> No.18613972

VR is the future

>> No.18614015
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>> No.18614026

satan speaking thru her wow

>> No.18614143

You can't. It's already priced in. Now all you have to do is be a coomsumer.

>> No.18614158

i like her boobs

>> No.18614285

They're fake, lad. Someone post the no makeup pic. The real one, not the "makeup" no makeup pic she doctored and posted.

>> No.18614302
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It's simple, we kill the wh*Te """man""""

>> No.18614313
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They're the winners though.

>> No.18614353

You sound mad and stupid.

>> No.18614471
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>> No.18614485
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An important message for all you simps out there

>> No.18614523
File: 213 KB, 864x1080, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since you asked


>tl;dr buy GAME (TSX) sell in a few weeks.

>> No.18614923
File: 1.68 MB, 1753x1311, 1584249581469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.18614942

This looks like someone photoshopped her to look 40.

>> No.18614947

Why does she look African?

>> No.18614966


I don't give a shit about sports, but even I'm not a big enough asshole to say playing a fucking video game is a "sport". Fuck esports.

>> No.18614981
File: 155 KB, 348x361, 1586425555384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's actually darkie, but uses illusion magic to make herself appear 1) white and 2) attractive

>> No.18614987

Last year I found out esports was a thing. Before that when people talked about esport I thought it was a TV channel. I don't know anymore.

>> No.18614995

>Joyce talked about how the Irish took the English language and enhanced it, burgers are going the opposite way, turning it into the most retarded mess possible.
This is the most midwit way possible of expressing an idea. Name dropping doesn’t make you sound smart at all, you fucking simp

>> No.18615015

Good for you that it was on an old youtube video of hers.

>> No.18615019

Crank that fucking contrast up. She has eyes like a black hole.

>> No.18615024

Hey SMG, what is a put?

>> No.18615129 [DELETED] 
File: 1.85 MB, 6676x2674, illusionvsrealityjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this for all the neeko simps out there

>> No.18615255
File: 1.86 MB, 6676x2646, illusionvsreality2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one for the neeko simps

>> No.18615282

Except simp is an older forgotten archaism like the word cuckold. It's actually a revival of the language

>> No.18615381

WoW pre-cataclysm was gaming, everything else is shit

>> No.18615392

Buy stock in Gamestop and also buy stock in Lannett company who will be having a super advanced Insulin coming out soon.

Thank me later you brainlets

>> No.18615410

Based and shitskinpilled.

>> No.18615415

Eli Lilly is a great company that makes a lot of the diabetes medication.

Unfortunately, because it’s a well run drug company that shouldn’t see much disruption in supply or demand from this COVID shit, it’s still pretty pricey.

If we get another nice pullback, I will probably add to Lilly and some others. Could even get a panic selloff when they report earnings later this week.

>> No.18615429

Are you sure these are all the same person?

>> No.18615436

All of those were posted by her, so yeah.

>> No.18615437

Is there anything more simp than letting e-celebs live in your head rent free and making infographs/memes about them?

>> No.18615541

We found a seething neeko sub LMFAO

>> No.18616193
File: 33 KB, 640x360, dutch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ENJ that shit will explode as more and more bored chinks will play more and more shitty mobile games

>> No.18616205

Not if i play retrogames

>> No.18616208

literally me but without the cognitive dissonance and without the wife

>> No.18617184

ironic. the guy who made this infographic thinks he's above simping, but the subtext is that he'd somehow be more okay with this shit if she were naturally beautiful.

>> No.18617194

There are no good games to get addicted anymore

>> No.18617276

nothin but simps n incels here

>> No.18617298

you can’t get addicted to a good game
think about it

>> No.18617304

[platonism intensifies]

>> No.18617327
File: 39 KB, 711x620, 1582163333706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Anon gifted with PC by dad when young
>Played C&C, Freddy Fish, HoMaM4 and WC3 like a fucking sperg, loved every second of it
>Co-op'ed with dad on Serious Sam during Saturdays
>Watch a documentary with parents about veteran no-lifers. Saw a filthy gnome guild leader interviewed in-game. It's WoW
>Dad buys it
>Sperg out, playing like a retard and can't even reach level 22 during the end of vanilla era. Still only reached 44 when WotLK announced. "I need 55 for DK".
>Felt like an actual journey
>Still never got fat, played soccer and baseball frequently at school during recess

Now I don't feel anything when playing. I just want money and a degree. I miss being that adventurer that didn't know shit about metas and just played with strangers and a guild.

>> No.18617330
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1435428133070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that's me

>> No.18617336

Fuck these girls on camera and force cuck simps to pay if they want to watch.

>> No.18617339

you'd need a real adventure, something that can't be reduced to mathematically optimal strategies.

>> No.18617380

Looking up to somebody who's an innocent beautiful qtie isn't even weird. Who are we supposed to look up to, ugly hoes? Unfortunately the world is full of ugly hoes trying to pretend they're innocent beautiful qties and actual qties aren't whoring themselves out on twitch

>> No.18617390

“Innocent qties” don’t exist, simp. All women are whores.

>> No.18617395

>implicitly equates beauty with innocence

>> No.18617404

It sounds like you are your own worst enemy

>> No.18617412


>> No.18617445


>> No.18617458

Of course they do. Until certain age

>> No.18617644


>> No.18617721

White women and especially Latinas age like milk. Thankfully asian queens age gracefully.

>> No.18617754

They don't even force em. Zoomer """males""" are just that fucking subhuman.

>> No.18618096

I bought Activision in January and I'm up 10%

>> No.18618116

That would make you the simp according to twitter.

>> No.18618184

Jesus find a new anecdote to repeat mindlessly will you? Do you think that somehow people don't have phones before going on unemployment? Are they supposed to take your phone away or something? "Hurr you're driving a car how can you have gibs because that cost money?" Gee I guess once you loose your job you need to immediately sell your car, never going to need that again!

>> No.18618212

He does that through every woman.

>> No.18618216

what is the bitches name? I want to hate on her in various other networks

>> No.18618262

Millennials have no shame truly bottom feeders

>> No.18618301

LTG is unironically based

>> No.18618333

Put 50% of your holdings in $MCD
It's diabolical because not only will your money be mostly safe (stock instead of options), but you'll make a fraction of every dollar they spend on food

>> No.18618344

I capitalize on this by being video game youtuber and making very good views and money right now

>> No.18618371

Based af response

You can't get rich without taking advantage of people who let you

>> No.18618442

I already have girly inclinations. Is there a market for femboy e-traps? I'm not putting things in my ass an camera. Just simp's pretend gf(male).

>> No.18618488

Most hardware companies, Nvidia, AMD, and Intel included don't make share-pricing altering profits off of the gaming enthusiast market. Your best bet is a game publisher that doesn't shit the bed consistently, and if you find a publicly traded one let me know.

>> No.18618532

>according to twitter
Always do the opposite of what twitter says

>> No.18618644

I played Classic and it was a blast for the first month or two but then I just went completely numb. I'm learning an instrument now and I feel much happier.

>> No.18618727

shut up incel

>> No.18618779

women are absolute queens

>> No.18618958


You have to go back.

>> No.18619031

Uh... I don't think those are the same person.

>> No.18619064
File: 153 KB, 584x590, 1587312566723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have an addiction I just don't care about my degree. It'll be worthless anyways.

>> No.18619090

if people here hate you, you're probably spot on

>> No.18619111
File: 58 KB, 300x441, thumb_doritos-asked-geoff-keighley-if-he-would-host-the-game-52167931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diversify. I will be buying junk food stock

>> No.18619126

what is it in?

>> No.18619132
File: 40 KB, 410x598, 1585834099077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18619151

Being gay

>> No.18619156

business, math-heavy but it's still not going to make an edge for a schizoid like myself

>> No.18619222

Tell me, you neckbearded fat neet fucks, what the hell is simping?

>> No.18619246

being a cuck who worships whores

>> No.18619268

Convinced a girl from university to create an Onlyfans.

I will do the marketing. 50/50 revenue split. But I have like zero experience with that platform. Any advice on which niche I should focus on? And how to get get traffic/subsribers?

>> No.18619270

BUY stock in Gamestop. A struggling company that can't compete with digital stores and is too retarded to adapt. Okay freak.

>> No.18619274

>burgers are going the opposite way, turning it into the most retarded mess possible.

this is our superpower.

>> No.18619297

Donating money to camwhores who won't even strip is such a huge thing that someone actually thought up new term for it? What a fucking clown world, ya'll need Hitler.

>> No.18619419
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>> No.18619478

hes cute

>> No.18619508

How long till this whore is showing boobz n vagene to maintain simp attention?

>> No.18619516
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>> No.18619553

Couldn't say I'd disagree if I didn't know that Hitler was a satanist

>> No.18620086

What's his name?