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18610600 No.18610600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18610606

did you try not being depressed?

>> No.18610610

do all of the usual stuff and
expect less

good luck op god bless

>> No.18610612

You post this every single night

>> No.18610613

>How do you cure Depression


>> No.18610620

You don't cure depression.
You fight it until you are stronger than it or you die trying.

>> No.18610632
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>How do you cure Depression
You get every surgery known to mankind.

>> No.18610633

Yes I have tried since I was 12 or 13.

Unironically "made" it

I've been trying half my life.

>> No.18610649

>You post this every single night
Because you don't give him useful advice.

>> No.18610666

Stop drinking, exercise and eat well. Take medication only if absolute necessary.

>> No.18610667
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anon I forgot what that feels like

>> No.18610678

My point was that it never really goes away, but you can deny it's hold over you to better yourself.

>> No.18610679

Extreme responsibility. Stop being a faggot and wash your penis

>> No.18610685

maybe he just doesn't do anything of what we say

>> No.18610687

Do all of these except I guess I could exercise more. I still want to end it.

>> No.18610695
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What is your purpose? What is that you serve? If there is nothing higher that you serve than I think you have your answer.

>> No.18610725

Maybe it's just feel good copes that don't work?

>> No.18610738

for me, it's neet life with drug abuse instead of doing something about my issues.

>> No.18610744

How come it didn't work for you?

>> No.18610746

I have to smoke weed to get motivation to do shit sometimes. Starting a new hobby can help, but getting in shape seems to help the most.

>> No.18610769

/pol/ remedy:
>workout regularly
>read books to improve philosophy
>incorporate new hobbies

>> No.18610792

Take 50,000 IU of Vitamin D.

>> No.18610848

Do steroids, be rich, have an awesome house, and lots of good sex with a beautiful woman. Currently I have 2/4 of those and still feel kind of bummed sometimes but life gets better each time I get closer to this goal. Something can probably be said for just having goals and making progress on them. It's a multifaceted problem.

>> No.18610859

Take anti-depressants. So many people are on them because we live in a society

>> No.18610903

yeah anon what happens when you achieve all these goals?

>> No.18610950

Ok maybe you're another anon and you need help
How long you've been depressed?

>> No.18610968

give yourself more goals duh

>> No.18610982

Date a cute trap and support them emotionally.

>> No.18610996

Same way I am curing my anxiety.

Therapy + Lifestyle changes.

If you can convince yourself to make one small change every week, eventually you'll have more and more good days.

I've gone from anxiety attacks every day to less than once a month. I still sit at home all day and barely exercise. I have plenty of room to continue growth and so do you.

>> No.18611024

but will the cute trap support me financially?

>> No.18611038

What's something that you love in life anon?

>> No.18611111

I take 5k IU daily. I will up it.

Any specific book recommendations?

Half my life at least

Money and braps

>> No.18611136


>> No.18611158

what do you want

>> No.18611180

Get sunlight, vitamin D.

Ground yourself. It's important for us as electro-chemcial biological organisms to be electrically grounded to the earth every day.

Eat a carnivore diet. Sugars (carbs) and most plant foods are unnecessary and often come packaged with deleterious agents. Eat only high quality animal products, lots of fat and protein. Search for Frank Tufano for all the details.

>> No.18611204

I live in an infinite sea of self-hate. This will never change. Not until I die.

>> No.18611250

Me too.
I tell you that.
Depression is just an illness, and the lack of something.
>Avoid drugs, avoid alcool, try to sleep well
>Check your D vitamin, and your test
>D vitamin low, take supplements
>Test low, do more phisical exercise
>Do phisical exercise, fit and expecially running / walking
>You have to do this frequently, best if among nature
>Avoid meds, it's shit
>Try meditation and breath/posture exercises
>Take ipericum

If you do this constantly, you'll fix this in 3 months

>> No.18611278

>>18611111 (checked)
kek. That may be part of your problem.

I cured my depression by finding something that I love and living solely for that thing. It seems like it's really easy to fall into depression when you put your own happiness on a pestle

>> No.18611314

>finding something that I love and living solely for that thing
and what is that thing?

>> No.18611364
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The Aryan race

>> No.18611452

How old are you? If you are over 25, looking into TRP, which is testosterone replacement therapy.

I'm 31 right now, but shit started to suck for me a couple years ago, for no reason at all. Depression hit me like a fucking brick wall. I was a D1 college athlete and have always been in really good shape and take care of my body. I still exercise 4-5 days a week. My parents were diet-nazi's when I was growing up and a good habit in diet stuck with me, so I still never really eat fast food or processed shit. I also had a good job making around $90k when I started to feel bad years ago. I didn't drink much either. Don't get me wrong though, I have binged on alcohol many times, but I never really liked the taste of it so not drinking isn't a challenge for me. I only drink on New Years or when I have to go visit my in-laws. So, what I'm trying to say is I was doing everything right - I was doing these things to deliberately stay healthy, they were just good habits. When I got depressed I say many docs and put me on meds and it made shit worse. I almost felt hopeless because I had no idea why the fuck I felt like shit. By chance, I ran into an old teammate from college at a fucking Home Depot and we chatted. He was an olympic javelin thrower and had been signed with NIKE for a few years. He pretty much repeated what I just wrote above. It was like a mirror story just like mine. Anyways, he ended up learning he had really low testosterone levels. Like me, you would never guess he had that b.c. most sources equate low testosterone in men to balding, bitch tits, fat, erectile dysfunction etc.. We both had none of that. To sum it up, I went to a TRP doctor and it worked like magic. Haven't had a problem since. You might have low testosterone, so go get yourself check out. Trust me, don't wait on it. Being depressed isn't worth taking your time to address the problem. I can't speak for everyone, but don't take meds man. Just don't do it.

>> No.18611524
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>How do you cure Depression
mushrooms and weight lifting
we have this thread once a day, you guys should actually try it instead of just shitposting

>> No.18611531

Thanks anon this is good advice. Will do more exercise. Aerobics 25min per day and weights 6 days a week?

31 boomer here too actually. I did just get my T checked was low in thee 400s. Im concerned if I start T Ill have to always take it, might be hard if I travel alot. Concerns on reproduction in the future too. Any more insights? What was your level? What kind of doctor do I look for? Men health?

>> No.18611544

You have to walk or run too, for miles, this is mandatory

>> No.18611561
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pic related it's the 23 year old

>> No.18611565

Fuck that, how do I cure anxiety?

>> No.18611569

>Eat better
>Sleep more
Worked for me anyways

>> No.18611572

I'm 23 and on TRT whats your protocol?

>> No.18611585

Actually everything i said is mandatory
>breath exercises, close your eyes and just breath with nose, feel your body
>posture exercises, force yourself to open your chest and shoulders, try to stay with open shoulders the most you can

>> No.18611597

by getting banned like the stupid pathetic meth monkey you always will be

>> No.18611629

What were your levels? Mine were within normal. That's what I originally suspected but no doc would ever put me on hormone therapy. Nonetheless I've always wondered if hormones were the issue.

>> No.18611633

Stop fucking drinking you degen. And get a vitamin panel.

>> No.18611650

Do you have hypogonadism? What are your levels?

>> No.18611910

So I have walk/run in addition to weighlifting. How much walk/run per week.

I will look into/do this. Any resources for posture exercises? Just google?

I did stop.

>> No.18611950

>So I have walk/run in addition to weighlifting. How much walk/run per week.
if you can, every day, if you can't, 3 times a week is good

>I will look into/do this. Any resources for posture exercises? Just google?
Yes, it's important that you force yourself to have a good posture, it will seem very hard and painful, expecially when you feel bad, but it helps too

>> No.18611995

Mine were in the 200s, free test was actually low, and the range considers a 90 year old man exactly the same as an 18 year old man. I self treat with 250mg test e/and and 200mg tren hex/e a week in two doses. Works pretty good, estrogen feels right but I'm getting bloods in two weeks to confirm. Hoping to be around 1200ish but I honestly don't know how or if tren shows up so it may skew things. I'll have to pay extra for the actual amount because basic tests just shut off and say high after a certain value. Watch your lipids too since it can fuck up your ldl and hdl. It's one of the better decisions I've made in life. Only costs about $300/yr for everything but the testing. Downside is I don't have a prescription. Only girls are allowed to take their body's hormones without legal risk.

>> No.18612056

what helped me was slowly getting back into exercises, limiting my caffeine intake and supplementing magnesium over a 3-4 month span.

>> No.18612163

Yeah, I was still considered in reference range 300ng/dl but thats way too low for a male in early 20s. I'm not on 170mg per week. i feel good, i'm self prescribed by the way but im looked over my GP. Hard to get a progressive doc in australia

>> No.18612188

250mg test will put you in supraphysiological levels. not to mention the tren too, thats not TRT thats running a cycle.

>> No.18612190
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go all in on a penny pharma stock on the NASDAQ and kys if it doesnt work out

>> No.18612203

no less than thirty minutes of exercise per day, cold showers, and uv light

>> No.18612327

the clown selfie LOL

>> No.18612393

Oh that's below the range that some labs use. Any idea why they were low?
>Only girls are allowed to take their body's hormones without legal risk.
I think it's absurd, I think it has the potential to help a lot of guys.
>i feel good
Aye that's good it's helping. What symptoms were you having before starting the therapy?

>> No.18612628

If it's much over 1200 I'll cut back to 200 or maybe even 125mg/wk. I want to be on as high of a dose I can safely. Im trying to gain weight so I guess it could count as a retarded cycle too. But I'm not planning to come off either, so not really a cruise.
Just the usual I guess. Low energy, poor appetite, general fogginess feeling in the brain even with the Adderall I've been taking for 12 years now, depresso, and painfully slow gains in the gym. Neuro gains were great at first but even after a year I could barely bench 1 pl8. I figured being over 30 it sounded like low t, and the bloods confirmed it. Gyms open next week so we'll see how much I lost in strength, but I only started supplementing 5 weeks ago. Weird how so shortly it turned things around. I just feel normal, energy to do things and no more moodiness or anger. So much for roid rage.