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File: 740 KB, 1002x1504, Screenshot_20200421-153132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18600374 No.18600374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In USA looks like an uprising is around the corner.

>> No.18600416
File: 89 KB, 664x1022, 94014766_3083632021681419_6386942151011336192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just rwnjs being rwnjs.
Actually pretty fucking ironic.

>> No.18600456

damn. what badasses

>> No.18600483

>A bunch of pussies pretending they're gonna shoot government employees and fight the cops


>> No.18600506

Nah nigga, check the videos on zerohedge.


>> No.18600507

I'd like to see a violent revolution but when nothing happened at the Virginia rally I lost hope.

>> No.18600539

AK 47 is a commie weapon.
Why do Americans pick it up?

>> No.18600550

If you see those protests from above they're pathetic
Literally like 20-30 guys at most
Also their signs are obviously Prefabbed astroturf

>> No.18600565

is this the /k/ meetup that everyone was talking about?

>> No.18600579

I live in Virginia and thought it was funny.

>> No.18600584

Based good taste. Where can I get a good one to spend my NEETbux on

>> No.18600593

Ironic. Leftist signs which only come in 5 variants are genuine but these are astroturfed

>> No.18600600

Looks like GUN was a good buy, too

>> No.18600616

that better not be airshit

>> No.18600617
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That kind of bullshit site might be trusted and reliable in /pol/ but literally everywhere else in the entire universe it's a fucking joke site with a reliability of .09 out of a possible fucking 1

>> No.18600626

These people are mostly harmless and for their own good I hope they recognize that. 99% of them are LARPers that would cry, piss, and shit themselves if the U.S. felt threatened in the slightest. Most would run, most of whose left would turn on each other, and then when they were crushed and broken, the U.S. government would send them a bill for the cost of killing them. People think life is like their movies or video games, they're the plucky resistance fighters, and everyone sips martinis while winking at an enemy that lets you knock him out, and they can hold onto that fantasy until they see what they had for breakfast that morning oozing out of the holes in their stomach while the buddy they used to have a bonfire with is scattered in 5 different places.

>> No.18600639

Can as a last resort and should be forced to during a hoax pandemic are not the same thing, bootlicker.

>> No.18600653

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

>> No.18600660

Any “uprising” in the U.S. would be met by other armed Americans like myself who actually want peace and stability rather than anarchy. These scumbag “preppers” who spend their lives hoping for the worst to happen to others would be my first targets in an end of the world situation.

>> No.18600681

>Hoax pandemic.
I have a serious question:
Is your head up your ass for the warmth?
Or do you just like the smell of bullshit that much?

>> No.18600686

that would mean that 1 in 10 times it's right though
that's definitely higher than MSM

>> No.18600691

except the ex military and spec ops guys would be with the preppers

liberal faggots like you would get your ass kicked

>> No.18600705

Good luck, youre best bet is finding arsenal 104 series or a vepr in 5.45 that are already starting to command $1100 or more. Magazines in shooter grade collect are around $45 bucks and surplus ammo is non existent. Manageable but not cheap like a few years ago.

>> No.18600714

"Yeah we're absolute shit but at least we're better than the Mainstream Media" isn't the trump card you think it is.

>> No.18600726

Because not everyone is a braindead poltard scared to appreciate Ivans stronger than you will ever be, mutt. Also that's an AK-74 dumbass.

>> No.18600728

Barely 1 in 10 times. More liek 1 in 100 since the scale is not a strict 1 in 10 chance. It's exponential.
And the ultra low rating of 1 in a 100 should tell you all you need to know about using that site as a reference for shit.

>> No.18600736

If I was an Ambulance driver and these protesters blocked my street i'd run them over and be right in doing so

>> No.18600745

No, they would be with whoever is writing them a cheque.

>> No.18600749

Homeland security ordered 1.6 billion rounds of ammo in the past and they have armored cars against civil unrest. They decicde which side would win.

>> No.18600783

Faggots stood around with guns in Virginia too and it accomplished fuck-all.

>> No.18600791


imagine participating in pro-government protests demanding to protect jew profits and the stock market and not realizing you're the bootlicker

>> No.18600793

Numbers dont lie, coward. Well actually they do because people being admitted for all manner of horseshit and dying are being tallied as corona deaths.

Its a hoax.

>> No.18600795

Soldiers will always value income stability over "values". As long as the government paid enough they'd happily clear you out if you threatened the govt - See the ATF.

>> No.18600802

You shouldn’t be protesting a lockdown if you’re a commie anyways.

>> No.18600809

After watching Waco on Netflix I am 100% on these guys' side

>> No.18600830

>Numbers don't lie
>Except for when I don't believe them, in that case they do
I encourage you to go outside and lick all the doorknobs you see.

>> No.18600836

>if you had an ounce of real power you would abuse it because you are a sociopath who is an $8 an hour piece of shit
ok, good to know

>> No.18600871

So you are saying you are willing to commit violence against peaceful protesters?

>> No.18600887
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What exactly do you think ambulances transport? Pretty telling these "patriots" would break their impasse to let a dominoes pizza delivery through but not actual human beings in need.

>> No.18600899

Spot on

>> No.18600911

Greta and climate extinction prostest everywhere saying the world is ending
>wow what a great person
>time person of the year

People protesting that they dont want to be locked down because their businesses and jobs are being destroyed

>fukin idiot
>wow no bran cells

I dont agree with 99% of it but they at least do have a valid reason to protest, they should just do it in a more professional way.

I saw one picture of a sign that said "join the protest, even if you are sick"

>> No.18600916

Dumbfuck. These people DO have the right to peacefully assemble, they are exercising it. Show me any Holy book that says you have to gather in a single building with 50 people every sunday. You can still have a bible study or an online sermon.
Your rights aren't being taken away dummy, gubmint can do more or less whatever the fuck it wants, meanwhile even with all these restrictions in place we're 100x better than nazi germany, soviet union, china today, or the middle of fucking nowhere in africa. Get off your fucking high horse you spineless cowardly monkey and stop whining.

>> No.18600931
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Would be willing to do everyone a favour by clearing a Traffic Jam?

>> No.18600954

>fukin idiot
>wow no bran cells
>I saw one picture of a sign that said "join the protest, even if you are sick"

>> No.18600957

This is really a disgusting behaviour, no matter whose supporters these are. The doctors should sling spark plug fragments at their precious McSUV windows.

>> No.18600969

>That mag curvature
Be a noguns faggot somewhere else.

>> No.18600975

Hmmm maybe you should go to Michigan and go bitch and cry directly at the drivers in that picture anon. Believe it or not, I don't live there.
I get that you are a petty butthurt fag who is extremely passive aggressive and unlikable, but spazing out at random posters on /biz/ (like me) won't solve anything. And saying you want to run people over makes me think you deserve to be in prison or a mental ward.
Quit acting like a spaz though kiddo, I'm sure your parents are worried.

>> No.18600993

The way I see it, being alive with no job is better than dying of a horrible pulmonary disease
Although I'd be willing to lift the lockdown - but only for those who wanted it. That way they'd be the only ones outside, and I don't have to give a shit about them catching the virus.

>> No.18600998
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You sound like and edgy tryhard zoomer.
Does mommy know you are using her computer?

>> No.18601000

>t. Doesn't know what the 1st amendment is

>> No.18601017

Trump supporters are subhuman.

>> No.18601035

Wow, sick burn
Guess what, though
Quarantine is still going on and there's fuck all to do about it
The sooner the cops came to take care of you lot, the better.

>> No.18601036

>Although I'd be willing
>I'd be willing
holy shit that napoleon complex

>> No.18601043

You trust CNN or Fox News ya dumb goy?

>> No.18601052
File: 102 KB, 640x481, Fight_Me_You_Nazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to middle school history class

>> No.18601057

Actual peppers would not be out and about during a pandemic.

>> No.18601067

Lmao you would die walking out your door, faggot

>> No.18601071
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>> No.18601076

You need to go to a mental home.
You are a great example of what happens when a little zoomer grows up without a dad that would beat his ass if he ran his mouth too much.
You talk like a sociopath, and that's because you haven't ran your mouth irl long enough for someone to bust your front teeth in.

>> No.18601099

This assemblage is a joke, but if these movements get large enough either some of them will use force, which instantaneously revokes their right to assemble; or a govt will install a plant which will use force, thus accomplishing the same goal.

In any case the intellectual level and level of power these people actually hold is incredibly low. If anything they do a disservice to their movement which I can respect to an extent. But a bunch of gun nuts getting together around govt buildings really only makes them look even more pathetic than they are, in 2020 it's not realistic to think that you can move any sort of public policy by showing off your guns in public - it's bad publicity no matter how you slice it.

>> No.18601114
File: 779 KB, 1242x869, 21398D00-0264-4E0F-8972-8BD852BCE672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peace was never an option

>> No.18601115

Guess what again? Nobody will ever punish me for posting shit here, while the Cops can and will punish you lot with Batons and Boots and Tear Gas. Die mad about it, Fagtron

>> No.18601127

Neither do you retard. The fuck do you think these quarantine restrictions are? Preventing people from praying?
If you need a lesson, read this: https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/98/145.html#162
Specifically: "Laws are made for the government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious belief and opinions, they may with practices."
You need a lesson too, read above.

>> No.18601140
File: 108 KB, 552x308, 1581373671219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Are you having grand delusions again little zoom-zoom?
What year do you think it is?
Do you need meds?

>> No.18601142
File: 640 KB, 682x628, 8e78540f988bae84f46cbbf91fc5bf94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think people are going to bend the knee if cops came to arrest you? Maybe some yes, but not true people that believe in freedom. I'm not sure what type of reality is going on in your own head.

>> No.18601161

Oh, I don't expect you to bend your knee. I expect the Police to bend your spine until you become a proper person.

>> No.18601179

Thats why i have gone out and personally protested. If you believe in your freedoms you should as well. Look on your local facebook groups. Here is one for my state. https://archive.vn/1nwBv

>> No.18601191

Enjoy being a minimal wage loser for the rest of your life dude. No one would trust you with any irl responsibilities the way you act.
Also get on some meds man, you aren't normal.

>> No.18601209

If you think the Police won't beat you for breaking the law, you're delusional.
And i'm just saying that maybe if you didn't break the law, they wouldn't have to break you.
Level with me, i'm trying to help you, here.

>> No.18601245

>No one would trust you with any irl responsibilities the way you act.
Says the person who wants to play Anarchist while suckling on the teat of power he claims to despise.
You're a joke, man, and I don't act like this IRL. I just come here to laugh at you, because you're worthless.

>> No.18601254

Cant tell if glowie or marxist college student. Still ya gave me a laugh today friend.

>> No.18601258

Oh, really? Wow.
I bet dude. Super.
Seriously see a fucking psychiatrist and they can help you with your God complex.

>> No.18601272

Fuck that I'm referring to "or the right of the people peacefully to assemble". Religious or not if I wanna cram 1,000 people in a room who willfully wanna be there I'll do it.

>> No.18601283

You're talking to a demoralized brainwashed generation that knows. I thing but to be subservient to authority no matter how destructive it is. Let them find out the hard way.

>> No.18601289

Get help. Take your meds. Etc.

>> No.18601291

You are straight retarded. These people are scum and so are you.

>> No.18601301

I know that your clash for "freedom" will be quashed, and it'll be really funny to see.

>> No.18601313

Really? Tell me more anon.

>> No.18601317

True, but we're not in a pandemic. Corona is milder than a seasonal flu.

>> No.18601335


I’m not a liberal and you’re clearly some Call of Duty faggot wannabe kid thinking that civil war would be some kind of game. It won’t be. Go back to your basement and clean your .22 again while jerking off to anime.

>> No.18601348

Protested against what though? You have the right to protest, but what for? Protesting is a protected action due to freedom of belief/thought and the right to assemble, but it doesn't mean people will listen just because.
You can't act like the laughing and mocking isn't justified when people are holding up the most ridiculous signs acting like we're living in nazi fucking germany. Legitimate protesting needs justification.
>if I wanna cram 1,000 people in a room who willfully wanna be there I'll do it.
You can do it, but don't think you're ALLOWED to do it just because you say it's your right. There is NOTHING in the first amendment that justifies some random abstract group gathering for no reason other than muh freedumbs.
And again, the protestors aren't doing anything illegal right off the bat. If they are legitimately peacefully protesting then that's fine. "the right of the people peacefully to assemble" means protesting, not gathering people into a building.

>> No.18601353

Nah. I don't have the qualifications nor the interest to become a glowie (and if I was, I assure you I wouldn't be insulting you directly), not I am a marxist - if I was, i'd have to have solidarity for /you/, too, and the mere thought disgusts me.
I'm just a normal person who's fed up with your bullshit. There are many like me, but they tend to hide it with a nod and polite smile. I'm just saying what everyone's thinking.

>> No.18601354

Are you planning any acts of violence against these protesters if the state doesn't comply with your desire to see violence?

>> No.18601369

yeah, the pro government protests that are protesting against the government...

>> No.18601373

This anon has seen some shit.

>> No.18601377

Who are they protesting against? The people dying in the hospital? Trump supporters are fucking insane and morally bankrupt.

>> No.18601386

You sound like you should be red flagged.

>> No.18601396


You should be banned for even asking this. Why are the mods so biased here?

>> No.18601406

Nice Try, FBI. Of course I'm not.
If I was, could you really judge me? You're oh so bloodthirsty yourself, thinking about when them bloody elites will get their comeuppance.
Could you really blame me for being braver than you? Or do you blame me just to hide your own inadequacy?

>> No.18601408


by waving around a bunch of american flags and trump cuckery yeah real anti government

>> No.18601412

I think lil zoom-zoom needs to be reported anon.
Talking about running over people with glee isn't normal.

>> No.18601416

For what purpose is every single country on the face of the earth uniting to just pretend we have a global plague?

>> No.18601428

you sound like a jew

>> No.18601438
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>You should be banned for even asking this. Why are the mods so biased here?
Lmao how is asking a question worth a ban? Are you fresh off the boat from reddit? Jesus christ you raiders are pathetic

>> No.18601444

If they're so apolitical why are they carrying trump signs and wearing maga hats?

>> No.18601451
File: 2.12 MB, 2560x1707, 150627-moynihan-black-panther-tease_m9pftx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bunch of sissy wh*Te boys larping as men. they'll be the first ones to piss their pants and get down on their knees when jamal and his friends come looking for them.

>> No.18601458
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cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.18601469

Notice the comma after assemble and then it says AND to petition. assemble and petition the government are two different rights.

>> No.18601498

In the state of Indiana. Our governor has said our "stay at home order" will be 2 weeks. After every 2 weeks, its always been 2 more weeks. Holcomb said the effort was
>the exact way not to be productive
and said it was
>not helping
The governor took questions from the news. Never let us in the building for questions. People are protesting to open up their businesses. I am someone that lost his job from all of this. https://archive.vn/FQXKS

>> No.18601500

It's all theater you low IQ human being. Brix Deborah in the daily conference in WH said that this season there are no flu patients. They are all covid patients. Maybe also if you cut your finger and go to hospital they announce you covid patient. What a joke!!?? Americans are really easy to lied to and be led like sheep

>> No.18601504


>> No.18601506


Anything remotely related to mass violence or coercing someone into talking about it should be banworthy. Maybe get medical help if this is what you really came here to talk about. Mods nee

>> No.18601508

is everyone ok?

>> No.18601565

The Trumpfags are just pretending to be protesting in front of a hospital full of sick people?

You are off the rocker.

>> No.18601568

Asking if the little god complex fag if he was planning violence isn't coercing, it's an effort to stop the little wannabe demon before he tries anything against civilian protesters he may or may not agree with.
People have the right to protest in this country and it's only a matter of time when you see public displays you do not agree with, that doesn't mean you get to threaten them with violence.
Little zoom-zoom should expect a house visit soon.

>> No.18601582

If you are fed up, why dont you do something about it guy?

>> No.18601584

those jeans are embarrassing alright

>> No.18601586

>hospital, ambulance and police officials said they had no reports of any patients being endangered by the protest
oh no... my narrative! :(

>> No.18601590

I mean, do you have to ask? There are people in the street doing literal suicidal stunts, and for what? To go to their hairdresser? To reopen their shitty small business?
There /is/ something clearly wrong when we value money or a nebulous "freedom" over our own lives, but I don't want to babysit a bunch of groown men about it.

>> No.18601604
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It’s the mentally ill contingent of Americans (at least 30% of the population if not 60%). America is really a brain dead society. Virtually no other country on earth is filled with people so averse to being told to do anything cooperatively. It’s really astonishing as an American when you go to another country for a long enough time, especially the other developed nations, and you see how different people’s attitudes are. It makes it so obvious why people across the world think that Americans are psychotic children. There is literally a pandemic that has killed 10s of thousands, that basically put Italy on life support, and there are insane people with American flags complaining on video that they can’t get their haircut. The Lt. Governor of Texas is going on TV AGAIN to say there are more important things than living, and he is talking about fucking shopping. This country is such a fucking joke.

>> No.18601612


It is coercing. You don’t need to discuss it here. Get a life and stop obsessing over mass violence. It’s better to ignore the trolls instead of hyping them up with attention.

>> No.18601613

Asking people if they're going to shoot up a school has been a thing here and everywhere on the internet for years, newfag. Go be a boomer elsewhere.

>> No.18601619
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>> No.18601621

Social unrest seems inevitable on the current path:

>> No.18601622

It's my job.

>> No.18601630

I'm not even American, my dudes, and you're taking me way too seriously.
It speaks lot of the state of 4chan when obvious bait is taken as super serious business. >>18601612
You're the only smart one here

>> No.18601639

No they aren't, what do you think assemble means? Please look up the definition of the right, I think you don't quite understand what assemble means in this sense.
Freedom of assembly is the right to protest, join a group/union/society/etc. Again, just look it up.
This doesn't guarantee the right to gather with people in a building for no specific reason which is what you sound like you're trying to argue for. I could be wrong.
Well that's fine, and you have the right to protest. Losing your job sucks and protesting is a fine way to cope but it still doesn't seem very productive.
If you aren't one of the people holding up the retarded signs, then it's not like I have a problem with you.

>> No.18601651

No, it isn't. I don't think anyone here asked for your help. Fuck off.

>> No.18601652


Not a newfag and I was temp banned for this exact same reason. If you all weren’t so psychologically fucked you wouldn’t feel the need to sit here and discuss mass violence with anonymous trolls in the first place.

>> No.18601657
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>my dudes
go back

>> No.18601685

Ok bro I believe you. I've only been posting the exact same insult for years and have never been banned, but I guess the mods are just out to get you and only you. Time to take your meds.

>> No.18601691

I personally know brokers, hedge fund managers and professors who all regularly read zerohedge, you stick to CNN and Buzzfeed anime fag

>> No.18601706

Protesting against governor whitmer. she is a pile of shit. trying to sabbotage the economy to hurt trump. She should not receive her salary for any of the lock down time and only receive the $362/week of unemployment. She would reopen the state in one week.

>> No.18601716

Based protesters, watch the trannies and soibois literally seethe about it

>> No.18601718

Americans have absolutely no sense of community or collective good. The concept of doing something simply because it will benefit the people around you is entirely foreign to us.

>> No.18601726

>he actually believes this

>> No.18601734

>trying to sabbotage the economy to hurt trump.
Holy shit you people are deranged partisans

>> No.18601744

>not american
Opinion is void and null

Few people I met at the rally were the "chemtrail" types. They can get annoying. Makes everyone look like skitzos. Most are pretty chill people. I am looking for more work though, harder by the day.

Sadly this is very true. Neighbors dont even stick up for each other anymore.

>> No.18601749

I think if all Americans dropped dead, it would be a benefit to the World at large. In that context, the Quarantine being lifted is actually a good thing.

>> No.18601752


Or just stop being a psychopath and move on to other subjects. I’m not complaining about being banned I’m complaining about seeing these discussions promoting mass violence that shouldn’t be allowed here if those are the rules.

>> No.18601754

this is the diary of an US soldier? Sure us soldiers are so bad they can see their breakfast leaving their body in front of them

die for israel loser

>> No.18601760
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>> No.18601766

Of all things they could pick, they pick a hospital. Why not Wall Street. Jeez.

>> No.18601770


>> No.18601776

>anon's most visited board: /qa/

>> No.18601777

This is the same shit being spouted by Fox and Limbaugh, are you 65 years old?
Did every other country on earth hold a secret meeting where they decided to pretend tens of thousands of their citizens were dying in the single most coordinated hoax in world history in order to hurt Trump's economy (and tank their own in the process)?

>> No.18601789

Lol that gif

>> No.18601795

You know, there are legends of there being Independent News Networks that are in fact, /not/ Zero Hedge or Reddit! Outstanding!
I know this is a lot to take in for your feeble brain, so i'll give you a week or so to fully digest this incredible new piece of information.

>> No.18601799

>Few people I met at the rally were the "chemtrail" types. They can get annoying. Makes everyone look like skitzos. Most are pretty chill people.
Yeah, and those are the people being televised. Of course a few bad apples will sour the whole group.
Either way, good luck searching for a job.

>> No.18601809

Im looking at my breakfast leaving my bootihole right now. Can smell the shit out of it too

>> No.18601811
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>America on the brink of social unrest.
Kek. It's never a problem when Blacks riot, but when White people chimp out it makes people panic.

>> No.18601825

Literally yes

>> No.18601826

Literal glowman propaghandi

>> No.18601829

I think you broke him

>> No.18601836
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What are my options dude?

My brain is melting from how stupid these trumptards are acting during a pandemic and it literally infuriates me yet if I speak out against them I am accused of being an anti-fa transliquid libtard.

I am fucking confused tbqh

>> No.18601839
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>you know there are legends
You HAVE to go back

>> No.18601861

awwwww, someone's triggered, need a safe space sweetheart?

>> No.18601891
File: 38 KB, 320x455, 1586739579171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single year there were thousands of faggots marching on Washington wearing pussyhats while dumping their period blood out on the sidewalk to protest fascism, and we are apparently just now reaching social unrest because 20 boomers with guns stood outside a courthouse lmao

>> No.18601896
File: 32 KB, 660x315, C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back where, retard?

>> No.18601904

Why the fuck would they do that?

>> No.18601932

Back you go...

>> No.18601943

ironically, that fatass has a good % of being taken to an hospital if he gets covid-19

>> No.18601946

I don't, I'm not getting Corona to make the line go up like you morons, so I won't need to be put in a Biohazard Unit lol

>> No.18601951

Hey does anyone else remember when people like this were defending the right of BLM protesters to lock down entire cities for hours like this?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

>> No.18601984

Lmao literally going insane from being unemployed and "forced" to stay home. These people make no sense. Why even care about retiring? Just reminds me of the old people who retire and come back to the workforce a few months later. Probably bragged about retiring for decades too.

>> No.18602005

Have you ever met a boomer? They don't work. They sit around talking. It is a social club for them.

>> No.18602018

Nah, that never happened. BLM at worst blockaded liquor stores and pawn shops.

>> No.18602031

An underrated post.
Conspiratards will not ask this question because they lack the ability to think critically, despite constantly telling everyone to do so
They start with the conclusion and work their way up from that

>> No.18602039

I think America could be improved a lot by...y'know, "retiring" the boomers entirely.
We have the resources, it's just that we have too many useless mouths.

>> No.18602043

>There is NOTHING in the first amendment that justifies some random abstract group gathering for no reason other than muh freedumbs.

>> No.18602061

Media will surly twist the truth as they do, and do well.


>> No.18602077

I know, yikes, I wonder why so many Americans don't read their own rights and then act like retarded sovereign citizens at protests.

>> No.18602079

Trump has his own special NSA ops team that no state's governor is even aware of. Trump ordered NSA to initiate protesting psy-ops just to push governerors to open the economy earlier....the absolute madman? Or the absolute genius! These politicians are scared of their career being tarnished if they open businesses and coronavirus cases go up by as little as 1-2% WAHHHH MUH CAREER AS GOVERNOR WAHHH

Trump = based. Fuck the governors and fuck democracy, reopen everything and tell old people and people with prexisting conditions to stay inside.

>> No.18602088

Like I said earlier. Expect a well being check up next week. Try to make sure your mom is home so we can speak with her.

>> No.18602104


I think we should cut all support and benefits for boomers, cut their health care, seize their assets, kick them out of retirement and force them to work retail and fast food. It's time they started to earn their keep around here

>> No.18602108

Ok, yeah, that actually was a bit in bad taste
"Acting like terrorists from a backwater third world country will totally make us look reasonable! Wait, wtf, why do people hate us?"

>> No.18602117

And that is why you push shipping carts for a living.

>> No.18602131

It costs like $2,000 for the facebook memes to string these puppets. Love em.

>> No.18602135

>"Acting like terrorists from a backwater third world country
Funny how you of all people mention that.

>> No.18602138

I'm not fucking American. Do you really want me to believe Interpol's gonna send someone for shitposting online? I know it's hard to believe, but most places outside America AREN'T police states.

>> No.18602152

Think of it like this:

>if TRUMP keeps pushing governors to reopen economy that will reflect badly on him if people get COVID-19 and die
>if PROTESTERS push governors to re-open, pressure is placed on the governor and only the governor can be blamed if reopening causes more COVID-19 deaths

>> No.18602153

Oh man if you are going by NRA stats then you are clearly misinformed about the number of pissed off gun owning liberals.

>> No.18602163

>Freedom of assembly is the right to protest, join a group/union/society/etc.
>join a group/unions/society etc.
>This doesn't guarantee the right to gather with people in a building for no specific reason

Pilpuling kike.

>> No.18602165

You faggots make no sense at all
The shutdown was a prudent, perfectly justifiable action when Trump wanted it, but now he's sweating about his reelection with a tanked economy. So when he personally decides it's over, it is now unbelievable government tyranny that only... The President of the United States can stop.

>> No.18602168

We dont care what you call us, tyrant.

>> No.18602179

Yup. See

Facebook is the most easy way for Trump's special NSA unit to apply psy-ops. They also use twitter, Instagram, submit fake news stories to local news agencies.

>> No.18602189

Whatever happened to "We don't negotiate with terrorists"?
It's going to be so fun watching you on the opposite end of the deal.

>> No.18602211

>estrogen laden sack of cells larps as the great neutralizer

Post a picture of yourself so we can see a poster child for free and on demand abortions.

>> No.18602213

Except the fact that it isn't you retarded shit eating faggot, remember in the future whenever you feel the need to open your mouth that you're africa tier IQ and everything you believe in is wrong.

>> No.18602223

You're right, it doesn't. Organizations, unions, political societies, etc all have specific purposes. Gathering with a bunch of other retards because IT'S MY FREEDOM TO ASSEMBLE is not a right.
This is, of course, not referring to protesting. Just the idea that "muh rights are being taken away" because churches are closed or whatever the fuck people are sperging out about the most.
Keep seething.

>> No.18602260

Jesus Christ you are all so moronic ITT that I'm not gonna bother to reply to you all individually. Restaurants and business are slowly going to reopen over next few weeks. No happenings, no gunfights, no increase in COVID-19 cases, only a continued decrease. Go like play a video game or do something instead of getting full of anger and feeling your asshole pucker and tighten in rage at stuff that isn't a big deal/isn't going to happen.

>> No.18602266
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No lockdown in Sweden. Get owned retards.

I still go to the gym hehe :chad:

>> No.18602269

>Nah, that never happened
Lying kike.

>> No.18602271


Unfortunately the only time their sense of community is triggered is during a war, and it is irrespective of what the war is about. American national identity is strongly associated with telling everybody around you to fuck off and leave you alone, but also to cry and salute whenever the state initiates some new global conflict to pay military contractors and fleece the country. Or at best they're fighting over something to do with trade and capital, and it isn't these people in Ohio that reap the benefits.

>> No.18602273

>Trump has his own special NSA ops team that no state's governor is aware of
And of course /you/, random shitposter, know a Federal Secret that no state legislator knows.
No, wait, you don't. You're fucking moron. Please never post anything online ever again.

>> No.18602278

Sometimes I like to just sit here and watch trump supporters opinions flail like reads of grass in a storm. Definitely getting some republiganda wires crossed with the whole COVID messaging.

>> No.18602284

Oh fuck it's written down so that means it's real guys1!1!1!

>> No.18602300

Go back to discord

>> No.18602304

Imagine protesting right at the end of everything, everyone just needs to keep their mouth shut to the finish line. Can't wait for the small outbreak to happen as a result of this, it's not a big deal to just stay at home for a couple months. Enjoy your free vacation. You do have a job that's paying you to work from home don't you?

>> No.18602306

>pissed off gun owning liberals
Watch out here comes Biden with his double barrel shotgun!

>> No.18602307

>trisomy 21 victim calling other people moronic while it acts above it all

Go eat another tide pod and berate your inbred mother for not swallowing you.

>> No.18602324

trust sessions
trust wray

>> No.18602350
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Get a load of this cope

>> No.18602358


>> No.18602373

>Trust the highest levels of federal government to free us from government tyranny
This narrative makes no fucking sense whatsoever, Q boomers are retards

>> No.18602387

>protest for something selfless
>”what a great person”
>protest for something selfish
>”what an asshole”
real fucking mystery

>> No.18602397

>Organizations, unions, political societies, etc all have specific purposes. >Gathering with a bunch of other retards because IT'S MY FREEDOM TO ASSEMBLE is not a right.
You're pretty fucking stupid aren't you.
What happens when someone founds a political society whose specific purpose is to gather with a bunch of other retards because IT'S MY FREEDOM TO ASSEMBLE?

Get the fuck off of /biz/ before some pahjeet convinces to dump your life savings into a shitcoin pump.

>> No.18602406

When everything happens exactly as I wrote, how are you going to react? Will you clap in memory of my post?

>> No.18602417

If there's one virtue to the Anti Quarantine Argument, the fact that I'm spending my time arguing with idiots right here and now where I could do something I actually enjoyed is it.

>> No.18602431

>climate change

>> No.18602447
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>p-please believe my cope!

>> No.18602451

We already went over this earlier, bill of rights doesn't guarantee what you think it does.
>a political society whose specific purpose is to gather with a bunch of other retards because IT'S MY FREEDOM TO ASSEMBLE?
Then it's not a political society retard lmao wtf are you even talking about?
You're stupid as fuck and not even arguing about anything at this point, just seething about nothing.

>> No.18602482

so much this...dont these guys know the only way to truly resist is to wear a pink pussy hat?


>> No.18602513

What I posted has nothing to do with Trump. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is killed by UV (Ultraviolet) light, it's dying because the sun is getting closer to the earth more so than because of social distancing. Our social distancing has stayed CONSISTENT. Nothing about his has increased. The only thing that has increased is the sun getting closer to the earth, that's why numbers are going down. Stores will reopen and numbers will NOT go up in coming weeks. 90% of untested people already got it and have no symptoms. You'll see anon, screenshot this post, print it out and put it on your fridge and I'll be proven right in 5-10 years.

>> No.18602519

I think I would be much more open to have a frank discussion about what Freedom of Assembly really meant if you weren't using it as a pretext to get more people infected with a deadly, horrible disease so the economy can recover.
Like, meet me halfway through.

>> No.18602532

>then it's not a political society
>obviously any cause I think is stupid isn't actually political and is undeserving of first amendment protections!
Good thing you don't make the rules fag.

>> No.18602541

Hating on protestors who won’t have any money because they don’t have fucking jobs is the worst form of selfishness.
The only people hating on these protestors are “essential” workers who’ve gotten an overinflated ego during this crisis and WFH citycucks. You faggots get paychecks. These protestors are not.

>> No.18602549

What the fuck are these retards even protesting? Are they not aware there's a global pandemic?

>> No.18602573

Oh no how horrible, the terrible disease!
Everyone stop doing everything forever because of the terrible disease! Quick anon, hold your breath until covid-19 goes away!

>> No.18602574

government overreach. try and keep up. or don't. just stay inside forever like a good goy

>> No.18602576

You know, I think there can be a middle ground between "embarassing cringe worthy liberal crafts" and "embarassing cringeworthy gun wank".
It's also worth noting both of these types of protest usually are about minor social shit that affect nobody, while the elite still shits on us economically.

>> No.18602588

What the fuck are you arguing about anymore? What do you think assembly guarantees? If it's an actual assembly, which has a strict legal definition that I DO NOT DEFINE, then it isn't guaranteed by the first amendment.
You're right, I don't make the rules, I'm TELLING you the rules. Sounds like you've never quite understood what they guarantee and unironically believe that there's rights being taken away because people are being told to stay indoors and you can't go in a mcdonalds and eat a big mac.

>> No.18602599

Don't kid yourself. Most of these protestors aren't jobless, they fucking hate jobless people because "muh welfare"
They're all incredibly rich small business owners who don't want to "go back to work", they want YOU to go back to work so you can die to make them even more money.

>> No.18602606
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That's because niggers, faggots and women could never overthrow a government. The white man, however...

>> No.18602614

They're protesting overzealous social distancing restrictions. The governor in question even went so far as to ban purchasing "non-essential" goods so that people wouldn't have a reason to leave the house.

>> No.18602619

Thats why we have the 2nd amendment my friend.

Freedom to assemble. People are pissed, thats why they are protesting.

>> No.18602624

mcdonalds is essential in america. sorry you live in a third world hellhole. brb, going to go get some mcdonalds for lunch :^)

>> No.18602625

>goverment overreach

In what way is mandating individuals to stay-at-home during a global pandemic "overreach"?

>> No.18602647

Go back to /lit/ faggot. Businesses need workers to function. I know a lefty faggot like you doesn’t understand that,

>> No.18602652

I think you're extremizing my point just to antagonize me? And I don't really get why you would do that.
Not going outside (outside necessities, of course) to not spread deadly viruses to people seems pretty reasonable to me, unless you want people to die? Up to and including you, for some reason?

>> No.18602653


>> No.18602673
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>> No.18602685

Businesses can handle a small quarantine break with subsidies from the Government just fine.

>> No.18602692

And what qualifications do you have to classify what's been done as "overzealous"?

Freedom to do so doesn't mean you throw all common sense out the window to behave like a petulant child being told to take a time-out. Are these people incapable of understanding why you wouldn't want to have massive assemblies during a global outbreak of a highly contagious disease?

>> No.18602708

Workers need lungs to function.

>> No.18602713

You're acting as if the Quarantine will last forever. It's just a temporary measure to prevent people (again, including you yourself) from dying. It will end as soon as there's a cure discovered, and you'll barely remember it as the years go on.

>> No.18602719

And you would rather have people go about their lives as normal and just succumb to the illness and overload the US healthcare system? Just so you don't have to stay inside and actually, god forbid, spend some quality time with loved ones and reflect on what really matters in life?

not an argument

>> No.18602730

> If it's an actual assembly, which has a strict legal definition that I DO NOT DEFINE,
Shut the fuck up faggot.
>The gathering of people in the same place, the right of assembly, the right to gather, typically for the purpose of carrying on a political purpose. The union of a number of persons in the same place.

>> No.18602751

good job eating up the fear pandering from the news media

>> No.18602755

And the healthiest ones will be fine. Not sure why you think this thing is a death sentence for the entire population.
Most small businesses couldn’t get help from PPP because all of the overvalued tech startups took the money.

>> No.18602760

>It will end as soon as there's a cure discovered
We can't even cure the fucking cold, what makes you think we can cure covid-19?

>> No.18602765

> only a continued decrease
That is objectively false. The numbers of new cases and active cases are both going up. More people are getting infected than are recovering or dying.

>> No.18602773

>Popular assemblies are those where the people meet to deliberate upon their rights; these are guaranteed by the constitution. Const. U. S. Amend. art. 1 Const. of Penn. art. 9, s. 20
Going against what is by all intents and purposes a lawful legislative order by State Administration doesn't qualify, eat shit

>> No.18602798

I should've said "vaccine" instead of "cure", but it's the same point, really. A temporary quarantine does NOT equal a permanent breach of rights. It's a fact that absolutely nothing will change.

>> No.18602823

lol yeah fuck doctors what do they know

I must've missed it, but what's your background in to justify knowing more than the health officials?

>> No.18602824

Right, that's the definition. That's what it guarantees. You're incredibly retarded, aren't you? That's what I've been trying to explain to you, that's what the first amendment guarantees.
Some random people gathering to talk about their favorite TV shows is not guaranteed by the first amendment.
Thanks for agreeing with me now I guess.