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18599272 No.18599272 [Reply] [Original]

NO! NO! NO!!!!! We need to inflate gas prices back to $5 per gallon!!!! Workers in the oil industry depend on the $50 an hour bullshit jobs!!! How dare you!!!!! You’re an un-American pierce of garbage if you don’t wanna support my 50+ an hour. Driving around the site to hold a pump with my hand fueling generators is fucking essential to the economy. Make oil go up now!!!!

>> No.18599298

i can't wait for oil to die and the only way to save the economy is the green new deal. the only reason we're not on renewables is greed.

>> No.18599321

Oh look another retard who doesn’t understand a single thing about what they are posting about, but that’s ok. We know it’s “just a troll bro lol” you’re not *really* a retard.

>> No.18599334

he knows more than you zoomzoom

>> No.18599354

Think about your boomer papas stonks!!!! Make it go up now!!!!!

>> No.18599439

why the fuck would we a green new what ever the fuck

saudi will pay us to take there oil until the frackers hang themselves

you are in clown world and hitler was right

saudi will keep this up for trillions of barrels killing any type of green energy raping thungbrug and your parents 401k/house price

the first car ever made was electric if we wanted to be faggots we wouldn't have gotten this far hurry up and end your faggot gene pool with the trap pill like you subconsciously want

>> No.18599678

Yeah haha why would we not continue using a strategic resource who's value is easily manipulated by foreign nations with more access to it then us lol how weird.

Just keep investing in oil infrastruture, oil forever yayyy :^)

>> No.18599743

Fossil fuels are the most energy dense and longest store of energy by such an inconceivable margin that the technological leap required to move away from them is beyond the grasp of futurist fiction.

>> No.18599756

And I'm not saying this to spark any sort of political back and forth; it's just a straight up carved in granite fact.

>> No.18599773

Make oil more expensive for everyone RIGHT NOW! This is an economic disaster

>> No.18599777

Oil workers pay those same high gas prices, dumb fuck.

Or did you think that extra $3 per gallon just went straight into the pocket of every roughneck in Texas?

>> No.18599854



>> No.18599888

the trick is to drive around a Olympic ruining track forever
better yet automating robots that also run on pure oil to drive the trucks

>> No.18599903
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>> No.18599914

And now American production has been essentially priced out of the market by bigger players than us, and we're going to go back to relying on oil from outside of the country again.

We have an opportunity to pioneer alternative technology to give America a competitive edge while the oil mafia has been absolutely fucking BLACKED by other bigger oil mafias, but we shouldnt explore the opportunity because the thing we already have makes the most sense?

>> No.18599995

>sell 300 apples for 80 dollars each
>b-but he has to rebuy 2 of them so he clearly isn't benefiting

>> No.18600035

missed it by that much

>> No.18601055

I actually agree, but if your method for spurring innovation is something suicidal like ban internal combustion, we're infinitely (no exaggeration) better off keeping the pumps running and burning what comes up from the ground at a monstrous loss.

Please don't forget, the receptacle you plug your tesla into is powered, by an overwhelming precentage, by oil and coal

>> No.18602551

Wtf, full blown retard spotted on biz, great stuff