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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18592721 No.18592721 [Reply] [Original]

So what's really going on?
There is an estimated 700 trillion dollars in derivatives. Oil is mostly traded in derivatives and most derivatives are oil.
Now you have Russia and the Saudis apparently fighting over who can drive the price lower? Is that really what's going on?
Now you have world bank's passing out free money like it's going to be worthless soon.
Then you have the mainstream media blowing up a fake crisis over a virus that has been around the population for millennia. You have hospitals closing because there's no patients. You can go anywhere in the world and ask somebody if they know anybody with the virus and 99/100 will say no.
Just too many coincidences.

>> No.18593461


>> No.18593480

End of the petrodollar. If we reopen tomorrow a lot of people are not going back to work.

>> No.18593900

This is the end of the Kali Yuga, brother. Bear witness and help usher in the new golden age!

>> No.18593914

typical american bullshit.
keep believing the virus is a hoax, meanwhile your country is at 50k deaths

>> No.18593934

also the lockdown isnt about the virus, but about the hospital capacity, and the number of respirators. if the virus patients take up all the hospital beds, then u'll get collateral deaths also, from people suffering from other illnesses.

fucking dumb almericans, you really think 100% of the rest of the world would wreck their economy by forcing everybody to stay at home and stop all productions, just to trick you?

>> No.18593980

Retard, this is global.

>> No.18594006

you put too much faith in humans m8. we're absolute fucking retards and there is never order in anything we do. we're that instantly connected now that everything snowballs feeding the chaos and this bro flu is a great example of it.

>> No.18594012


>> No.18594353

asteroid explains it, or something similar. 90% wipeout.
just wait and maybe you will come out of this much richer, but probably you die

>> No.18594358

A month ago I might have agreed with you. But I don't have any doubts anymore that all of this is connected. I lost all my doubts what I lost my doubts that Genesis is real. There's an agenda here and I think it all centers around agenda 2030.

>> No.18595129

see >>18593914
influenza virus could have mutated too and we had super flu. the fact that most people didn't hear of corona viruses is unrelated to the danger. can you explain energy niveaus of all existential strontium isotopes ad hoc? if not you're safe from cancer.

>> No.18595470


It hasn't even begun. The final criteria (life expectancy dropping to 50) is in progress now.

>> No.18595862

It's all a scapegoat. The elites know everything is about to fall apart, so when the economy collapses, they can point at the meme flu and the saudi/russia shit and say "Well golly, those things sure are to blame for all this hardship we're in now, right goys?"

>> No.18595897

I'm pretty sure most of "covid-19" cases are psychological, driven by fear, brain can convince us about everything

>> No.18596042

>anybody with the virus and 99/100 will say no.

You don't live in NY or LA

>> No.18596423
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>the petrodollar
what about the eurodollar

>> No.18596446

this absolutely. doesn't even have to be a planned agreed upon conspiracy. everyone in power is just incentivized to hype up the hysteria by default

>> No.18597123

>meanwhile your country is at 50k deaths
>absolute number instead of percapita rate
Take you poor math back over to reddit. The U.S. has over 300 million people. Our percapita death rate strongly suggests this whole thing is bullshit.