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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18588850 No.18588850 [Reply] [Original]

How many people on this board actually have at least $100k in savings.

>> No.18588885
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>> No.18588927

I just invest half my paycheck on robinhood every 2 weeks, then cash it out a week later when I run out of money. It's an endless cycle. One if these days when I get my timing right I'll finally be on a roll.

>> No.18588987
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So you just pay taxes twice? Lmfao the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.18589000
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>> No.18589006

Nobody should have 100k in savings if they have more than room temperature IQ

>> No.18589022

big if real

>> No.18589029

Does VMMXX count?

Cash position waiting to see how things shake out.

>> No.18589067

30k€ only here

>> No.18589100 [DELETED] 

I have about $600k. I'm not an NPC wagie though.

>> No.18589122

I have 1000 Link, so that is about $1,000,000 in savings.

>> No.18589134

I have about $600k in investments at 25 yo. I'm not an NPC wagie which gives an unfair advantage though.

>> No.18589151

Wendy's head chef?

>> No.18589181

Whatcha doin big boy

>> No.18589197

I have $10k in savings, ~$38k in index funds, ~$3k in crypto, and zero debt. However I got laid off recently so I will be dipping into the savings.

>> No.18589211

I've seen link memed for a long fucking time and i've yet to see the legendary pump.

>> No.18589212

Used to play online poker for a living. Now run a small online business.

>> No.18589218
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funny how the poorfags think they are so smart and not room temperature IQ are always the poorest ones and are still poor

>> No.18589283

>$40k in (((goldman sachs high interest savings)))
>$35k in LINK
>$6k IRA
>$3k gold and silver

$100k in just savings is ridiculous.

>> No.18589324

>$35k in LINK
If you're not meming, why are you so confident in link? I wanted to invest for some time and never got around it.

>> No.18589401

Spitting your ladyboys cum?

>> No.18589435

$96k here, close enough

>> No.18589456

i'm really jelly people can make money easily. personally, i wish i became a comp eng or lawyer

>> No.18589504

I've got about 115k liquid in a money market account, but I'll be using a lot of that for a down payment on a house...eventually...

Have another 15k or so in investments. 401k, crypto, etc.

>> No.18589522
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>11.7k in 401(k) (lol, like that's gonna last)
>2.8k in Roth IRA
>3k-ish in gold and silver

Meh, not bad for only 2 years of serious saving/investing.

>> No.18589524

Let's say a guy with a room temp IQ and an extra 10K wanted to do some basic investing so the cash isn't pissing away in a savings account?
Where would a newfag start?

>> No.18589527

>yet to see the legendary pump.
Maybe because it is legendary.

>> No.18589538

Side-note - is this a shitty time to start trying to invest since the world is gonna end?

>> No.18589564

because it will solve the oracle problem and its performing better than every other crypto?

>> No.18589575

cashfag here ready to fucking smash you when reality catches up with the markets
oil first, property second, stocks third

>> No.18589602

It's the best time to start investing but a terrible time to start learning.
You won't bank on the oil crash, i'll tell you this much. If you have already dreamed of a get rich plan and a 10mil mansion forget about it.
It is a good time to invest in crypto but you have to be able to cope with risk of losing all your money.

>> No.18589618

I don't. The interest rates in most savings account is complete ass. Keep some money to your tastes on hand, keep everything else moving and making more money with better rates at higher risk.
If you aren't taking some risk you aren't going to make any money.

>> No.18589632

Everything is risky... Savings account or money market fund are only safe options but you make nothing at these rates.

If you like stocks, Vanguard Index funds are the way to go. Maybe S&P 500. I personally wouldn't touch stocks right now.

I used to make money on bond mutual funds at one point. Passively made like 10k on them, but rates are so low now, I wouldn't touch them either.

Crypto, stock options? Very risky, but high potential if right.

>> No.18589655

150k usd savings crew here ready to buy cheap assets during the depression to come

>> No.18589687

Same. Got a little over 100k in a money market fund.

>> No.18589720

I have about $50k in my Vanguards

>> No.18589756
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22 btc
22.5k link
140 ETH
1156 silver oz
4 gold oz
20k Cash
inb4 larp been here since 2017

>> No.18589823
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i'd be at 100k if the market hadn't dipped over the past few weeks. Rate my spread.

>> No.18589894

your 100k is going to be worth 50k after hyperinflation starts

>> No.18589919

Not looking for a get rich quick idea. IQ isn't low enough for that. Just wondered with the stock market fluctuation and drop that if a guy has some extra cash right now if it might be wise to do something better with it.

>> No.18589922

Based. I wish I was you. You made it.

>> No.18589930
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>> No.18589946

Should I buy some link? Already have BTC and ETH plus 100k in cash.

>> No.18589996

Wouldn't touch stocks right now. The Dow could EASILY drop to 10 or 15k in the next few weeks. It was just about 17k a few weeks ago before this dead cat bounce began.

>> No.18590044

high iq

>> No.18590057


>> No.18590070

100k is a weekend in Vegas for me lel

>> No.18590076

based if true
i want the neets to inherit the earth

>> No.18590096

nice trips

>> No.18590112

i love that there are still posts asking why LINK when it has been shilled nonstop for 2.5 years

>> No.18590123

>people think 10k LINK is "meming"
delicious timeline.

>> No.18590129

no investments
collecting unemployment

>> No.18590171

Fucking fortunes are made and lost in times like these bro

>> No.18590178

I have 100 link, that's 100k in 2025 dollars

>> No.18590197
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Does a 170k Link stack count as savings ?

>> No.18590236

110k high yield savings
67k worth of crypto
10k stonks
2k cash

>> No.18590239

yeah, we're going to at least 20USD in the next 24 months.

>> No.18590267

Yep! I got just about 5k less than you. All in, fuck this clown world.

>> No.18590317
File: 3.27 MB, 3264x2448, AAB57037-ABC0-44A5-93F9-05C182BF9A51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took 100k in cash out of my bank awhile ago. In case you people did not know...legislation in the US has existed since 2015 to allow depository institutions to engage in bail-ins. Legally.

>> No.18590346

Ok now try that again in English

>> No.18590366
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100k in a shoe box.

>> No.18590372


>> No.18590387

Care to elaborate on the business?

>> No.18590409

I closed my savings account, i'm all in crypto.

>> No.18590410


did you leave any money in the bank ?

>> No.18590506
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>> No.18590634
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I'm missing a few thing because, lazy

>> No.18590657

congrats fag, 2017 chad here
600k real estate,
550k crypto, btc/eth/usdt
150k savings,
60k gold
5k silver

>> No.18590693


>> No.18590745

Spend 100K to wander the empty streets?

>> No.18590813


>> No.18590844

nice man, i'm only 22 so i feel like im doing quite well comparitve to my peers. What % are you eth to btc?

>> No.18590873
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I had this amount "on paper" once as a Bitmex long position with 50x leverage.

I was retarded enough to NOT click the "close position" button, and then got destroyed when the market turned.

>> No.18590956 [DELETED] 

>$800 in bank account
>$2800 in credit card debt
>$25,000 in Pokemon cards

I'm 26, haven't worked in almost a year, and the most I ever made 30k a year. I have never seen a vagina but I know for a fact I have a bigger networth than half the people here. I may be on the streets tomorrow if mommy dies but at least I have my Charizards

fuck you

>> No.18590976 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 888x894, pepe cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$800 in bank account
>$2800 in credit card debt
>$25,000 in Pokemon cards

I just had my mom pay the $88 internet bill. I'm 26, haven't worked in almost a year, and the most I ever made 30k a year

>> No.18590981
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>> No.18591022

Savings: 30k
401k: 30k
Stonks: 10k
Crypto: 55k

Crypto is mostly LINK, BTC, ETH. With about 5k scattered around others for hope (.24 Linkpool, and other shitcoins). Please help me

>> No.18591024

If a fire occurs, you're going to lose all of it.

>> No.18591076


>> No.18591154

congrats anon for making it , the neets will inherit the earth .

>> No.18591159
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i removed my cheap condo out of mint because i only want to see my liquid assets

>> No.18591172
File: 828 KB, 440x245, VincentAdultman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like 85% of biz

>> No.18591195

120k in cash waiting for the real crash

>> No.18591200


including 401k or..?

Without 401k I'm at 45-60 (unrealized losses :^( )

>> No.18591235

Have considering withdrawing cause of bail ins

>> No.18591238

Is that 100k before or after taxes?

>> No.18591743

Good lad, pickup some dividend stocks at the end of all of this for some cashflow, I’m 50% usdt, 25% btc, 25% eth currently

>> No.18591806


>> No.18591823

I've only got $50k in savings, and $27k in crypto

>> No.18591822

damn based and dam pilled

>> No.18591830

I have 200k usd in link and 3k in a 401k.
Been on 4chan over a decade. Saw the signs and started to dig with the collective. It was obvious by Jan 18

>> No.18591860

Less than 5%, and that's including investments

>> No.18591892

11 cents to 5 dollars, that's almost x50 in not even 3 years