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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18581721 No.18581721 [Reply] [Original]

>Businessman president

>> No.18581887

>orange man bad
Who is responsible for the regulations that prevent people from dumping oil like farmers did with milk and NOT restrict trading contracts if they cannot meet these regulations?

>> No.18581930

>dude just dump oil in the ground LMAO

>> No.18581954

If he ran on free oil, I would have voted for the motherfucker.

>> No.18581982

>Who is responsible for the regulations that prevent people from dumping oil
Sensible people who don't want toxic shit destroying the environment just so some rich cunts can get richer

>> No.18582051

>dude just trade whatever contract you want, you don't need anything to actually fullfill the contract

>> No.18582054

>Global pandemic

>> No.18582065

Free fucking oil
This is it boys
Thank you based president

>> No.18582082

small loan of 1 billion barrels

>> No.18582107

half-assed regulations did this mess
change my mind

>> No.18582154

you got a version thats not black background?

>> No.18582192

too much regulation did this mess
change my mind

>> No.18582204

gtfo retard

>> No.18582233

How do you bankrupt a casino?

>> No.18582236

Just stop extractring faggets !
Like push the big OFF button anuses !

>> No.18582272
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>hurr durr da regulations
>ignoring the literal fucking plague that we're currently dealing with

>> No.18582305

The Invisible Hand, should be in-fucking-visable not a fuckton of bureaucracy.

>> No.18582324


>> No.18582330

fuck off commie with your regulations

>> No.18582406

Why do people think America citizens want oil to be more expensive?

>> No.18582413

I'm ignoring? These regulations ignored a possible full-halt on oil demand.

>> No.18582436

Yes this is a long held DNC position, are you retarded?

>> No.18582442

>orange man bad
>npc greentext's for the 99th time this week.

>> No.18582449

>it's the regulations fault that people stopped buying oil
Okay, commie. I'm sure a planned economy would have worked out so much better.

>> No.18582452

Are you fucking dumb? I'm CRITICIZING the regulations

>> No.18582471

What's wrong with this? LONG OIL.

>> No.18582506 [DELETED] 
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GET IN THE OFFICIAL /biz/ SERVER discord.gg CpqQw7b

>> No.18582522
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Trump is pro cheap oil.

>> No.18582531

Who thought voting for an orange, morbidly obese, functioning illiterate who literally cannot stop himself from praising Israel every other sentence was a good idea?

>> No.18582549

seething Hilldawg

>> No.18582595

>rent free
> so desperate because their dementia patient is dead in the water politically theyre trying to hang chinks eating bat soup on Trump

Sad. Cope. Many such cases. Believe me. Believe me.

>> No.18582631

>judging a president by external factors beyond his control
yeah, and FDR caused the great depression xd

>> No.18582701

FDR became president after the great depression started retard

>> No.18582735


He still gets credit for ending the great depression. Trump is going to be remembered 100 years from now as the president who led us to the 2nd great depression

>> No.18582763

This has nothing to do with Trump you economic retard

>> No.18582812

And who would who you put in there? It's all rigged. Bernie wouldn't solve anything. Biden's brain is on its last neuron. Hillary would have put daggers in the heart of the country. We're living in a time that grows increasingly less opportunistic for those in the lower classes meanwhile the rich keep sucking the life out of those lower classes. The dollar is about to get fucked because of the pandemic shutting our way of life down.

What the fuck we gonna do about it? That's what happens when you have the central banking system we use given too much leeway. Fucked up situation no matter which way you look at it. Countries work together on the same planet under similar systems.

>> No.18582822
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>This has nothing to do with Trump
>Unironically crashes the entire economy via brown nosing

>> No.18582847

Okay, why SHOULDN'T you buy oil if it's bound to go back up?

>> No.18582859

Will someone please explain why we wouldn't want oil to be as cheap as possible? Wouldn't that just make gas for our cars incredibly cheap, like it is now? Why is that a bad thing again?

>> No.18582872

Fear of the unknown. Welcome to stock trading.

>> No.18582898

FDR's first presidential campaign was literally "Hoover caused the Great Depression" though.

>> No.18582901

Probably Biden

>> No.18582910


>Oil is the entire economy

Seriously, shut the fuck up and go back to plebbit. You are way out of your ballpark. If anything free gas means the rest of the US economy is going to be riding with house money for a full summer.

The US has no control over the rate of production exercised by KSA and Russia.

>> No.18582945

America is a net exporter of oil.

>> No.18582956

fucking retard

>> No.18583012

So? Why would I care about that again? I can fill my tank for pennies now compared to what I used to pay? How is that a bad thing for me?

>> No.18583026
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>No arguments
>All of this seething because I dared to criticize his israeli puppet

>> No.18583048

Will MRO (Marathon Oil) go below $4 this week? Worth buying short-term puts under $4?

>> No.18583067

>chinese virus causes economy to collapse
>oil prices plunge
>it's t-trumps fault!!!

>> No.18583068

how does that even happen? what sudden event caused the precipitous fall?

>> No.18583069


>I'm seething because I pulled another redditor's pants down in live time and now he's resorting to cringeworthy and cliché I trole u comebacks

>> No.18583105

If this is true everyone will say he got fucked by a virus.

>> No.18583132

You have no idea what you're talking about faggot. The US needs demand for oil to increase demand for the dollar + the billions of shale debt becoming unpayable will nuke the US economy into oblivion.

>> No.18583185

a significant portion of our economy is based on oil execration and processing. Not to mention, a large portion of our financial institutions hold debt for our oil companies that tend to operate at a loss since we have shit tier oil

>> No.18583216

because retard, there will be no gas station open to sell you.

Why are you such a simpleton.

>> No.18583218

what level of economics are we on that free marketers are putting regulation above something else

>> No.18583220

If the oil industry collapses it will make the recovery from Corona-chan a bit harder/longer, which means you clients will have less money and therefore less contracts for you, or your boss might have to lay people off depending on what you do. It is possible that you personally could save more money on gas than you would have gained in lost opportunities but people aren't really interested in how it affects you individually instead of wider society.

>> No.18583233

Obama had swine flu going on and he still managed to pull the U.S. out of recession and get us cheaper oil prices without destroying the world economy.
But sure, "hurr orange man bad you cuck!!!" us some more, I hope you guys enjoy your Biden win.

>> No.18583293

People realised the storage tanks are already full and supply is still higher than consumption.

>> No.18583301

the market will correct itself

>> No.18583354

guess they'll have to scale supply in kind

>> No.18583458

Maybe, turning off the pumps isn't too difficult, but restarting them is, so there will be a shortage when things get back to normal and demand resumes. If they do have to turn them off it's an admission that the economy is fucked for a long ass time.

>> No.18583476

Should've voted for Jeb, faggots.

>> No.18583608
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>orange man bad
>orange man good
>priced in
>meme flu

>> No.18583674

shit tier oil? Does that mean it requires more refining?

>> No.18583913
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Do not expect intelligence from this board

>> No.18583942


>> No.18584088

> economic growth inherited from Obama
> look at my economic numbers

> tanks economy
> haha sweaty it has nothing to do with trump

>> No.18584159

Thats literally what they do

>> No.18584727

>tanks economy
yeah bro, trump tanked it, not the modern plague from china that's killed tens of thousands.

>> No.18585411

trump could of walled up in December and blocked all international travel to the US

>> No.18585462
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>> No.18585488

No judge would have let him do that at the time.

>> No.18585493

Trump lied and did nothing. Get off his dick and think for yourself

>> No.18585700

"the invisible hand" as originally conceived was actually retarded
Smith realized that firms could just ship jobs and production overseas and wreck their nations. But he said they wouldn't because of muh invisible hand.
>By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was not part of it. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good. It is an affectation, indeed, not very common among merchants, and very few words need be employed in dissuading them from it.

>> No.18586641

Fucking moron "orange man bad hur dur" you NPCs need a new catchphrase

>> No.18586662

I can't believe DRUMPF caused this fucked up economy

>> No.18586708

>Drumpf dur dur

Oh I forgot you moron NPCs have that catchphrase too

>> No.18586900


>> No.18586948
