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18561644 No.18561644 [Reply] [Original]

does any else here have like 0 frens IRL???
what are you going to do when you make it?
does it get easier with 0 frens when you make it?

>> No.18561671
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>does any else here have like 0 frens IRL???
>what are you going to do when you make it?
probably just stay at home all day but become a rich neet and dont need to live with mommy anymore
>does it get easier with 0 frens when you make it?
i havent made it yet but probably not

>> No.18561684

You have frens here fren.

>> No.18561727

me. My life has been completely unaffected by tis quarantine

>> No.18561739
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>does any else here have like 0 frens IRL???
Yeah. It all goes downhill after college. Make the best friends I ever had only to have everyone get scattered across the continent. I don't know how to make new friends because all my hobbies are pretty solitary and fuck making friends with coworkers.

>> No.18561741

I have friends but don’t hang out like I used to. People get busy. most of my friends haven’t helped me fix my life but 4chan has

>> No.18561743
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You've got /biz/. We're like 1/2 friends :)

>> No.18561766

For me too, for 80% of the time

>> No.18561771

money buys you time.
time allows you to become more competent at something than a wagecuck.
you can become friends with people who know you for your competence and not for your money.
This is the only formula that will work for people without any friends, so choose a socially acceptable craft now and start to hone it.

>> No.18561785

Do you have any ideas? Like an explicit list for my autistic brain?

>> No.18561790

The key is having a chad brother a year older than you who does the legwork of making friends and setting up social events and stuff, and just being a chill lurker no one minds being included. It also doesn't require any effort to maintain the relationships since they're his friends not mine but I still get all the benefits. Honestly dope af

>> No.18561810

Yes anon here you go, the key to your life, and all of your happiness

Heed me, as I am the issuer for your freedom on this earth.

No you fucking goober figure it out yourself that’s why it would have value

>> No.18561822
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So two of us is one whole fren

>> No.18561833
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i was able to fake it in school just enough to get 3 good friends

>> No.18561850

Get into lifting weights. Once you progress to a certain level you'll need a gym buddy for certain lifts.

>> No.18561851

If my wife and two kids arent included then i have 0, outside of them i have 0 that care about me and i them. If you get a good wife and kids you have made it

>> No.18561887

How do you get a good wife with no friends? Don't they want to you be social and have some type of status?

>> No.18561928

pretty close, most of my "friends" have turned into absolute jackasses lately who fucking hate everything, and go into insane detail about how much they hate something. it's pretty fucking annoying. makes me feel pretty alone even around them.

>> No.18561943

if you really need to be spoon-fed pick something from this
As you explore individual ones, evaluate whether you are really interested in it. people will be able to sniff out fake interest.

>> No.18561952

As you get old you lose a lot of friends for several reasons, and you don't get new ones.

>> No.18561958

to add, i got into the valorant "marketing beta" and i was enjoying it, it was new and i expressed enjoying it and it was met with absolute disgust and 100 different reasons why the game was trash, copy-pasta and just sucked. now, i like it a bit less. it's pretty fucking gay. i just wanted to like something... i was enjoying myself and they shit all over it

>> No.18561964
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I don't have any friends, either. My thoughts often drift towards traumatic experiences I've suffered (which I feel deeply scared to relate because they were the result of me being a stupid asshole or the things that I'm upset about will sound completely petty and trivial to you and you'll probably tell me that I've earned this hell I am confined in) and they make me lapse into uncontrollable episodes of psychotic anger that cannot be soothed yet I cannot help but scream, hit, and throw things in order to gain some sense of catharsis. The only company I keep are co-workers and strangers who despise me and have no respect for me and I, in turn, hate them and fantasize about murdering them. I can feel my mind hemorrhaging constantly like my brain has been punctured from the inside out by a phalanx of swords; I feel like I've become a crusty, bitter old man with the emotional maturity of a seven year old. I was supposed to be happy when I grew up, I was supposed to be the most powerful man in the world, the greatest single human who ever lived, and I feel a deep sense of frustration about how that destiny has been denied from me. I wish somebody would help me but I know there is nobody who can help me because everyone is my enemy and they would all laugh and cheer as they watch me getting dragged down to hell by a noose as they would learning that my life has turned out to be my own personal hell. You'll probably despise me for drunk on my own self-pity but who else is there to pity me for my suffering when I'm all alone? Believe me, I've tried to muster the courage to climb out of this pit and my attempt was a miserable failure that made me a worse person than I was before. Hope, competence, confidence, and the ability to hold coherent conversations and not come off as creepy are luxuries you've taken for granted that I've never had for myself.

>> No.18562018

i'm fucked then, i pushed a lot of them away because i simply couldn't fucking handle the persistent negativity anymore. i constantly felt smaller and wedged into a trench of negativity. i like to think im open to a lot of shit, the good- the bad- the ugly, i'll accept it all at least once to see what its about then formulate an opinion afterwards. i don't judge shit prematurely like they have constantly been doing

>> No.18562027

Yes. Friends are overrated.

>> No.18562084

I would be your friend if you want to, but you probably wouldn't want to...

>> No.18562092
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Had zero friends so I rushed and bought them

>> No.18562097

Get rid of your negative thoughts and move on. Your life will be much better. It takes some effort but is achievable.

>> No.18562121

You did fine, if it wasn't just a phase and they constantly turn you down.
I mean, you're a friend, not a dumpster for their negative feelings.
People with narrow perspectives tighten your own perspectives, that too.
Here's why i lurk often here, because i can learn from other people, sometimes i can just have fun, i can be free to be myself all the time.

>> No.18562165

Tried it before many times but my life is a path down which every step I take is a rusted nail breaching the soles of my boots and piercing my feet. The results of taking your advice are fleeting at best.

>> No.18562177

>does any else here have like 0 frens IRL???
No. A few university and workplace friends.

>what are you going to do when you make it?
More than halfway through or even almost already made it. Life's so much better than when I look back 10-15 years on how autistic I was. I still am but have learned to fake it to an extent.

>does it get easier with 0 frens when you make it?
No. Always good to have friends but don't mistake toxic acquaintances as friends. Weed them out of your life immediately.

>> No.18562256

>does any else here have like 0 frens IRL???
pretty much. I just moved and all my friend are hundred if not thousands of miles away. plus I had a falling out with some so even if I was there its not the same. my closest friend is my ex from HS who lives thousands of miles away and we talk maybe once a month.

>what are you going to do when you make it?
give a good amount away to family, friends(when I make some), and to the people of my church( when I find one). I personally view money as a way to be comfortable idc about flashy things or showing off. I just wanna be left alone if that makes sense.

>does it get easier with 0 frens when you make it?
while I haven't made it I can say that nothing truly makes up for human companionship. no amount of money,sex,drugs etc can make up for true love whether it be from Christ ,friends or family.

>> No.18562264

>i don't have frens either OP
>it's okay being alone
>the only things
>that love autistic,s like us
>are the things in our dreams
>because in reality we can only love ourselves

>> No.18562285

same with me i was already jacking off before the lockdowns

>> No.18562305

only thing that really changed is I can't go to the gym. everything else is literally the same

>> No.18562353

status =/= friends

>> No.18562566

Whatever it's not like I've ever had a successful social life nor women.

>> No.18562586

frat money goes to alchohol at parties. alchohol and good looking jacked dudes attracts college thots. if you are in college rush a frat its worth it

>> No.18562641
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I don't have friends because I tend to look down upon those who are happy because deep down I truly envy them because I know I will never be as social or likeable as any of them, further sending me down the pit of lonliness.

But at least I have /biz/ frens yay frens

>> No.18562686

I have a wife and kids and literally no friends or even acquaintances. It's a pretty strange place to be.

>> No.18562934

i have a huge circle of friends split up between every skatepark ive lived near and most past roommates ive lived with as well as their close frij=--=-ends

and i dont work much and travel a lot and will spend like a month in a new city making hobo and skatepark friends.

ive also gone travelling with girls spending every moment together for weeks/months at a time and that forms some pretty serious bonds

no friends from college, oddly enough

>> No.18562976

having an established network of traveler friends is pretty fucking awesome cuase you always have a friend most anywhere you go and a few reallly estabvlished traveler buddies of mine have a place to stay almost anywhere they go in the country :3

>> No.18563014

Don't need friends. Get yourself a good girlfriend/wife.

>> No.18563029

No girl is going to date or marry you when they realize you have no social circle

>> No.18563055

>he fell for the "omg is a weirdo" meme
lewl bro, you need to get rid of that pest

>> No.18563119

SCRVP - Zero Friends
Funny shit if you like trap edm

>> No.18563178

I've been with my wife for many years, since we were pretty young. Neither one of us had a lot of friends. Many acquaintances here and there, and some social interactions through work. We pretty much just stick with ourselves now, and our immediate family members (sisters, etc.). She'll talk to or see a friend every once in a while. I don't want any "real" friends. Love not having to waste my time "hanging" out with the guys. I used to have a lot of friends when I was younger. I'm much happier now without them.

Only sluts or dumb materialistic bitches care about a social circle. Get for some wifey material women.

>> No.18564076

I became more cofident and popular with women and now all my former friends are dickholes.

>> No.18565246

the only people i ever talked to were people i work with. i haven't talked to another person in over a month.

>> No.18565287
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chronic loneliness has drained the life out of me

>> No.18566284

False. >>18562686

>> No.18566745
File: 96 KB, 578x1024, 1584633994281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ZERO frens. Used to have a lot. When they opened the border in 2015 I realized that I'm surrounded by morons.
Absolutely never ever regretted it to abandon them all and never will. Fuck these braindead simpletons.


>> No.18566785

>does any else here have like 0 frens IRL???
Yeah, more because of my innate introversion and autism rather than anything else.
>what are you going to do when you make it?
Stuff that I actually like. I won't give a fuck about anything people would have expected me to do, I'll just try different things and enjoy my life bro.
>does it get easier with 0 frens when you make it?
Yes if you don't live with your family, it's actually better in a way because usually you will also lose a lot of friends when you move up in society. Not because of your pride of whatever, but because of their envy, crab mentality and gibsmedat bullshit

>> No.18566855

god bless you bro

>> No.18566879
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>> No.18566896

Got wife and kids. Friends drift apart. Now have none. Have work 'colleagues' but no real friends. Sometimes think about my friends from my school days and early 20's. Good crazy times but not the life any of us want to live any more. See some of them now and again in passing. Years have passed yet we can talk like it hasn't been a day.

>> No.18568045

That's true. since i started sport, and dedicated myself to it as an amateur, people like me because i'm slightly athletic. Do something like 3 different sports you like. If you are good, one of these club will like you. You have to be kinda good and at ease thought.

>> No.18569065

I already have no problem being alone and can entertain myself just fine, hopefully Ill have a gf before I make it
Idk I havent made it yet, but id like to think that no friends = no fiends

>> No.18569100

Why don't you want to be replaced?