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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1856135 No.1856135 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1856142

Amazon has mooned the past 2 years

>> No.1856143

amazon is literally the future

>> No.1856144

because amazon is awesome. I find it hard to imagine walmart existing in 20 years.

>> No.1856186

>Propelled by demand that pushed opening trading to 29-1/4, the pioneering online bookstore hit a day's high of 30 before settling down to close at 23-1/2. That was more than 30 percent higher than the $18 target price set by underwriters just the night before.*
After stock splits that amount to 12:1, a single share of 1997 Amazon would be worth a little over $10,250 today.

*Yes, Amazon used to be a bookstore. Yes, they used to trade stocks using sixteenths of a dollar instead of decimals.

>> No.1856202

To put it another way, merely investing in Bezos' company would have given you annual returns of 37%.

>> No.1856204

damn is he gonna pass up Bill Gates

>> No.1856217

Is amazon still a good buy?
If i drop 100k on it, will i see steady gains?

>> No.1856228

how do these fucks keep getting richer got damn

>> No.1856232

If you had 100k yea

>> No.1856240

Isn't there a chance it will crash?
What if some law prohibits the activity? Or a better competitor takes it's place?

>> No.1856263

Amazon is the future. Here's why:

1) Walmart is dying
2) BRICK AND MORTAR is dying because of the high cost
3) A new generation who grew up with the internet prefer online buying then going to the mall
4) steep discount online compare to the mall, especially in today's economic climate where the new generation are out of jobs due to automation and outsourcing
5) Jeff Bezo is a master mind who is going to spend billions of dollars on buying air lines, roads and driverless trucks and cars so he can ship amazon food, household stuff, EVERYTHING to EVERYONE, worldwide.
6) Amazon might be the first trillion dollars company

>> No.1856270
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>has 100k to drop on stock
>asking /biz/ for stock forecasting

>> No.1856284

And yet people don't belive me when I say bitcoin will be worth >$10,000 one day.

>> No.1856287

>Wal Mart is dying

LOL sure.

>> No.1856295
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Ask Warren Buffet why he sold all $700 million he had invest in Walmart.

>> No.1856297

>divesting futures to a notorious republic-hating democrat

>> No.1856303

>Any business Warren Buffet sells off is dying
>Wal Mart


>> No.1856333

Is it still worth buying into Amazon? Its 854.59 right now.

>> No.1856335

This anon is right, but they got the time frame wrong. You know how many millions of people who are outside of the amazon generation who go to walmart for literally anything and everything? A lot.

Walmart's only chance when amazon ACTUALLY starts taking a piece of their market is to adapt, which they have enough capital, logistic assets, and more to potentially compete. I set the odds today of walmart existing in 50 years at 2:1

>> No.1856347
File: 61 KB, 946x539, jeffbezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres your answer op

>> No.1856353

tfw Jeff Bezos was almost my dad

>> No.1856379

Because it's easy as fuck to make money if your already rich as fuck.

Being poor is literally a disease that kills you.

>> No.1856391

Don't have but will someday.
Either through work, heritance or both.

>> No.1856415

last time I saw Bill gates networth it was around 51 and buffets was 52 or something

this is ridicules

>> No.1856438

Someday, the entire world will be Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks, and McDonalds
>why live

>> No.1856439

It still agitates me that Zuckerberg is that rich off FACEBOOK. It was literally MySpace 2.0. Not even an original concept. Microsoft, Amazon, PayPal, etc all advanced society in some way. What has Facebook achieved?

That guy should have made a couple of million tops and never heard from again. I'm sure that him and the government will probably read this message.

>> No.1856440

big business is communism

>> No.1856444


>implying a botnet that people constantly feed information isn't priceless

Out out out normie normie scum

>> No.1856448

Only when you sell it out like a piece of shit.

>> No.1856458

This attitude is why there will always be a market for small shoppes with excellent service/small selections.

I don't like going to a big box unless I know damn well I'm getting the exact same thing for cheaper.

I shop at small wholesalers for food, clothes, and durable goods. I only buy supps at walmart because of the small shop mark-ups making it unreasonable to buy elsewhere

>> No.1856462


so much this.

30% of my portfolio is Amazon because I believe in it so much.

If their automated shopping thing works it will be amazing.

>> No.1856466


You would do the same

>> No.1856475

how can you be that wealthy and not have hair??

>> No.1856477

I'm going to bend over so you can suck on my rusty wrinkle ring

>> No.1856487


If post ends in 88 you lose all future 4Chan arguments for the rest of eternity

>> No.1856507
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Well well..

>> No.1856509

Close but it's now time for you to suck a log out of my ass

>> No.1856534

I see them being a major online retailer in 10 years. They're going to have free next day delivery on groceries by then. Shit's going to get wild.

>> No.1856543

he bought the dip

>> No.1856563


>> No.1856564

Man, if /biz/ is this excited about AMZN then I'm selling my shares tomorrow.

>> No.1857054

>Amazon might be the first trillion dollar company

Wasn't that petrochina for a very short time?

>> No.1857117

>2) BRICK AND MORTAR is dying because of the high cost

that's why amazon is opening physical stores...

>> No.1857123

>that's why amazon is opening physical stores...
A few locations, perhaps for branding purposes for normies and for Amazon food.

If you did research on what it takes to open a store in the mall, it's basically:

1. store owner gets raped by high rental
2. mall wants a percentage of your monthly sales
3. Year(s) long lease contract
4. Hiring employees, making sure your inventory is right at the location

There is a reason why malls are closing down em mass in amurrrrica.

>> No.1857126

damn that actually makes sense

>> No.1857141

This post >>1857123 and this >>1856263
is about 20 hours of research because I was curious why malls are closing across America. If you look at the big picture, cyber space is the way to go for the future, because with the Internet consumers are becoming "smarter" (ie, buying at the best price)

No longer can big retail jew the consumer.

In the next 20 years, as the baby boomers die out (and their habits), 90 percent of stuff you buy will most likely be online.

Sounds far fetch but remember it was 20 years ago when everyone rented movies from Blockbuster and thought a driverless car is impossible.

>> No.1857147

>No longer can big retail jew the consumer.

that's the best-case scenario though, who's to say major retailers like amazon won't jack up prices once competitions are gone

>> No.1857152

>once competitions are gone
You can set up shop on the internet in the matter of hours. Once a price of some item on Amazon becomes jewish a bunch of sharks will pop out immediately.

>> No.1857154

Amazon can't jack up the price because of the "free market".

Many companies sell white label products on Amazon and Amazon ships the company for them (Amazon FBA program)

Amazon doesn't own the products; it's more like a shipping hub for thousands of businesses selling their items on Amazon.

It's also in Amazon self interest to sell things at a low price because anyone, anywhere can open an online store, thus chipping away Amazon's fair.

>> No.1857155

Amazon Web Services.

>> No.1857160

>Amazon can't jack up the price because of the "free market".

What I really mean is, the market corrects itself quickly. It's also in Amazon self interest to sell things at a low price because anyone, anywhere can open an online store, thus chipping away Amazon's fair.

Think of back in the day (10+ years ago) when bestbuy was selling "gold plated" HDMI cables for $50, nowadays you can buy a HDMI cable for $2 at the dollar store.

>> No.1857181


He's a reptilian void of human empathy and is hellbent on global domination

>> No.1857201

This. Funnily enough I've got an assignment to do about him and his management style at Amazon, about some autocratic shit he's done over the years and the dire working conditions for employees.

Also reminder that Amazon (not books only edition) will be coming to Australia later in the year, so that might be worth looking into.

>> No.1857205

this desu

>> No.1857212

can't post link, just google "amazon worker jumps off building"

>> No.1857335

It took you 20 hours of research to come to the conclusion that brick and mortar is dying because people are buying stuff online instead of through them?

>> No.1857362

he created a huge mutlinational corp?
are you stupid, I'm surpised he isn't worth more

>> No.1857365

nah, it's not a huge growth area. it's a safe bet but not a money shot and could easier lose a few points. and it won't have that monoply forever. Also keep in mond it is in retail, most of which is a low margin business. It's not like Apple or something

>> No.1857375

>No longer can big retail jew the consumer.
too be honest amazon jews on a lot of items, and they have such a lock-on it's troublesome to comparsion shop other sites.
protip, no one is ever cheapest on everything, everyone has loss leaders(or raher the opposite) . wallmart.com will have cheaper prices sometimes, it's just a bother to have another account.
same with home dept, it's not the cheapest on everything, other hardware stores WILL have some same items cheaper.
oh and it's not free shipping with prime, you will often see on amazon 'available from other sellers' and it will be cheaper, but you pay shipping and it comes out to almost the amazon price.
amazon is just convince at powerlvl > 9000

>> No.1857379

Anyone got a breakdown of how much revenue comes from each of Amazon's different businesses?

>> No.1857567

you have no idea what you are talking about. There is a reason the wet dream of online sellers is to sell in walmart or retail stores. Amazon fees and policies are insanely stupid and ridiculous. shopify is slow as hell and you need to invest a lot of money to drive traffic, conversion rates are low as fuck compared to brick and mortar.
Lot of amazon sellers dropship from walmart or target. as soon stupid normies realize walmart is cheaper they are going to switch.
I am cancelling my prime membership because is useless, now walmart offer two day shipping and jet.com doesnt require membership anymore.
amazon is going to die because is doing the same mistake of ebay, giving their costumers a lot of power over the sellers. Many of them are leaving and applying at walmart. today I saw my local walmart painting the online pickup zone, amazon cant compete against that because they dont have the infrastructure all over the country.

>> No.1857837

>all over the country

I think you mean world.

>> No.1858280

bc of u u pleb