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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18550736 No.18550736 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get one good thread going on this board - edition

You have to prepare NOW for when all that corona fury is over.
What are your plans and ideas?

Please check previous threads for inspiration.
Ask any questions and hopefully an anon can help.
Be polite but tough love is welcome.

In this thread, I'm going to compile the best income streams ordered by investment required, including both online and offline options

Little to no Investment($100-$1k), very hands on
>Direct Response Copywriting
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing
>Affiliate Marketing
>Media Buying
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Making Online Courses
>Self publishing Ebook (comprehensive guide: https://kindlepreneur.com/book-marketing-101/))
>Product Arbitrage

Some Investment Required($1k-10k)
>POS Systems
>P2P Lending
>Authoring or Online publishing
>Vending Machines
>Automated News sites or any kind of automated blog
>Automated online Arbitrage with the help of a buy bot

Large Investment Required, but still very passive(10k+)
>Parking Garages or lots
>Batting Cages
>Rental Properties
>Buying Royalty rights on music, media, etc

If you have any comprehensive guides. Post them and we'll add them here.

Feel free to add more and share your knowledge, experience, advice with others, but I think that's a lot of value that you won't find in most threads here.

Previous thread: too long ago

Biz Dropbox

>> No.18551103


>> No.18551116

Manufacturing is going back to the West. Buy space units in small town's business parks?

>> No.18551126

The most important part for me that is often overlooked is:

What is your personaly and with what kind of business does it match?

For example sales is incredibly profitable but if you are a social retard like many of us here are, the pain getting somewhat decent at it is unbearable and wagecucking a much better option.

>> No.18551141

as property investment?
this needs a lot of cash

What are you proficient in?
Do you have any special knowledge?
Any special skill, equipment, space?

Write that down and work from that on.

>> No.18551164

To add to that there are also some platforms that sell businesses. Some are complete crap, e.g. flippa but if you have $15-150k you can buy decent ones for 2-5x the anual profit (of cause I would assume these are pumped up numbers). Examples: https://feinternational.com/buy-a-website/

>> No.18551176
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I will share one idea just to keep thread going:
Production of APFSDS dummy rounds for /k/ folk. It is not a huge market but premiums would be good. Military/tank guys would love to have that as a trophy in their mancaves.

>> No.18551191
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Bottom one CNC from steel.

>> No.18551198

Thing is, for example, I built up my reputation artificially high. I have a phd in bullshitology and write for a national newspaper on bullshitting. But having to make a phone call fucks me up. Or even trying to sell the person on the other end something. Otherwise, I could be swimming in money from consulting and speaking.

>> No.18551591

I know that feel.
For me its going 1on1 with someone in private it goes fine.
But speaking towards a group and everything gets fucked up.

So as first step: find out what you are good in

>> No.18551616

What do you guys think about opening a low scale manufacturing company in the U.S with less than 10k?

I will be DIY the machinery and the product until I get capital to scale up

>> No.18551695

space AND machines for 10k?
what about monthly costs?

>> No.18551730


>> No.18552206

redpill me on how to make consistent profits with day trading, just enough to make a living like $100 a day or something like that, nothing particularly crazy. im just afraid of losing money.

>> No.18552410 [DELETED] 

Network marketing and mlms unironically do very well during bad economic times. I found a free one that acts as an affiliate where you can sign up others. I signed up 250 people through bots and other groups and have a team of 800. Most people dont do anything since its free but have some consistent sales across the board through my team. No having to buy tons of product monthly or front loading having to buy tons of product like mlms.


>> No.18552411

me: no ideas

>> No.18552510

What on earth are you going to make with DIY tooling? Basic shit for your neighbors? Do you have any experience in this?

>> No.18552539

Any affiliates in here

>> No.18552559 [DELETED] 

Until two years from now, when everyone has forgotten covid had ever happened and guess back to buying cheap Chinese products

>> No.18552614

Where do you get materials to build furniture

>> No.18552632

Yeah. Been doing cbd affiliates for awhile now. Theres also immune boosters which are selling well during china virus. New glutathione product too which is another immune boosting product.


>> No.18552781

Any day trading advice?

>> No.18552820

You need capital, for 36.5k a year you need to make 30% yearly roi, on 120k starting capital, that's a very good ROI for a newbie

>> No.18552884

Sorry I can't help with daytrading.
That's also something with high risk to tell other people how they will probably lose their money.

>> No.18552944

I got a room with no direct sunlight, good ventilation and high humidity. I could install a window if needed and reduce the humidity. Growing weed is illegal here, but what could I use the space for? Microherbs seems like a niche business that wouldn't get anywhere in my location, and I've thought about running a node or having a 3D printer, but 3D printing seems like a barely profitable business.

Any ideas?

>> No.18553016

I don’t get it. This is your associate Link isn’t it? Do I become your sales bitch? How do I make others my sales bitch?

>> No.18553065


>> No.18553256

I work in phone sales
I guess I've never been as bad as some of the guys here, but I'm no social butterfly either. anybody who is on 4chan probably has something a bit off with them lol. That being said I think there is a large portion of the people that post here would not just do it but do it well and surprise themselves

good thread OP have a bump

>> No.18553270

what is the best way to get a dating website off the ground?

>> No.18553298

Just sign up others if you want to leverage their sales. Its a wholesale buyers club affiliate style. Have a lot of brainlets that do nothing but when its free its to be expected. Signed up a lady awhile ago and she did a craigslist ad and signed up a boomer that sells $3k of cbd a month to his friends and family. Not bad.

>> No.18553349

I have spent about a year doing copy-writing online. I do this on the side to my daily job in sales as well as other stuff I do via Fiverr and other stuff.

I am an OK writer and I think I have it in me to start writing for some bigger clients because so far all I get are cheap jobs, jobs for content mills and just generally a lot of uninspired trash.

Can anybody shed some light on how one would start to approach larger clients? I have a portfolio of writing, but no website, I just host it on a public Google Doc. I think I could very well carry on with it to be honest, the lack of website isn't the problem

Should I build a list of potential clients and just start emailing them? So far I have written about everything and for everybody, but I figured best course of action would be to narrow down to maybe 5 topics max.

Anybody got any exp with this?

>> No.18553356

something unique
like bumble with "only the women can start the conversation"

also being jewish helps
as usual, guess who is in charge of all the big dating apps

>> No.18553357

Shittake and other gourmet mushrooms.

>> No.18553457

Do NOT daytrade, simple as

>> No.18553599

Narrowing down is good, mfs pay for perceived value. Even for surface level writing it is preferable to have someone conversant in the domain you seek to acquire your shitposts. No institution will pay you for words. Also why you? Let them know you know about poverty and it's consequences as your kid died from it. Submit some free work when you email them, they might just send it out there with your name on it. Also fake it till you make it. && Get you a website nigga you'll be better positioned than everyone who is in your exact position.

>> No.18553611

I know. And I do have something unique but its such a grind getting one persone by one person I wish one of the people with a lot of subscribers would answer my emails

>> No.18553818

There are people making much higher returns day-trading than this.

>> No.18553844

Thanks anon. What is your experience in this area?

I think since I already work in phone sales I can also start pitching myself directly to brands and people who sell stuff that interests me so I can write for them

>> No.18553876

Nah it is coming to india

>> No.18553992

In my city they are predicting 25-50% of bars / restaurants will close.
Im taking advantage of this situation and opening a bar with my brother. We’ll have the pick of the locations.
Its going to be a themed tiki bar.
My thoughts are people wont want to fly anywhere for a bit. So if you can feel like you traveled without traveling when going to bar, that is out goal. I live somewhere with a shitty climate too, i think that helps a lot.

>> No.18553998

Auto detailing is a good side hustle, not crazy earnings but if you work at a dealership and can use their equipment for under the table deals its quick cash

>> No.18554029

honestly i get more help on reddit than here, i swear most of you guys must be 12 year olds or something. cannot have a serious discussion here about anything it's all just shitposting.

>> No.18554036

based thread

>> No.18554048

2nd this, I have a buddy who got into specializing in a repair that our local insurance agency started cracking down on (basically rejecting insurance if your vehicle had any rust at all in this particular area) and he's been making a fucking killing the last few years. If you can catch wind of stuff that insurance agencies in your area are specifically targeting (rocker panel rust, floor panel rust, etc), and are half decent at SEO (even if you arent, my buddy is kind of an idiot and is still doing 6 figures just with word of mouth and classifieds advertising), insurance companies will basically do your marketing/sales pitch for you. These people 100% need your service or they cant insure their vehicles, that's a pretty easily exploitable pain point.

>> No.18554099

Back to plebbit with you nigger

>> No.18554102

I think you replied to the wrong person

>> No.18554255

Glad to see these pop up again. Anyone have any electronics liquidation sourcing? I'll share a couple hot pandemic tips for making that easy paper.

>> No.18554256

That's interesting definitely will make note of that thanks anon.

>> No.18554333

Not terrible if you're already trained and good at networking, but difficult. You could be a heavily used bridgeport with a digital readout and a no-name lathe for that budget which combined with a bandsaw gives you the ability to make a lot of basic wood and metal products.

How do you plan to find people that will need small volume custom goods? At low scale, lots of people will just jury-rig something from commodity parts without looking for custom. Low-end car mods?

>> No.18554377

meant to reply to >>18551616

>> No.18554413

be very aware of fees.
Fees will eat away all your profits and then some in most day trading scenarios.

>> No.18554434

Most people also trust smaller private mechanics/techs more than dealerships or large chains, so you have that sort of "small local business charm" even if your operation is small and shitty. Rightfully so too, no industry rips off consumers more than autobody repair (well thats debatable, but its an industry infested with slimy business practices), so its very easy to price your rates below market value and still make a really good profit. When you have repair shops charging 4 hours for 1 hour worth of work that they can actually do in 30 mins, its not hard to beat that lol. Obviously bodywork takes longer than that, but the principle is still the same. If you can do actual good work, your value goes through the roof. Even if your shop can't offer the safety sticker, doing the work well enough to pass safety inspection from someone else ends up being cheaper for the customer than getting it repaired and safetied through a bigger repair shop.

And as someone who has worked in both automotive and heavy duty mechanics shops as a tech and unlicensed mechanic (long story, but I basically slid into the role from another position in the company's construction division), I've seen so many vehicles just get safety stickers slapped on them when there was absolutely no way they would pass a proper safety inspection.

The one thing to be careful about is there is some work you can't do as an unlicensed, backyard-style repair operation depending on your local regulations. Everything is fair game in my province (Im Canadian), but in Ontario I think you need to be a licensed mechanic to do work on brakes and maybe some other stuff.

>> No.18554444

That's not a bad idea. Go for it.

>> No.18554449

Might as well shop my business idea because I know I won’t be able to get a job for the next 6 months.

I’m a former expat back in the US. While overseas I basically became addicted to a Japanese energy drink that is nearly impossible to find in the US.

I found a Vietnamese wholesaler that could be able to export it to the US. I’m interested in importing and distributing the drink primarily to Asian-American groceries/businesses but I think with basic marketing I could introduce it as a competitor to other sports beverages.

>> No.18554468

I'm not smart enough to act on my ideas.

>> No.18554538

Nah i'm fine with sales

>> No.18554602

I was thinking about starting a dropshipping store based around E-Cigarettes, vapes & accesoires and Hookah products.
What do you guys think?

>> No.18554626

Thats literally how redbull started, maybe think about selling it on weeb convetion?

>> No.18554644

as a start, what are your ideas?

>> No.18554647

Checked, we going for it
Kek blessed 4 quads.

>> No.18554746

for a local market?

>> No.18554816

>Direct Response Copywriting
Redpill me on this

>> No.18554826

>get your shot at opening a bar
>hmm, let's think of something cool, creative, novel, something that will standout and people will remember
Are you and your brother simps or what

>> No.18554833

I'm going to build a gas station in my town. Also gonna be the first to add a eletric car charging station in here. Going to try talking to Volvo about this eletric charging stuff, since they're building these stations all over the country lately.

>> No.18555067

Live in the EU, i would focus on selling it too my countrymen

>> No.18555086

Restaurants/Bars are diffucult, 90% go out if business before 3 years, on top od that its very busy work at least 12 hours work day

>> No.18555106

>P2P lending
Redpill me on this

>> No.18555110

Anyone have experience tutoring? Going back to uni full time to finish math degree and looking to get into this

>> No.18555192

I am not the original creator of the OP post
that guy was pretty cool and could answer all those questions, I think he should be still around here on /biz/ hopefully he turn in.

I personally want to create something like an RAC - Recreation Activity Center
only in a wayyy smaller scale
a small gym
some tables and couches to sit and talk, play games, work on stuff
maybe a corner with small tools to build and learn things
a neat bookshelf with the most important basic books regarding /sig/ related topic
a small kitchen corner
maybe a wall with an TV or beamer

building a community helping people, giving them a place to hang out and find other people to progress and help
maybe like a club with monthly fees
that would be pretty cool, maybe not a huge money maker, but cool

>> No.18555206

I'm currently building a window cleaning company whilst having a fulltime job. Weak competition because everyone in my agegroup (20s) seem to be focusing on youtube/internet based companies.
Currently averaging 60 Euro/h before taxes. Would recommend to anyone as a first time business venture due to scalability/startup costs. If you're interested in physical labor that is.

>> No.18555252

What type of windows do you clean? Office buildings? Ma and Pa shops? How do you get clients? Do you clean both sides?

>> No.18555438

90% residential homes, with some office buildings once a year kinda deal. So it varies between older windows and new windows depending on the neighborhood. Alot of older homes have french windows though. I clean both sides, got a waterfed pole system on a trailer with a watertank. It makes outside side alot easier/faster. It eliminates working with a ladder 90% of the time. It takes a few hours to get a proper fanning technique but there's tons of videos on youtube if you wanna learn more.
I get clients by dropping flyers with a fixed price depending on the size of the house. Knocking on doors and marketing with google ads/facebook. Boomers love facebook and they are a large % of my clients. When it comes to Office companies I just call them or ask their manager if they got a window cleaner.

>> No.18555448

How did you learn how to rig up the gear. Im starting up my own pool company. I dont know it all but I know enough to get monies.

>> No.18555490

Sounds like a comfy business. Isn't there competition from big players? Do you do it yourself also or do you just manage and fund and run the whole thing? Where do you see yourself with this business in the future?

>> No.18555514

zip guns for your local crack gang?

>> No.18555699

Window cleaning Resource and luke the window cleaner both have good channels when it comes to equipment, how to setup up and how to use it. The waterfed pole system is very easy to setup but it costs around 2600 euro for my current setup.
When starting out you need around 200 euro for equipment and money for marketing.
It is really comfy, in my town there's 2 big cleaning companies with 0 online presence. 2 towns next to mine have 1-3 window cleaning companies each with atleast 4-6 employees each. So competition is alot larger there. But those towns are alot bigger aswell.
At the moment its just me with my wife helping out on larger jobs. My goal is to add gutter cleaning and pressure washing as a service at the end of the year and other seasonal services so I can upsell and earn more money per job. And hire my first employee next spring and go full time with my company.

>> No.18556193

> Little to no Investment
> consulting
that is insulting, anon. shame on you.

>> No.18556211

What money do you need for consulting?

>> No.18556314

for the basic stuff your office and some suits. i doubt anyone would like to get a consultant wearing a neet-jama. you also need to attend congresses and other events to make contact. you invest time in building networks and making contacts. time is money. creating a consulting biz you can live of is stressful.

>> No.18556341

ah seeing it like this
depends on what kind of consulting, you can consult on a lot of different things

>> No.18556374

Not the op, but an anon who shares a similar lack of resolve.

I was thinking of using the predictions on celebirtydeathlist.com to write erotic fiction about notable figures that are on the brink of death. These stories would be based on absolutely absurd premises that seek to defame the subject of the work and ultimately stir up controversy.

The stories would need to be made available moments after the celebrity deaths are publicized In order to capitalize on the storm of related searches. The celebrity in question, their reputation, and any uncertainty/potentially embarrassing coverups following their demise could cause sales to moon.

The kicker? There is no legal recourse that can be taken against you for defaming the deceased. That is, as far as I’ve been able to discern. It’s my uncertainty surrounding the crux of this scheme that has me unwilling to spend time pursuing it any further.

>> No.18556407

No, it's going to Mexico. USMCA confirms, sorry Pajeet.

>> No.18556418
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erotic novels are the best selling books
pairing that with a well known celebrity in a time when he is searched a lot because of his death, that's a good idea

god fuck I hate normies so much
my personal moral is holding me back making more money
pic related btw

>> No.18556423

I hope you have extensive hands on knowledge of every position in the bar, as in you've worked as a busser/server/bartender/bar manager for at least a few years. God help you if there's going to be a kitchen too.

>> No.18556579

This is what I would do. A Property services company, you could even branch out to include audio / visual set ups troubleshooting etc.

>> No.18556645
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Just a thousandaire irl memeposter

>> No.18556660

you do realize that most brokerages went to $0 fees already, right? like, in october of last year? makes scalping way more lucrative, i know what you mean but it's just not an issue anymore.

>> No.18556745

most based thing i've read on 4chan all month, godspeed anon

>> No.18556760

We can print trillions to fund the war effort

>> No.18556797

I've got 50k+, what do I do?

>> No.18556867

Comfort in your morals being the only thing that prevents you from attaining zillionaire status is the single common trait of the 99%
That assumption might not even be true, you wasn't shooting in the gym with Bill

>> No.18556967

giving me 800$ in BTC so I can pay my rent for another 2 months and keep working on guides and archives for everyone on 4chan

otherwise, hell don't take my advice
I think we will see another big drop in everything in the next months and by then buy buy buy
wait a year until everything stabilizes and then wait for the big gains every year

I am aware what I have to do to make money
but I am on the path to do what is right and make the world a better place
but fuck me, I am so close to overthrow everything and abuse the shit out of everyone and do what is mentioned in that pic, exploit the fuckers for a greater cause.

>> No.18557042

very risky and hard to do with little money. you will be risking like $2,000 at a time to make $20

>> No.18557207

how are you able to open up when others are closing? isn't it the law to close down?

>> No.18557262

he probably means when everything is over and you are allowed to open up again
many business are fucked since they still have to pay everything without income and have to close
that's when he comes in with fresh money ready to start when he is allowed to again

a lot of people can't wait to go out and party again
a lot of places are shut down since they had no income
he is opening as a fresh business at that time

>> No.18557319

Sounds like me. I recommend taking a public speaking course at your local community college. They usually have night classes if you're working during the day. It's terrifying at first, but gets easier the more you do it.

>> No.18557381

lol that's not how it works. you'd risk $10 or $20 to make $20. you need $2k of capital to play that game in the first place if you're making bets on 1% moves.

>> No.18557399

The issue is, I am a perfectionist with a low self-esteem/worth?
I know that what I "produce" is way better than that what I see on social media from all those fags with a way to high ego.
But the thing is, they push it out with a style like "I am the best and I am so good",

Coming over that step "I don't have to be perfect, I am already good enough" is fucking shit.
Low self worth / self-esteem / ego thinking that someone might call you out for some small detail, boy that's holding me back.
and it hurts even more opening instagram and seeing some fuckwit sharing some stupid shit you can do better but you think it is not good enough

I know what to do as entrepreneur, but I am holding myself back

>> No.18557480

you might want to see a talk therapist and do some cognitive behavioral therapy. i mean this sincerely, clearly your problem is purely psychological.

>> No.18557533

oh yeah, that I am totally aware of
and that's why I am working on it

something I thought and analyzed thoroughly
I know what needs to be done by now and have to do it
that's written above is my current state, I am changing it right now
I just had to fully come to that conclusion at first

>> No.18557718

practice makes perfect. it took me a year to overcome my panic disorder which was a result of my quitting alcohol. the solution there is to go towards the fear, not run away from it. if you get a panic attack, say, going to the grocery store, the answer isn't to avoid the grocery store but to force yourself to go over and over and over again until you get used to it. basically your body thinks you're in danger (like going to be eaten by a lion kind of danger, fight-or-flight) and floods your system with adrenaline. if you avoid the thing, you're telling your brain that this place is indeed dangerous and it should keep pumping you full of adrenaline to protect you. if you keep going and keep being alive after, your body will eventually recognize that you aren't actually in danger and will stop overreacting. but you have to go and get panic attacks over and over until you don't anymore, so it was very difficult.

but i did it. you can, too. start with something small and manageable, like for me it was just driving to the grocery store at first, then just walking through the front door then immediately leaving, small and simple and easy to achieve. work your way up. a psychologist could likely help you more but this should at least give you something to ponder tonight, hopefully it helps a little. good luck anon.

>> No.18557740

Cellist here, at the moment I'm living the comfy life as a GA at a college that's entirely converted to online classes.
My cold, callous mind can't help but think that a lot of orchestra positions will open up as a result of the virus. But the audience for classical music is probably gonna take a hit too. I'm not sure at all where the future lies.
Maybe I should learn to be a crowdpleaser like 2Cellos.

>> No.18557840

>going to college for music

what a fucking waste of money lmao. also you're fucked because of coronavirus. hope your parents are rich or something and you did this because money doesn't matter to you in the first place. i got an engineering degree and still learned how to play guitar and keyboard and drums on my own, and make my own music all the time with a soundcloud and everything. it's my passion/hobby, and i can do it for fun without having to give a fuck what anyone thinks (although i do like compliments lol) because i make my money elsewhere. you should have done something along those lines, if you need to make money through your passions it's going to kill your love for it quickly. you'll see.

>> No.18557905

how do I into ATMs or vending machines in Germany?

>> No.18557964

oh ok that makes sense thank you

>> No.18557984

ok in that case I can say something
you can't
compared to america you need a banking license to do such business in germany, so that option is not possible

luckily it is nowhere near that bad
I can interact with people pretty good. that's no issue (big, muscular, good smile). It's only the mental thing that holds me back.
Going from a fucking loser to someone people want to hang out and have fun with, still won't get rid from some old habits.

>> No.18557997

>compared to america you need a banking license to do such business in germany, so that option is not possible
fuck this shithole. what about vending machines? they are the same as well? do they require special licenses? What can I do with 10k?

>> No.18558013

just buy link and post frogs on biz. making a business is gay

>> No.18558035

I am not sure anymore but I had a discussion about that.
Vending machines should be no issues if you get a place and filing in a proper company.

>fuck this shithole
and yes, I am pissed too about the bureaucracy in western europe

>> No.18558052

how much should I expect in annual income from vending machines on average? say in a place like Munich? or any of the neighboring towns. after the lockdown is over of course.

>> No.18558063

Is running an adult website about a specific category profitable?

>> No.18558120

Since I want to make it into an orchestra, a Bachelor's in Music at the very least is vital.
As for the Master's, the GA position is free and pays for everything except board. It has the added bonus of delaying student loan payments for another two years.

>> No.18558144

I am sorry I can't help you out with that
but last year we had some people talk regarding vending machines in these /entg/ threads
but it depends: what kind of vending machine?
foods, drinks, gadgets, souveniers, daily supply things
where exactly is it placed?
How much do you have to pay so you can place your machine at that spot?
Can you even get a spot to put a vending machine somewhere in munich?

Comparing it to ATMs
some anon had his best places in front of bars.
that is a place where people NEED money, people are drunk and they don't care to pay 3.5$ to get their money
Finding a good spot and putting the right vending machine there is the tricky part. Wait no, being allowed to finally put it there is the most tricky part probably.

>> No.18558812

and good night
keep this thread alive, since it is one of the few good non-crypto threads here

>> No.18558841

About to graduate college next month and I managed to land a government job starting in a few months, 60k with OT available. I'm anticipating I can save roughly 35-50% a year depending on if I get a house or rent (which I may wait out given the virus situation, but the area has decent sized houses for 150k and less). Good idea to go for a low interest rate mortgage now or no? What are some things about living on your own that help you save a lot of money besides obvious things like making your own food and getting a used car? There's also housing really close to my job (less than 2 miles away) for cheaper prices in exchange for being in a shittier city area. Is that worth it?

I found use cases for insurance smart contracts to be implemented over the next 5-10 years since I'm in a very niche field with few people on the tech side and things are just starting to pick up. Where do I even start? Learn how to develop using solidity? Cryptography? Insurance law? Should I get into the technicals and learn as much as possible in my free time first or focus on learning how to create a company/open source project and pick people out for the technical aspects of it? How would I even go for funding something like this? If I'm right, it'll drastically change the industry I'm in. There's some industry leaders out there now exploring proof of concepts, but no one in my age range currently doing this.

>> No.18558968
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If you provide value, you shouldn't see it that way, just like they won't.
Any successful business is the result of a successful shilling campaign. You can choose to shill only the best but you must reconcile with the implicit barbaric nature of the art.

>> No.18558984

We need more threads like this.

I've got a few software ideas such as SaaS, etc that I'm working towards building. Also keeping an eye on real property because as mentioned earlier in this thread there will be some opportunities such as scooping up bars/restaurants, commercial property, or SFRs.

I actually think now is a good time to start building any software/applications because if you're actually scaling a business or need to freelance parts of it there's a multitude of talent out there. Especially when you see all the layoffs happening right now. So there's a bunch of extremely talented devs that are looking for work.

>> No.18559150
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>Vending machines
Does anyone here have experience with vending machines? I know the market is saturated and pretty much only profitable for bigger companies, but I think it would be a great learning experience. Acquiring machines, stocking & maintaining them, risk assessment and registering cash flow are all things I would like to get to know first hand.

I'm just not sure how likely local schools/businesses are to accept one of my machines to be placed on their property. Is this something you can just cold call for or are all places already taken up by large companies?

>> No.18559273

Yeah, I remember the days before crypto where /biz/ would actually make threads on side hustles. Now people are just waiting for bitcoin to moon.

>> No.18559295

Great thread lads, keep it up! This is probably the best thread on /biz/ at the moment.

What do you think about starting a blog? Profitable or a waste of time. Through affiliate links you can make money but I'm not sure if it's worth it. I enjoy writing and almost want to start it to just get better at that but if I can make some passive income through it that would be great.

>> No.18559469

Try to make money off it if you enjoy writing. There have to be strong interests around what's your typing/talking about.

>> No.18559487

Small profit to be made from what the youtube videos I've seen about it shows, I wouldn't bother, even as a passive second income.

>> No.18559803


>> No.18559852

i’ve got an idea for something for artists/musicians/small businesses to implement into their webstore but it would require access to a percentage of each sale. is this something i could potentially get made through fiverr or what?

>> No.18560376

Yeah probably

>> No.18560387

I'm not going to treat it as a source of income, I'm actually willing to lose money on this as long as it teaches me about entrepreneurship.

I'll go check out some yt vids

>> No.18560885


>> No.18561235

Keep grinding one of them will get back to you eventually (or pay them). Also every dating app seeds with fake female accounts when getting to scale, I imagine it’s a way to cheat network effects.

>> No.18561387

Probably need to find a niche that has not the same crap inside as all the others.

>> No.18561407

Consistency is the biggest problem. Also try Textbroker, they pay alright. Is spent over 1k on texts at that place already.

>> No.18561789

Thank GOD this general is back. Maybe we can keep it up for more than a week with some regular posters. Also props for reviving the old OP

>> No.18561814
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Any SAASfags out there? If so what does your software do and how did you find customers

>> No.18562037

been milling the idea of a kid-catered rave center/gymnasium.

big padded room with foam stuff to beat up, kid-friendly instrumental edm on the pa system. kids gotta get that energy out. foam cube pits, tubes, etc. my 3.5 yr old is a damn dynamo. rotate the music for break sessions, thinking some chill ichika nito style intermissions. parents lounge with wifi, tv, gym equipment. kinda like a family fun center, but no vidya, emphasis on sick beats. kids love to dance

>> No.18562086
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Don't listen to those idiots. You can DT on earnings reports and make 3-5% easy. The only issue is that (assuming you're in the states) you can only make 3 same-day trades per week (ie 12 trades a month), due to the PDT rule, until you have at least $25k in your account.

Once you hit $25k you can day trade as much as you like.

A couple solutions:
1. You can grind crypto or forex as much as you like (no PDT rule).
2. You can open an offshore trading acct (US laws do not apply).
3. You can swing trade or do overnight trades(I suggest overnight shorts off a big bubble. Doesn't count towards PDT).

In the meantime you can practice with a paper account to get a 'feel' for the market and it will improve your skill to find and react to catalysts in the market. You'll need to make this a plan (say you want to hit 4% profit daily and no more trading, have a consistent strategy, etc). Treat this like a business, not like a casino.

Realistically, to make $100 tax free and still grow your account, you'll need at least $10k in the account. It's easy enough to start with a $1-2k and just take 1-2% profit, very fast. Squirrel away every single dollar you can and make sure you turn this into a real skill you are developing, give it alot of attention.

AND DON'T TALK TO NORMIES ABOUT IT. They will fuck your mind about it and throw you out of your zone. Wagies don't like to reminding them they are slavies.

Truthfully, with the right setup, you can be free in less than 4 months starting with $1k.

Don't forget taxes.

>> No.18562144

Pocari is gross and you should be ashamed.

>> No.18562174

Need to live in an metro area with lots of young single people with disposable income.

>> No.18562242

Gotta spend money to make money, amirite?

>> No.18562265

Not the poster you replied to, but do you think there could be a market for international news on a niche industry? For instance, I live in Japan, my homeland being the USA, having connections in the industry in both areas puts me at an advantage that I've noticed through communicating with both sides. They often want to know about the other side and I'm asked for introductions, links, basically consultations. Interviews often turn into "hey, could you show me this.... 2 weeks later ah sorry we can't hire anyone now."
I could make a site where I repost andprovide commentary on Japanese industry specific news and share it on linkedin, for instance. Perhaps as my Japanese gets better, I can start doing the same for the Japanese side. The industry is masters degree level, so most Japanese at this educational level have some understanding of English. Wow replying just helped me brainstorm a bit. I forgot how nice writing is.
I've had Skype talks with some interesting people here, I could see if I can talk with them again and provide a service to share their current trajectory. I'm just not sure how I can make money from this for a long time, since this is a very niche field that doesn't really get a lot of clicks outside of the small base. I guess I'd have to research the market, but the passion is there. Would it be too much if I mixed it with other elements? I would assume I'd want my site to be direct and focused small at first like any new business.

>> No.18562351

I doubt you will get a landlord willing to take the risk right after they got hosed on rent.

>> No.18562373

The fuck else are they going to put in their locations? If it's already built out for it to be a bar then fuck let them open another bar

>> No.18562494

Does anyone have any experience with print on demand wall art?
Like prints in frames, canvases in frames, shit like that? I have this idea fundamentally similar to those "print your custom map", "print the star map of when you got married" and shit like that, but turning the graphs of assets (e.g. WTIUSD) into wall art. Does this sound like a good idea?

>> No.18562551

Trust me on this one, if you do get a location expect the terms they offer to be significantly worse than the terms they offered the last tenant. Commercial real estate is legal racketeering.

>> No.18562572


The equipment is expensive upfront and it takes a long time to break even.

>> No.18562760

Bumping this good thread.

Long term life goal is for me and my wife to open a coffee shop by day, brewery at night type place. I experiment different recipes and keep a running log of all my brews that work and don't work. Grain bills are scaleable to desired volumes. Don't know shit about what makes coffee shops tick but I can ask around.

The actual business side of it is what scares me. We're both in student loan debt (50k total) so I imagine we need that done before we try to go for it.

>> No.18562852

I meant experience outsourcing print on demand wall art, like working with alibaba suppliers and shit like that.

>> No.18562885

Don't. Looking at an industry player, Customink stopped using third party print shops because they had no control over the quality that the shops would produce and they still needed to pay them to deliver to their customers. Those print shops were located domestically in the United States, fuck trying to work with a Chinese or Bangladeshi or wherever print shop.

>> No.18562886

work with a local supplier for prints, it's not that costly and will save you a million headaches.

>> No.18562928

okay interesting, doing the printing myself is something I'll have to look into.... how expensive is it to start?

>> No.18562973

Let's say I want to make porn games and sell them. What are my options? Paypal and Stripe seem to be a no go.

>> No.18562992
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Finna start a men’s support group to help NEETS and other men finding themselves transitioning between jobs and help them achieve the rites of passages that may had been previously denied. Lotta Lost Boys out there who failed to launch who need help leaving Neverland. Wish me luck, frens.

>> No.18563292

I want to dropship amyl nitrites (poppers) to mostly gay men

>> No.18563334

Good luck man, I'm also buying a bar right now

>> No.18563347

Redbull rebranded hugely for the west making a carbonated version and threw millions at ads and sponsorships

>> No.18563475


What this guy says: >>18562086

Start with 100 in crypto, if you cant make 1% per day with 100 you wont make it with 10k. If you are afraid of losing start learning about risk management first AND DO NOT TELL WAGIES!! They are bitter and envious.

>> No.18563495

I'm thinking about starting a robbery business. I've already got guns and masks, but I need a good getaway car. Any anons have advice?

>> No.18563528

entrepreneurs are the only reason america ie. USA has a constitution friends... with out individuals willing to take risks... we end up dead beat losers like so many people that never made it.

>> No.18563547

only rob close to easy on off highway access ramps.. and if you hurt some one i care about I will fucking find you and murder you my self... just so we're clear.

>> No.18563575

you can use a nice v8 engine... i mean gasoline is so damn cheap... you make your car what it needs to be. i mean i like my jeeps my corvette... im an american car guy... i got a new denali deseil gmc truck... it's fucking amazing.

>> No.18563871
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i'm a very social person, but never thought of sales as being profitable.
where would you start?

>> No.18563911


>Binary options

Do TA and manage risk. ive turned 100 into 1000 in a few days. not bragging but rather showing you the potential

>> No.18563916

What if you are looking into a business that involves commodities? Like you want to manufacture a supplement and sell it to particular markets?

>> No.18563989

Here in NYC, people go hardmode after coffee shops. Though local businesses struggle against big competitors here and so sometimes I'll try to show some love.

Also a bonus if you include a library or start the business near a public library or bookstore. Books + Coffee will always go together. Good Luck

>> No.18564124

do you have disc? I wanna talk more about software development with someone who is knowledgable.

>> No.18564159

i want to believe you can day-trade but there is so much BS on the internet about it that i'm really cynical

also i think i'm naturally shit at reading the market so idk how to get better

>> No.18564215

I can help with web development if you're willing to pay :-)

>> No.18564351

bruh. I was just researching some ERC20 insurance tokens. I agree it's one of the best use cases out there, I'm surprised it's not already mooned.

>> No.18564465

Its actually really easy. Hardest part is your own greed and cockiness.

learn on youtube

>> No.18564873

any non-scam channel recommendations?
i am very good at learning things by myself but i need good information

>> No.18564884

Are cartels gonna move into the sweatshop industry?

>> No.18564902

>Good idea to go for a low interest rate mortgage now or no?
It's as good a time as any. I just did a refi and shave 1.5% off my rate. Rates could certainly fall further (I think volume is keeping them somewhat afloat atm) but trying to catch a falling knife while rates are already at historic lows seems silly. Also, I would be concerned about lenders rolling out more restrictions on loans (20% down, 700+ credit scores) like JP Morgan did. Probably better to get in now if you can't reach that bar.

>> No.18564922

Honestly, you should probably start with LinkedIn and try to get in touch with experienced salespeople. They might not necessarily get you a job, but if you ask the right questions they might be able to point you in the right direction.

>> No.18564927

I think dev layoffs have been relatively light. FANG is still hiring. Say this as a Sr. Dev at a company who furloughed 40% of our workforce but only laid off 7 people from our 200+ engineering org.

I guess Groupon imploded. You could probably pick at the pieces of their bloated carcass

>> No.18564936

FAANG* blegh

>> No.18564986

Learn something, I taught myself to read medical studies and I'm 10 for 1 in bets on biotech. I'm sure there are other fields you can do the same in, just make sure to manage risk responsibly just so that you don't lose everything on one trade. Remember, it takes a +100% to come back from a -50%.

>> No.18565050

Is working on a trading bot considered entrepeneurship? Or just retard time wasting?

>> No.18565080

Entrepreneurship for sure, you're improving a skill and creating something of value, once it's created you can automate gains (on a good day) and if it's REALLY good you can sell that shit to people who can't be bothered to learn even half the shit you did to make that bot.

>> No.18565082

Only if you sell the bot

>> No.18565421


>> No.18565481
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Affiliate Marketing for Ads Online

I have a snapchat account that gets a reasonable amount of views, but not enough views to get sponsors from companies like The Plug, which give you affiliate ads to post on your snap. What companies will give you ads to post regardless of how many views you get? Thanks anons.

>> No.18566138

Know of any UK online companies for sale site? Thinking about buying one but I only have 100k

>> No.18566671


Trading cannot be automated to be consistently profitable simply because everything is changing (look at the charts).

You do not fully understand what are you doing.

However, you might try to make some semi-autonomous trading system, where you still press Return but it automates boring tasks such as adjusting and tightening stop loses, canceling of orders, reversals, etc.

>> No.18566732

Sitting on 20k I could invest in something short term. Willing to put in about 5-10hrs a week to make it grow. What's the best way to go at this?

>> No.18566817

There is an obvious idea for an anonymous coding marketplace for doing gray fintech and other shady shit. Basically, you program and get paid in some crypto. No real identities, no bullshit, no harassment. Missed a daily payment - fuck off.

the problem is that there must be already as dozen or so such well-funded "startups", because the scheme is so obvious. Just thing Upwork without pretense and dick waving. The difference is exactly like between plebdit and this very site.

Probably, it is good idea to find such a marketplace and try to sell your skills.

Upwork is completely fucked, if you do not know. You have to compete for a $5/hour tasks with pajeets and fucking slavs who could barely read English.

>> No.18566848

>Upwork is completely fucked, if you do not know. You have to compete for a $5/hour tasks with pajeets and fucking slavs who could barely read English.
How is your idea immune to this, exactly?

>> No.18566862

I was gonna start buying hemp and making cbd infused products. I'm a chemist already in medical marijuana industry so hoping for the best. Not trying to be the coca cola of cbd but the markup on cbd products is absolutely insane, especially if you start with raw hemp.

>> No.18566969

I think my biggest challenge will be marketing. Luckily I have two friends who are entrepreneurs and encourage this idea of mine so ill go to them for advice as they're pretty successful

>> No.18567060


>> No.18567092

Reputation based, like in a drug trade. Nothing new or fancy. One just ban incompetent degenerates.

Actually. the whole thing must be modeled after darkweb marketplaces

>> No.18567114

How does infused honey, cooking oil, jams, etc. sound? All those have long shelf lives and i have some dank recipes

>> No.18567646

This is all really dope stuff, but where do I turn if I live in the bureaucratic hellhole that is germany and want to get concise information to navigate it all , that's isn't a funnel YouTube video?

>> No.18567817

What I was trying to say with my meme response was that you're investing into a market where the majority of your consumers are probably low income retards (I'm guessing based on how it's viewed and who consumes it in my own country, idk how weed is viewed in the US in 2020). Aren't there a lot of cbd shops already popping up? Sounds like a market that could quickly become very saturated.

>> No.18567948

I don't really see the market. An anonymous cyrptocurrency coding marketplace would pretty much be exclusively used for comissioning malware, wouldn't it? That's already a thing on darkweb, and I doubt that market is dooming enough for you to make a new dedicated website for it.

You would also probably be taking a fee from every sale / transaction, so it'd have to be a pretty good improvement over darkweb marketplaces to be worth it.

>> No.18568020

Any leaf bros wanna start up something?
I have cash byt not the creative spark. I can manage the books and handle the legal paperwork. Very stable with my control of spending, thus my fat stacks currently.
My investments are fairly liquid if we start to grow and need more capital.
Let's fucckin chat my leaf friends!

>> No.18568050

the good thing is, there is currently a huge around start-ups and creating your own company, now matter in which field.
Corona fucked it up a little but normally there are tons of free courses, events, meetings and free stuff to help you.

>> No.18568074
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Is someone here in the IG game? Just made my first account a week ago trying to get to my first 1k followers, it's in the babes niche.
I'm posting on average 3 time a day, following big accounts and going to the most recent posts looking for people that liked to use the F/U method, also I'm leaving comments on pictures related to my hashtags. I'm trying to be algorithm friendly and not be flagged as a bot or shadow banned.

I'm getting on average 10 followers a day, is that even good? People are commenting on my photos and I try to interact with them. The end game idea is obviously monetise it.

Looking for some tips how to get followers. I'm aware that lots of people use the M/C method but this is my first account.

>> No.18568117

lol are you talking about BLACKOUT GOD

>> No.18568171

Do you have any guide or resources for that?
I have something in mind and it would be cool to know how to get follower beforehand.

>> No.18568528

My neighbor can’t even speak our language properly (like a 23 year old Turkish boy) but sells himself as „speaker and entrepreneur“. this dude is stupid as shit but makes shitloads of money! okay, he and is low baller friends started a „snow-ball business“ where they get money for selling dreams to even more stupid people, but anyways they make shitloads of money.

not sure, if it’s even worth studying nowadays. You just have to look at all these youtubers/influencers and what shitloads of money they earn for talking bullshit 24/7. some of them even get more donations (while being rich already - wtf is wrong with our Society) than most wagecucks earn a month of working.

no matter what you sell (a product or yourself), just make sure to reach out for all these lowbrains as target group.

>> No.18568543


There are lots of small issues mostly for third-worlders, like getting paid at all and in a way that wont spooke your crappy bank.

There is a niche for sure, the problem is that marketing requires money.

>> No.18568625

in the last 2 years I saw a huge rise in "speaker events / motivational events"
I went to a few of a them a few times to check them out, at first they are nice and ok but you (if you aren't a braindead NPC) come pretty fast to the conclusion that this is bullshit catering towards idiots giving them a group to belong to, a group that is better than other since they are motivating each other and such social bullshit.

>no matter what you sell (a product or yourself), just make sure to reach out for all these lowbrains as target group
make sure to market yourself as the very best and greatest guy, no matter how shitty you are
fuck this gay earth and their stupid people
I refer to that pic again >>18556418

>> No.18568653

Which subs you prefer?

>> No.18568755

You are cleaning yourself or let people do the work for you?

A friend of mine also started with a cleaning company letting people work for him tho. now he owns like 5 different companies in different niches.

>> No.18568850

Hm, now that you mention it, I should Check with my university, I believe reading something about start up help.

>> No.18569163

I'm very interested in learning too. Please share your channels or guides you learned to do TA with. I have 50k.

>> No.18569186

Exactly this.
Pic related pictures it perfectly.

all these so called motivators and speakers read like 3-4 books (standard shit like Napoleon hill, Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki..) and sell this information as their own. It only works since like 85-90% of the regular population is too stupid to read a book.

>> No.18569261
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Not really just reading a little bit everywhere. It all started in BHW.

Maybe this ?

>> No.18569277

bumping for this

>> No.18569448

go to forex factory hand down the best place to learn trading, you can use that knowledge to trade crypto.

forget youtube too much noise

>> No.18569497

I'm still here, I have my own but want to know if anyone else does

>> No.18569642

>What are your plans and ideas?
cash out my crypto, head to the store, immediately buy a rifle and several boxes of ammo, along with preserved food, and water. head up to the remote section of Maine, and either purchase a camper on craigslist, or steal one from an unsuspecting northneck. Learn to live as our ancestors did, surviving off of cold Chef Boyardee and whatever Wu Tang tracks I'm able to store on my WiFi-less, generic brand smartphone.

Harden myself mentally for the inevitable killing off of the weak, the enslavement of/alliance with the strong so as to form roving wastelander bands, and the rape of every woman in sight. I'll probably also buy a little ZCash just as a hedge

>> No.18569879

Quick rundown on how you make money with ATMs? I presume with a crowbar, or perhaps threatening someone and walking them to the ATM?

>> No.18569923

only if your country allows to do it without a banking license

put your ATM in a place where cash is needed - like around bars
charge for every transaction a few $
refill when it is empty
hope for a good place and pay the place owner his share

>> No.18569949

what kind of saas are you selling?

>> No.18569962

>What are your plans and ideas?

I always had a idea to start a business that sells weapons since war makes money.

But i dont know any existing weapon businesses i should do research? Where to start the research?

>> No.18569983

You’re gonna be hunted by whoever you steal from eaten as you deserve.

>> No.18570021

its already saturated yes, but its not just for stoner druggies, its popping its way into health food/supplements market. there's money to be made. fucking at a supermarket a package of whatever infused cbd be it pills, honey, cream, whatever, goes for like $40-$80/unit with a gram of CBD infused in it. Like I said, markup is insane, I can personally produce CBD for about $1.50, so even if I charge half what the competition is I still make bank. Plus I actually care about it so I'll make it as high quality as possible. Chem degree helps. Knowing all the growers helps(i do analytical chemistry on hemp/medical marijuana before it can be legally sold)

>> No.18570186

There's a place like this around the corner from me (NYC). Cool place and seems to do decently well, seating is always taken during the day, moderately filled bar happy hour -> night and always busy on weekends. The non-franchise coffee shop with WiFi business model seems to be a safe and moderate investment.

>> No.18570413

I’m currently building a website by learning the django web framework and python. Pretty enjoyable so far and my idea could potentially end up making money if I do it right and keep working on it over the period of the next couple months I think it will take me to finish it. Just a side hustle hobby while I wagie full time. May be my path towards a full time business which makes the development process exciting as I imagine the possibilities.

>> No.18570673

28 y/o burger who lives in NE USA. Having a quarter life crisis. I'm back in school to finish my bachelors in business administration. I still work but only make $300-$500/week. Recently feeling very down and contemplated ending it all because of this gay earth

>29k in 401k
>140 oz silver, 0.8 HTC 1000 LINK 12 LTC 8 ETH
>real estate license, haven't used it
>thinking about trying learn2code meme, maybe a trading bot in python. Math brainlet though so idk if this will work

Is it over for me, lads? I'm not a genius like smart anons here but I'm smarter than most normies. How can I get my mind right? What can I be doing to forge my own way? Being an office wagie for the rest of my life is torture

>> No.18570700

BTC* not HTC

Also have 8k USD in my account

>> No.18570841

Maybe add a Roth IRA to your investment list

>> No.18570880

That's on my list, want to open one through Vanguard most likely

>> No.18571476

You guys keep hoping for some collapse of society but it’ll never happen. While you are hoping the proverbial chains just get heavier and heavier. No one who is wealthy wants SHTF. Not in America or in Europe or even in China. Nothing wrong going innawoods to get away from all this poison and nonsense but don’t think that one day your Fallout New Vegas fantasy will happen.

>> No.18571524

Reddit is good for all sorts of practical info but if your willing to sift through shit then you’ll find some amazing things on 4channel