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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18553330 No.18553330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who was the genius that came up with this shit?

>> No.18553348

A really smart person that understands the culture

>> No.18553353

im old, wtf is this shit

>> No.18553355

>I play mostly tank

That's isn't even a role

Fucking thots

>> No.18553380

same. The fuck is this? Camsluts?

>> No.18553381

What? Tank is one of the roles in Overwatch, that’s what it’s called. Not sure about other games but if you say tank everyone knows what you mean

>> No.18553386


You pay zoomer chicks to play video games with you.

>> No.18553389

the name of the site?

>> No.18553395

isn't it? it's all referencing overwatch, I'm pretty sure tank is a role there

you pay thots to play overwatch with and talk to

>> No.18553398

we need a war

>> No.18553407

Probably some Chad seeing the goldmine in the simp economy. Decades of feminist propaganda about sex work being real work has brainwashed the simp into thinking it is acceptable and positive to pay for female time and attention. The sad thing is that we've always spent money on whores but
1) You aren't supposed to feel proud about it
2) At least we were getting some ass

F in chat for all the simps who will use this to try to get a girlfriend, fail and then shoot up their school.

>> No.18553415

This is sad

>> No.18553426

Will this nightmare hell end?

>> No.18553436

>that one bitch thinks she is worth $10/game and doesnt even post a pic

>> No.18553440

mystery niggas

>> No.18553450

I know right?
These girls are barely making minimum wage at these rates

Men should MAN UP and pay more to play overwatch with these lovely ladies

>> No.18553452


>> No.18553458

DARK niggas

>> No.18553487

Women truly have no fucking shame whatsoever anymore. I fucking hate the Internet and the culture that followed

>> No.18553525

I, for one, completely support economic power being sucked from simps by ethots. Imagine if a simp actually saved enough to be influential and have real power in the world. On the other hand, women just spend all their money on makeup so it is safe to enrich them.

>> No.18553592

HA WTF this generation is so pathetic.

>> No.18553597

I like your way of thinking

>> No.18553637

This. We need more dead white men, just like the last two times

>> No.18553655

Indeed, that's what tradition dictates. The man shall always pay for the lady, just like in the good old conservative days.

>> No.18553660

Promote ethots, invest in makeup companies.

>> No.18553825

Do they play with you while streaming on cam, and you can talk while playing, or do you have to trust it's them and not some neckbeard in his basement subbing in for her, and you can't talk to the girl?

Would they be fine with me constantly screaming in their ear to stop being such a fucking noob feeder or some other trash talk until they cry?

>> No.18553872
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can any of you zoomers tell me what the new hot site is for camwhoring? where is a place that someone who wouldn’t otherwise camwhore go? i want to search it to see if any roasties I know have been reduced to doing that for $ during coronachan

>> No.18553975
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>> No.18554086

>constantly screaming in their ear
I'd pay to see that

>> No.18554096

Think they get to quit and keep the $ if you act that way

>> No.18554223

Say what you want, this seems like easy money for an attractive guy where otherwise it'd be completely one-sided.

>> No.18554278

I just want to bully a girl to tears while playing vidya, is that too much to ask?

None of that play acting bs, I want genuine tears, and the girl shouldn't know beforehand that that's my intention. Even better if she is all cheerful-like expecting a good and fun time playing before I start screaming at her and bullying tf outta her.

>> No.18554442 [DELETED] 

You have to start with the premise that all women are whores, then you start looking for various ways to pimp them out. If you can trick the girls into thinking there is dignity or empowerment in whatever whoring they're doing, you'll have plenty of bitches in your stable. This is all just digital pimping and I salute playas that have brought pimping off the streets and onto the PC.

>> No.18554470
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You have to start with the premise that all women are whores, then you start looking for various ways to pimp them out. If you can trick the girls into thinking there is dignity or empowerment in whatever whoring they're doing, you'll have plenty of bitches in your stable. This is all just digital pimping and I salute playas that have brought pimping off the streets and onto the PC.

>> No.18554489

What’s the karmic consequences for women taking advantage of Simps?

>> No.18554495

>paying for gamer friends

>> No.18554521

This is the power of capitalism. Even friendship requires money now.

>> No.18554550

If there were consequences for woman's actions, the last one to have ever existed would be eve.

>> No.18554558
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>> No.18554575

My girlfriend and I do this. I play the game, she talks on the mic. Literally get paid to run rounds of Warzone all day

>> No.18554611

isis got raped by Enki and her son marduk. now she's confused and making unnecessary drama. that's where Chad comes in

>> No.18554805

Without looking I'd hazard a guess that the answer to that question would be further proof /pol/ is always right.

>> No.18555198


You guys are pathetic.

You have an opportunity to do something you love with someone else who shares the sane interest, and all you think about is complaining about the man having to pay a dollar and calling a cute girl a noob until she cries?

Grow up.

>> No.18555210

What causes loneliness like this?

>> No.18555235


>> No.18555239

She doesnt love the game, she loves getting paid you white knighting simp

Its an illusion of ‘shes totally cool and relatable and could totally be your gf irl’ which they try very very hard to curate and you my dim witted friend have bought it hook line and sinker

You’ve been farmed

>> No.18555240

How do you not look on this and realize humans have failed, there is an end coming and we are close. Repent and believe the gospel of Christ

>> No.18555294

It's not even a donation at this point.
They request a payment.
OH BOY I HOPE THE IRS fucks their disgusting asses with a huge metal rod

>> No.18555350

If I play enough games will she be my friend?

>> No.18555357

I wonder what the site gets paid off of this, if they just take 5% percent off of the top of all hours combined or if the people on the site pay some sort of subscription to be on there. Also I know they're just playing video games, but isn't $1-$5 an hour a bit too low? The games would probably stop being fun and become a tedious job at some point where you're just entertaining some loser for pennies on the dollar. God forbid one of these guys gets attached to you, but then again maybe they can charge them higher for a girlfriend experience seperate from the site where they can't eat into funds.

>> No.18555364

is 36 too old to be a eboy even tho im chad in appearance
i have an effect on women

>> No.18555402
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>> No.18555496

lol communists cannot make friends without paying.

>> No.18555530

That's pathetic and genius whoever created that

>> No.18556121

this could work pretty well for pros as people would want to to pay for them to help rank up

>> No.18556304
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>This is the power of capitalism. Even friendship requires money now

>> No.18556440
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>He doesn't hire prostitutes and force them to play dungeons and dragons with you

Never gonna make it.

>> No.18556603
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very high IQ post, sir. Stay vigilant when facing these idiots. I am with you.

>> No.18556682
File: 44 KB, 343x628, 7e85fe8b2df495e917ace798c751cb579bfde06ee485e220dc86b32202fc8b69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated post

>> No.18556802

low IQ mouth breathing retard, stop posting on this board forever
a genuine /biz/nessman right here

>> No.18556805
File: 29 KB, 492x388, a6ed42d9c898ab2eb5ed69e1cfd69313de84850869638b9f1da62efdb5058754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chad wakes up in morning after fucking his wife Stacy all night
>Goes downstairs and grabs the hot cup of coffee waiting for him in the kitchen
>he looks out the window
>Stacy is on a horse, her hair flowing in the wind
>a group of men shamble behind her
>she is leading the herd of Simps out on the range to feed
>biggest herd west of the Mississippi
>Chad dtinks his coffee and looks over his many golden acres with pride

>> No.18556852

extremely based

>> No.18556954

Based CEO emptying the pockets of Simps. This is unironically the biggest transfer of wealth.
Simps -> Thots

>> No.18556956
File: 89 KB, 749x578, C002ADC6-C1A7-4E9D-8D65-ECBDC493FC0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old is sylvia?

>> No.18556958

Jesus Christ when is the thot bubble going to burst

>> No.18557018

>when is the thot bubble going to burst
never. There will always be an endless supply of Horny SIMPs. You better start to pimp out yo girl and make some good ol cash m8

>> No.18557049
File: 284 KB, 590x555, oyvey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, thottery will be automated within the next few years.
There are top men working on this. Top. Men.

>> No.18557605

Why is prostitution illegal in the US? The simp problem would evaporate overnight when every man could rent a girl to hump. There's a fair price to pay for pussy and it's much much lower than what these girls are charging

>> No.18557649

Those prostitutes aren’t the e girls they watch day in and out. The girls they fantasize about being with. The girls they talk through via donations and paying for their premium content. Your idea doesn’t solve shit. A good influencer builds what seems to be a relationship to their audience. Some old beat down prostitute does the opposite.

Your idea won’t nearly have the impact you think it does.

>> No.18557673
File: 15 KB, 464x401, 1568674186861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this thread even

>> No.18557692

Tons of Twitch streamers hire girls from that site and promote it. You can see they’re real. There are video and audio options.

>> No.18557846
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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.18557884

The Thotpocalpyse already tried that, and failed.
Git gud?

>> No.18557931

Supporting ethots is a direct function of distance to sex. If there was even a remote chance the audience might have sex, with anyone, there would be no ethot audiences.

>> No.18557957

Nah. You know how many simps have girlfriends or are married. Sure, you’ll put a little dent in it but the main reason people get so caught up over influencers is the relationship they think they have with them. Tons of guys will turn down some cheap prostitute and spend that money on a 20 minute chat and a direct DMd pic of one of the influencers he or she is simping over. Women are just as bad in ways chasing male influencers.