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18552962 No.18552962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Call me a piece of shit, I deserve it I'm an Indian living in the UK. It doesn't matter if I make it, I will always be a sub-human pajeet shitskin and I will always be associated with the worst of humanity. No matter how much I assimilate, I will never be white. I wish I was white. India is a shithole. We should all be erased from this planet. I hate myself and my own people so much, nothing will ever change.

>> No.18552992

many beautiful Indian women why you act this way

>> No.18553002

did you ever take a shit on the street?

>> No.18553021

Eh it’s fine you don’t have to be white and believe me as a white guy who has lived in England you can never be as big a piece of shit as your typical white english UKIP member.

>> No.18553041

British are the ugliest people on the planet, so enjoy being indian.
And buy klirus sir.

>> No.18553048

Why would that change anything, all women are whores, especially ours. Anyways, why the fuck would I want to bring another poo into the world, we have too many as is.
No, but what difference does it make when I'm basically a walking poo
I can't blame an English UKIP member for being the way the are, I can only wish I was one of them

>> No.18553052

ok thank u barsterd

>> No.18553055
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> Eh it’s fine you don’t have to be white and believe me as a white guy who has lived in England you can never be as big a piece of shit as your typical white english UKIP member.

>> No.18553056

Don't worry, angloids aren't white either, no matter how much they push the umbrella term to catch themselves in it

>> No.18553068


>> No.18553110


Get rich, lift weights, and stop being a pussy. You’ll be ahead of 95% of men regardless of your race. Get your shit together and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.18553132

I've done both. Still sub-human.

>> No.18553157

Buy bitcoin or hang your self
Either way you contribute

>> No.18553175
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Don’t listen these reddit-fag copers. You are right, being an Indian is the unluckyest race/group of people you can be imho.
I was just talking with a friend today that if all the people on this planet were equal, cultures, IQ, traditions etc, then Indians would still be the lowest of us all.
You look like an experiment that went wrong. I feel sorry for you bro. But at least you realize this and that makes you the king of pajeets. Embrace your new-found identity and it will be a lot easier to succeed in life. Wear it like a badge of honour and noone can hurt you.

>> No.18553175,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

basterd son of bitch

>> No.18553190
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am i?

>> No.18553191

Paki here in the UK.
Nobody knows how it feels to be like us.
All our women are sluts for whites and there’s no reason for us to reproduce. There’s too many of us in the world already.
We don’t have reasons to live but we do it anyways

>> No.18553199

eh, if you're a redpilled, assimilated indian and not full on bobs&vagene curry nig you should be fine. The stigma only applies to REALLY stereotypically Indian people (just like how there's a huge difference between normal black people and hood nigs, white people and backwoods florida white trash hillbillies, etc)

>> No.18553211

How can he embrace being shit?

>> No.18553214


It's unironically sub-Saharan Africans dude. Their only current claim to relevance is the fact that we like their music and sports. Other than that they failed to create a system of writing and their highest form of art are shitty kindergarten tier clay figures.

>> No.18553220
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top fucking kek

>> No.18553227

He will always be a bob and vagene curry wigger. Because he’s not white. All money flows to whites and all women flow to whites

>> No.18553228


Forgot to mention stupid little old Belgium sent an expeditionary squad down there and managed to conquer and control a territory the size of central Europe

>> No.18553229

Give me your BTC before you suicide

>> No.18553249

Listen nigger
I’m Italian and I can speak Prakrit and sanskrit and some Hindi
You know what?

Jainism is the best religion
Women are stupid
And male dogs are better than women.
Wake the fuck up

And taking a shower is more sinful than killing a Jew.
Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
jaina dharma astu Mangalam
e la storta via era smarrita
Che merda erano gli ebrei da dire è cosa dura
Esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte
Micchami dukkam

>> No.18553338

Srsly modern day english have terrible genetics. Look at royal family, balding and look like they are disease ridden. Being white is only good if you are in the top 10% of looks/genes.

>> No.18553351

Poo in the motherfucking loo, Shitjeet.

>> No.18553352

You have a major advantage over most of us NEETs here despite you being a shitskin. You get an arranged marriage and arranged pussy. so you can have sex incel.

>> No.18553358

Man, you should be greatful - As an Indian living in the UK you can actually make it, UK is a country where there are a lot of successful Indians in the business world, compare that to say Australia and not so much so. Life is good anon, you are lucky to be an Indian in the UK - you can make it.

>> No.18553363

>What is Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

>> No.18553369

Srsly? There are some attractive indian girls, way more so than African. Indians can actually be really intelligent.

>> No.18553378

if you are such an exemplary example of your race why don't you go back to your country and help fix it?

>> No.18553435

It could be used goods

>> No.18553483

This. Indians have a cultural history at least, there are many impressive feats of architecture and artwork that came out of India. I skip over African and Middle Eastern "art" in museums all the time but the Indian stuff can be captivating

>> No.18553486

/nods sensibly

>> No.18553657

can you speak any of the dialects?
what caste are you?
go over there and setup a business exporting to uk or call center

>> No.18553741

nice just bought 100k

>> No.18553845

Do not let incel dipshits on this God forsaken website let you feel worse about yourself. We're all gonna make it king

>> No.18553887

are you interested in trading or are you just using this place as /r9k/?

If you are legit, I have a legit opportunity for you, I assiciate with a lot of well off indians here in the UK.

>> No.18553914

Here's a tip, move to SEA. Not Thailand or Philippines though. Singapore is more ideal.

>> No.18553960

Find God and some meaning to your life past mu dik you absolutely useless incel pussyholes

>> No.18554175

learn something else other than Java and take the vasectomypill

>> No.18554185

Damn, 4chan really knows how to get to insecure people and make them hate themselves for things out of their control.

>> No.18554197

you are a piece of shit

>> No.18554994

Because I hate my country and my people. It is a disgusting piece of shit and the population is too low IQ for it to ever change, it will NEVER change. The UK is like heaven in comparison despite how miserable I am.

>> No.18555092

Based traitor

>> No.18555114

What is jewish admixture

>> No.18555172

bro stop being a pussy. Im white and from the uk. have white/black/indian friend group. All grew up the same, deal with the same shit. Who you ask is deeper than you genetics, just what you make of yourself

>> No.18555223

would you say its better for your mental health if whites just locked down white people from everyone else. kind of like we insulate ourselves from the rest of the world and scrubbed our existence from your memories?

>> No.18555272

indians took on alexander the great. but that probably wasnt the dravidians.

>> No.18555360

Bet youre southern, up norf pakis have it harder. Theres more segregation, stricter familias and more racism, on both sides.

>> No.18555596
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What'd ya'll do to this man? KEK

>> No.18556110

> 1) get rich 2) lift weights 3) stop being a pussy
> done both

>> No.18556179

so why not move back to india with your UKbux and paler complexion and become a royal pajeet instead of pooing up the UK? it's a win/win.

>> No.18556259

I know 5'5 pajeets who have beautiful white wives, great jobs and very popular

Keep coping you fat useless cuck

>> No.18556293
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become as based as this man.

>> No.18556301

I'm a paki and doing really well. Only ever dated/fucked white girls and have a great career

>> No.18556318
File: 57 KB, 374x359, D7321FC0-3C68-462A-A892-53D3EEE9B126_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this weak-minded. Pathetic.

>> No.18556351

Oh nice, what does that say about the majority? What does that say about me and everybody else who is a fucking paki bastard?
You're an outlier? big whoop

>> No.18556372

There's no point in ever moving back to a nation which has too many indians anyways. Especially when you hate them.
I'm sure he feels like I do. We'd rather die right here

>> No.18556385

stop browsing this garbage site and thinking normal people irl think like the incels here, it literally damages your brain, you self-hating weakling

>> No.18556543

You should feel proud of who you are. Don't fall for the White supremacy brainwashing.

>> No.18556554

find like-minded indians and form a group. marry a white womyn and impregnate her. if you can't, get an asian wife (the chinky kind). you will skip at least a generation but it will be easier for your kids to find a white partner. in a few generations your line will be diluted, and your legacy will live on through them.

>> No.18556560
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pee pee poo poo

>> No.18556715

Now we're talkin.

>> No.18556748

Come on now. True, stereotypes exist for a reason, and it's delusional to try to think they don't. Mental midget bimbo blondes isn't a stereotype because someone put one in a movie once back in the 80's. Stereotypes exist because they are self evident; there are enough examples to reinforce the stereotype that the concept stays alive. That said, anyone of worth will also realize that to paint a whole subset with the same brush solely because a stereotype exists is a fallacy. Thus, I may have a preconception. I will still evaluate an individual by their actions and behaviors and that is the difference between preconceptions and reality. Acknowledge this and plan accordingly. Trying to assimilate isn't necessarily the best option. Be of high quality character. Dress and speak well. Carry yourself confidently, but not arrogantly. Aim for the subtle class over the flashy class, always. Be educated but be the first to acknowledge when you don't know much on a topic. Speak with clarity, brevity when appropriate, and keep your word. Conversely, only make promises that you know you can keep. Don't commit to things that lessen yourself. You must do these things, but also put yourself first. No one else will. Making assimilation your primary goal shows externally, and immediately others will subconsciously put you lower than them on the social order pole. You are trying to impress, literally, in some fashion. Don't do that. Do these things for yourself. Wit, intelligence, humble confidence and quality of character outshines everything else regardless of your race or background.

>> No.18557368

>There's no point in ever moving back to a nation which has too many indians anyways
But when you take big poop, is it not preferable to have it all collected in the toilet instead of flowing all over the house, no? With rest of house money, you can be king of toilet bowl instead of just poop on carpet.

>> No.18557368,1 [INTERNAL] 
