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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18549435 No.18549435 [Reply] [Original]

Of my own insight, a small theory, if you oblige me:

I will use a metric of "ease of life", which some may refer to a general development index and whatnot, plenty of those around. But let me propose some of this

>before the industrial revolution, in the middle ages, we already automated a great deal, some techniques were made to create easier clothing, misc items like pins
>basic law like the magna carta was put into place
>subtle and yet slow advances into agriculture were done
>we reached 40% of ease of life, compared to previous tribalistic and nomadic lifestyles

within the industrial revolution
>a large swath of people further managed to get into factories to create all sorts of useful trinkets
>electricity was invented and used for gadgets
>rule of law became even more dominant so that less bully could occur
>we reached 60% of ease of life

past the industrial revolution
>transportation became even easier with proper cars
>first computing systems devices
>the whole equality thing took off, to modern expressiveness
>we reached 80% of ease of life

and in modernity

>smartphones created and it basically nearly made communication perfect
>everything hyper digitized

and we reached a 90% ease of life, where most of the desires are met with business and service industry. Where food is mostly easy to attain, where communication with other humans is easy, where basic sexual needs for most are easily met. Where entertainment is plentiful. If you arent a handicapped person, everything is within your grasp as a basic human being.

And I think that because of the ease of life being of such high degree, we collided with another aspect of ourselves. The aspect that wishes to procreate. Not only that but to be useful, as this concept has not died down yet. And thus we created make belief jobs as many know it well. Not only make belief jobs, also make belief industries. To cater to the ever decreasing, diminishing demands.

>> No.18549440

Whereas in ages past a loaf of bread would make a person like...let me use are retarded metric of 30% happy. Right now a fancy restaurant will only make a person 2% more happy.

>> No.18549449
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as we all well know from basic sources like this


>> No.18549457

So this is how I explain at least how many people may be viewing capitalism right now, where their feelings may go to. Without those extra, minimal services to their lives, they find out that they dont really miss them.

>> No.18549458

What else is there to expect from a country overrun by muslim goatfucker hordes, ape tier IQ niggers and polak and gypsy breeders that come over to suck the welfare system dry on top of the totally degenerated and castrated "natives"?

>> No.18549479


>> No.18549485

Well that is also a great theory I am sure, I am just using this own frame of common economics. But I am sure that what you describe also intertwines with it all, because the excuses the excessive capitalists of various industries had made, were in favor of immigrants to do "the shit jobs" and to "boost gdp and economy"

The excessive capitalists wished to have more wealth compared to their fellow men, but all the positions of industries that catered to "good return of usefulness to people for their operation" were already taken and needed far fewer people that already exist.

So all of these companies that wishes to have more money, for cars, for women and for homes, had to invent industries of small return. They had to convince that their product, which really does nothing, with clever marketing ploys that hijack the senses of people, that they matter.

When as a matter of fact they dont.

>> No.18549491

Because they simply refuse to hold Suterusu and join the coattails of Asian chads billionaires and soon to be new millionaires.

>> No.18549499
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didn't you literally post this exact same shit copypasta yesterday? get the fuck out of here

>> No.18549505

based leftypol retard

>> No.18549513
File: 34 KB, 383x420, 9D987B34-FD83-49FD-B029-C228440589AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> islam bad

>> No.18549519

there is no more innovation to be had for the people, the organism is a static thing and all of its needs for most of us are already. We more or less managed to reach an end point of capitalism. Because of genetics that took millions of years to form...which means that they wont simply change within 50 years to accept that a robe of a glitter, shiney pattern of a color only produced by hyper industrialized society...matters.

We dont need competition from restaurants who go out of their way to buy a 2000 dollar sound system. to compete with "mood setting" from another restaurant.

Nobody fucking wants that shit anymore. Competition is dead. You may find NEW area's of interest like VR to entertain people, maybe new programs from computing that will let your ease of life go even 2% beyond. But as it is right now

most people are satisfied

I am a national socialist actually

>> No.18549538
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which brings me to pic related, on the topic of degenerate industry. That is where capitalism has advanced quite well, to cater to obscure, and shitty tastes of people. Tastes that also mean fucking nothing.

Hunger is at times, in our genetics something like 30% on average of our being. It can be easily satisfied with a loaf of bread. A nice soup with some meat almost fully satisfies it. Fancy cooking almost matters nothing. Especially in the modern setting.

A great wine that is a 1000 dollars worth does not satisfy as much as a man who just is thirsty and needs a drink of water.

>> No.18549547

you come from leftypol and your analysis is retarded
the fact that people of your level of intellect can become political 'activists' or 'analysts' shows the decadence of our society far more than anything that you've posted about here.

>> No.18549562

Basic housing without warm floors or air conditioning already satisfies on average most needs. It fully satisfies nearly all needs if you introduce plumbing, electricity and heating.

transportation was kinda shitty with the horses around, but it already started to satisfy. The cars ultimately fixed it to nearly full capacity. Motorcycles and a bunch of other 70's inventions/improvements completely satisfied us more or less. The further advances of tesla and his kin did little to advance it.

Home telephones satisfied us lightly, the smartphones and their mobility nearly completely did so, tinder, social apps, and internet just broke the deal.

>> No.18549567
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No I am pretty sure I am a national socialist

>> No.18549571

shitting dicknipples

>> No.18549572

It's over now. Asia has won. Just capitulate and buy SUTER and some Korean shit

>> No.18549598

and you're absolutely bluepilled

>> No.18549599
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I am also looking it from the perspective of others, like consumers such as I, easy topics to comprehend. I simply dont need any of the modern services that a lot of companies offer.

I dont drink soda, I dont use mcdonalds, I dont wear weird brand name clothes. My basic car is fine. I am quite content like this lol. There is much advertisement on the tv and on all sorts of places that tells me what I need to buy...but I dont need any of that. I havent bought anything from a modern industry besides basic things for a long time.

>> No.18549604

No I am completely red pilled, we dont need much of modern industry, thats a fact.

>> No.18549611


>polak (...) breeders

Oh how I wish this to be true.
That feel when no british slags to cum into.


>> No.18549612
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oh whoops, meant to post this

>> No.18549622
File: 240 KB, 1225x889, 1581878895425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We dont need much of modern industry and service lol, like go away capitalists.

>> No.18549643

are you an /r/the_donald getaway that read ted?

>> No.18549658

god the image in this post is so fucking retarded
no, the free market doesn't presuppose a 'rational agent' as defined by a high IQ white male. the whole post is literally a strawman

>> No.18549660

what? No, I still havent received any arguments against my proposition. People simply dont need the excessive industry that much. Its not economics, its philosophy and anthropology as well. I guess you guys are not really high of IQ then huh?

>> No.18549732

People like you will never have sex

>> No.18549774
File: 6 KB, 191x293, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, I have partaken of the rare fruit of wisdom!

Devious tactics many are using on our own psyche.

Actually most of the industry that is excessive now caters to getting laid indeed. To stand apart, to look more important and unique, clothing, accessories and whatnot are designed for stuff like that. The need to get laid is indeed quite vast. One could say that the industry walks in tandem with this desire.

But this frame is not the only frame that exists. For it competes with others as well. A less sexualized society would not choose a bulk of the current industry that we have today. Basically 60% of all of you reading this would be without a job. Because instead of using your service/goods, a person decided to take a walk, with mediocre walking shoes we could produce for a similar quality/price for over 40 years now, in nature. Just to enjoy it.

or maybe drive to a natural lake and take a swim in it. Instead of buying tickets to a nature park with accommodation, breakfast, and a luxury hotel. lol

>> No.18549792

maybe he would sit in his backyard, enjoying the sun, and a nice book which we could have been producing on mass for over 100 years now.

Maybe he could just be around his friends and booze up like the druggy degenerate that he is (sorry still am natsoc), with a brew that we produced on mass for hundreds of years now, instead of buying a hyper modern quad bike to drive around with, to tune and to do stupid races within.

>> No.18550050

OP you sound like you’d prefer to live in the 50s/60s. Assuming you know about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs too. Any first world country can satisfy all the needs for an individual, so the water vs wine debate is irrelevant. Self-actualisation is harder to please as it’s subjective, hence why there are so many things you can purchase and consume. When people say money doesn’t make you happy, it’s because those people spent it incorrectly (mainly through greed).

I spend for experience; I can drop a few thousand on a holiday, go skiving, go scuba diving, go for that fancy dinner every now and again and it does satisfy me.

>> No.18550791

Ah, the travel industry, the most heavy hit category of our economy that was hit with this crisis. I am not speaking of it, for I have little experience with things like sky diving. I also suspect that not a vast majority of its people are using it! Therefore I have no opinion of it. For I was mostly speaking to the phenomena that the brits in OP pic related were having. I thought that perhaps they may be weary with the abundance of many different stores, restaurants, and local sources of entertainment. For they are a vast bulk, and a majority. The needless excesses like the IOT juice squeezer


The people in this circumstance may realize that the vast bulk of our industrial and service industry is not necessary, its not even needed at all, and that the flair of marketing and advertising that brought them to the front doors of these establishments, being gone with this crisis, may remain gone.

That means that if the psyche and experience of the people manages to go to this direction on mass. It will destroy a vast chunk of the useless industry still, even if we get zero corona deaths from this day on!

>> No.18550812

>Why do brits no longer want to endluge in capitalism
lazy and stupid see brexit