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18546206 No.18546206 [Reply] [Original]

>uh oh I gon a done it again

>> No.18546247

Goldbugs literally seething. So much for muh shiny boomer rocks

>> No.18546323
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Do you not know how to read a chart?

>> No.18546365

fake things exist. shocking.

>> No.18546383

Why is gold valued in fiat? It's almost like fiat is the real money in this situation.

>> No.18546387
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>> No.18546396

Imagine thinking every dealer has a $200k X-ray machine LOL

>> No.18546402
File: 240 KB, 1544x1260, IMG_20200415_105320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Using fiat as a referent value
I'm literally lmaoing at your attachment

>> No.18546403

This is why I only buy junk gold jewelry

>> No.18546406

Did you coom in your harmonica again, OP?
That's what, the third time this week?

>> No.18546426
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>> No.18546430

>mfw I bought GLD calls earlier this year

Literally made over 100% returns already. Lmao @ physical buyers

>> No.18546431

You’re a dumbass for not testing it properly. In the meantime go ahead and buy fiat ponzi math that requires internet and power to access.

>> No.18546446
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, pm fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow a jew fudding gold again

>> No.18546448

ok My dear retard.

>> No.18546455

Because at the moment trade is conducted in fiat. Anymore questions?

>> No.18546463


>> No.18546472

He just mad this happened in 2017 and they are trying to pass it off as a recent incident.

>> No.18546485

2017 was 3 years ago

>> No.18546500

Ok give current news article or seethe harder.

>> No.18546524
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>> No.18546576

Jewish bankers own basically all the gold. If you advocate gold you're advocating slavery to the yieldsters

>> No.18546629

I don't know anything about gold. Is this common? Is this not highly illegal? What are the chances if you're buying from like... reputable sources and websites??

>> No.18546654

It’s all fake, it doesn’t matter if it’s illegal. Most sites sell you fakes. If you want real gold and silver buy directly from a government Mint or from a refiner.

>> No.18546666

Any reputable dealer tests their intake thoroughly. Also OP is a homosexual.

>> No.18546708
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LOL sure they do

>> No.18546723

Jews were the ones shilling gold 100 years ago. Look up the Austrian school. A bunch of jews and a handful of autistic libertarians trying to dump their bags and world jewry backed them up with force.
Look up the venlo incident. Churchill's peace offer to Germany had only two conditions:
>kill Hitler
>Germany back on the gold standard
International Jewry was pushing the gold standard because it let the jews practice usury unlike Nazi Germany's barter and labor-backed currencies.
>What are barter and labor-backed currencies and why are they better than muh shiny rocks?
Say Brazil has 100 tons of coffee they want to trade for 100 German tractors. With the gold standard, Brazil has to go to a jew-run bank in order to raise the cash to buy the tractors, which they then offset MINUS THE (((INTEREST))) with the proceeds of selling their coffee. Germany similarly has to go to a bank to raise the cash to buy the coffee which they then offset MINUS THE (((INTEREST))) by selling their tractors. The jews get their cut coming and going.
Nazi Germany implemented a barter system to cut the jews out. A Brazilian cargo ship carrying 100 tons of coffee would dock in Germany and be given "trade credit" equal to the value of their cargo, which they then spent on buying 100 German tractors and sailing back to Brazil. Because the "trade credits" were not loaned, but rather bartered, there was no interest and no parasitic middlemen.

>> No.18546793

The Weimar republic never had a gold standard i had a "barter and labor-backed" currency

>> No.18546814

Post fake gold being sold recently, do it shill.

>> No.18546822


>> No.18546840

hmmm well I guess you got me there fren. I am absolutely BTFO for eternity because 3 years ago is absolutely recent. Holy shit you are an absolute retard.

>> No.18546852

my name is retard OP and i buy PMs from ebay sellers china instead of the >100 year old mint in my country.

>> No.18546861

No they claim that the big dealers and even mints are selling fake shit. Yet they have a single incident from Canada 3 years ago.

>> No.18546900

This would never happen with a batboi

>> No.18546912

I buy and sell quite a lot of gold and gemstones (on a small scale no larp no huge money). In Thailand OTC. most of it is not fake... most of it. Now I have regular shops I go to but I have been caught a few times with my pants down. As much as 25% in the more tourist areas may be fake. Same can happen in the gold stores of Hong Kong... That said these IMO are still the best places to buy gold and gems otc.
What is more common is idiots not knowing to buy Troy Oz and buying normal oz

>> No.18546931

Why would anyone not buy from the mint? I live in worst Korea and buy gold and silver coins on usmint.gov, they arrive in my mailbox literally three days after I order. Shiny new certificate of authenticity ASEs and gold $5 coins.

>> No.18546937
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Goldcucks fucking destroyed

>> No.18547204

RCM actually has laser etched codes, you can buy a little scanner computer from them and it will verify with the RCM database that it's real.

>> No.18547225

Extremely based

>> No.18547241
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>> No.18547249

I would neck myself if my networth chart in any way resembled that.

>> No.18547322

I want to buy these fakies so I could spend them at the stores

>> No.18547375

Buying your metal from China is like looking for a wife in a brothel.

>> No.18547397

Except even the banks don't actually have as much gold on hand now as they claim. When the Germans asked to get their gold back from fort knox we told them 'no can do give us a second. No you can't audit our vaults!' We then deposed Ghadaffi within a couple weeks raided his gold supply, and suddenly we found that german gold we owed them.
Of course, we didn't let them have their ledger with their bar serial numbers on it.

The point being that if there is any gold left, its the exit plan for (((them))). And while the little guy is going to get nailed as usual, we can at least get nailed a bit less hard.

>> No.18547398

Unironic best ending to a video game i've ever seen.

>> No.18547446

what's the premium

>> No.18547460

Imagine holding an asset that performs that poorly

>> No.18547573
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>what would be wrong with that

>> No.18547892
File: 224 KB, 920x880, 038C4A2A-A718-4A5D-BBE2-307C0C4486BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell cheap. Buyer is seller. Removes cheap metal decoys from single layer. Profit.

>> No.18548414

>The government own basically all the guns. If you advocate gun ownership, you're advocating slavery to the government.

>> No.18548421

I have one of those. It feels and looks nothing like the original.

>> No.18548426

>Why is gold valued in fiat? It's almost like fiat is the real money in this situation.
It is not. That chart only shows how much better gold is than fiat.

>> No.18548433

>In the meantime go ahead and buy fiat ponzi math that requires internet and power to access.
and isn't fake. You forgot to add that part.

>> No.18548442

Why is fiat valued in gold?

>> No.18548965

fuck it, I am gonna tell you guys some shit
>Gold is useful in many more ways than currently known
>It can help terraform planets when released in atmospheres when combined with other noble metals
>It can extend life by repairing DNA when consumed in a certain way
>It is the sole reason humanity and our culture was hijacked by the equivalent of a celestial junior mining corporation looking for gold on virgin ground hundreds of thousands of years ago in our ancient history
>south africa has a bunch of super old mining tunnels, like we are talking older than currently known human activity in the areas
Dont feel bad about stacking Gold, it is useless as a store of value thing we are using it for currently but the reason we give it soo much importance is because of the yet to be discovered usefulness it has repairing and modifying/fortifying atmospheres against extreme space weather phenomenon and it is literally a major component of ambrosia, food of the gods, dna repair, no more getting old as the years go by, cuts down massively on rate of cancer as the dna is able to replicate at an almost perfect method ( we're talking about 97% efficiency, literally aging only after thousands of years ).

>> No.18548987

Daily reminder that if you don't cum on your gold the underpants Jews will come and take it from you. Let's get #cumOnYourGold trending to help boomers

>> No.18548992

zoom out
buy stocks
have sex

>> No.18549031

i believe u

>> No.18549075

what a strange phenomenon that the thing humans value for beauty and rarity also magically happens to be the thing the universe values for longevity and health

who would've guessed?

but seriously, take your meds.

>> No.18549084

its literally gone down in the past 10 years

>> No.18549115

this is now an annunaki prison planet thread

>> No.18549124


>> No.18549130

Degenerate gamblers and usurer-cock lovers like you should hang.

>> No.18549137

Imagine not knowing what money is

>> No.18549144

Wow, so a rock buyer got rocks in return? Nice!

Shoulda just manned up and accumulated Suterusu.

>> No.18549158

That means you ya plenty of time to buy cheap you dumb monkey

>> No.18549169

were you just trying to find a way to imply jews without saying it directly? because it doesn't make sense here.

stocks are in companies that are borrowing money, and the monetary system has an interest rate of zero, so no one is lending out money at an unreasonable interest rate

>> No.18549173

Shamefully wrong on multiple counts

>> No.18549180

>faggots basically own all the (you)'s, if you're harvesting (you)'s with retarded arguments then basically fuck this thread you're all so fucking dumb.

>> No.18549564

xray only penetrates a few microns, you need ultrasound to detect insert which that pic implies.
xray gives you the composition which needs to be in line with the supposed mint.

>> No.18549619
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>ultrasound scanner app for iphone

>> No.18549636 [DELETED] 

you dumb nigger chink retard idiot fucking cunt

the largest holder of gold in the world is indian housewives. more people have gold than the government or banks ya dumb cunt idiot, fuck. banks have been trying to get hold of the gold market by manipulating prices (paper gold) and 90% of the gold that was traded last few years was bullshit bank gold (this is also why the paper market is collapsing and people are paying an premium for physical gold).

youre a fucking idiot

>> No.18549650

you dumb nigger chink retard idiot fucking cunt

the largest holder of gold in the world is indian housewives. more people have gold than the government or banks ya dumb cunt idiot, fuck. banks have been trying to get hold of the gold market by manipulating prices (paper gold) and 90% of the gold that was traded last few years was bullshit bank gold (this is also why the paper market is collapsing and people are paying an premium for physical gold).

youre a fucking idiot

>> No.18549674

>canada is not a province of china


>> No.18549682

is there literally no way to verify if itspure gold?

>> No.18549694

>more people have gold than the government or banks

Imagine believing that LOL

>> No.18549722

Chinkery knows no bounds.

>> No.18549831


brainlets ngmi

>> No.18549866

Except that is recent though.

>> No.18550028

Imagine not buying a cheap ultra sonic testing unit before trying to be a central bank on your own.

>> No.18550079

So what? You know what iphones cost?

>> No.18550279

>Jews were the ones shilling gold 100 years ago.
you goddamn moron, gold was the means to store wealth in fucking ancient Rome or China, do you think it was fucking Ludwig van Mises who came up with the idea?
>International Jewry was pushing the gold standard because it let the jews practice usury unlike Nazi Germany's barter and labor-backed currencies
>what is a gold based monetary system where usury is forbidden
I give you, however, the point that gold was better for them than the system that Germany had. But sadly, that was never meant to last.

>> No.18550291


>> No.18550299

Psycroptic are the shit bro. Nice taste