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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18543548 No.18543548 [Reply] [Original]

$2000 Month trumpbux
Next round boys


>> No.18543644

All this stuff does is punish people who actually contributed to society.

Do a lazy non-contributing job? congrats, you get to either be fired in which case you get government money OR you get paid to sit your ass at home. Here, have some bonus money to help our economy and now you do not have to pay for where you live.

Do a job that contributes to society, saving lives or providing food and you get fucked over hard. No money other than you wage, which is still the same shitty wage as it was before, you have to go out everyday and risk yourself and if you have too much stress or you get sick, well you get replaced but you do not get sick pay unless its corona, if not, get your ass back into work.

>> No.18543656

Earthworm Jim

>> No.18543674

I don’t think this one will pass

>> No.18543679
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If they didn't give out free money there would be mass riots and protest across the country. They have to keep all the niggers subdued for the time being. As long as you paid your fucking taxes you're getting the money too. Did you pay your taxes anon?

>> No.18543688
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kys slave wagie

>> No.18543696

he means the extra 600 a week on unemployment

>> No.18543717

My wage is not shitty, I get frequent bonuses and four weeks of sick pay per year. Also no college degree. I think you're looking in the wrong place anon.

>> No.18543721

desu this is just adding insult to injury, you already have to take a good part of your salary each month to feed niggers who can't feed themselves

>> No.18543746

what are 16 year olds going to do with 2k a month? They aren't even technically adults and are living with parents. That sounds like bullshit. The people who need it the least shouldn't get it.

Fuck 16 year olds. it's going to get amended for 18+.

>> No.18543764

this is a literal automation test run

>> No.18543779

This, currently on ausfags version. Good shit, when I saw the stimulus I quit my job and am just going to ride it out until link moons. I have over 100k link so I'm not a linklet who will need to wait 5 years.

>> No.18543794

*prods wagie with hot iron rod* back to work.

>> No.18543795

>As long as you paid your fucking taxes you're getting the money too
Objectively false

>> No.18543803

my dream was to get fired and go on unemployment for a year. i really just need to focus on self improvement. but now unemployment is fucked and i will wage until i die

>> No.18543811

Maybe the Dems who proposed the bill are trying to buy the next election here. It's a win win if the kids get it they will love it, if they don't they will be mad at the guys who blocked it.

>> No.18543827

I get a wage at amazon and still get checks.
i'm about to quit because the corona virus gave me a good excuse to get back to making games.

>> No.18543830

i wish i was american and not fucking german.
i graduated right before corona and now its impossible to get a job (the interviews dont even take place)
i get absolutely 0 from the state. i dont get neetbux because my savings are just too high, so i have to use my savings for 3 more month until i can get a penny of neetbux

>> No.18543921

Just withdraw your savings and say you got robbed? Don't be a fucking moron.

>> No.18544009

I live in the UK anon, not an option here.

If i quit the job, I'll have nothing other than £1k and about £2k crypto spread over Bat, XLM, BTC and a very tiny portion in Tezo's (Yes, I know, lots of stupid decisions)

What job do you do anon?

I was a NEET, but they revised guidelines on disabilities at the end of 2018 so I no longer get that and because I have qualifications I can no longer claim money to get paid. Best I've got is some travel stuff, but that expires soon.

Family basically forced me out, they believe unless you have a job you are worthless so basically threatened to get me institutionalized because they thought the desire to not have a job was a mental health thing. As such, had no home.

Rest of my money earned from work is all in on Crypto. Invested in crypto in January this year, was in profit and was going to cash out after Halving, but now we are in economic depression that wont hit the economy hard until after Summer.

>> No.18544075

>What job do you do anon?
Work for a utility company. Started out with shit wages and shit benefits. I'm 26 now. Most millennials refuse to earn their way so the jobs are plentiful with all the boomers retiring you just have to start out low.

Right now we're working 10 hours a week but getting paid for our 40 and anything over 10 is overtime.

Literally just don't be lazy and you can make it.

>> No.18544322

26, retail. Nowhere replied to CV for almost four years due to no experience and the only one that did asked me to come in just to inform that the job no longer existed - ended up spouting bullshit about a job history I did not have and they claimed to have an opening for me elsewhere which is how I got this one.

Other than the pandemic, things were going fairly well.

Pay is apparently reasonable and it would be enough If I was working more, but despite me wanting more hours so I could be done with waging quicker, I've been stuck with a four day week that leaves me with only £100 after rent/costs/everything to spend on food, so been cutting down on that to try and save and put some into crypto in the hopes It'd be a way out of this nightmare.

Disabilities prevent me from ever learning to drive which is a big problem with getting a Utility style job, many want you to be able to drive a vehicle as part of the job.

How long were you working anon?

>> No.18544355
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You wagies will never learn.

>> No.18544362
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>> No.18544389

I am your future anon. You think gov will still provide NEET bucks after this pandemic? Our hope is crypto.

>> No.18544429

Yeah unfortunately, any no degree job other than customer service is going to require driving in this field. Started at 21 with a contractor for probably the largest utility in the country making $10/h with no insurance, walking 15 miles a day. Five years later work for a non profit utility where I do fuck all almost every day and get $38/h with great benefits. There's something out there anon, if you have a decent job and can see yourself advancing, just work hard and throw your hat in the ring every opportunity you get.

>> No.18544551

That’s where Earthworm Jim has been all along!!!

>> No.18545475
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>> No.18545530
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severe cope

>> No.18545565

>tfw politicians finally figured out they can literally buy our votes

>> No.18545579

>what are 16 year olds going to do with 2k a month?

It's only for 16 years old who have jobs I think. Not that any sixteen year old was pulling 2k month

>> No.18545679

Two choices here, anon. Be a bitter griping faggot or predict what normies will spend this money on, invest accordingly and make out like a bandit. Theres a fuckhuge opportunity here. To speak nothing of how bigly crypto will moon.

>> No.18545726
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It’s a ploy by Democrats. They saw how well received the stimulus check was by the no trumper niggers. Democrats are desperate to win America’s hearts. They want to give us free gibs. Trump is awarding WORKERS. Democrats want to just give away $, which would make everyone entitled and even more lazy/ dependent on the state.

>> No.18545741

why $2000 why not $10000

>> No.18545763

>waaaaah waaaaaah but what about meeeeeeeeeeee
the post

>> No.18545921
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Seething wagecuck

>> No.18546620

hi /pol
so fucking what, the feds already started the printing machine like the germans did before the great war. huge bags of prints will be dropped like nukes soon. hyperinflation and then the greatest collapse ever witnessed.

>> No.18546731

its 2000$ per month for 6 months

>> No.18546763

why not $10k per month for 6 months

gimme money nigga

>> No.18546819

patience nerd, trump already wants to gib more "stimulus" money in may. ((they)) all want to gib freen n33tbux for the incoming election.

>> No.18547826
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>he unironically WANTS to contribute to a pozzed society crafted solely to drain the strength and happiness from regular people and empower gods chosen people.
jews lose when goyim wises up and stops working for them

>> No.18547837

>trump is rewarding workers
>by forcing them to "get back to work" and be around infected people
Normies will be fine with "getting back to work" until half the staff drops dead mid-shift

>> No.18548019
File: 64 KB, 768x983, CB3F3316-D2B3-4B2E-884A-6C683B154B22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was the realtor for my parents house a couple years back he wasn’t able to sell it. Kind of weird to see he’s a full on youtuber now.

>> No.18548056

I work for an essential utility company and I still got trumpbux. I don't see why I wouldn't get this money too. Based on how much you whine you probably don't contribute anything yourself either.

>> No.18548170

AD Air Force here. My shop has cut the work week down to 2 days a week. Just a peon E-3, getting $3k/mo. Got my $1200 trumpbux last week (bought 1k BTC @6500). If this $2k/mo passes I am just going to dump it into BTC/ETH.

>> No.18548180

I haven't even gotten my first payment yet. god damn jew Mnuchin fucked up the website

>> No.18548232

So is this just a political war now to see which party can print the most monopoly money to throw at the public for votes?

>> No.18548299
File: 429 KB, 1440x1124, Screenshot_20200418-231817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never why people like you draw the line once the government gives money to ordinary folk.
>take guns away
>take gold away
>force you to die for them in war
>give billions (trillions if you include all the money they're pumping into stocks via mental gymnastic semantics) of dollars to companies with no stipulations
>Give $1200 to citizens who meet certain stipulations

>> No.18548317

Yes and I love it

>> No.18548321

>they thought the desire to not have a job was a mental health thing

>> No.18548944

turns out its 12 months not 6.