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18542218 No.18542218 [Reply] [Original]

The only miners who will make it in the coming years are those who diversified into other services that still utilize the blockchain.

>> No.18542247

Can you explain to me like I'm 5?

>> No.18542285

A couple of mining groups on BSV have branched out into fiat payment systems that use Bitcoin as the ledger for the payment system. It saves them on overhead so they can compete with other payment processors and allows retards who dont understand or care about Bitcoin to use it without even knowing they're using it.

>> No.18542309

Huh with BSV you just win I guess.

>> No.18542314

the *decentralized* block chain tech is the only good part about it.
smart ones already knew this.
and if it not a distributed, decentralized block chain, then its no better than just letting a central bank control everything

of course the powers that be will never adopt or otherwise endorse a decentralized block chain for anything "official" because it removes their ability to manipulate, monitor and control every breath you take

>> No.18542342

you win insanity points and tranny points mostly

>> No.18542410

Sounds like you win the cope award.

>> No.18542448

there is nothing to cope with bchsv proves itself to be the useless shitcoin we always knew it was nicely

>> No.18542461

It's only been proven to work.

>> No.18542474

Like Liquid side chain?

>> No.18542505

Makes sense, first time something about crypto makes sense, holy cow sweet vishnu

>> No.18542667

No, nothing like a "sidechain" which is a misnomer.

>> No.18542716

Thanks, i will invest in miner heated greenhouses

>> No.18542752

Actually not a bad idea. If I had the resources I'd build a farm in Greenland or some shit and use the heat from the miners to heat my home and pot farm.

>> No.18542772

lolno it's proven to be a useless p&d shitcoin

>> No.18542820

Just saying things on a Taiwanese Hello Kitty enthusiasts forum doesn't make it true.

>> No.18542822

it's a pretty bad idea as heat exchangers are about 400% more efficient than direct electric heating.

>> No.18542835

But if bsv is a centralized chain that is patented and owned, why even run it as a blockchain at all?

>> No.18542947

Theres plenty of competing mining groups on BSV and patented systems on BSV doesn't mean BSV is owned by anyone. Just that if you try and use those systems on your chain then you have to pay royalties to the owner of the patent. Blockstream has patents to be used for only BTC ffs.

>> No.18543021

>The only miners who will make it in the coming years are those who diversified into other services that still utilize the [NCHAIN] blockchain.

Nchain coin is shit

>> No.18543024

we will see if any crypto patents are worth a damn i have my doubts. but i think all this talk about services and alternate source of income for miners is just a big cope with the sinking realization that mining bch and bchsv will not be profitable in itself.

>> No.18543101

The competing groups are all owned by calvin ayre though so what's the point?

>> No.18543146

>alternate source of income for miners is just a big cope

Yes. This isn't unique to BSV. BTC is only 5% more profitable to mine right now than SV and BTC hasn't halved yet (SV has). Couple that with SV miners diversifying into fiat payment systems that is Bitcoin as a backend and SV is looking to come out of this smelling like roses once BTC halves.

>> No.18543147
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Don't give a fuck retard. BSV will make anons millionaires. You can enjoy your fully decentralized bags of shit and poverty.

>> No.18543167


Why do you lie so much?

>> No.18543189

>You can enjoy your fully decentralized bags of shit and poverty.


>> No.18543205
File: 22 KB, 304x326, B25B6482-07F6-493C-B6F9-C98DC25423CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pumpkin man cometh

>> No.18543216

Meh. Link steadily outperforms that turd no matter how much you polish it.

>> No.18543230

>a fucking token

>> No.18543251

a fucking token that has steadily outperformed your polished turd

>> No.18543257

For now, Craig patented link so long term you’re ducked

>> No.18543287

I'm sure holding bags of premined shit won't have any consequences. Never selling amirite, bet you cant wait for omg staking!!11111

>> No.18543301

>I'm sure holding bags of premined shit won't have any consequences

>> No.18543302

>BTC is only 5% more profitable to mine right now than SV
that percentage jumps all over the place but averages out to zero.
it's a number without any true meaning. for one hashrate is estimated at best. no exact measures are available.
second profitability will always even out between the forks of the same mining algo.

>> No.18543315

Isn't Craig running the insanity plea today? That plan of his is backfiring tremendously.

>> No.18543328


Do you not see the problem? BTC should be massively more profitable at the moment and its not. What do you think will happen once it halves?

>> No.18543333

assuming of course that there are miners willing to jump forks at moments notice and have no loyalty. subsidy and brand loyalty can distort this highly efficient game.

>> No.18543374

>BTC should be massively more profitable at the moment and its not.
it is for the majority of the miners but mining is a game where new hashpower will enter until it makes mining at a price unprofitable. if price moves up new hashpower enters until it's unprofitable again. and so on. the halving is problematic but the majority of bitcoins hashpower has a breakeven at $5k or lower. if btc is above $10k pre halving it will be more than fine if not we will see what happens.
all i know is the shitforks hashrate halved as predicted in their halving.

>> No.18543398
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>> No.18543442

satoshi was a sidechains guy fyi

>> No.18543452

he also basically described atomic swaps

>> No.18543532
File: 25 KB, 448x311, 1585348813102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ooh yes I'll keep mining BTC at a loss and make no money because I'm loyal to fucking pixels

Said no Chinaman ever

>> No.18543550
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>> No.18543628

no i'm talking about taal and the likes. serious btc miners don't jump chain they just shut miners off or short hedge their future income.

>> No.18543704


>> No.18543707

patents or no spv only works on bitcoin as intended none of the bch forks can do it in a secure and trustless manner.

>> No.18544030

yes, that might be, but there will be no sidechains on BTC.... patent denied to Adam Back and Greg Maxwell. Liquid is built on quicksand.

>> No.18544159
