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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18538790 No.18538790 [Reply] [Original]

how do you avoid becoming immensely depressed whenever you see successful people? knowing full well no matter how hard you try, you'll never be wealthy, and you'll never have your foreskin back. poor and circumcised, hoping to suddenly get rich off of some flimsy investment opportunity. how do you keep it together?

>> No.18538809
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This board has been so incredibly shitty lately. This is embarrassing

>> No.18538979
File: 325 KB, 649x827, 9849A3A3-B9B3-4903-ADF3-191076E912EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself you pathetic fuck. You are worthless.
No kidding, I’ve been on a break for about 8 months and recently came back to lurk in the /smg/ threads. What the fuck happened to this place?

>> No.18538994

I have a job that pays me to work from home while I shitpost and day trade
23 and with no college debt either

>> No.18539020

Have u tried not being depressed?

>> No.18539034

By visiting /pol or /x

>> No.18539037

By realizing I'm already blessed to be an American. Have to look outside of your pond for a moment.

>> No.18539042

I doubt we've seen the bottom yet, there's still way to much hope on here.

>> No.18539063

>I'm already blessed to be an American
KEK, imagine being brainwashed into thinking that.

>> No.18539066

A week of constant 10% loss was enough for me to buy in, I’m not concerned if this is the absolute bottom or not. I stopped trading crypto a year ago, and looking at the current state crypto is in atm it looks like I made the right call.

>> No.18539080

>The entire board is invaded, i miss pajeets
Normies gonna norm

>> No.18539138

At least I have my foreskin

>> No.18539170

Stop comparing yourself to others.
It will only breed dissatisfaction and jealousy.
Compare yourself to your past self only.
Try to be a better person today than you were yesterday and improve your life with small steps.
Remember your childhood dreams and try to do something to get closer to achieving them.

>> No.18539280

Are you talking about the stock market going on a dead economy

>> No.18539535

Nope, talking about all the newfag lottery ticket holders hoping to get rich quick.
The more hope the worse this board is.

>> No.18539643

>you'll never have your foreskin back
You have a tiny chance to become rich, but you'll never get your foreskin back. You've been jewified. A subpar jew, without the material wealth or connections. In short, an american.

>> No.18540006

summer for non essential wagies.
board does have more originality but it only makes it harder to filter the retard threads

>> No.18540106

i'm from a 3rd world shithole, being a trader (a succesful one) is my only shot at improving my life and actually becoming rich.

i'm not American so i don't have the luxury to earn 80k a year sitting on my ass.

over here, even if you're a doctor you're still fucking poor by western standards