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18538145 No.18538145 [Reply] [Original]

>be me yesterday
>finish working
>browse internet, go jogging, read kind of overrated autobiographical book, sleep
>woke up today, browse internet on phone for a short time, read rest of book and finish it (130 pages since last night), browse internet, read 30 pages of a novel
>browse internet, eat food
>on a long walk
>posting this on my phone

I was feeling sad about not having gone to Oxbridge like all the cool famous people. I looked at Wikipedia pages of academics and felt subhuman. I squandered all my academic potential.

Work last week involved me being half asleep until my lunch break, then sleepy because of the food, then feeling at my peak at 6 pm. I worry that I don't have enough initiative to do things before I know how to do them. I worry that I'll be promoted to a place where I'm genetically (or socially) incapable of being promoted any more. I compare the stuff I do at work with the Silicon Valley titans (even just the 29 year olds) or the New York hedge funders and I feel so pathetic. I put in lots of effort to change crappy processes. They flick their fingers and have more impact than me.

I felt so pathetic reading books like it meant anything, while other people are producerbulls.

With my long walk I'm trying to recreate my long, nostalgia inducing last Saturday, but it probably won't work.

I want to binge on junk food but I ate too much earlier. Maybe I'll just have a tub of Ben and Jerry's.

I'm at the stage where I'm feeling truly pathetic for never having had a gf or any female interest ever, or any memories from my 20s. My 20s have zoomed by. Remember that cloudy mundane day where I wrote a shitpost that was something like, "I never even had a gf on a mundane day, nevermind a sunny idyllic one"?

The novel I'm reading is acclaimed but so painfully midwit. I will likely stop reading it.

I'm such a charismaless boring personality black hole. I pity the people who interact with me at work.

I wish I was making money online like everyone else

>> No.18538166
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>read kind of overrated autobiographical book
my thoughts exactly

>> No.18538235

Smoke some weed or take an edible man.

>> No.18538246

Not your personal blog faggot

>> No.18538428
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Don't read biographies OP

I suggest you to give a good read to "Fooled by randomness" then you'll understand my first statement and why you're wasting your time doing so.

Second point. I feel ya senpai it's a necessity to produce something, to create things we are living in a bystander era, people have never been so passive, for christ hell there are kids making millions just playing games in front of a camera because people enjoy WATCHING them play... What the actual fuck right?

There's are tens of thousands of years worth of content to watch on Netflix and YouTube and let's not even talk about social media that's enough for people to literally do nothing their whole life. At least you're woke

I suggest you to open a YouTube channel and start making content or start a business idea. What ever you do be on the active/producer side, don't be the consumer.

Be careful on thinking you always need to get a course or investigate something in deep before doing it, you'll never learn it all and there is so much information out there about everything it'll take a lifetime to read it all and you'll end up doing nothing again, it's the same consumer/passive trap.

OP this is what I always say to myself, take it as a humble advice.

>> No.18538507

Do you feel like you need to impress someone? I feel this is the case with a lot of people, they crave that recognition. I don’t, I’m happy living my life in peace. Hanging out with the people I like, watching things I like, you know. Maybe you just need a girlfriend or friends I don’t know man. I know life is pretty meaningless when all is said and done. Just enjoy it for what it is.

>> No.18538772

What do you do for a living? I also want to focus on the things that make me happy but im scared that ill end up wasting my life in some office for 8 hours a day and not having any time for them

>> No.18538811

I thought about you like 2 hours ago londonbro, I was going to make a thread today asking what happened to you since it seems like it has been months. I told you to go to the pub. Did you ever?

>> No.18538851

more demoralizing threads

fuck off.

>> No.18538852

Boy have I got a business opportunity for you! Have you ever heard of Amway?

>> No.18538853

just get in shape, diet first, exercise second. move to a less gloomy part of the world. go back to school and get a fulfilling degree. wisely invest your extra money.

its literally that easy.

>> No.18538881
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>> No.18538931

biographies of modern men are trash. autobiographies of modern men are even worse, relabeling luck and outside influences as hard work and self discipline.
the only biographies worth reading are of legendary figures from the ancient world. they’re full of falsehoods and slander against their enemies, but they’re also full of philosophical discussions on fate and an individual’s coping mechanisms against it. they don’t try to re-brand luck and fortune as individual merits they own up to their helplessness and merely try to cope as best as they can. that’s what makes them truly great men and worth reading about.
but above all, they’re entertaining.

>> No.18538947

First post is, by far, best post, and also severely under(You)ed.

>> No.18539311

you're aware you're reading a bot copy pasting this story?

>> No.18539340
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>> No.18539475
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work out
eat well
be wholesome on your social interactions
get in contact with present or past friends
>but I'm not a big shot like all those jews in silicon valley
Doesn't matter. None of it matters. Money won't make you happy. Only you can. Money is a great thing to have if you already have your shit together.

>> No.18539501

Hey londonfag
Ive posted in your threads before. I stole a car last week and now Im wanted. It could be worse for you.

>> No.18539808

>I worry that I don't have enough initiative to do things before I know how to do them.
Fuck, I procrastinate like a motherfucker at work. Only when there is monumental social pressure and my back agains the wall will I get things done.

>> No.18539935
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Just imagine having the ego to think whether it would have mattered whether you went to Oxbridge or not.

In the grand scale of time, your life is a quaint nothing.

To be concerned of your own significance is like an atom of methane being concerned that it had erupted from one person's anus 30,000 years ago rather than 10,000 years ago. How much do people think about that atom of methane? You are that atom of methane to the people of the now and far less to the people of the future. How ever much you believe you are of significance you are of orders of magnitude far less even if you achieved every of your ambitions.

The greatest tonic to this pathetic quandary of yours is of course to indulge yourself in whatever obtainable pleasures might be to hand and to this end I recommend indulging your every perversion, masturbate as though there were no tomorrow and relish your insignificance as you ejaculate your momentary life from the abyss of nothingness into the oblivion of obscurity.

>> No.18540035

For one, stop trying to impress everyone, you're too deep in your fuckin head. Recognize yourself for your own worth. Self-deprecation, is only gonna make your situation worse...
>i'm such a charismaless boring personality black hole. I pity the people who interact with me at work.

Well when you fucking tell yourself that shit, yeah you probably are. Frankly that perception of yourself comes from how you think others perceive you. Has anyone ever outright TOLD you that's how you are? Probably not... it's all in your head. Bring yourself the fuck up! You're way cooler than you probably imagine.

What's also important to note is that everyone's going through the same struggles as you. You're not some unique specimen, I know cause I'm in my early 20's and I I've struggled with self-worth my whole life. I'm starting to realize you're never gonna please everyone, so quit fucking trying to. Have faith in yourself, enjoy life.

Also, get out of your comfort zone, try new things. Give new meaning to yourself

>> No.18540037

degenerate. perhaps based, I am not really sure. I personally prefer to take the route of peace of mind. Acceptance of the meaningless and reaching a Zen state kind of. idk tho being a degenerate works too I guess

>> No.18540488
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>your life doesn't matter in the greater scheme of things
>so you'd better indulge in all your pleasures
people like this is why you can't have nice things. You could start from the realisation that your life is meaningless in the greater scheme of things to work something out of it, but you just had to take the degenerate road, didn't you?

>> No.18540530

ITT: Newfags

Londonfrog has been posting here since at least 2018, you guys are retarded

>> No.18540553

Why not just prepare for future generations anon, set-up a perfect scenario of pure and utter chaos that will be enacted in 60 years time.

For example, go to a local highstreet and plant seeds next to a bank. Every day, go water that seed. As time goes by, those trees will grow and eventually force the bank to close as they destroy the pipes with the roots. The bank will have to spend millions to either move location or get work done to remove the roots that have now damaged the infrastructure of the building. Perhaps the building will collapse... either way, it gives you something big that you did and you get to see it all play out.

>> No.18540642


>taking everything at face value and assuming nobody has a sense of humour

yeah we're on 4chan alright

>> No.18541159
