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18536337 No.18536337 [Reply] [Original]

Why are real estate investors suddenly so hated?

>> No.18536360

because you are a leech
if there were no zoning laws, your business will not exist

and by the way, retail space is going away as stores more online and jobs are moving online too so both office space and renting in the city is also fucked

so you know, hodl the bags

>> No.18536362

Because stock investments allow companies to grow and innovate. Landlords produce zero output and are worthless scum. Even Adam Smith said to kill landlords.

>> No.18536366

Because socialist basedboys can't understand the complexity of the market but they can understand the big bad man (sob) who wants money from them so they can live in his houseywouse.

>> No.18536377

People get jealous of success. Also people get angry when they owe you money sometimes. I’m pretty sure it’s probably just some kind of mental illness. It’s like when a retarded kid comes up to you and asks if you want to be friends. Mildly annoying but harmless.

>> No.18536391

Landlords increase the inaccessible nature of a region's housing, while investing in stock mainly helps that specific company.

Landlords are also much more visible to the average person. Most people will live their lives interacting very little with the stock market, maybe only through ETFs or mutual funds, where as they're forced to interact with landlords to a great extent.

>> No.18536423

>complexity of the market
"Number go up iz fine nao pay moniez" and "plz gubbernmint save us when numbr goez down plz" is literally communism, faggot.

>> No.18536444

Stock investors don't deplete resources and then triple-charge people for the privilege of using them. They also don't limit themselves to mandatory objects and don't monopolize an entire country's supply thereof. They don't get involved with the organized crime syndicate known as the mafia as well as local government to prevent any new construction from deflating their monopoly either. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.18536450

landlords are scum if they are over leveraged. if they can't afford their mortgages without being paid rent, they are scum. if a stock investors portfolio goes to $0 and stops paying all dividends, they aren't causing any stress on other people. if a landlord starts receiving $0 in rent, and can't afford their loans, they are causing stress on the loan provider

>> No.18536455
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>landlords are gay as traps t. adam smith
Go be a gommie somewhere else, faggot

>> No.18536461

Exact opposite in France, if you talk about stock market you're labelled as a 'rich' which is evil here but no problem if you rent 3 houses

>> No.18536678

in America, they increase competition for a limited supply of housing so they can supplement their income. Slumlords are another story

>> No.18537195

Poor people hate rich people because they ain't em. Many such cases

>> No.18537219

Poor people and liberals are quite narrow minded. They're only concerned with what's directly in front of them. The landlord takes their money, therefore he is the bad guy. Doesn't matter who's behind the landlord taking his money, or who's pulling the strings on the banks.

>> No.18537508

I know right? I hate how landlords cry much free market and then proceed to support government regulation that works in their favor

>> No.18537522

Since when have landlords been liked? 99% are scumbags and always have been.

>> No.18537610

Mathematically illiterate retards who sling around buzz words like “usury“ and “labor theory of value” are mad because some people didn’t have to take a remedial algebra class in college.

>> No.18537646

Man, anyone who enters into an overleveraged position that relies on payments by renters deserves to get fucked over when shit goes south. Maybe one should prepare for economic downturns on their business.

>> No.18537672

It's just part of the whole hating rich people. rich get richer meme. I'm a landlord in the UK and not by being rich, but because I chose to buy an investment instead of a first home. Yes there are a few profit skimming big time landlords, but most are generally nice people who only own one or two and use the income for their retirement or income.

>> No.18537685

Because hating landlords isn't complicated.

>be a person
>have to pay rent every month
>man wouldn't it be awesome if i didn't have to pay rent every month
>but I do because this greedy landlord won't gibs me dat fo free

If you ever want to understand something illogical that liberals believe, just imagine yourself as an 80 IQ teenager who just took your first economics class and it will all make sense.

>> No.18537702


>> No.18537712

People don't need stonks to survive so it's less of a pain in the ass to broader society if ownership of stonks is monopolized/ consolidated.

However when housing ownership is consolidated at a rate above 50% of the population in any society you're basically manufacturing an underclass that is ready to revolt at a moments notice.

>> No.18537765

>pays 500 a month rent, thinks it's all going towards a Ferrari payment.

>tied to 350 a month mortgage payment after putting his savings in for deposit.

>has to manage the property, risk of tenant damage, general maintenance, with risks of boiler, new roof , leaks etc

>gets taxed on gains if value goes up

>paid taxes on purchase of property

>Spends thousands on trades and local employment

>takes on financial risk of losing equity or selling at a loss if he/she becomes unable to make payments

>> No.18537798

that midget on youtube is so fucking annoying, manlets get the rope

>> No.18537799

Lol'd hard, you're a great comedian shlomo.

>> No.18537838

Also people dont know about stonks, they don't know that people have thousands in stocks, they think it is only the 'big banks' and 'wall st', they don't realise that there are people like us with 10-couple hundred k making ourselves a nice return, they just think the 'stock people' are all the 'big wall st pigs' and so yes they do hate stock people.

>> No.18537899

>I'm just like you fellow goy- white people
Your nose is showing.

>> No.18538007

Why are you poorfags even on /biz if you hate money

>> No.18538055

if you don't like paying rent, save up for a deposit on your own home. simple, not really that hard when there are 5% deposit schemes for first-time buyers in most places. Just work you ass off for 4-5 years.

>> No.18538276

>have 200k in the bank
>make 120k a year, 250k tc
>offer to pay up to 40% down
>350k = 300sqft apartment
>no bank accepts anyway because I "don't make enough"
>haha just buy xd xd
OK jew.

>> No.18538350

Has anybody had to cut back on tipping their landlord? I used to go with a 20% tip, but have had to cut back to 5% and I feel kind of bad...

>> No.18538375
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Pic related

>> No.18538402
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>> No.18538414

How far behind are you on your mortgage payments brainiac?

>> No.18538427

I call bullshit. Husband and I with a combined income of around 98k just bought a house for 357k with no down payment.

>> No.18538449

I have no mortgage payments you nigger.

>> No.18538452

Sleeping in your car should be normalized and the price of hotels apartments and houses would drop significantly. Protection from the elements is the only reason for housing for most.

>> No.18538460

They why do you defend landlords, kike? They add no value to the system

>> No.18538476

>they are causing stress on the loan provider
Oh no think of the bank

>> No.18538495

Lmao you are delusional

>> No.18538599

>no downpayment
>exist at all
The fuck am I reading?

>> No.18538645

VA loan senpai

>> No.18538949

when the people gain class consciousness your head will be on a pike.

>> No.18538960
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>It's the landlord's fault, not the totally out of control local governments playing kingmaker with their over zealous taxes and regulations driving the cost of housing sky high

>> No.18538989

So you're basically cheating, why did you even post? What was even the point of comparing your situation which is a 1% special case?

>> No.18539041

what is wrong with speculators?

>> No.18539088

and who do you think is pushing for overzealous taxes and regulations? land lord scumbags

>> No.18539100
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I just fucked my landlord. I fucked my last one too. They can all get fucked.

>> No.18539112


Nope. The politicians who make serious money off of deals. Working in California for example is a nightmare, you have to know and pay the right people. Who do you blame when a referee is taking bribes and fixing games, the players who benefit or the entity making this possible?

>> No.18539130

>The politicians who make serious money off of deals.

Because landlords and pro landlord organizations pay them that money.

>> No.18539133

LL provide great service to society that narrowminded tendies can't realize. Tendies can live at a cheaper reduced rate allowing them to save money, live in a safer neighborhood as they save money, and don't need to pay for expenses if housing breaks down. People are ungrateful.

>> No.18539137

I still get occasional emails from my previous landlord harassing me to “pay for damages” caused by a flash flood because I was supposed to be aware of it and shore up the sliding doors with my own dime. Fuck these leeches.

>> No.18539171
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You aren't listening to me at all. Whenever an opportunity to pay someone to put yourself ahead in "the game" arises, it's going to get taken advantage of. Hold the corrupt people who make this possible in the first place accountable, or watch the issue continue to propagate.

Know what happens when you finally smash those big evil landlords and consolidate even MORE power over housing to the people who were making that possible in the first place? You're know totally at their mercy. They pick the rent, they pick the quality of living/housing, and you just have to shit there and shut the fuck up. Ask people how fun it is to live in government projects, that's just the beginning.

The solution is to neuter the kingmakers and let the free market punish out of control landlords who benefit. You don't see ridiculous rents in rural and suburban areas like deeply statist coastal cities for a reason, if you're a shit landlord and jack your rents up you aren't going to find any renters, the market is flooded.

>> No.18539186

i will never understand these threads. heads up, if you're renting you definitely can't afford a home, so whats your other option? homeless? lol

>> No.18539234

i gotta work 2 jobs to support my keedz n deez lazy ass whyte bois just buy shit n get paid to sit on dey flat crusty asses

>> No.18539237

Being a landlord is a lot of work when you own multiple properties. I'm in the northeast, so much of the rent goes to paying taxes and maintenance. I get whatever is leftover.

Most of my tenants are the 9-5 office worker types who are too lazy to do this kind of work. They also seem to possess no foresight and would rather spend their money on the latest gadgets rather than saving.

I don't believe many of these people could even maintain their own homes since they're accustomed to having everything taken care of for them. Landlording is similar to babysitting. You don't realize how infantile some people are until you see how they live.

>> No.18539265

Rent is high in coastal urban areas because there is high demand for housing in those areas but low supply and because landlords lobby against zoning reform and anything that will change the status quo. Politicians are just puppets for those with the most capital.

>> No.18539282
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>You provide housing for me
>But I have to pay for it?
Because people think that everybody they have to give money to = BAD

>> No.18539285


I don't deny the demand, but yes, the supply. That's part of the "kingmaking" I'm talking about. It's a fucking pain in the ass to develop anything there because you have to kiss and pay 1,000 asses in government and committee first. Take more of a Texan or Floridian approach: let them build and watch supply negate the demand.

Governments are people too. Greedy, capricious, don't put your trust in people, put your trust in systems and understand how a market works.

>> No.18539303

I hate them all
but I hate the generations of our politicians and electorate that supported replacing a real producer economy with a real estate and finance-based one even more

landlords and boomers buying houses as an "investment" is exactly why housing anywhere decent costs many years worth of income today
it is plainly unsustainable for housing to rise any faster than inflation, but retards supported zoning policies and property tax loopholes to benefit themselves at the next generation's expense

>> No.18539313
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>>>pays 500 a month rent, thinks it's all going towards a Ferrari payment.
A significant number of landlords throughout much of the west own pockets of remote real estate while using property managers as location-dependent middlemen for collecting rent payments, with a lot of the money that's left over going into an eventual down payment on another property using credit that's too easily accessible. The problem isn't that it's going to a Ferrari, it's the systematic gobbling of property by independent property owners and funds alike using cheap credit and banking on artificially low interest rates to secure barely-decent yields. What few responsible owners out there who competitively price their wholly-owned rentals are few and far between.

>>tied to 350 a month mortgage payment after putting his savings in for deposit.
If the bank can take it, it's not yours. Own before you rent, faggot.
>>has to manage the property, risk of tenant damage, general maintenance, with risks of boiler, new roof , leaks etc
Risk management is your job. Prepare or perish.
>>gets taxed on gains if value goes up
As well it should, because underdeveloped land, archaic zoning laws, and anti-capitalist legislative suppression running through real estate are what got us into this car-dependent, paper castle, single-use, low density, hyper-inefficient dystopia. If you're going to sit on and rent a 70 year old house that's dilapidated and ready to collapse in the middle of a city where the value of the land is outpacing the value of the structure, you're part of the problem.
>>Spends thousands on trades and local employment
Like hell you do. You're talking about builders, who have way more skin in the game than you ever will. You don't do shit.
>>takes on financial risk of losing equity or selling at a loss if he/she becomes unable to make payments
The bank takes on way more risk than you do by dealing in you passive income chasing leeches. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.18539342

Same reason anti globalism, anti semitism, communism, whatever all started getting more popular after the financial crisis.

When things are pretty good, your gripes stay beneath the surface - you aren't going to rock the boat too much since you're pretty comfy. When things turn to shit you have nothing to lose so it's a chance to clear house and face those problems you kicked down the road.

>> No.18539344

> What are dividends?

>> No.18539351

Because the average person is a stupid asshole. They can’t grasp macroeconomics, they have NO clue what the stock market is, or the difference between a stock and an ETF, they don’t understand banks, they haven’t got the first damn idea about how money works.

But they do know that they’re having a hard time paying rent this month and therefore all of their life’s problems are caused by landlords.

Execute the fucking proletariat, they deserve it, each and every one.

>> No.18539424

And it's hard to build housing because landlords want it that way. Real estate developers are also implicit (the two groups aren't mutually exclusive). They will often refuse to build housing even with incentives from the government. It's a problem caused by the tendency towards monopoly and capital buying out politicians.

>> No.18539477

It's not that you have to pay for it, it's that you have to pay an arbitrarily high amount for space you're not even occupying most of the day outside of sleeping.

>> No.18539508

Because landlords are parasites

>> No.18539555

Letting people rent out properties without paying off their mortgage was a mistake. Convince me otherwise.

>> No.18539588

Then don't live there, retard. Become a landlord yourself and lower the prices. Live in a rural area so you don't have to pay as much. Or get a home like a fucking adult instead of whining online. Kys please and thank you worthless child. What are they supposed to do, give it to you for free? They have bills too, and you agreed to pay them that amount so you will pay them that amount faggot. Grow up.

>> No.18539693
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Because to max real estate returns you gotta squeeze wagies, to max stock returns I just have to meme Trump back into office in Nov.

>> No.18539766
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No him but
>Then don't live there
Choice governs housing, but only so far as is allotted by job availability in a location, which in turn puts constraints on price. If the market were allowed to function without government intervention, the market would (violently) correct itself.
>Become a landlord yourself and lower the prices
While I agree that prices aren't "arbitrarily high", you equally can't simply enter the market to lower the prices because the market is highly manipulated right now.
>Live in a rural area so you don't have to pay as much
See above. Job availability, location, etc
>Or get a home like a fucking adult instead of whining online. Kys please and thank you worthless child. What are they supposed to do, give it to you for free? They have bills too, and you agreed to pay them that amount so you will pay them that amount faggot. Grow up.
You're obviously speaking in bad faith and you are yourself a child with no understanding of the bigger forces currently at play.

>> No.18539779

Literally just hate them cause they ain't them. Any other argument is just cope for being a tenant well into their 30s.

>> No.18539888

Landlords are the only class of "investor" i'm aware of that believes they should get a good return AND be immune to risk. If a stockholder's stocks lose value or cancel their dividends because the economy is shitting itself, they understand that's part of the game. Landlords think they should be getting paid no matter what.

>> No.18539949

You mean the same way the local government and the property itself does?

>> No.18540281

Landlords have less risk than stock investors.

>> No.18540364

I think there's a case to be made that buying rental properties with leverage is what caused the housing bubble, and certainly contributes to it. I could have taken a mortgage and bought a house, but I thought the shit was way overvalued. Meanwhile, 100IQ RE investors were buying up anything with 4 walls and a roof with borrowed money and now they're singing the blues.

I don't put this entirely on them, it's the fucking Fed's fault. If boomers could earn a reliable return in the bond market, there would be little incentive to chase tenants around. Housing prices fall, and we have more owner occupied housing. Speculators bidding up the price of a necessary good is objectively bad. It's directly correlated to the van life meme.

>> No.18540410

Daily reminder: only kikes are against landlords and absentee ownership

>> No.18540446


A case that is completely fabricated, sure.

The housing bubble was created by the government forcing banks to give loans to niggers and other poor, worthless people.

>> No.18540489

Do poor or black people not deserve to live in a home?

>> No.18540492

I've always hated stock investors. They gamble with other people's money. They get to keep the profits, but expect the taxpayers to cover the losses.

I don't hate landlords. It's not their fault if their tenants can't pay the rent.

>> No.18540500

the phenomenon of investing in real estate causes the price of housing to go up. it's not that difficult to understand.

>> No.18540509


> do people who cannot afford a mortgage need/deserve to enter into a mortgage

No. A thousand times no.

>> No.18540560
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kikes ARE the landlords and absentee owners

>> No.18540569


>> No.18540571

Get off your high horse and grow a sense of empathy, you delusional fuck

>> No.18540597

Stock investors don't blame their clients for the state of the market.

>> No.18540613

I was watching this faggots stock videos then I saw one about him being a landlord and another one where he watches TV shows and talks shit and immediately stopped giving a fuck about anything he says. Pretentious silver spoon twat. I like the Ryan Scribner guy the most.

>> No.18540656

Why did you cut so much? I always give at least 15%

>> No.18540666

As someone who works for a large resi real estate private equity shop, it's always funny watching the vermin squeal about how evil we are. Pay your fucking rent.

>> No.18540690

That was part of it, but when normies see green, they buy. That's how bubbles start.

The FED exacerbated it by not letting housing price collapse after 08 and reinflated it with 10 years of ZIRP.

>> No.18540714

Investors drive up the value of business, which incentivizes more business creation and thus more comforts and higher standards of living. Landlords drive up the value of land which incentivizes the creation of new land but if your city already is packed this is impossible so you just make everything cost more for no additional development, comfort or even benefit to your fellow man.

In other words, your dad was employed because of an investor. He had to give away 50% of that money he made from the investor because of the landlord. Investors create money, landlords destroy it.

>> No.18540723

You are getting fucked in the ass just as hard as them goy.

>> No.18540748


>> No.18540854
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Learn to write. I have no idea what your sentence means, but if mean the government shouldn't collect tax on your property, then fuck you. Waste management, fire response, and other forms of no-margin critical services in many places are funded by some or all of the taxes levied on property. The free market should be implemented in most places, but it can't solve every problem, which is why a lean, healthy, functional government is still necessary.
Correct, and in a functioning market that wasn't propped by the government, risk would level with reward.
Extremely based.

>> No.18541123


kiked and niggerpilled

>> No.18541349

Read the post I responded to. His argument is "Landlords think they should be getting paid no matter what."

My answer is so do the tax authorities that you're paying with the rent collected and the house itself for maintenance. He thinks paying for the police has a pause button because the economy goes to shit.

Stock investors have more risk than landlords depending on what they're investing in, but stock investors don't have continuous maintenance expenses like landlords do.

>> No.18541384

Taxes don't finance shit. The government prints any money it needs. Taxes only retract currency supply.

>> No.18541549

checked and based

>> No.18541906

>if there were no zoning laws, your business will not exist
This might be the most retarded post I've seen today

>> No.18541989

You must be 18 to post on this site

>> No.18542106

What's it like living in a fantasy world where you think if they just built endless amounts of housing it wouldn't immediately be scooped up by the same exact people who own it now? You're fucking delusional; people rent because they can't buy or don't want the hassle of maintaining a property or want the freedom to move around without the hassle of flipping homes every two years.
>Hurr durr muh supply curve prices go to zero
Move past Econ 101 please. This is all besides the fact that you have to have people willing to sell the land under existing structures to build homes where they're needed, so prices will still be out of reach for people renting now. Get the fuck back to tumbler or twitter or wherever the fuck you're from.

>> No.18542145

Maximum delusion

>> No.18542163


I hate them too, but we have fewer day-to-day interactions with traders. I'm annoyed with people I know who use Robinhood, though. It makes me wonder if this is how things were before the crash of 1929.

>> No.18542509

I find Louis Rossman to be obnoxious but he has a valid point when (especially when talking about commercial rent) that you are not renting the space but rather that space's ability to earn revenue. For residential its obviously harder to make that comparison.

Blaming the landlords however is kinda just one piece of the puzzle because you cannot talk landlord and not also bring up zoning and insane levels of greed when it comes to developers.
I will use zoning as an example, for the record zoning is NEEDED and exists for a reason (i.e keeping industrial not mixed with residential and commercial not mixed with agri for ie).
I will use California as an example, people are blaming silicon valley, chinks/arab shitters buying land and just general gentrification but the biggest pressure is not zoning for density appropriately. You have counties around the bay area that still zone as if they were still growing strawberries or consider themselves suburbs when they are anything but.

>> No.18542708

try lobby

>> No.18542727

Landlording is rent-seeking in its purest form. Landlords have the option of managing their properties in a slumlordish way and many do.
Stock-holders often get ripped off by the management of the companies. The retirement system in America is pretty much designed to push working class people into stocks where they also get ripped off by their 401k management companies and funds.

>> No.18543085

Delicious butthurt tears. Yum yum yum!

>> No.18543107

Why should anybody feel bad that people who over leveraged their investments and subsequently jacked up prices to cover that leverage? If you’re gonna play the game, don’t complain when you lose. This market correction is probably one of the healthiest things that could happen to this country, it sucks for the people that are losing out, but this bubble was brought upon by themselves.

>> No.18543139

>Why are real estate investors suddenly so hated?
Because everyone blames them for housing being expensive, I personally don’t blame most landlords, I blame boomers who still own a 4 bedroom house when it’s just them more for shit being overpriced, it use to be the older generation would downsize, but not anymore. Also only letting single family housing be allowed to be built in cities really jacks it up because many American cities now need to be built upward as to not wipe out of of the nature and farms around them

>> No.18543181

Because some autist troll went on a sperg roll and flooded /pol and /biz with landlord meme bait, and you fuckers swallowed the hook whole.

The irony is most of the autists who swallowed it are NEETs who have never paid rent, and won't until mommy dies.

>> No.18543182
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>if there were no zoning laws, your business will not exist

care to elaborate, anon?

>> No.18543195

Mostly because of Chapos brigading this board.

>> No.18543390

Are you gayth? Or a woman?

>> No.18543448

Epic. Do you support capitalism? You should post this on /r/chapotraphouse.

>> No.18543511
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>he doesn't know that /pol/ is now full nazbol

>> No.18543528

Because the overwhelming majority of Americans (and presumably Europeans as well) will never interact with stock investors/shareholders. The majority of that majority, will, however, have to contend with a landlord unless they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Even if you managed to strike big at some point in your life, some landlord being responsible for rent will be a nuisance to hundreds of millions of Americans. Landlords are a problem to people who don't even have to directly deal with them, as there are sometimes issues with making up rent for family members or close friends that wind up economically impacting people that landlord has no relation to. Statistically speaking, you're going to find a plethora of people who dislike landlords, and contrasted against people who have any reason to have any kind of opinion towards a shareholder (positive or negative), it reflects itself ad populum across all social media, 4chan included. It only makes sense more /biz/nssmen hate landlords than hate shareholders, especially with all of the bagholders, bulls, bobos, and crabs across the range.

>> No.18543603

How does reselling and buying a stock help that company?
Its not like you buy stocks directly from that company

>> No.18543632

Linked wrong comment

>> No.18543646

liberals have never taken an econ class else they wouldn’t be liberal

>> No.18543733

There’s more to economics than the neoclassical school, you know.

>> No.18543840

show bobs and vegene pls bich

>> No.18543881

>buy cheap land from a farmer or smth
>built house for a fraction of the costs as with government regulated working process

>> No.18543978

If you cant save money while you're renting then you have 0 business owning property where you live because you cant afford it. I was able to save up a down payment for my first house in 7 years of renting and now I dont pay someone else's mortgage I pay my mortgage and shortly someone else will be paying mine.

>> No.18544097


>> No.18544139

This. It is a stealth theft of wealth. Although the real fucked up thing is that fiat debt notes aren't even wealth or true assets at all, but people have been conditioned by the system to think they are.

>> No.18544235

This fag browses and posts on biz regularly to promote himself. Sage his fucking videos ffs.

>> No.18544860

But leverage is what keeps the economy moving. The US is essentially the only credit consumerist economy that allows for 'fast money' to be made. I know it's unfair and excessive, but it also allows for a bunch of good things as well; it's the reason why we see quick highs and quick lows as well.

>> No.18544900

If no one ever sold a stock to someone else the price of a stock would be infinite. The action of selling and buying sets the price and creates liquidity.

>> No.18544916

Nah, it’s more like your boomer dad letting out his “starter” home.